Joe Vitale Podcast

Dr. Joe Vitale

Beyond Marketing Thoughts, news and reviews by Dr. Joe Vitale ("Mr. Fire!") about marketing, publicity, selling, hypnosis, copywriting, books, fitness, metaphysics and anything else he cares to comment on, including wine making, humor, the Internet and ye

  • Joe Vitale Podcast Attract Wealth Seminar Teleseminar -- FREE HERE

    Hello from Sunny Texas!

    Well 2 nights ago we had something incredible happen. Over 4200 people signed up for the Attract Wealth Teleseminar...4200!!!

    There was one problem though. We only had lines for 1000 people to listen in live.

    And most of those 1000 that did get on... stayed on the line the whole time.

    When i say the Whole time, i am talking about over 2 hours. We intended the call to go for 90 minutes but the energy that was flowing from this call would not let it end. So we kept going until all the speakers were done and then i closed the call with my Steps to Attracting your wealth.

    We also gave away 3 free scholarships at the end of the call. Now at this point only one person has claimed their free please go listen to see if you are one of the other 2...because we will pull 2 more names if they are not claimed soon.

    Here are what some of the attendees said about the call:

    Thank you so much for the Attract Wealth Teleseminar, I enjoyed it immensely.
    I would like the link to the rebroadcast as I would like to listen to it again, there was so much information it is hard to retain all of it.
    Thank you




    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all of you. About every emotion possible: peace, happiness, tears, smiles, laughter, soooo much good was given and shared tonight. thank you. I love each of you. - Gloria from Ohio


    Thank you so much for the teleseminar. I have now had a meditation and a little nap and want to walk out into the spring morning here in Norway. I am still so moved from all of you speaking. - Liv from Norway


    Thanks for the terrific teleconference last night. The impact on my husband and me was so profound (it really hit us in the heart chakra) that we both registered for the conference in Austin last night! - Elizabeth from St. Paul

    Now you can imagine if this is what was said about a telephone call...what will people be saying from the live conference in Austin May 2-4th.
    If you can make it...we would Love to have you there for this event. It is beginning to feel like a family reunion or gathering of like minded people who are coming to learn and change and have a bunch of fun!

    Please enjoy this call as much as i enjoyed being on it

    Joe Vitale
    10 April 2008, 4:40 pm
  • Joe Vitale Podcast "The Missing Secret" interview with Peter Wink
    Welcome Back!

    Spring is in the Air here in Texas. We are getting a bit of Warm and cool with lots of Sunshine and Blue Sky. I hope you are enjoying it as well...wherever you are:-)

    Today i am interviewed by my good friend and V.P. of Marketing and Product Development for my company Hypnotic Marketing Inc.....Peter Wink

    I have known Peter for many Years. When he Worked for Nightingale Conant
    Peter was very instrumental in Getting my wildly successful "The Power of Outrageous Marketing" Program added to Nightingale-Conant's line up of great products....where it bacame..and still is a Bestseller for them.

    Today Peter will Interview me on my new #1 Nightingale-Conant Product "The Missing Secret"

    Even i was amazed at the success of this program and the incredible and touching responses from people who have listened to it.

    For this reason i have done this interview for YOU! So you may get an idea of what "The Missing Secret" can do for you.

    Sit back and enjoy...while Peter digs deep to show you a bit of "The Missing Secret"


    Joe Vitale
    24 March 2008, 5:46 pm
  • Joe Vitale Podcast Unity FM Interview with Mindy Audlin
    Hello Everyone!
    Well i have to say we are still enjoying incredible weather here in the Austin Area..that is compared to some of you folks in the Northern parts of the USA and Canada. Lots of snow and WOW has it been cold there. i talked to one Gentleman today in Canada who said it had hit -24 below zero last night where he lived

    So today i will send you another Podcast that will warm you from the inside out.

    I have always had a warm spot in my heart for the Unity Church. I even speak at them i did in Maui a few months ago and here in Austin as well.

    Today i get to be interviewed by Mindy Audlin from Unity FM.

    She does a fantastic Job of getting that "little bit more" out of me.

    I hope you enjoy this interview as much as i enjoyed doing it.

    Here is a little bit about Mindy and her link:

    Mindy Audlin is the Network Producer for Unity.FM and the host of The Unity Radio Hour. A Licensed Unity Teacher and former spiritual leader, Mindy now brings the Unity message worldwide through the power of the internet.Thanks again for listening...and all of our cold listeners..please be safe and WARM!


    13 February 2008, 1:24 am
  • Joe Vitale Podcast Interview with Father Paul Keenan

    Well here in the Austin area we are getting 80 degree weather in the first part of February!
    And it is beautiful:-)
    I know some of you around the US and around the world are getting record snows and cold.
    With that in mind i have decided to put out a podcast that might warm you up a bit.

    Today on the podcast i am Interviewed about my books and upcoming TV show Expect Miracles

    Father Paul Keenan has a Daily Sirus Radio Show called "As You Think". It is on "The Catholic Channel " Channel #159

    The person interviewing me has been doing it for years and is a professional. It was also nice to know that i am now teaching Priests. When i was growing up it was the other way around. It is amazing how life works:-)

    Here is a little bit about
    Father Paul Keenan:

    Father Paul Keenan
    Ordained a priest in 1977, Father Paul Keenan, he was incardinated into the Archdiocese of New York in 1993.
    Father Paul began his broadcasting career on In Touch Networks. For fourteen years, he served as co-host of Religion on the Line, the longest-running program on WABC Radio in New York City. For ten years he hosted As You Think, an inspirational program on WOR Radio, New York.

    He is the author of Good News for Bad Days, St. Patrick, Stages of the Soul and Heartstorming. Forthcoming in 2006 are two new books, Elisha’s Jars: Enjoying Abundance and Prosperity When Life Seems Limited and Beyond Blue Snow: Essays Toward the Refreshment of the Soul He is a monthly columnist for the newspaper Catholic New York.

    A parish priest, he lives in residence at The Church of Our Lady of Peace in New York City.

    Enjoy the Show!!!


    PS Please keep all the Great comments and suggestions coming in!!!

    4 February 2008, 5:49 pm
  • Joe Vitale Podcast - Stretch Your Mind with Lee Milteer

    Welcome Back!

    I sure hope you are keeping warm this January. If not then start a fire ...get comfortable and listen to this Podcast!

    Here is a great interview i did recently with Lee Milteer. She is a wonderful Person and asked me some fantastic questions that brought the best out of me.
    Lee covered a lot of questions about many of my books. I am sure you will get information that can help you get on your way to writing copy or attracting what you want in your life.

    Here is a little bit about Lee:
    Lee Milteer is a Performance and Productivity Coach, Author and Human Potenial Speaker. She is the founder of the the Profit and Productivity Coaching Program for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs. Lee also works with Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazer with Peak Performers Coaching Group for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners.


    Thanks for listening and until next time...Stay warm :-)

    Joe Vitale
    24 January 2008, 11:34 pm
  • Joe Vitale Podcast TV Show UPDATE!!!

    Welcome Back!

    I have some very exciting news for you.

    There are some wonderful people from Hollywood that want me to have a Television show.

    They Believe in what i am doing and want the world to experience it.

    The Show is about Miracles..."Expecting Miracles" to be exact.

    If you are interested in this idea...then after listening to this podcast ...please go to this link and vote. VOTE FOR MIRACLES

    Your Vote does count!

    Thank You:-)

    Expect Miracles!!!

    Joe Vitale
    8 January 2008, 8:10 pm
  • Joe Vitale Podcast -- The Key interview with Allan Hunkin

    Welcome back :-)

    Yes i know it has only been a few days since we last talked, but i have another great interview.

    Allan Hunkin

    Interviews me about "The Key: The Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want"

    Allan has been doing audio interviews on the internet for over 8 years so he is pretty good at it. He has done over 440 interviews so he knows how to get the answers out of his guests...including me!

    It is a very easy going interview that you can relax and listen to....and get the KEY now!

    Here are a couple of reviews about my new book "The Key: The Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want"


    Joe Vitale
    22 October 2007, 5:39 pm
  • Joe Vitale Podcast -- Interviewed by Hurricane Annie !

    Hello All!

    Wow! Did I run into a Hurricane that blew me away
    ....and her name is "Hurricane Annie."

    Annie Armen is "HURRICANE ANNIE"!

    Executive Producer by day, International POWER speaker
    and motivator,
    gifted media consultant by profession and a soulful,
    dynamic radio personality fueled by passion since 2001,
    HURRICANE ANNIE electrifies the airwaves through
    "Annie Armen LIVE Talk Radio" with a swooping
    AnnieBiotics™ TWISTER!

    Her website is at the address below:

    She interviewed me the other night and i think you
    should listen to this energy filled interview!

    I talk about my new book "The Key"
    Which is now available at Amazon...and all Bookstores now !!!

    if you listen carefully you will hear Annie Play a clip of me
    reading something special for you. Interested to know what it is
    ...Then Go listen to this interview...but expect to feel the wind
    blowing when you start listening :-)


    Joe Vitale

    18 October 2007, 4:32 pm
  • Joe Vitale Podcast--New Radio spots (#1) for "The Key"
    ^^^^Click the above link to listen^^^^

    Welcome Back!

    This morning i received an email from Amazon that my new book "The Key: The Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want will be released on October 19, 2007.

    This is exciting news!... and i wanted to share with you 2 new radio spots i just recorded the other day at Production Block Studios in Austin
    Joel Block , President (Tell him i sent you )

    These 2 spots will be running on Sirius Satellite Radio

    The Audios came out so well i decided to put them up on the podcast for all of you to hear.

    As always Thanks for listening!

    Joe Vitale
    7 October 2007, 3:18 pm
  • Joe Vitale Podcast -- New radio spot (#2) for "The Key"
    ^^^^^Click the above link to listen^^^^

    Here is the second Radio Spot

    Thanks for Listening!

    Joe Vitale
    7 October 2007, 3:07 pm
  • Joe Vitale Podcast -- My XM Radio spot for "The Key"
    ^^^^^^Click the above link to listen^^^^^^^^

    In Case you are interested in hearing my 30 second spot on XM Radio for my New Book "The Key"...Here it is!

    I know there are some of you who don't have XM Radio yet and i wanted you to be able to hear it if you choose.

    Please go to my blog @
    and let me know what you think

    ...and stay tuned for "The Key"


    Joe Vitale
    14 September 2007, 2:43 am
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