The Sun Also Rises

Philadelphia Church of God

The news keeps getting darker. The world seems to keep getting bleaker. But Solomon wrote, “the sun also ariseth.” The Sun Also Rises transmits the true, the bright and the beautiful, glints of light in a world going black. Each week, host Jeremiah Jacques brings you stories of refreshing accomplishment, intriguing science and inspiring lives—glimmers of hope that hint at a better world to come.

  • 27 minutes 50 seconds
    #68: ‘The Diamonds Are in Our Hands’ —An Example of Courage and Resolve for the History Books

    This episode details a rescue attempt by Israeli officials on June 8, 2024, that is among the most daring, high-risk, complex and heroic missions in recent military history.

    To hear the Trumpet Daily episode examining Mr. Herbert Armstrong's writings about lessons from Operation Entebbe that are applicable in our lives, which takes on fresh relevance in light of Operation Arnon, click here: "Never Compromise With the Chief Terrorist."

    30 July 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 23 minutes 5 seconds
    #67: Exoplanets and the Search for Earth 2.0

    This episode examines the alien worlds—exoplanets—that astronomers have discovered. It discusses the ongoing search for Earth 2.0 and the implications this has for each one of us.

    Order your free copy of The Incredible Human Potential.

    20 June 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 29 minutes 40 seconds
    #66: Swallowing Fire (2024)

    When the sun came up on May 28 back in the year 585 BC, the Medes and Lydians were still at war. They had been at each other’s throats for years, and it looked like there was no end in sight for their conflict. But something extraordinary happened on the battlefield that day, which changed everything. This episode also features an interview with Mr. Stephen Coats, instructor of earth science at Imperial Academy, and with Dr. Fred Espenak, an astrophysicist and scientist emeritus at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

    28 March 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 28 minutes 14 seconds
    #65: Look for the Helpers —Ukraine Edition

    This episode focuses on individuals and organizations that are helping victims of Russia's war on Ukraine in remarkable ways.

    5 January 2023, 2:00 pm
  • 28 minutes 6 seconds
    #64: 'Like a Fairytale'—Once Dead, the North Aral Sea Is Now Teeming With Life

    The Aral Sea was victim to the worst man-made ecological disaster in history. Now part of it is coming back to life, and the restoration has implications for the whole world.

    Order your free copy of The Wonderful World Tomorrow—What It Will Be Like.

    11 August 2022, 1:00 pm
  • 32 minutes 4 seconds
    #63: A Song Makes You Feel a Thought

    In this episode, we look at the magic that can happen at the intersection of music and language— magic so powerful it may have played a role in bringing down the Soviet Union. As Edgar Yipsel Harburg said, "Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought.”

    Order your free copy of How God Values Music

    "The Two Grenadiers" (with English subtitles)

    23 June 2022, 1:00 pm
  • 28 minutes 11 seconds
    #62: The Defenders of Mariupol, Ukraine

    One of Russian President Vladimir Putin's main goals in this year’s invasion of Ukraine was to quickly conquer the port city of Mariupol so that he could then devote more troops and resources to subduing Kyiv and the rest of the nation. But the defenders of Mariupol put up lionhearted resistance for months on end that defied all expectations and changed the course of the war. This episode looks at their remarkable and inspiring stand against evil.

    26 May 2022, 1:00 pm
  • 32 minutes 58 seconds
    #61: Regreening the Deserts
    • China's Loess Plateau was anciently a lush area. But as more people made it their home, the demand for resources grew. Over the course of thousands of years, aggressive farming and overgrazing stripped away the vegetation almost entirely. This lead to severe soil erosion and eventually turned the Loess plateau into basically a denuded desert.
    • In the mid 1990s, Chinese and foreign scientists and civil engineers surveyed this area to see if anything could be done to restore the land. The project that followed has implications for much of the planet.


    Isaiah's End-Time Vision

    John Liu's documentary

    23 June 2021, 3:30 pm
  • 39 minutes
    #60: See Beyond

    The Hubble Space Telescope was a game-changer, letting humankind peer back in time and tease mind-stretching secrets from the cosmos. But the James Webb Space Telescope—scheduled for launch into space later this year—promises to allow us see even further back. While Hubble was able to see what you could call toddler galaxies, the JWST will be able to look back 13.5 billion years and see infant galaxies—the first ones ever formed. It is expected to rewrite our astronomy textbooks in ways that we can’t yet even imagine.

    UPDATE: NASA announced on June 1 that while it had been working toward an October 31, 2021 launch date, it will be delayed by a few weeks and instead take place in November or early December.

    Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

    James Webb Space Telescope Website

    The Incredible Human Potential

    Our Awesome Universe Potential

    3 June 2021, 1:00 pm
  • 23 minutes 39 seconds
    #59: Rejecting the Default
    • Life is full of defaults. Many of them are so entrenched they are hard to even recognize as optional. "Few, indeed, ever stop to ask themselves in retrospect how they came to accept the beliefs that have found lodgment in their minds," the late Mr. Herbert Armstrong observed this in his book Mystery of the Ages. This episode takes a look at some of the defaults of life, and why we are prone to leave them unquestioned.

    Mystery of the Ages

    Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World

    4 March 2021, 6:00 am
  • 19 minutes 37 seconds
    #58: The Watery Veil

    “We know more about the surface of the Moon and about Mars than we do about the deep sea floor,” oceanography Paul Snelgrove said. Today's episode aims to shine a bit of light into the obscurity of the deeps.

    Map of Mars

    Map of the Moon

    Map of the ocean floor

    Does God Exist?

    11 February 2021, 2:00 pm
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