"Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while." These words of Jesus Christ are an invitation to personal and intimate prayer. The meditations offered in this podcast are intended to help the listener enter into his own prayerful relationship with God. By reflecting on scenes from the Gospel, on other passages from Scripture, and on the insights of saints and spiritual writers, we can strengthen our faith in Jesus and our love for God. In the Gospel of John, Jesus says, "I have called you my friends." By regular meditation and dialogue with Our Lord in prayer, our life can be transformed into an ever deepening and loving friendship with God.
The Feast of the Epiphany invites us to set our on our own journey to find Christ. Christ is the Truth, the light of Life. To find him means to deepen in our understanding and acceptance of the Truth about Him and about ourselves. Â
Holiness is God's own will and resolution for us. In calling us to be holy God resolves that we be such. Holiness is the fullness of charity. To respond to our call to holiness, to live this divine resolution, is to learn to love God in himself and in and through all things. Â
Heading into Christmas we turn our hearts towards the Christ Child. Christ is our great Christmas present from God the Father. Mary and Joseph give him the gifts of their faith, hope and love. These are gifts that we too can give to the Baby Jesus.Â
Given as part of a Novena to the Immaculate Conception.Â
A reflection given for the Novena to the Immaculate Conception on Mary as "Mother of the Fallen Away."
In Advent we prepare for the coming of the Christ Child at Christmas. Jesus, who found no room in the inn at Bethlehem, can find room in our souls and our lives if we prepare well for his coming. Making room for Jesus means clearing other things out, finding time for prayer, and welcoming him in others.Â
What is the Kingdom of God and the Kingship of Christ? How can we be loyal subjects of this Kingdom? What keeps us from letting Christ rule as King?
Jesus encourages us to pray constantly. This advice is seconded by St. Paul and many other saints. Scripture teaches us the many benefits of habitual prayer: joy, motivation, peace and fruitfulness. Prayer is the very shape of Christian life: a sharing of our life with Christ's.Â
Prayer was a regular part of Jesus' daily life. We can learn a lot from watching when, how and where he prayed.Â
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