Reclaiming My Theology

Brandi Miller

Reclaiming My Theology is a podcast and community taking our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress. My name is Brandi Miller, some of you know me as @brandinico in online spaces. For over a decade, I have been exploring, unlearing, and reimagining my faith outside of systemic oppression and want to bring you along with me! Each season of the podcast will be a deep dive into a form of systemic oppression and ask how the values of oppressive ideas shape our hearts, minds, politics, and lived experiences. There are so many things to reclaim our theology from: white supremacy, patriarchy and misogyny, capitalism, homophobia, ableism and more. As we launch our first season, we will be reclaiming our theology from white supremacy. Each episode, I will talk to a guest about how the attributes of oppressive ideologies have infiltrated how we see ourselves, each other, and God. We will learn from marginalized communities who practice a different way, and seek to create a more just faith experience together.

  • 1 hour 24 minutes
    ...from Empire: Evangelism w/ David Gate

    In this episode, Brandi is joined by poet and creative David Gate to talk about evangelism and the ways the modern western approaches to it prime Christians toward colonialism, accepting propaganda, and politically violent ideology and practice.

    You can find David's work at the link above and his substack here!

    If you like what you hear you can subscribe, rate, review, or tell others about the show. You can help make the show happen financially on patreon at

    If you have comments, questions, or requests please contact us at [email protected] or through the contact page at

    Reclaiming My Theology is recorded, produced and edited by Brandi Miller, our music is by Sanchez Fair. 

    Taking our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress.

    10 December 2024, 11:00 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    ...from Empire: Soul Care and Empire w/ Hailey Mitsui

    In the episode Brandi is joined by Hailey Mitsui of Soul Reparations to talk about how we can sustain and give attention the well-being of our souls in the midst of ever-loudening imperial realities.


    You can find Hailey's personal work and practice here and can sign up to either recieve of donate toward Soul Reparations spiritual direction services here

    If you like what you hear you can subscribe, rate, review, or tell others about the show. You can help make the show happen financially on patreon at

    If you have comments, questions, or requests please contact us at [email protected] or through the contact page at

    Reclaiming My Theology is recorded, produced and edited by Brandi Miller, our music is by Sanchez Fair. 

    Taking our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress.

    27 November 2024, 2:00 am
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    ...From Empire: State Violence w/ Cassie Chee

    In this episode, Brandi sits down with activist Cassie Chee to talk about how state violence is developed, normalized, and can be resisted in the Christian imagination and in our politics.

    If you like what you hear you can subscribe, rate, review, or tell others about the show. You can help make the show happen financially on patreon at

    If you have comments, questions, or requests please contact us at [email protected] or through the contact page at

    Reclaiming My Theology is recorded, produced and edited by Brandi Miller, our music is by Sanchez Fair. 

    Taking our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress.

    24 October 2024, 11:00 pm
  • 57 minutes 14 seconds
    ...From Empire: How We Learn Empire w/ Mariko Clark

    In this episode, Brandi is joined by author and storyteller Mariko Clark to talk about how we learn empire and the development of imperial values in how we raise our children and really, how we learn as adults what was never explicitly framed for us. They talk about how the bible is used as a tool to entrench children's thinking into the ways of empire and some of the ways that we can do differently. In this episode they mention D.L. and Krispin Mayfields "Strongwilled" project which you can find here.

    If you want so get the Book of Belonging for yourself, it is available here or wherever you get your books! You can find their accompanying substack here.

    If you like what you hear you can subscribe, rate, review, or tell others about the show. You can help make the show happen financially on patreon at

    If you have comments, questions, or requests please contact us at [email protected] or through the contact page at

    Reclaiming My Theology is recorded, produced and edited by Brandi Miller, our music is by Sanchez Fair. 

    Taking our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress.

    14 October 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    ...From Empire: Messiahs, Kings, and Rulers w/ Barnabas Lin

    In this episode, Brandi is joined by Barnabas Lin to talk about messiahs, kings, and rulers. They discuss the many ways that reliance on so-called sovereign leaders to save them has led not only to idolatry and dysfunction, but also greater enmeshment in systems that oppress and play God. 

    Barnabas will be facilitating Oriented to Love: A Dialogue about Sexual and Gender Diversity in the Church with Christians for Social Action next spring and you can learn more about how to participate here! 

    If you like what you hear you can subscribe, rate, review, or tell others about the show. You can help make the show happen financially on patreon at

    If you have comments, questions, or requests please contact us at [email protected] or through the contact page at

    Reclaiming My Theology is recorded, produced and edited by Brandi Miller, our music is by Sanchez Fair.

    Taking our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress.

    12 September 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    ...From Empire: What is Empire? w/Scott Hall

    In this inaugural episode of Reclaiming [our] Theology from Empire, Brandi is joined by Scott Hall of White People Work to talk about the basics of empire in and out of scripture. This episode was recorded a few months before the 2024 U.S. General Election, so there is conversation about the impact of empire on politics in real time as well as at a more micro/individual level.

    If you like what you hear you can subscribe, rate, review, or tell others about the show. You can help make the show happen financially on patreon at

    If you have comments, questions, or requests please contact us at [email protected] or through the contact page at

    Rated explicit for the use of 2 strong words (lol)

    Reclaiming My Theology is recorded, produced and edited by Brandi Miller, our music is by Sanchez Fair. 

    Taking our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress.

    5 September 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    ...Purity Culture: Season Finale Q and A pt. 1 (w/ Erna Kim Hackett)

    This episode part one of a two part Q and A session as we close out this series on purity culture. In this part, we discuss questions about attraction, sexual exploration, what the point of marriage and sex are, some questions about asexuality and the myriad of things that dovetail between. Next episode, we will talk about dating while older, parenting, and healing.

    You can find Erna's work at and online everywhere at @ernakimhackett

    If you like what you hear you can subscribe, rate, review, or tell others about the show. You can help make the show happen financially on patreon at

    Taking our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress.

    31 July 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    ...From Purity Culture: TradWives w/ Allison Sanders

    In this episode, Brandi is joined by Allison Sanders to talk about tradwives. They dive into the history of this broader idea and the ways that it reinforces the binaries, roles, and expectations that build what we know of as purity culture.

    If you like what you hear you can subscribe, rate, review, or tell others about the show. You can help make the show happen financially on patreon at

    If you have comments, questions, or requests please contact us at [email protected] or through the contact page at

    Reclaiming My Theology is recorded, produced and edited by Brandi Miller, our music is by Sanchez Fair. 

    Taking our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress.

    22 May 2024, 8:00 pm
  • 59 minutes 2 seconds
    ...From Purity Culture: The Politics of Purity Culture w/ Dr. Sara Moslener

    In this episode, Brandi is joined by Dr. Sara Moslener, author of Virgin Nation to do a survey of the politics and history of purity culture. They discuss that purity culture, birthed out of political movements, entrenches us more deeply in racism, social control mechanisms, and conservative politics.

    You can find her work here and the Pure White Podcast here.

    If you like what you hear you can subscribe, rate, review, or tell others about the show. You can help make the show happen financially on patreon at

    If you have comments, questions, or requests please contact us at [email protected] or through the contact page at

    Reclaiming My Theology is recorded, produced and edited by Brandi Miller, our music is by Sanchez Fair. 

    Taking our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress.

    Taking our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress.

    25 April 2024, 10:00 pm
  • 45 minutes 49 seconds
    ...From Purity Culture: Desire w/ Dr. Hillary McBride

    In this epsiode, Brandi is joined by registered psychologist Dr. Hillary McBride to talk about desire. They discuss the ways the desire is tamped in Christian space in ways the stunt or delay development and ways that we can come back to ourselves and our desire as we disengage with purity culture.

    You can find her work here and the Holy Hurt Podcast here. 
    You can also find her on socials at @hillaryliannamcbride

    If you like what you hear you can subscribe, rate, review, or tell others about the show. You can help make the show happen financially on patreon at

    If you have comments, questions, or requests please contact us at [email protected] or through the contact page at

    Reclaiming My Theology is recorded, produced and edited by Brandi Miller, our music is by Sanchez Fair. 

    Taking our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress.

    29 March 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    ...From Purity Culture: Christian Romance w/ D.L. Mayfield

    In this episode, Brandi is joined by D.L. Mayfield to talk about Christian romance- the industry, the reality, and the implications. They explore the tenants and construction of Christian romance as well as some ways that we can rebuild under less oppressive and limiting ideologies.

    If you like what you hear you can subscribe, rate, review, or tell others about the show. You can help make the show happen financially on patreon at

    If you have comments, questions, or requests please contact us at [email protected] or through the contact page at

    Reclaiming My Theology is recorded, produced and edited by Brandi Miller, our music is by Sanchez Fair. 

    Taking our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress.

    12 March 2024, 7:00 pm
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