Prayers of REST

Asheritah Ciuciu

Do you feel distracted when you pray? Or maybe you just feel too busy to spend time in prayer? In the Prayers of REST podcast, bestselling author and Bible teacher Asheritah Ciuciu will gently guide you in praying God’s Word through weekly episodes that are only 10 minutes long. Perfect for Christian women on the go, Prayers of REST will guide you in resting in God's presence even on the busiest days so you can find joy in Jesus wherever you are.

  • 33 minutes 40 seconds
    12.4 Behind-the-Scenes Conversations, with Asheritah & Hannah

    “Sinners in the hands of an angry God” is one of the most well-known sermons of all time… but from cover to cover of Scripture, from the Garden of Eden to the marriage supper of the Lamb in Revelation, JOY is central to the Gospel. If you’re afraid or worried that God is angry with you, if you’re anxious because of God’s wrath, there’s really good news in this truth:

    Scripture says that Jesus came to make manifest what has always been true about God the Father. What we see in Jesus’ life in the gospels – the way that He reaches out to people, the way He sacrificially loves and serves and seeks out the person who is lost, the way that He wept and danced and chose a wedding party for His first miracle – shows us that we have a JOYful God.


    My brand new book – Delighting in Jesus: Rhythms to Restore Joy When You Feel Burdened, Broken, or Burned-Out

    John 1:18

    1 Peter 1:3-4

    Psalm 37:11

    Matthew 5:5

    Hebrews 7:25

    Hebrews 4:14-16

    Patreon prayer partners:

    The Bible Project



    Bible study doesn't have to be complicated or overwhelming. Become more confident in your Bible study skills with my FREE 3-DAY Bible Study Quickstart Guide:



      Want to go deeper? Get my free weekly email devotional, with extra resources and giveaways, in your inbox:




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    15 October 2024, 7:00 am
  • 30 minutes 48 seconds
    12.3 Behind-the-Scenes Conversations, with Asheritah & Hannah

    A story FIVE years in the making… Have you ever desperately wondered “Where did my joy go? And how do I get it back?” You read your Bible, you pray, you have faith… but you’re in a dark valley and delight has disappeared. Friend, if you can relate to the words “I’m a Christian, but I don’t feel joyful right now”, this conversation kicking off Season 12 of the podcast: Prayers for Joy, is for YOU.


    My brand new book – Delighting in Jesus: Rhythms to Restore Joy When You Feel Burdened, Broken, or Burned-Out

    Hannah’s podcast, There’s More

    John 12:32

    Psalm 16:11

    Psalm 23

    Acts 2:4, 28

    Exodus 33

    2 Corinthians 3:18 

    Patreon prayer partners:



    Bible study doesn't have to be complicated or overwhelming. Become more confident in your Bible study skills with my FREE 3-DAY Bible Study Quickstart Guide:



    Want to go deeper? Get my free weekly email devotional, with extra resources and giveaways, in your inbox:




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    9 October 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 11 minutes 12 seconds
    12.2 God's delight transforms us (Psalm 34:5)

    Have you ever desperately wondered: “Where did my joy go? And how do I get it back?” If yes, you’re in good company, friend.

    Today's prayer of REST is based on Psalm 34:5, which teaches us that God's delight transforms us: "Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces."

    This season, we’re asking God to restore to us the joy of our salvation, and each week we’ll base our prayers on a different Bible passage that speaks of joy. Together, we’ll ask the Lord to do a new work in our hearts as we: 

    • Recite God’s Goodness
    • Express Our Neediness
    • Seek His Stillness, and 
    • Trust His Faithfulness

    Throughout these guided prayers episodes and their weekly corresponding “Behind-the-Scenes Conversations” with Asheritah and Hannah, you’ll discover God’s promise of delight to His children and learn how to claim His joy as your birthright—the promised fruit from God’s Spirit as we invite Him to do His good work in us. We're excited to see how God will move in response to our prayers!

    This season of Praying for Joy is based on my brand new book – Delighting in Jesus: Rhythms to Restore Joy When You Feel Burdened, Broken, or Burned-Out, which releases December 3 and available wherever books are sold. (Amazon preorders guarantee the lowest price and helps more people discover the book too! Thanks for your support:

    Until we meet again, may you find much joy in Jesus, the One who delights in you! 

    💛 Asheritah 

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    7 October 2024, 7:00 am
  • 12 minutes
    12.1 God Delights in Offering Us Joy (Psalm 16:11)

    Have you ever desperately wondered: “Where did my joy go? And how do I get it back?” If yes, you’re in good company, friend.

    Today's prayer of REST is based on Psalm 16:11, which teaches us that God delights in offering us joy: "You make known to me the path of life; In your presence, there is fullness of joy, at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."

    This season, we’re asking God to restore to us the joy of our salvation, and each week we’ll base our prayers on a different Bible passage that speaks of joy. Together, we’ll ask the Lord to do a new work in our hearts as we: 

    • Recite God’s Goodness
    • Express Our Neediness
    • Seek His Stillness, and 
    • Trust His Faithfulness

    Throughout these guided prayers episodes and their weekly corresponding “Behind-the-Scenes Conversations” with Asheritah and Hannah, you’ll discover God’s promise of delight to His children and learn how to claim His joy as your birthright—the promised fruit from God’s Spirit as we invite Him to do His good work in us. We're excited to see how God will move in response to our prayers!

    This season of Praying for Joy is based on my brand new book – Delighting in Jesus: Rhythms to Restore Joy When You Feel Burdened, Broken, or Burned-Out, which releases December 3 and available wherever books are sold. (Amazon preorders guarantee the lowest price and helps more people discover the book too! Thanks for your support:

    Until we meet again, may you find much joy in Jesus, the One who delights in you! 

    💛 Asheritah 

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    30 September 2024, 1:00 am
  • 11 minutes 29 seconds
    Podcast Update: Our Next (and probably LAST) season! 🥳

    It's been quiet here for a few months, but I'm back today with an update on the podcast: we're coming back for one last season: Prayers for Joy. Hurray!

    Over the past 18 months, God has been doing a work in my life, restoring the sparkle to my eyes and restoring the joy of His salvation in my life. I wrote a book about it called Delighting in Jesus, launching this December, and I want to take you along on the journey with me. 🤗

    We’re still pulling together the final details, but we hope to launch this season at the end of September.

    We’ll have the 10-minute Prayers of REST that you’ve come to know and love, plus bonus conversations with my friend Hannah Nitz sharing the back story of how all this came to be. If you don’t yet know Hannah, I can’t wait for you to meet her. I know you’re going to love her as much as I do! 🥰

    A BIG THANK YOU for your ongoing support throughout the summer that lifted the financial burden to make this an easy yes.  I’m excited for how God will move in our hearts in the coming months as we ask Him to restore our joy.

    If we ever needed a focused season of prayer for joy, I believe it’s this election season. And if ever the onlooking world needed to see believers whose faces radiate with the joy of God’s presence, it’s this season right here.

    Please pray for our team as we record these episodes and prepare to share them with the world. And in the meantime, be thinking of who you can invite to join you in prayer. Our favorite seasons of the Prayers of REST podcast involved little prayer groups popping up all over the country, and we’d love to do that one last time. So ask the Lord to bring to your mind a few friends whom you can invite to pray with you this fall. More details on that coming soon!

    With much joy,


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    29 August 2024, 8:00 pm
  • 34 minutes 48 seconds
    11.12 The Life-Changing Practice of a Prayer Notebook with Jani Ortlund

    What if there was a simple tool that could transform your prayer life? 

    In this episode, Asheritah and her friend Jani Ortlund talk about a simple notebook format that took what Jani calls “a scattered prayer life” and turned it into a powerful conversation with Jesus. They also talk about how to handle times of spiritual dryness, why Jani believes “PUSHY” prayers are Scriptural prayers, and how her mother-in-law’s candor invited Jani into a deeper relationship with Jesus.

    Jani Ortlund, the Vice President of Renewal Ministries, loves connecting women with the Word of God.  Serving Christ through writing, speaking and discipling is her chief passion in life.  Jani, who podcasts at, and Ray, the President of Renewal Ministries, have four married children and fifteen grandchildren.

    Val Marie Paper | Prayer Journal

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    29 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • 9 minutes 54 seconds
    11.11 Our Great High Priest

    Do you ever feel like the things you want to pray about are too small and insignificant to bring before the Father?

    If so, discover how to pray with boldness and confidence as we learn how to pray like Jesus together. Each week we will follow Jesus' example as we pray through His prayers recorded for us in Scripture. Join us as we:

    R - Recite God's Goodness
    E - Express Your Neediness
    S - Seek His Stillness
    T - Trust His Faithfulness

    Until we meet again, may you find rest in God’s loving presence.

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    22 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • 9 minutes 12 seconds
    11.10 Being with Jesus

    Jesus promised that we will have trials in this life, but we are not without hope!

    One day, we will spend eternity with Him!

    If you are feeling hopeless today, join us as we remind ourselves of the truth that, one day, we will be with Jesus again. Each week we will follow Jesus' example by praying through His prayers recorded for us in Scripture. Together we will:

    R - Recite God's Goodness
    E - Express Your Neediness
    S - Seek His Stillness
    T - Trust His Faithfulness

    Until we meet again, may you find rest in God’s loving presence.

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    15 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • 9 minutes 27 seconds
    11.9 One with God and One Another

    Disunity can destroy a local church. Maybe you've seen it happen?

    If you've felt the sting of church hurt or the pain of broken relationships with your brothers and sisters in Christ, you are not alone. Join us as we pray for unity in our relationship with God and one another by following Jesus' example and praying through His prayers recorded for us in Scripture. Together we will:

    R - Recite God's Goodness
    E - Express Your Neediness
    S - Seek His Stillness
    T - Trust His Faithfulness

    Until we meet again, may you find rest in God’s loving presence.

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    8 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • 9 minutes 20 seconds
    11.8 Your Will Be Done

    If you've ever wondered what God's will is for your life, you're not alone!

    Discover how to confidently pray in line with the will of God as we learn how to pray like Jesus together. Each week we will follow Jesus' example as we pray through the Lord’s prayer just like His disciples did. Join us as we:

    R - Recite God's Goodness
    E - Express Your Neediness
    S - Seek His Stillness
    T - Trust His Faithfulness

    Until we meet again, may you find rest in God’s loving presence.

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    1 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • 9 minutes 32 seconds
    11.7 Delivered From Evil

    It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the evil in this world and the sin in our own hearts.

    If you feel overcome by sin and despair, join us in praying like Jesus as we ask our Father to deliver us from evil.  Each week we will follow Jesus' example as we pray through the Lord’s prayer just like His disciples did. Join us as we:

    R - Recite God's Goodness
    E - Express Your Neediness
    S - Seek His Stillness
    T - Trust His Faithfulness

    Until we meet again, may you find rest in God’s loving presence.

    Support the show

    25 March 2024, 4:00 am
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