Making It Work: God and Your Work

Fuller Seminary's De Pree Center for Leadership and Theology of Work Projec

  • 39 minutes 19 seconds
    The Gospel & Authentic Storytelling - Marcus Goodyear

    As humans, we are the stewards of story. The stories we tell apply meaning to our own lives and to the lives of those around us. Stories can move people to tears, to joy, and even towards change. So those with the privilege to communicate stories to an audience have a special responsibility. Storytelling, particularly telling other people's stories, requires great care and integrity. Today we're talking with someone whose job is telling stories. Our guest is Marcus Goodyear, Senior Director of Communications at the Howard E. Butt Foundation. He is also the Managing Editor of Echoes Magazine, a quarterly publication reaching 24,000 subscribers with encouraging stories about local friends and neighbors. He's here today to discuss his experience telling stories with kindness, authenticity, and a love for God and others.

    We'd like to thank the HE Butt Foundation for supporting this series. You can find out more about their work by visiting

    Scripture References

    • Hebrews 2:10
    • Numbers 4:1-20

    Donate. This podcast is made possible through the financial support of people like you. Your gift of any size will enable us to continue resourcing Christians with high-quality biblically-based content that applies to everyday work. Donate at 

    6 September 2024, 5:04 pm
  • 33 minutes 34 seconds
    Rehumanizing Athletes: God Between the Lines in Sports

    We talk with guest Reverend Dr. Gary Green about the theology of sports as a spiritual experience, the use of the term beast to describe black male athletes, and the places in the Bible where we see God interrupting the stories we tell ourselves. Dr. Green is an assistant professor of pastoral theology and social transformation and director of anti-racist initiatives at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. He hopes to help religious communities become more socially engaged around issues of justice and social ethics. He has facilitated public conversations about theology, sport and justice. 


    Scripture References

    • Genesis 1:27

    • Isaiah 62:12

    • Galatians 3:28


    Donate. This podcast is made possible through the financial support of people like you. Your gift of any size will enable us to continue resourcing Christians with high-quality biblically-based content that applies to everyday work. Donate at 

    1 July 2024, 4:00 am
  • 46 minutes 16 seconds
    The Mental Health Impact of Marginalization at Work - Josephine Kim

     Dr Josephine Kim talks about the cultural and social factors that impact mental health and work for marginalized groups. She is a Senior Lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, a National Certified Counselor,  and affiliated faculty at Massachusetts General Hospital. She is an internationally known scholar, speaker and consultant who lends expertise on diversity, inclusion and mental health issues to Fortune 500 companies, schools, and other organizations.

    Dr. Kim is also the founding executive director of Mustard Seed Generation, a nonprofit organization that aims to educate Asian Americans on issues of spirituality, cultural and racial identity, intergenerational conflicts, cross-cultural advocacy, mental health, and career development issues. You can find out more about Mustard Seed Generation at

    This is our third and final episode in a special series on mental wellness. We'd like to thank the H.E Butt foundation for supporting this series. You can find out more about their work by visiting


    Scripture References: Isaiah 58:6


    Additional Resources

    Mustard Seed Generation:


    Donate. This podcast is made possible through the financial support of people like you. Your gift of any size will enable us to continue resourcing Christians with high-quality biblically-based content that applies to everyday work. Donate at 

    20 May 2024, 4:00 am
  • 43 minutes 15 seconds
    Pursuing Mental Health with God - Laura Smith

    Our second episode in a special series on mental wellness.  Our guest today is Laura Smith. Laura is a best-selling author and speaker who speaks around the country sharing the love of Christ. In her latest book, Holy Care for the Whole Self, Laura Smith debunks the stigma around mental health and shows how caring for our own well-being is biblical and can help us better live the lives Christ calls us to.

    We'd like to thank the HE Butt Foundation for supporting this series. You can find out more about their work by visiting


    Scripture References

    • Luke 19:1-10
    • Galatians 5:1
    • John 10:10
    • Mark 6:30-34
    • 1 Kings 19:1-8


    Additional Resources

    Holy Care for the Whole Self by Laura Smith


    Donate. This podcast is made possible through the financial support of people like you. Your gift of any size will enable us to continue resourcing Christians with high-quality biblically-based content that applies to everyday work. Donate at 

    10 May 2024, 8:56 pm
  • 38 minutes 57 seconds
    Building Workplace Culture for Mental Wellness - Rebecca Brune

    This month is mental health awareness month in the United States, and we’re kicking off a series on mental wellness and work. We discuss how mental wellness connects to faith, barriers to mental wellness at work, and what you can do about it. Guest Becca Brune is the executive director of this Congregational Collective, a new nonprofit funded by the H. E. Butt Foundation aiming to make San Antonio's faith communities safe places for people seeking mental wellness. Previously, Brune was an executive leader with Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, a Dallas-based organization focused on building equitable mental health systems. Over the past 24 years, Becca's work has spanned a broad array of multi-sector institutions. She has assumed leadership roles in philanthropy, local government, private sector and nonprofits. As a trained mediator, she has facilitated community conversations around natural resource management issues, healthcare, economic development, strategic planning, and community engagement.

    We'd like to thank the H. E. Butt Foundation for supporting this series. You can find out more about their work by visiting


    Scripture References

    • Psalms

    • Isaiah 26:3-4

    • Philippians 4:6-7


    Additional Resources

    Congregational Collective:


    Donate. This podcast is made possible through the financial support of people like you. Your gift of any size will enable us to continue resourcing Christians with high-quality biblically-based content that applies to everyday work. Donate at 

    6 May 2024, 4:00 am
  • 36 minutes 34 seconds
    The Power of Listening to the Bible Together - Tom Cole

    Groups reading the Scripture out loud meet all over the world, from pastors in Korea to tech workers in Seattle, to a group of financial services professionals in New York City, meeting every week to listen to the Bible and talk about their work. Tom Cole, our guest today has experienced this practice as one of the leaders of the New York group, Faith in Financial Services. He's here today to tell us about how he's seen himself and members of the group, helped by the power of listening to the Bible. 


    Scripture Reference: 1 Timothy 4:13


    Additional Resources: Public Reading of Scripture for Work,


    Donate. This podcast is made possible through the financial support of people like you. Your gift of any size will enable us to continue resourcing Christians with high-quality biblically-based content that applies to everyday work. Donate at 

    4 March 2024, 5:00 am
  • 42 minutes 10 seconds
    Thriving as a Sensitive Soul at Work - Dorcas Cheng Tozun

    Sensitive, empathic, introverted. These are some of the ways that today's guest Dorcas Cheng Tozun would describe herself. Learning to thrive as a sensitive person, especially in the world of work, where those who are aggressive or assertive may often dominate, has been an important part of her journey and of many of our journeys. Dorcas has nearly 20 years of experience as a nonprofit and social enterprise professional. She's an award winning writer, editor, speaker and communications consultant. Her work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal and Christianity Today and dozens of other publications. She's also, at her core sensitive, and most recently, she's the author of Social Justice for The Sensitive Soul: How To Change The World In Quiet Ways.

      Scripture References
    • Matthew 9:36
    • Exodus 2:11-15
    • Nehemiah 1
      Additional Resources


    Donate. This podcast is made possible through the financial support of people like you. Your gift of any size will enable us to continue resourcing Christians with high-quality biblically-based content that applies to everyday work. Donate at 

    8 January 2024, 5:00 am
  • 46 minutes 50 seconds
    How I Learned to Let God Shape My Plans - Barry Rowan

    We all make plans for our work, whether that’s a list of things to do today, or a ten year plan. We have hopes, dreams, and goals for the future. But what does it mean to let God shape your work plans? And how do you know if you're submitting to God’s plan, or simply fitting God into yours? We talk with Barry Rowan, author of The Spiritual Art of Business: Connecting the Daily with the Divine. Barry has spent his career in a variety of C-suite roles and has been instrumental in building and transforming businesses. He is also deeply committed to contemplation and prayer, and he’s here to tell us how the two mix together to let God shape our plans for work. 


    Scripture References

    • Luke 14:33
    • John 10:10
    • John 4:34
    • Isaiah 55:11
    • James 1:2-4
    • Psalm 139:13


    Additional Resources


    Donate. This podcast is made possible through the financial support of people like you. Your gift of any size will enable us to continue resourcing Christians with high-quality biblically-based content that applies to everyday work. Donate at 


    Transcript at

    6 November 2023, 5:00 am
  • 40 minutes 28 seconds
    The Call to Love at Work - Jasmine Bellamy

    In addition to being named one of Sports Illustrated’s Top 100 most influential black women in sports, Jasmine Bellamy is an influential figure in bringing the practice of love to transform workplace culture from the inside out. She's the Vice President of Merchandising, Planning and Allocation at Reebok. She also is the founder of Love 101 Ministries, which is dedicated to the theology and practice of love. And she is the creator and co-facilitator of Courageous Conversations, a platform that engages issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and inspires transformation in community. Jasmine earned a BS in marketing and management from Syracuse University, a Master's of Business Administration from Fordham University and a Master's of Arts in Theology from Fuller Seminary, where she is pursuing a doctorate in global leadership, focusing on the redemptive imagination of the marketplace. She's here today to talk to us about living out the call to love in secular workplaces.

      Scripture References
    • 1 Matthew 22:36-40
    • 1 John 4:8
    • John 14-17
    • Matthew 25:14-30
    • Romans 14:15
      Additional Resources


    Donate. This podcast is made possible through the financial support of people like you. Your gift of any size will enable us to continue resourcing Christians with high-quality biblically-based content that applies to everyday work. Donate at 


    Transcript at

    2 October 2023, 4:00 am
  • 32 minutes 23 seconds
    Faith-Based ERGs & Building Bridges at Work - Barbara Villasenor

    Faith-based employee resource groups can be a bridge to building relationships within your own faith and across different faiths. One example of a successful faith-based ERG is Google's Inter Belief Network. Guest Barbara Villasenor is a founding member and global chair of Google's Inter Belief Network, co-lead of the Google Christian Fellowship chapter, an economics business partner to Google's chief economist. Barbara is here today to talk to us about ERGs, her own experience starting one, and how these groups can improve the experience of work.



    • Acts 18:1-3
    • Isaiah 11:2
    • Isaiah 43:1-2


    Additional Resources


    Donate. This podcast is made possible through the financial support of people like you. Your gift of any size will enable us to continue resourcing Christians with high-quality biblically-based content that applies to everyday work. Donate at 


    Transcript at

    4 September 2023, 4:00 am
  • 39 minutes 43 seconds
    Can the Enneagram Be Used to Build Better Relationships at Work? - Jesse Eubanks

    The enneagram, a personality typing system, has exploded in popularity in recent years. For followers of Jesus, the enneagram can be a useful tool on the road to healthier relationships with God, yourself, and others on your team. Guest Jesse Eubanks is a certified Enneagram coach and host of The EnneaCast, a podcast exploring personality and relationships through the lens of the Enneagram. Jesse is also the founder and executive director of Love Thy Neighborhood, a nonprofit mobilizing people to follow Jesus and serve the poor in modern culture. Relevant named him one of the top 50 Christian artists and activists who are making an impact on culture in the United States. 


    Scripture Reference: John 8:32 


    Additional Resources


    Donate. This podcast is made possible through the financial support of people like you. Your gift of any size will enable us to continue resourcing Christians with high-quality biblically-based content that applies to everyday work. Donate at 


    Transcript available at

    7 August 2023, 4:00 am
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