The Biblical Prophecy Program™ is a weekly program hosted by Dr. Alan E. Kurschner, who is dedicated to teaching biblical prophecy from a futurist, premillennial, prewrath perspective. Produced by Eschatos Ministries:
Dr. Kurschner commented more deeply about the key question in the millennial debate that interpreters should be aware of.
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Dr. Alan Kurschner discussed the heart of the millennial debate, the key question being whether or not there is a link between Revelation 19:11—21 and 20:1–6.
He used his book A Linguistic Approach to Revelation 19:11—20:6 and the Millennium Binding of Satan as a springboard to explain the interpretation of this question.
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Dr. Alan Kurschner addresses the timing and placement of the rapture and resurrection in relation to the Antichrist’s great tribulation. He identifies nine biblical passages that locate the rapture and resurrection after the great tribulation, which occurs before the day of the Lord’s wrath. He takes the classic rapture passage of 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 as the springboard passage for his teaching.
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Dr. Alan Kurschner gave six reasons why Reformed/Covenant theology wrongly reinterprets Malachi 4:5, disconnecting it from its original intended meaning.
“Look, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the LORD arrives” (Mal 4:5).
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Dr. Kurschner started an ongoing series discussing the New Creation Model of God’s future purposes versus the Spiritual Vision Model.
As a springboard, he is using Michael Vlach’s super insightful book The New Creation Model: A Paradigm for Discovering God’s Restoration Purposes from Creation to New Creation.
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Dr. Alan Kurschner discusses Matthew’s version of the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24–25) and its descriptions of three temptations that believers will face during the Antichrist’s great tribulation.
He underscored that these temptations will be real and concrete causing many in the professing Church to apostatize their faith, precisely what Satan intends.
Listen to discover what these three temptations will be.
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Dr. Alan Kurschner announced that he is resuming The Biblical Prophecy Program after a year and a half and closing down Bible Prophecy Daily to focus on his own podcast.
He also announced a matching program to raise 25 new Eschatos Partners to kick off the podcast:
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[*This is a special program from Bible Prophecy Daily being played today on The Biblical Prophecy Program]
Dr. Kurschner announced the release of the new book, The Future Restoration of Israel: A Response to Supersessionism. It was six years in the making and the most extensive book written on the topic of Israel’s Future.
It is written by 20 scholars and co-edited by Dr. Kurschner and Stanley Porter.
Get it on Amazon or the publisher’s site.
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Dr. Kurschner announced that Eschatos Ministries will be sponsoring a Bible Prophecy seminar at the Ark Encounter, including the Ark Encounter experience.
Then he focused on explaining the meaning of “one taken and one left” in Matthew 24.
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Dr. Kurschner examines whether 1 Corinthians 11:26 (‘until he comes’) refers to an imminent return for his church:“For every time you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”
Some pretribulationists think this verse indicates an imminent rapture since Paul does not mention any event that happens before Jesus’ coming. For example, Gerald B. Stanton writes, “We must ‘occupy’ till He comes, even as in the Lord’s Supper, we ‘do shew the Lord’s death till he come’ (1 Cor. 11:26). These expressions emphasize the imminency of the return of Christ, rather than denying it” (emphasis his). This is another example of reading into Paul’s message a colossal assumption of imminence. It ignores Paul’s purpose that he “received from the Lord what I also passed on to you” (1 Cor 11:23). He is concerned about the believer’s proper behavior and attitude behind the participation of Lord’s supper, where the eating the bread and drinking the cup functions to be an ongoing proclamation of the believer’s allegiance to the Lord for what he did for us on the cross. Believers are to examine their lives in light of who they are in Christ, and “in remembrance” of Jesus’ death they should look back to the cross and its meaning in their life continually until the Lord himself returns. The eschatological note to Jesus’s Parousia reminds believers that the sacramental consummate goal awaits the Supper of the Lamb.
There is no hint from Paul being concerned about making an imminence statement. To read imminence theology wholesale into Paul’s statement is first rank eisegesis. Paul’s purpose in this passage is not to discuss whether certain prophesied events will occur before the Lord’s coming or what they are, as he does elsewhere (2 Thess 2:1–4). To make this into an imminence proof text is to hijack Paul’s sacramental message for one’s preconceived theology.
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I am pleased to announce that my new book is NOW available!
You can purchase it from Amazon.
Here is a description from the back of the book:
Does God Work with Israel and the Church at the Same Time?
Is There a Connection between the Rapture and the Second Coming?
In the first part of Pretrib, Dr. Alan Kurschner makes the case that God has worked with both Israel and the church at the same time in the past, and he continues to do so at this time, and he will work with both at the same time in the future.
In the second half of the book, Dr. Kurschner contends that the rapture is neither disconnected from, nor identified with, the second coming. Rather, the rapture belongs to the second coming.
The implication from the author’s examination reveals that while church saints will be raptured before the day of the Lord’s wrath, they will first encounter the Antichrist’s great tribulation.
By reading Pretrib: Examining the Foundations of Pretribulation Rapture Theology, you will be walked through compelling lines of biblical reasoning that harmonizes all the evidence into a coherent picture.
Sometimes we need to take a step backwards to challenge long-held beliefs, in order to get a running start and discover new, biblical ways of seeing truths. This book helps to do just that.
Pretrib: Examining the Foundations of Pretribulation Rapture Theology (Rice Lake, WI: Eschatos Publishing, 2022)
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