Rainbow Six Radio

Rainbow Six Radio Podcast

Weekly podcast for all things Rainbow Six - news, discussion, information and more! Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/rainbowsixradio/support

  • 1 hour 59 minutes
    Hands on with all the new Steel Wave content in the test server!

    This week we take a look at everything currently on the test server for Operation Steel Wave after KapDan and I tried it all out. Breaking down Ace, Melusi, House rework, proximity alarms, weapon attachment skins, operator rebalancing buffs and ranked changes! Whew! TONS of content bursting at the seams!

    21 May 2020, 7:42 pm
  • 1 hour 44 minutes
    The Steel Wave Arrives! Plus more stuff too!

    This week we talk about the arrival of newly announced Operation Steel Wave and introduce a new operator discussion segment where we deep dive on one specific operator. We also talk about classic playlists for pre reworked maps, the ethics of data mining and what it is and what newly changed terms of service indicate for future plans for Siege. Plus KapDan vows to Ban-Hammer all smurfs!

    14 May 2020, 8:01 pm
  • 1 hour 26 minutes
    Thievery & Loot - plus changes to pro league and more

    On this week's episode we discuss Ying's sudden reversal nerf before diving into the new Grand Larceny special event. We then discuss some strong opinions regarding loot crates and alpha packs as well as go over some things developing in pro league with changes and our weekly protip and Q&A!

    7 May 2020, 10:15 pm
  • 1 hour 31 minutes
    Does Ubisoft have an image problem? Pros, Casuals & Fundamentals

    Does Ubisoft have an image problem in how they deal with the community divide between pros and casuals? Siege joins the elite Tier 1 esports club but can they hold on to it? We also explore revisiting the fundamentals that were under delivered at launch and broader insight on recent changes now that they're live. Sneaky Valk cam spots on this weeks Protip too!

    30 April 2020, 7:24 pm
  • 1 hour 38 minutes
    Smurfs, Cheaters and Elites - Oh My!

    This week we talk about the State of Siege from smurfing to cheating to positive things on the horizon. We go over new info on the House rework development, break down the latest patch release, discuss Elites and KapDan breaks down the latest Protip as well as our weekly Q&A!

    23 April 2020, 9:53 pm
  • 1 hour 53 minutes
    More season 2 leaks, Pro Leauge training tutorials and more!

    With more possible leaks incoming for season 2 we go over what we think. While discussing if Jackal is too frustrating KapDan and Iceycat get very fired up before moving on to discussing Monty and Blitz (and Fuze shield!) mechanics.  We break down a popular Pro League casters comments regarding training tutorials being added to the game and dive into even more data mined gameplay footage showing off the insane destruction in the upcoming Stolen Goods event as well as our weekly ProTip and Q&A!

    16 April 2020, 10:53 pm
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    Goyo NERF, the LOST Polish Map, MVP plays and more!

    This week we talk about Goyo's new nerf and what could be done about it. Resurrecting the LOST Polish map. Map reworks. Some of our all time favorite plays. ProTip and Q&As

    9 April 2020, 5:52 pm
  • 1 hour 21 minutes
    Massive Nerfs & Leaks Incoming!

    Another jam packed episode covering the latest round of MASSIVE nerfs coming our way plus leaks covering the next seasonal event and all the info on next season's 2 newest operators. Plus new arcade playlist types, removal of attachments, community Q&A and more!

    1 April 2020, 9:21 pm
  • 1 hour 21 minutes
    Battlepass issues, Weekly challenges, New attachments & more!

    Today we talk a bout a wide variety of topics from the new lighting on Consulate to issues with Battlepass our thoughts on the recent arcade playlist and what games we're playing now besides Siege. We ponder what impact weekly challenges are having on the game and discuss new attachments plus community Q&A. Join us!

    27 March 2020, 4:46 pm
  • 1 hour 34 minutes
    Reinforcement deployment changing, Pro League canceled, smaller patches and more

    In this weeks show we discuss how Corona virus is impacting the game from Pro League being canceled to smaller dev patches and impacts to matchmaking. Afterward we break down the new Creative Director's interview where he makes big reveals about things are changing including the way reinforcement deployment works, reputation memory and much more!

    19 March 2020, 11:41 pm
  • 1 hour 38 minutes
    New Ops Banned in Ranked & How to Maintain the Future of R6

    On Episode 7 we discuss how Pick and Ban trolls are blocking season pass holders from new ops, plus concepts of how to support and maintain the future development of Siege.  Special guest ThunderXSniper joins us and shares his thoughts on new season and shares a ProTip while jumping into the discussion panel, Community questions answered and more!

    12 March 2020, 11:13 pm
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