Join philosopher, educator and celebrated speaker on the cognitive sciences, Thom Knoles for inspiring insights and wisdom to support your personal evolution.
It’s common to label someone as a narcissist, but while we often think of narcissism as excessive self-regard, the ultimate cause might be quite different. In fact, narcissism may stem from an underlying insecurity rather than an inflated sense of self-worth.
In this episode, Thom explains the root causes of narcissism and shares key indicators of narcissistic behavior. Importantly, he encourages us to approach narcissists with compassion and offers a potential solution for those who recognize narcissistic tendencies in themselves.
Episode Highlights
[00:45] Narcissus
[04:48] Somebody Has Done This to Me
[06:49] The Narcissist’s Caveat
[08:42] One-Upmanship
[11:30] An Impostor Syndrome
[14:50] An Underlying Feeling of Desperation
[17:40] Reconstructed Life Stories
[19:48] Calming Narcissism Through Vedic Meditation
[23:21] The Effects of Vedic Meditation on Narcissism
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The pursuit of altered states of consciousness through substances like drugs and alcohol is an age-old practice. Despite their potential risks and negative consequences, these substances continue to be widely used with an increasing variety of options available.
In recent decades, a new challenge has emerged: the conscious or unconscious manipulation of our body's feel-good chemistry. Activities like excessive social media use, compulsive shopping, and overindulgence in sugary foods can trigger dopamine releases, creating a short-lived sense of pleasure.
This "more-is-better" mentality often leads to addiction and various chronic health issues.
In this episode, Thom explores the impact of the more-is-better mentality and proposes a more balanced and sustainable approach to well-being. By focusing on natural methods, such as Vedic Meditation, we can harness our body's innate ability to produce feel-good chemicals without relying on external substances or compulsive behaviors.
Episode Highlights
[00:45] An Obsession With Control
[02:53] Dopamine Should be Left Alone
[05:41] Scurvy: The Unintended Consequence of Vitamin C Supplements
[09:05] It's Better for You to De-Excite
[11:34] Active Ingredient Mentality
[14:22] Undesirable Effects
[16:48] Nature Knows Best How to Organize
[18:56] It's What You Do with What You Eat
[21:48] Awaken Perfect Balance in the Human Brain
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In this episode, Thom explores the corners of the mind, in response to listener questions about various aspects of the mind: how we think, what we think, why we do things, and so on.
Thom answers the perpetual question about controlling the subconscious mind and sets the record straight on using affirmations.
Thom also gives us a shortcut to overcoming motivational blocks and provides a sustainable solution for anyone who lacks self-compassion or struggles with feelings of low self-worth.
Episode Highlights
[00:45] Q - What’s the best way to control your subconscious mind?
[00:49] A - Avoid it Like the Plague
[03:01] Become One with the Home of All the Laws of Nature
[06:39] Q - Do Affirmations Make a Difference?
[06:42] A - The Opposite is True and I’m Trying to Make it True
[08:18] Internalized Locus of Control
[10:43] Aham Brahmasmi - I am Totality
[14:23] Go Beyond Thought Entirely
[16:22] Q - How can I overcome motivational blocks?
[16:26] A - Choicelessness is the Hallmark of Cosmic Motivation
[19:26] Tidings of Comfort and Joy
[23:03] Q - How can I overcome a lack of compassion for myself and feelings of low self-worth?
[23:10] A - Think Like a Scientist
[25:32] Support of the Bank of Goodwill
[27:14] “But, but…”
[29:29] You Have Infinite Potential
[32:04] Equip Yourself Properly with Vedic Meditation
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There are more humans on the planet today than ever before, and we have more ways of connecting with each other than ever before, yet loneliness has reached epidemic proportions.
The World Health Organization (WHO) launched an international commission on the problem last year, reporting that the health risks from loneliness are as bad as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day and are even greater than those associated with obesity and physical inactivity.
The US Surgeon-General released a report on Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation, reporting that even in the years prior to Covid lockdowns, about one-in-two adults in America reported experiencing loneliness. And Japan, one of the most densely populated countries in the world, even has a minister in charge of measures for loneliness and isolation.
Thom outlines some solutions to loneliness in this podcast episode, reminding us that connectivity and connection are very different things, and that, ultimately, it’s our job to make ourselves socially relevant.
Thom also outlines an advantage that Vedic meditators have, making it possible to be alone while still enjoying rich company.
Episode Highlights
[00:45] Pheromone Clouds
[02:50] Adaptive Mechanisms
[05:36] Enriching Our Presence Through Vedic Meditation
[07:03] Stepping Out of the Illusion of Loneliness
[08:56] Social Chocolate
[11:36] Sociological Exercise
[13:16] Social Relevance
[14:28] Human Interaction - Surgeon General Recommended
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Hard work is often worn as a badge of honor. If someone works hard, then they “deserve” their successes. We might even say they have a “good” work ethic.
But if someone appears to attain a particular outcome without working hard, we might say they’ve got it too easy. Too easy compared to what?
Thom gives us some very clear guidelines in this episode on how to let Nature guide us on just how much effort is actually required for us to fulfill our dharma and to effectively meet the need of the time.
Thom also helps us understand the distinction between effort and hard work. As is always the case, it’s merely a matter of perspective.
Episode Highlights
[00:45] Reclassifying Success
[03:39] Suffering is a Mistake
[06:24] Kriya - Frictionless Flow of Activity
[08:09] Michelangelo Liberating the Captives
[10:23] Stop Being Merely an Individual
[12:37] Hard Work Insinuates Suffering
[14:52] You Are Nature
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If you’ve noticed an increase in the use of the word “toxic” in relation to human behavior in recent years, you’d be right. Its use has become so prevalent, that Oxford Dictionaries named "toxic" as their Word of the Year in 2018.
Oxford noted a 45% increase in lookups for the word on their website and observed its expanded usage beyond its literal meaning to describe various social and political issues.
Of course, it’s tempting to look for causes and attempt to fix them at the source. The rise in the use of social media, for example, has undoubtedly contributed to this increase, so we might be tempted to control toxicity there.
Thom proposes a radically different cause in this episode, backing it up with a solution that puts us in control of potentially toxic behavior around us, rather than being at the mercy of it.
Episode Highlights
[00:45] Toxophilus - Poisoned Arrows
[02:56] Source of All, Course of All, Goal of All
[05:14] Too Big to Be Made Toxic
[07:58] The Capacity to Be Toxified
[09:21] Robust and Resilient
[12:25] Overloads of Experience
[14:19] Premature Cognitive Commitments
[16:06] Unprecedented Rest Through Vedic Meditation
[18:56] A Net Position of Structural Integrity
[20:10] Attain to Personal Invincibility
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Most listeners of The Vedic Worldview live in democracies and are all too familiar with the fact that irrespective of who is elected, there will always be a faction of the population who is disappointed and another who is pleased with the outcome.
For those on the side of disappointment, many times the next thought that occurs is despondency or powerlessness. “What was my vote all for?” they might ask.
While it might seem like one vote has little impact, Thom suggests otherwise. In this episode, he shares how Vedic meditators, in particular, have a unique ability to influence outcomes—not through politics, but by elevating collective consciousness.
Thom explains that true power for change doesn’t lie in government institutions like Congress or Parliament but in our capacity to transform consciousness.
This episode revisits and continues with the themes from a previous discussion, The Crisis of Governance and Your Role in Its Resolution. You can listen to it here:
Episode Highlights
[00:45] The Origins of Governance
[03:56] The Concept of Democracy
[06:46] The Average of the Collective
[08:55] Step Out of Mistaken Intellect
[11:48] Ultimate Identity
[14:43] The Importance of Direct Experience
[17:31] Be a Satisfactory Citizen
[19:57] Dharma - Your Personal Role in the Evolution of Things
[22:01] I’m Not in Charge of What I’m Experiencing
[24:50] Escaping an Impossible Situation
[28:14] A Critical Mass for a Phase Transition
[30:06] The Temperature of the Collective
[32:14] Radiate Life for All to Enjoy
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Welcome to another Q&A episode, with Thom fielding a range of questions from listeners with a common thread of social discomfort.
Thom holds forth on the subjects of social division, embarrassment, how to accept compliments gracefully, how to strengthen relationships in tough times, and anger, specifically whether or not enlightened masters can be angry.
As always, it’s an episode with universal appeal that could potentially tick off a few boxes in your own evolutionary journey.
Episode Highlights
[00:45] Q - Why are people so divided right now?
[00:48] A - Destructive Normalization
[02:05] Mistaken Identity
[04:03] The It-ification of Other Humans
[05:51] Be an Inspiration to Others to Learn Vedic Meditation
[08:07] Q - How can we recover after embarrassing ourselves?
[08:11] A - Get Yourself a Sense of Humor
[09:53] The Human Condition is Not a Serious Condition
[12:09] Q - How can I accept compliments gracefully?
[12:19] A - Words Can’t Even Express Your Greatness
[14:11] Thank You
[16:44] Q - How can we strengthen a relationship during tough times?
[16:49] A - Alliances vs Relationships
[19:33] Honor the Best Interests of Each of You
[21:28] Vedic Meditation Reminds You Who You Really Are
[23:09] Work on Our Capacity to Give
[25:16] Q - Can enlightened masters be angry?
[25:20] A - Moments of Strong Expression
[27:32] Be Masterful Without Being Angry
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Being an empath might seem like a gift—experiencing what someone else is going through must surely deepen our understanding of one another.
But in this podcast, Thom brings a surprising twist to the concept. He explains that not all empathy is created equal; different levels of empathy can lead to very different outcomes. While some forms can unintentionally add to our suffering, "high-grade empathy" is what actually alleviates it.
Thom leaves us with a clear sense of how to cultivate this higher level of empathy so we’re better equipped to bring true comfort and understanding into our interactions.
Episode Highlights:
[00:45] Direct Experience of Being Another
[02:56] Moving in the Direction of Unity Consciousness Through Vedic Meditation
[05:47] An Extension of One’s Own Inner Self
[07:55] Big Toe Consciousness
[09:39] Siddhis - Extraordinary Human Capabilities
[11:52] Limping Dog Suffering
[13:42] Capability to Alleviate Suffering
[15:35] You Are Totality
[18:01] Knowledge is for Action
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In a world where education is available to nearly everyone, one might expect that the major challenges facing humanity would have been solved by now, leading to a more prosperous and harmonious existence.
But, as we can clearly see, that’s far from the reality.
In this episode, Thom explores the underlying cause: education today is focused on the wrong outcomes.
Thom offers a profound solution—an approach that cultivates students who are able to tap into infinite creative intelligence, unlocking problem-solving abilities far beyond what mere knowledge accumulation can provide.
Episode Highlights
[00:45] What Is a Problem For You?
[02:35] Archimedes and Leverage
[06:29] Do You Have Problem-Solving Techniques?
[08:10] University - Unified Diversity
[10:51] What Kind of Human Have They Become?
[12:29] Credentialed Persons
[13:45] Highly-Qualified Uber Drivers
[15:17] Knowledgeable in Very Certain Areas
[17:23] Ignore, Ignore, Ignore
[20:53] Increase Knowledge of the Knower
[22:51] Knowledge of the Knower
[24:57] Vedic Meditation Awakens the Home of All Knowledge
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One could easily spend a lifetime exploring Vedic literature and still barely scratch the surface in terms of the wisdom that’s available to us. Between the four Vedas, Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda and Yajur Veda, the Upanishads, the Brahma Sutras, the six schools of Vedic philosophy, and countless other written and oral texts or translations, there’s no shortage of avenues to explore.
And even if you could absorb them all in a lifetime, you’d probably need to reread them to understand them from a more evolved point of view.
Fortunately, the Vedic worldview is that all this wisdom is experiential, and we can shortcut the process of attaining wisdom through “knowledge of the Knower.”
Thom provides an example of this in this assessment of Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga, a subset of The Yoga Sutras.
Thom clarifies that the piecemeal approach of trying to check off the eight limbs through our actions in order to attain the state of Yoga, is a misguided approach to take, and that practicing Vedic Meditation provides an express route that accelerates our personal evolution.
Episode Highlights:
[00:45] The Yoga Sutras
[02:36] Ashta Anga
[03:44] Yoga - Unification
[06:27] Samadhi
[07:39] The Simultaneous Arrival of Balance
[09:57] 1. Yama and Its Five Qualities
[13:21] Outcomes vs Causes
[15:05] 2. Niyama and Its Five Observances
[20:18] 3. Asana - The Sequential Elaboration of Limbs
[23:32] Asana for Transcendence
[24:51] 4. Pranayama - Administration of Breath
[27:00] 5. Pratyahara - Inward Intentionality
[29:31] Reversing Habits of the Senses
[32:05] 6. Dharana - Inward Movement
[33:41] 7. Dhyana - Arriving at the Subtlest Layer of Thought
[35:14] 8. Samadhi - Being Knows Itself
[36:50] Samadhi Affects Yama
[39:50] Spontaneous Self-Sufficiency
[41:34] Samadhi Affects Niyama
[45:09] Samadhi Affects All Other Limbs
[46:56] A Process of Verification and Validation
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