The Shema Podcast

[email protected] (Shema Podcast)

A Baal Teshuva shares Torah insights, intertwined through personal stories to demonstrate the empowering qualities of Torah and mitzvot.

  • 1 hour 53 minutes
    A Message from Hashem to You with Jake Turx

    What if I told you that the Creator of the Universe wrote a letter to comfort you during these challenging times since October 7th?

    In this episode, we're joined by Jake Turx, senior White House correspondent and chief political correspondent for Ami magazine, and a political contributor at Newsmax. Jake analyzes Sefer Ovadia, the shortest book in the Prophets section of the Tanach. Despite its brevity, it delivers a powerful message of divine justice and the fate of Edom.

    This is a message dictated by the Almighty to His prophet, Ovadia, 2,800 years ago, specifically for you today.

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    15 September 2024, 10:55 pm
  • 47 minutes 30 seconds
    Welcome to My Chanukas Habayis

    I recently learned about the Jewish custom of Chanukas HaBayis, a ceremony dedicating a new home to Torah learning and mitzvos. It was suggested that I host this event in my new home. The celebration involves opening one's home to the community, sharing food and drink, and hearing words of Torah. I’ve invited an incredible lineup of rabbis: Rabbi Nagel, Rabbi Lazenga, Rabbi Cotlar, Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe, and Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe. But something still felt incomplete—I want you, my dear listener, to join us and be part of this special occasion.

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    12 September 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    The Abnormally Rational Jewish Wisdom on Dating with Devorah Kigel

    The foundation for the Jewish people to flourish and fulfill their sacred role in creation begins with building a marriage where the husband and wife can support each other in personal development and continual growth. Unfortunately, in the area of relationships between men and women, we have been deeply influenced by the other nations, and while these behaviors may be considered normal, they are actually irrational. In this episode, we are joined by Devorah Kigel to share Torah wisdom on this important topic. As a dating coach, Devorah has helped hundreds of women achieve clarity in their dating lives and marry Mr. Right. She's also an inspirational speaker and popular teacher, giving classes for over two decades.

    To learn more about Devorah Kigel, visit To order her book Marry a Mensch: Timeless Jewish Wisdom for Today’s Single Woman, click here.

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    9 September 2024, 7:38 pm
  • 57 minutes 48 seconds
    The History and Resolution of Our Sibling Rivalry with Rabbi Ken Spiro

    To understand the current state of Israel and the Jewish people, we must first explore our history, beginning with the formation of the Jewish people through Abraham. Significant events in history set the stage for future developments, and the conflicts between Isaac and Ishmael—stemming from Isaac’s birthright as the progenitor of the Jewish people—and between Jacob and Esau over the birthright have echoed through the ages. In this episode, Rabbi Ken Spiro helps us gain insight into our past, present, and future as we strive to resolve this long-standing sibling rivalry.

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    1 September 2024, 10:06 pm
  • 40 minutes 25 seconds
    Escape from the Exile of Edom

    To understand the Jewish people's current situation in history, it's important to recognize the three exiles we've endured and the fourth exile of Edom we face today. This exile of Edom has been the longest and most challenging because it lacks a specific ideology, unlike the exiles of Babylon, Persia, and Greece. Instead, Edom represents a mental exile, influencing us through remnants of those past nations and, most importantly, discouraging Jews from asking questions. Discover how to free your mind and break free from the exile of Edom.

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    26 August 2024, 6:55 pm
  • 23 minutes 15 seconds
    Wielding the Sword of Prayer

    In this episode, I delve into a profound teaching from Rabbi Nachman that underscores the importance of aligning our knowledge (Daas), compassion (Tiferes), and foundation (Yesod). This alignment serves as a powerful conduit for channeling blessings from Hashem into the world. It involves the skillful use of prayer, likened to a finely honed spiritual sword. These insights hold universal relevance and can guide us into the upcoming year, ensuring that you not only attract but also receive a bountiful supply of spiritual and material blessings for both you and your loved ones.

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    22 August 2024, 12:41 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Becoming a Jewish Rock Star featuring Peter Himmelman

    While my guest on this episode is literally a Jewish rock star, he would still be one even if he had chosen a different profession. Listen in as we discuss how, when a Jew embraces their relationship with Hashem and His Torah, it does not change them; it simply allows them to actualize who they truly are and bring out their potential and unique creative nature to the world. When we align our spiritual selves with our physical selves, we can each achieve rock star status.

    To pre-order his new book, Suspended by No String: A Songwriter’s Reflections on Faith, Aliveness, and Wonder click here.

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    18 July 2024, 8:02 pm
  • 43 minutes 30 seconds
    Our Life is A Love Story

    For Jews not born religious, we often share a common journey. Initially, we experience a honeymoon phase with Hashem, much like the Jews at Mt. Sinai. However, just as the Jews at Mt. Sinai faced 42 encampments or challenges after their first year with Hashem, we too encounter similar experiences that help us grow.

    In this episode, I share some recent challenging experiences and the lessons I've learned along the way. This episode is dedicated to Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe, Rabbi Shea Lazenga, and Rabbi Lazer Brody for being in my corner of the boxing ring, offering their wisdom and encouragement as I prepare to fight my next round.

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    5 July 2024, 12:36 am
  • 55 minutes 38 seconds
    Hashem’s Testimony to our Redemption with Rabbi Bucsko

    Now that Shavuos is behind us, we find ourselves in a wilderness void of holidays to spiritually charge us, outside of Shabbos. We have Tisha B'av in August, and then Rosh Hashanah does not arrive until October. But this is not actually the case. We have the monthly holiday of Rosh Chodesh that, for many, goes unnoticed but is packed with incredible meaning. It is the mitzvah that Hashem gave to the Jewish people as the guardians of time. He placed control of time in our hands to remind us that we are in control of our redemption. Join us as Rabbi Bucsko reveals the depth of this monthly holiday and how we can embrace it to actualize our mission in the world.

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    30 June 2024, 10:06 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Grant us our Portion in Your Torah with Morty Roth

    Join us for a thought-provoking conversation with our special and beloved guest, Morty Roth, as we prepare for Shavuos by reflecting on what the Parsha of Bamidbar, which most often precedes Shavuos, conveys to us about how we can best prepare for our recommitment to the Torah at Shavuos and the wilderness we find ourselves in before the next Yom Tov of Rosh Hashanah.

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    10 June 2024, 12:57 am
  • 59 minutes 20 seconds
    Reconciling the Paradox of Having Emunah While Praying For Needs with Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe

    At the core of being a Jew is the belief that Hashem orchestrates every detail of our lives with love and for our ultimate good. This raises a fundamental question: if everything in our lives is already perfectly constructed by Hashem in that moment then why do we pray for things we feel we lack, if we are to believe that we everything is already perfect? In this episode, Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe joins us to explore this apparent paradox. We delve into the relationship between Emunah (faith) and prayer and discuss the roles of segulos (spiritual remedies) and asking tzaddikim (righteous individuals) to pray on our behalf.

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    3 June 2024, 2:22 am
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