Life is too short and God has too much for us to do for any of us to live enslaved. Jesus promised His followers would experience filled to overflowing life, a life characterized by joy, peace, and spiritual and emotional vitality. And yet, we daily make decisions based on fear, not faith. In Faith Over Fear, author and speaker Jennifer Slattery helps us see different areas of life where fear has a foothold, and how our identity as children of God can help us move from fear to faithful, bold living. This podcast covers topics like: ⭐️ How to Overcome Fear⭐️ Biblical Strategies for Overcoming Fear and Anxiety⭐️ Powerful Steps to Fight Anxiety⭐️ Finding God Faithful in Hard Seasons⭐️ Courage to Wait on God Jesus has more planned for us than we could imagine and He’s fully committed to perfecting that which concerns us. Fear holds us back, but His perfect love has the power to cast out all fear!
Have you ever thought of yourself as a hope- giver, commissioned to tell God’s story? Do you ever feel weary, defeated or terrified? How do we arise in hope and awaken hope in others? (Scripture referenced: Judges 4:4-9, Judges 5: 6-7)
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How has insecurity impacted your dreams and your calling? Do you ever feel like a fraud, you don't deserve your position or role, or compelled to prove your competency? These are signs of "imposter syndrome", a common struggle with the power to sabotage our lives and relationships. (Scripture referenced: Exodus 2-4, 32-33; Deuteronomy 34:10-12; 1 Samuel 9-10, 13, 18; Isaiah 41:10.)
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The church is supposed to be a safe place where we can experience healing, grow, and encounter God. Sadly, for many people, this hasn't been the case. Unfortunately, they've experienced deep soul-wounds in a religious environment. Join host Jennifer Slattery as she talks with author, speaker and pastor Sam Ranier on the impact of church hurt, how to bring our hurts to God, and ways to tell if an environment is safe for us and, if we're parents, for our children as well. (Scripture discussed: Psalm 22-23, Matthew 21:12-13,Mark 11:15-18)
Discussion/Reflective questions:
Sermon referenced: When It's Appropriate to Turn Over Tables
Book referenced: Make My Church Safe: A Guide to the Best Practices to Protect Children and Secure Your Congregation from Harm
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Almost exactly twenty years ago, today’s guest, popular international speaker Carol Kent was thrust into a situation that made her feel as if her world was unraveling. Her son was arrested for murder, revealing just how little control we parents often have over our children’s lives. Though her life felt out of control, she found peace and security through surrender. She discovered God is big enough and strong enough and loving enough to carry her through she did or might someday face.
Group Discussion Questions:
1. What resonated with you most in Carol’s story?
2. When do you most feel out of control?
3. How do you typically respond when life feels out of control?
4. What lies does Satan tend to whisper to you when you feel out of control?
5. Read Romans 8:28-29. What does this passage tell you regarding our most fearful, “out of control” situations?
6. How might your current circumstances point you to heaven?
• When I lay My Isaac Down by Carol Kent, released by NavPress:
• He Holds My Hand by Carol Kent, released by Tyndale Publishers:
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Often, the greatest hindrance to living out our calling comes from internal, rather than external, influences. When our insecurities dominate our lives, we become our biggest limiting factor. If you’re familiar with the Bible, you may recognize, intellectually, that you are a radiant, redeemed, chosen, called and empowered child of God. The question is, how do we let this truth define us and our actions? In this episode, author and speaker Amanda Pittman discusses her latest release Stand in Confidence: From Sinking insecurity to Rising to Your God-Given Identity and shares actionable steps toward growing in courage and confidence.
Discussion/Reflective Questions:
What resonated with you most in today’s episode?
When do you most tend to struggle with feelings of insecurity?
How has insecurity limited your calling?
When has your insecurities caused you to strive and overwork in an area God’s already equipped you for and called you to?
In what areas are you placing your identity in insufficient things (your role/position, relationships, skills …)?
What truth most encourages you and helps build your confidence?
When has a “I should of” or “I could have” mentality hindered your confidence?
When has a human’s rejection negatively affected your view of yourself?
What is one action step God is calling you to take in the next week? (Right this down somewhere prominent to help with follow-through.)
Resources Mentioned: Stand in Confidence: From Sinking in Insecurity to Rising in Your God-Given Identity by Amanda Pittman and Emotional Healing in 3 Easy Steps (The Kingdom of God Made Simple) by Praying Medic
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Do you feel stuck in your pain or like you keep falling into the same relational or emotional pits? When your circumstances triggers certain intense emotions, do you find yourself behaving more like a child rather than the Spirit-led adult you know you are? Or do you simply long for increased joy, peace and freedom in your life and interactions? If so, you'll gain encouragement from Jennifer Slattery's conversation with guest Dr. Marcus Warner from Deeper Walk International.
Discussion/Reflective Questions;
Resource mentioned: Breakthrough!: 5 Essential Strategies for Freedom, Healing, and Wholeness
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the Deeper Walk International website
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Do you feel anxious when people suggest that we're living in the end times? Do you find verses related to this biblical period confusing? In this episode beloved pastor Max Lucado shares his views and insights regarding God's unfolding, eternal story and our ultimate destination.
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Resource referenced: What Happens Next: A Traveler’s Guide Through the End of This Age
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One of my favorite names for Christ, especially during the often chaotic holiday season, is Prince of Peace. It reminds us that our peace is found not in our circumstances or the absence of conflict but instead through our relationship with Him. Advent provides a wonderful opportunity to evaluate our schedules, slow down, and connect in a special way with our Savior.
Discussion/Reflective Questions:
Resource referenced: Glad & Golden Hours: A Companion for Advent and Christmastide:
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Many of us tend to judge our most intense or unpleasant emotional responses which only increases their intensity by piling on shame. In this episode, Dr. Allison Cook talks with host Carol McCracken about her latest book, I'm Not Supposed to Feel This Way, how we can gain healthy emotional distance when we feel overwhelmed, and options for dealing with toxic people.
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Discussion/Reflective Questions:
Resource mentioned: I Shouldn't Feel This Way: Name What’s Hard, Tame Your Guilt, and Transform Self-Sabotage into Brave Action by Dr. Allison Cook
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If you experience chronic pain or chronic illness, you understand how impossible it can feel, at times, to hold tight to hope. On our darkest, most painful nights, we can easily feel alone and abandoned by God. Singer/songwriter Katy Nichole understands. In fact, there was a time when she wasn't sure she wanted to hold on and contemplated taking her life. But God met her in that place with a truth meant for us all.
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The stress of the holidays become amplified when we know we'll spend time among dysfunctional people. As Christ-followers, this can elicit questions and confusion. How can we share the light of Christ in a way that feels emotionally safe? Is there a way to reduce the chaos? Carol's guest Pam Farrel believes, often, there is. In this episode, she shares some strategies she's developed in dealing with an alcoholic father and a mother-in-law with significant mental illness. (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions.)
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Related episode: Dealing with Toxic People with Gary Thomas
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