Son of a Pitch Podcast

Vince Usher, Max Learmont

Two young strategists unpack the world of advertising alongside the industries best planners and creatives. Expect interesting problems, lots of advice, and a whole lotta fun. Enjoy!

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
    #17 - Ali Tilling, Chief Strategy Officer ANZ, VMLY+R - I can't believe it's 'nut' butter...
    We're back! And with one of Australia's best, no less. Ali Tilling, she's survived rabid dogs in Bolivia, studied Middle Ages Law at Oxford, and now runs VMLY+R's strategy department. In the pitch, we get nutty with nut butter!
    23 August 2020, 8:58 am
  • 1 hour 27 minutes
    #16 - David Bates, CEO Bokeh - Do the Dumb Thing, Light Phone 2
    In this episode, Vince and Max chat with California Native, and entrepreneur extraordinaire David Bates about how to start a company at 23, what it's like to travel the world on Googles dime, smuggling "equipment" into Cuba, and how to do a "Dumb Phone" campaign.
    24 May 2020, 5:29 am
  • 57 minutes 39 seconds
    #15 - Dee Madigan, Executive Creative Director Campaign Edge - Male Contraceptive Pill
    The incredible Bianka Krook and Matilda Treloar take over the show to interview one of Australia's most popular creatives Dee Madigan. A regular on Gruen, and fulltime creative/ political strategist, Dee breaks down how to make it in adland, and if a male contraceptive pill was available how to get it in the gobs of Aussie males nationwide. #yeahthegirls
    12 May 2020, 4:11 am
  • 54 minutes 25 seconds
    #14 - Ian Perrin, CEO SPEED - Nuts and Bolts Robot Brothel
    New co-host Tilly Treloar sits down with Vince, and industry legend Ian Perrin, CEO of SPEED to talk about the world of SEX ROBOTS! We also shoot the sh*t about the world of Media Planning, how to get good at strategy, what you can learn from stinky feet in South Africa, and who the hell Matt Baker is...
    16 April 2020, 2:06 am
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    #13 - Ryan Jordan - Strategy Director BC&F Dentsu - Would you eat a Weta Whopper?
    Vince & Max talk to Ryan Jordan, an award winning strategy director at Dentsu. In the episode we chat about: the road to becoming a strategist, early wins, shaping culture with ideas and how New Zealand keeps punching above its weight with epic creative work. In the pitch segment - Ryan attempts to market a new line of snacks… made from insects. How will he do it? Listen to find out!
    14 April 2020, 4:15 am
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    #12 - Mark Pollard, Founder of Mighty Jungle - Drum up demand for Drambuie
    Vince and Max locked down Mark Pollard of Mighty Jungle Fame to talk Hip Hop magazines, adopting us as his favourite sons, Aussie masculinity, winning Cannes Titaniums, and life’s work in strategy projects. In the pitch, Mark attempts to get young people drinking a Scottish legend. How will he do it? Listen to find out...
    10 April 2020, 10:15 am
  • 51 minutes 12 seconds
    #11 - Julian Cole - Strategy Consultant - Bing and you will chime
    Vince and Max talk to strategy's favourite son, Julian Cole. An educator, a comms planner, a consultant, and a diplomat Julian schools us on how to ask for cash, sell in crazy creative ideas, and avoid existential disaster in your fourties. In the pitch segment we gave Julian the hardest task for the podcast so far, and that’s to get 40% of the world’s search engine users to switch from Google, to BING. How will he do it? Listen to find out.
    10 April 2020, 4:06 am
  • 1 hour 33 seconds
    #10 - Nick Cummins, Creative Partner The Royals - Stop Skipping Skippy
    Vince drills Nick about his nickname 'cowpoo' cummins, selling agencies to colombian fraudsters, benevolent advertising, and much more . In the pitch segment, Nick Cummins devises a way to get Australians eating more kangaroo. Brief Author: Vince Usher
    14 December 2019, 12:28 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    #9 - Justin Graham, CEO M&C Saatchi - Ban Cars in the CBD
    Vince & Max talk to Justin Graham, Chief Strategy Officer Of M&C Saatchi Australia about innovation, consulting, landing a job in New York, resilience and advertising that ain't just advertising. In the pitch segment, Justin tells us how we would go about transforming Australia's cities into car-free oasis'. Brief Author: Vince Usher
    10 December 2019, 8:52 pm
  • 43 seconds
    Special Announcement - BandT Fast30
    If you'd like to learn a little more about the industries loveliest idiots, Vince and Max head over to BandT's Fast 30 Podcast
    3 December 2019, 8:50 pm
  • 58 minutes 43 seconds
    #8 - Fran Clayton, Chief Strategy Officer DDB - Sell Sh*t Coffee
    Vince & Max talk to Frances Clayton, CSO McCann Sydney about how she left the land of the long white cloud for the big sexy lights of manhattan, what to do when you encounter survive a terrible agency experience and how to convince your bosses to send you across China in search of insights and exploratory gold. In the pitch segment, Frances tries to convince us that a sh*t robot from Tasmania can convince people to buy our sh*tty coffee. Enjoy. Brief Author: Vince Usher
    1 December 2019, 5:00 pm
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