1 Smart Thing

Hitha Palepu

Hitha Palepu is a multi-hyphenate - an entrepreneur and investor, an author, a wife and mother, and someone who spends more time than she should on Instagram. 1 Smart Thing builds on her daily #5SmartReads and weekly Ask Me Anything session, and will go deeper than an Instagram Story frame can provide. On Mondays, Hitha will go deeper on one of the articles shared from the previous week, sharing her thoughts and context on the issue at large. On Fridays, Hitha will answer one of the questions that deserves a detailed answer, from career advice to rituals and routines that keep her going. Bonus episodes include interviews with fellow multi-hyphenates and book reviews. For more details, follow Hitha on Instagram @HithaPalepu (https://www.instagram.com/hithapalepu/) and visit the website at http://1smartpod.com

  • 6 minutes 10 seconds
    Q+A - How Do I Have A Happy Marriage?
    I don’t have one simple answer to this. But I do have two rituals that have helped my husband and I enjoy almost 10 years of marriage - and a lot of life lived in that decade. Fair Play, by Eve Rodsky: https://bit.ly/3aALiIT Kat Cole + Daley Ervin Marriage Check-In: https://bit.ly/39BtAUi The Questions: 1. …The best (thing, event, moment, memory)? 2. …The worst? 3. …One thing I can do differently (more, less, etc.) to be a more effective/better partner for you? We used to ask for only 1 thing, but a few years in, we wanted to get more specific, so we changed it to 1 thing to stop, 1 to start, and 1 to continue. 4. Your biggest worry? 5. Your biggest point of pride/brag? 6. Your greatest gratitude? 7. Optional share: What is the thing that I/we spent money/time on that provides the most value /least value 8. Goals check in - how can we help each other with goals or interests? Pick 1 or 2 & ask for/offer help 9. Progress check - What is one thing I have improved and/or not improved (from our check-ins or stated commitments and goals) 10. What is an area we want to improve or focus on with family? Follow Hitha on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hithapalepu/ Sign up for the Newsletter: http://hithaonthego.com/5smartreads Share the episode, and please tag #1SmartPod @HithaPalepu
    3 April 2020, 10:00 am
  • 6 minutes 21 seconds
    What The Census Is, And Why It's More Important Than Ever
    It’s one of the most important things you can do as a resident of the United States. And it only takes 5 minutes. Complete the census: https://2020census.gov/en.html Stacey Abrams on the Importance of 2020 Census: https://bit.ly/2UtHwdk Special Report: 2020 U.S. census plagued by hacking threats, cost overruns: https://reut.rs/2QLx28t The Census Bureau Wasn’t Counting on the Coronavirus: https://bit.ly/2WMWLkv The coronavirus is upending the Census — and that could undermine democracy for a decade: https://bit.ly/2QKaQLS Fair Count: https://www.faircount.org/ Follow Hitha on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hithapalepu/ Sign up for the Newsletter: http://hithaonthego.com/5smartreads Share the episode, and please tag #1SmartPod @HithaPalepu
    30 March 2020, 10:00 am
  • 11 minutes 18 seconds
    Q+A - How Do I Juggle Work + My Kids - At The Same Time?
    Whether you’re social distancing in these pandemic times or want to make the most of the occasional WFH day, I have tips for you. And things you’re probably better off not doing… Links: Alarmy app - https://alar.my/ Peloton app - https://www.onepeloton.com/app obé app - https://www.obefitness.com/home Splendid Spoon smoothies & soups - https://bit.ly/hithasplendidspoon my favorite planner - https://bit.ly/hithasilksonder the timer I use - https://bit.ly/3dfHqPf my current needlepoint project - https://bit.ly/39B5Mk6 Follow Hitha on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hithapalepu/ Sign up for the Newsletter: http://hithaonthego.com/5smartreads Share the episode, and please tag #1SmartPod @HithaPalepu
    20 March 2020, 6:07 pm
  • 8 minutes 47 seconds
    What We Know About COVID-19, Science Edition
    This episode explains the virology of COVID-19 (for non-scientists), how we can treat it, and what we can do now. Links: https://newsroom.uw.edu/news/covid-19-coronavirus-spike-holds-infectivity-details https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/12/science-soap-kills-coronavirus-alcohol-based-disinfectants https://www.statnews.com/2020/03/16/remdesivir-surges-ahead-against-coronavirus/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/16/when-will-a-coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-be-ready-human-trials-global-immunisation https://www.statnews.com/2020/03/09/coronavirus-scientists-play-legos-with-proteins-to-build-next-gen-vaccine/ https://www.publichealth.org/public-awareness/understanding-vaccines/vaccines-work/ https://www.statnews.com/2020/03/11/flattening-curve-coronavirus/ Follow Hitha on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hithapalepu/ Sign up for the Newsletter: http://hithaonthego.com/5smartreads Share the episode, and please tag #1SmartPod @HithaPalepu
    17 March 2020, 5:03 pm
  • 8 minutes 56 seconds
    How Does The Electoral College Work, And What Does Electability Have To Do With It?
    Why does 270 electoral votes determine who our President is, and how did that happen? That’s what this episode unpacks, as well as some thoughts on electability at this stage in the 2020 election. To learn more, visit the following links: Why Was the Electoral College Created? (History): http://bit.ly/2TH4MWb Understanding the three-fifths compromise (Constitution Accountability Center): http://bit.ly/2TF9qnI Five Common Misconceptions About the Electoral College (The Atlantic): http://bit.ly/2ICOGql Follow Hitha on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hithapalepu/ Sign up for the Newsletter: http://hithaonthego.com/5smartreads Share the episode, and please tag #1SmartPod @HithaPalepu
    11 March 2020, 7:13 pm
  • 9 minutes 2 seconds
    Q+A - What Do I Need To Know About Covid-19? How Should I Prepare?
    The world is in a panic over this pandemic. Me? I’m worried, but not panicking. Here’s everything I know about Covid-19, and what I’m doing to prepare myself and my family. To learn more, visit the following links: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Mortality Rate (Worldometer): http://bit.ly/2Tu2OZj Where did the new coronavirus come from? Past outbreaks provide hints (NBC News): https://nbcnews.to/2wAeeSl Key Missteps at the CDC Have Set Back Its Ability to Detect the Potential Spread of Coronavirus (ProPublica): http://bit.ly/32Uk118 Washington state to cover COVID-19 tests for the uninsured (KUOW): http://bit.ly/2IrlVwU Susan Desmond-Hellmann: The coronavirus is alarming. Here’s why you should not panic (STAT): http://bit.ly/2IDgdrT R-Lipoic Acid Supplement: http://bit.ly/2TG0mxE Follow Hitha on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hithapalepu/ Sign up for the Newsletter: http://hithaonthego.com/5smartreads Share the episode, and please tag #1SmartPod @HithaPalepu
    6 March 2020, 10:12 pm
  • 8 minutes 52 seconds
    What Are Delegates, And Why Do They Matter?
    What are delegates, and why do they decide our election? This episode explains who delegates are, how they select the party’s nominee, and what could happen in 2020. --- To learn more, visit the following links: The race for presidential delegates has begun. Track them here: http://bit.ly/2IbqH1i Democratic delegate rules, 2020: http://bit.ly/2uNJPPU For understanding each state’s delegate assignment rules: https://www.thegreenpapers.com/ and http://frontloading.blogspot.com/ What’s the deal with a contested convention, anyway?: https://politi.co/2TefiUU Who’s Afraid of Bernie Sanders?: https://nym.ag/2wgiNkC --- Follow Hitha on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hithapalepu/ Sign up for the Newsletter: http://hithaonthego.com/5smartreads Share the episode, and please tag #1SmartPod @HithaPalepu
    2 March 2020, 11:00 am
  • 11 minutes 57 seconds
    Q+A: Will You Be My Mentor?
    The answer is yes - but it’s probably not the way you think. In this episode, I’ll share why and how I work with coaches, mentors, sponsors, advisors - at the same time - and how you can start doing the same. --- To learn more, visit the following links: One And Many Coaching - https://www.oneandmany.co/ Coach Keren Eldad - https://www.kereneldad.com/ How To Be Mentored By Anyone - https://www.hithaonthego.com/how-to-be-mentored-by-anyone/ Mentoring Moments: Kat Cole, FOCUS Brands - https://ihr.fm/2PmWv7l How A Sponsor Can Skyrocket Your Career - https://theriveter.co/voice/how-to-find-a-sponsor-at-work-career-advancement/ 1 Mentor Isn't Enough. You Need to Build a Personal Board of Advisers - http://bit.ly/2TdjPWb Reach Out by Molly Beck - http://bit.ly/3a645ej Self Made by Nely Galán - http://bit.ly/2wLFbm7 --- Follow Hitha on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hithapalepu/ Sign up for the Newsletter: http://hithaonthego.com/5smartreads Share the episode, and please tag #1SmartPod @HithaPalepu
    28 February 2020, 11:00 am
  • 12 minutes 44 seconds
    What's The Difference Between The Stock Market And The Economy?
    It's a good question. In this episode, you'll learn what exactly the economy and the stock market are, how they're related, and how politics affects them both. --- To learn more about this topic, visit the following links: The Stock Market, Explained - http://bit.ly/37THpN9 Americans own more stock than ever—how will it change the economy? - http://bit.ly/32kKggH How Does the US Economy Work? - http://bit.ly/37QZRpx Democrats vs. Republicans: Which Is Better for the Economy? - http://bit.ly/2SRFnbR --- Follow Hitha on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hithapalepu/ Sign up for the Newsletter: http://hithaonthego.com/5smartreads Share the episode, and please tag #1SmartPod @HithaPalepu
    24 February 2020, 11:00 am
  • 1 minute 45 seconds
    What Is 1 Smart Thing?
    Welcome to 1 Smart Thing - the show that goes deep on the 1 random thing you wish you knew more about. I'm Hitha Palepu - I'm not a journalist, but I am incredibly curious. I share these findings on my Instagram, every weekday via #5SmartReads and every Friday during my ask me anything sessions. 1 Smart Thing goes deeper into the news and the questions that deserve lengthy answers. On Mondays, I'll delve into a news topic or story, and on Fridays I'll answer one of my frequently asked questions. Want more? Visit 1smartpod.com and follow Hitha on Instagram @HithaPalepu. Music: Top Knot Turn Up by Madame Gandhi
    20 February 2020, 1:30 am
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