
Martha Beck and Rowan Mangan

What if we stopped listening to the controlling voice of the culture around us, and instead learned to reconnect with our own true nature?  Sometimes we aren’t even sure why we feel so bewildered… and discontented… and even downright miserable. Often it’s because we have let the forces of society replace our own instinctive knowledge of what is right for us.  Now, it’s time for us to find that voice again—before it’s too late. For Martha and Rowan, Job One is to live according to our deepest truths, making the commitment to feeling good even when it means looking weird. We believe that this is how we will reinvent our world—from the inside out— to create a society that’s kinder, more equitable, and more ecologically sustainable than the one we see around us right now.  This is the vision that we laugh and stumble and chat and feel our way towards here on this podcast.  Did we mention LAUGH? We want no part of personal and global transformation if it isn’t fun! So if you struggle to find a place where people who are as idealistic and brokenhearted, as silly and deeply sincere, as bewildered as you are—you might have just arrived.  Welcome!

  • 52 minutes 37 seconds
    Change the Shape of Culture

    On their Bewildered podcast, Martha and Ro explore the many ways that the culture pulls us away from our true nature. However—as they want to make absolutely clear in this episode—the culture is not the boss of us!

    As Martha and Ro point out, we have a hand in creating the culture, and it can be thrilling to look at the power we have when we put ourselves into the cultural equation.

    To learn how to step fully into your role as a creator of the culture (and why it matters), tune in for the full episode!


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    24 July 2024, 5:00 am
  • 41 minutes
    Beware Fake Urgency

    "Quick! Do this now! It's urgent!" 

    Our culture constantly pressures us to do things that serve the system, and we’re trained to think of these things as urgent. But are they really?

    In this BeWild Files episode of Bewildered, Martha and Ro dive into the topic of urgency—how there’s a type that will crush your soul and a type that will grow your soul, and how you can tell the difference. 

    If you often find yourself responding frantically to problems which may or may not be urgent, this episode is for you!


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    10 July 2024, 5:00 am
  • 37 minutes 39 seconds
    The Empty Project

    Do you ever feel like you’re trying to fit even more stuff into a life that’s already full?

    In this episode of Bewildered, Martha and Ro are talking about our culture's obsession with more, more, more, and how it's making us overwhelmed, exhausted, and burnt out.

    Their solution? Empty space!

    Our culture doesn't train us to appreciate empty spaces, but emptiness is what gives things value. To hear how to shift your focus so you can start noticing and using the empty spaces in your life, be sure to tune in!


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    26 June 2024, 5:00 am
  • 43 minutes 16 seconds
    All the Way to Heaven is Heaven

    Most of us are socialized to believe that if we suffer enough, we’ll be rewarded later—and the reward for our suffering will be happiness. In other words, happiness is something we must earn through suffering.

    In this episode of Bewildered, Martha and Ro challenge this cultural belief, inspired by the words of 14th century mystic St. Catherine of Siena who said, “All the way to heaven is heaven.”

    To hear more about this idea—and how you can experience happiness right now—don't miss the full episode!



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    12 June 2024, 5:00 am
  • 41 minutes 29 seconds
    "Dream Food" And Other Lies About Fulfillment

    Culture teaches us that scrambling up peaks of achievement is a worthy goal—and that when we reach the pinnacle of success, we'll finally be happy. 

    The problem is, not everyone can reach the very top. And even for those who do, achieving that goal doesn't make them happy. 

    Wondering how this could be? Martha and Ro offer a theory: We're climbing the wrong mountain!

    Join them for this fun episode as they break down the cultural myths surrounding success and fulfillment and point you toward true happiness.


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    29 May 2024, 5:00 am
  • 39 minutes 37 seconds
    Living Lightly (and The Opposite of Golf)

    Watch out, everyone...Martha and Ro have F-bombs and they’re not afraid to use them!

    Join them for this episode of Bewildered, where they're plumbing the depths of what it is to live a good life—and more than a little profanity might be involved, along with plenty of metaphorical golf. (But definitely no literal golf.)

    To hear Martha and Ro's insights on seriousness vs. levity in life, surrendering to the idea of magic, and doing the opposite of playing golf (reminder: it's a metaphor), be sure to tune in!


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    15 May 2024, 5:00 am
  • 43 minutes 43 seconds
    Feeling Like an Alien

    Have you ever felt like a stranger in a strange land?

    In this BeWild Files episode of Bewildered, Martha and Ro dive into a question from listener Alia about feeling like an alien when you're among the people you’re “supposed to” feel at home with.

    Tune in to learn how the spirit of community is different from the simple grouping together of people, and how sometimes differences can be a good thing because they enhance the wisdom of the crowd. It's a thought-provoking conversation you won't want to miss!


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    1 May 2024, 5:00 am
  • 30 minutes 51 seconds
    The Other Butterflies

    Martha and Ro have a very special guest on this episode of Bewildered…Ro's mum Paula!

    Paula has a mind-expanding story to tell about the time she followed monarch butterflies on their migratory path and learned that 10% of these butterflies always follow a different path—and for an unexpected reason.

    Tune in to find out the purpose of these aberrant butterflies' journey, why Martha and Ro relate to them so strongly, and why all paths through life, whether "normal" or divergent, are valid and valuable.


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    17 April 2024, 5:00 am
  • 51 minutes 32 seconds
    Really, Really, Really Far Outside

    Martha and Ro are doing something a little different and a lot of fun on this episode of Bewildered: sharing about times when they’ve gone WAY outside of the culture. 

    Because when we all tell each other stories about going outside culture, we give each other permission to do it more!

    Tune in to hear about invisible whales, public nose-picking, polygamy, and more—plus find out the new name they’ve come up with for their beloved Bewildered community. If you love stories, this is the episode for you!


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    3 April 2024, 5:00 am
  • 46 minutes 13 seconds
    On Burnout and Reset

    Ever suffer from burnout? Martha and Ro have, and they're talking all about it on this episode of BEWILDERED!

    Burnout is something our culture doesn't allow because it expects us to be productive non-stop. However, our wild natures require “wintering” periods where we rest and reset.

    If you need to recover from burnout (or you want to preempt it), tune in to the full episode to hear Martha and Ro’s insights and suggestions for getting ahead of burnout and resetting your body, mind, heart, and spirit.


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    20 March 2024, 5:00 am
  • 52 minutes 38 seconds
    Undercover Counterculture Bandit

    Get excited because Martha and Ro have a very special guest on this episode of BEWILDERED: their beloved partner Karen Gerdes!

    While Karen may seem mild mannered and conventional at first glance, that’s just her cover. Karen stopped listening to the voice of culture a long time ago, and she's a dedicated follower of her wild nature.

    To get to know this paragon of unconditional love, plus learn more about her baffling yet lovable quirks (aka Karen-isms), don’t miss this fun conversation. It's a love fest!


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    6 March 2024, 5:00 pm
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