The Areopagus

Fr. Andrew Damick, Michael Landsman, and Ancient Faith Radio

Historic Christianity Encounters Other Religious Traditions

  • That Time of Year Thou Mayst in Me Behold
    The Areopagites take a look back on their 2024, giving lightning reviews of (among other things) books they've read, movies they've seen, places they've been, and songs that are tugging at their hearts.
    20 December 2024, 7:26 pm
  • Postmodern Idolatries
    What hath Taylor Swift to do with Ganesh and the two-party American political system? The Areopagites take on some (metaphorical) idolatries of our time -- political, ecclesial, and cultural.
    22 November 2024, 7:57 pm
  • Have We Been Misreading St. Paul?
    The Areopagites welcome Fr. Stephen De Young to talk about the foundations of the Reformation in a now centuries-old misreading of St. Paul and how his new book 'Saint Paul the Pharisee' aims to bring us back to the apostle’s original context. Get the book here:
    16 October 2024, 6:37 pm
  • ...And We're Back
    A lot has happened since our last episode, and we’re going to tell you all of it. Okay, some of it. But it will be the good stuff.
    3 September 2024, 5:37 pm
  • No Creed but the Bible?
    Richard Rohlin joins the Areopagites again to talk about the remarkable news that Southern Baptists are considering adopting the Nicene Creed. How can that even be possible within Baptist history and tradition? Richard takes us on a whirlwind tour of the Baptist tradition, including the infamous Trail of Blood.
    11 June 2024, 8:36 pm
  • Visions of Beauty
    The Areopagites welcome Fr. Brandon LeTourneau, an Anglican priest at a parish in California, to talk about the role of beauty in worship: What does beauty accomplish? Is it a hindrance or aid? How does one beautify worship spaces with the resources one has on hand? What is the specific character of the beauty of Christian art?
    14 May 2024, 6:22 pm
  • Conversion without Convincing
    How are people meeting Christ? What part can apologetics play? Is it always necessary? Is a non-intellectual conversion an honest one? The Areopagites are once again joined by Richard Rohlin, and together they wrestle with these questions and more.
    9 April 2024, 7:49 pm
  • Appropriating Spiritual Discipline
    The Areopagites talk about Lenten devotional practices, especially focusing on non-liturgical traditions that adopt practices from liturgical traditions. How does that work, and how does it transform those practices when they are re-contextualized?
    27 March 2024, 5:46 pm
  • A Perilous Jenkins
    Dr. Cyril Gary Jenkins makes his triumphant return to the Areopagus, and this time he’s got a book. The Areopagites chat with him about his newly-published “A Perilous Realm: Confronting Dragons, Angels, and Saints in the Ordering of the Soul.”
    17 January 2024, 7:59 pm
  • It's Been a Year
    The Areopagites do their year-in-review episode, discussing things they’ve accomplished, books they’ve read, places they’ve been, people they’ve lost and things they’ve learned.
    20 December 2023, 8:55 pm
  • An Areopagitic Miscellany
    The Areopagites take email and voice questions from listeners, discussing issues such as whether social media is worth using, how to talk to Evangelical friends about Orthodox services, the true nature of schism, and the rotating Guamanian pope statue.
    17 November 2023, 8:22 pm
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