The Patrick Coffin Show | Interviews with influencers | Commentary about culture | Tools for transformation

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Interviews with Influencers | Commentary about Culture | Tools for Transformation

  • 56 minutes 59 seconds

    This fresh guest episode shares the same title as its guest’s newest book. Most people have no idea about the satanic roots of the Communist ideology, which is no more powerful than it is today in the Communist Chinese system. Steven Mosher is the president of the Population Research Institute, and an expert in Chinese history and culture and was the first American social scientist allowed into the country back in 1979. He went in as a pro-choice atheist but witnessed the CCP one-child policy firsthand and later became a pro-life Catholic. In many ways, China has become the hub of the wheel of the world's communist ideology with many spokes leading out across the world with the poison of communist ideology and influence.  Topics covered in this episode:  The roots of communism in the mind of Karl Marx  How Communism spread to China and from there to Southeast Asia  The rise of Mao Zedong and his dark legacy as one of the most notorious leaders in human history  How the current chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping is the ideological successor to Mao Zedong  The meaning of the disastrous agreement between the Vatican under Francis and the CCP, brokered by the highest profile criminal prelate in American history, Ted McCarrick. Signs of hope and light from the witness of heroic Catholics behind the bamboo wall Resources mentioned: The Devil and Communist China: From Mao Down to Xi (TAN) by Steven Mosher The Devil and Bella Dodd (TAN) by Dr. Paul Kengor and Mary Nicholas, MD The Devil and Karl Marx (TAN) by Paul Kengor Steven Mosher’s website: Patrick Coffin: Website: Twitter: @coffinmedia Facebook: Patrick Coffin Media Insta: @realpatrickcoffin Rumble: The Patrick Coffin Show

    26 July 2024, 3:40 pm
  • 31 minutes 26 seconds
    #385: Stop Worrying and Start Living—Gary Zimak

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    Gary Zimak helps people with the most ordinary thing. Or at least apparently ordinary thing: he helps people to not worry. The Catholic speaker has been writing books, doing podcasts, and addressing conferences for over a decade and has it down to an art if not a science.

    With the Covid tyranny in the last two and a half years, the effort to not worry has become even more intense and hard to master for many people. Which is why this conversation is so important.

    After this interview, you will know:

    • How Zimak overcame his own “worry wartism”
    • The biblical basis for not worrying
    • The difference between mundane worry and serious anxiety
    • Tips on worry reduction if not total elimination of worry
    • Jesus’ strong opinion on worry and the difference friendship with Him makes
    • Why God continually commands us not to worry
    • Why prayer is a decision not a feeling
    • Strategies for remembering to be grateful

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Stop Worrying & Start Living: 365 Daily Reflections by Gary Zimak

    Gary Zimak’s website FollowingTheTruth

    19 June 2024, 8:30 pm
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    #384: When TV Was Golden—Ralph Senensky

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    You have probably never heard of him but chances are good that the television shows he directed made you laugh, made you cry, or made you think or all of the above. I promise, you will be astounded the sheer breadth and variety—not to mention longevity—of the 97-year-old Mr. Senensky’s career.

    A partial list of hit shows he directed would include The Twilight Zone, the original Star Trek, The Courtship of Eddie's Father, Dr. Kildare, Mission Impossible, The Fugitive, The Waltons, FBI, and Mannix.

    I thought with the crazy upside down status of the world these days, I would take a break from heavier topics and showcase an insightful and nostalgic visit the golden age of television to the lens of a legendary director whose work is still enjoyed by untold millions of people.

    In this Episode You Will Learn
    • How a young man from Mason City, Iowa, fell into show business and rose to the top of his profession
    • What it was like to realize he was going to direct the legendary Barbara Stanwyck
    • A typical day in the life of a busy Hollywood TV director
    • Stories of conflict with actors and Studio “suits”
    • How show business has changed with the culture and vice versa
    • Lessons of perseverance and leading the life you want to live not the one others force on you
    Resources Mentioned in this Episode
    8 May 2024, 1:34 am
  • 48 minutes 34 seconds
    #383 Dr. Jordan Peterson vs Political Correctness

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    We normally think of political correctness as a canon of words and attitudes that are arbitrarily forbidden in polite (read Left-liberal) company. It comes in many forms, but in Canada it’s more and more becoming codified in law.

    As Dr. Jordan Peterson (and those observing his plight) have learned, the PC Game now has legal teeth and real-world consequences for those who don’t want to play.

    Dr. Peterson is a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto and a clinical psychologist. He recently posted a series of lectures on his YouTube channel with titles like “Professor Against Political Correctness,” “Fear and the Law,” and “The University of Toronto Requests My Silence.” These lectures were delivered after the University’s HR department mandated that “trans people” be called by of the newfangled pronouns like zie, hir, ey, em, eir, they, co, xe, to name but a sample of the absurdist verbiage that has been coughed up by activists.

    The good professor is not having any of it.

    And he’s putting his job on the line—and whatever other punishments that may be in store if he is hauled before the Ontario Human Rights Commission (sounds cuddly, don’t it?). For if Bill C-16 is passed in Canada at the federal level, “gender identity” and “gender expression” join the List of the Prohibited and constitute actionable grounds of discrimination. New York City already has a similar law. Those guilty of “mis-gendering” must pay a $250,000 fine. The Big Apple recognizes 31 gender identities, by the way.

    But this isn’t merely about pronouns. What’s at stake is whether the government or any other institution should be allowed to control and proscribe human speech, especially when the phrasing of the controllers are vague and impossible to interpret consistently, let alone police equitably. When Italy’s fascist dictator Benito Mussolini sought a more “virile language” for his machismo vision of the Italian nation, he required the comradely voi (the plural “y’all”) for Lei, the feminine form. Under his rule, voi was obligatory in schools, public offices, movie subtitles, radio shows, and public ceremonies. Not surprisingly, Italians dropped the fear-based nonsense and reverted to the traditional Lei when the hated dictator fell from power.


    1 May 2024, 7:21 pm
  • 46 minutes 7 seconds
    #382: More Evidence that Benedict XVI is Pope —Matthew Hanley

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    The evidence that the true Pontiff of the Catholic Church is His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI is clear and straightforward according to Matthew Hanley. The award-winning Catholic ethicist joins me this week to talk about how he came to discover the evidence that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is our latest anti-pope (after several centuries), and why this conclusion can no longer be called fringe or rad trad in nature.

    After this interview, you will know:
    • The step-by-step journey taken by Hanley toward the full clarity of the evidence 
    • The difference between the canonical crimes of the St. Gallen Mafia in the March 2013 Conclave and the Declaratio read by His Holiness on February 11, 2013
    • The difference between munus and ministerium and why it matters
    • Which key word is missing from Benedict’s “abdication” 
    • Why the evidence and its conclusion have nothing to do with sedevacantism
    • The real meaning of antipope
    • Clues that the Pope knows he created an Impeded See and is therefore the true office holder of the papacy
    • What ordinary Catholics should and can do in light of this evidence
    Resources Mentioned
    16 April 2024, 11:46 pm
  • 1 hour 36 minutes
    #381: Justin Trudeau’s Half Brother Speaks Out

    Kyle Kemper is an entrepreneur, husband, and father. His mother Margaret (whose former husband was Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau) is also Justin Trudeau’s mother by her second husband Fred Kemper. This family connection to Justin gives Kyle Kemper a unique personal perspective on the tyrannical way his half-brother is governing Canada with police state tactics. The cryptocurrency guru (he founded and runs Swiss Key) has choice words for what has happened to his native land during the (planned, fake, oligarchic) Covid “crisis,” thanks in large part to Justin’s role as a sock puppet to powerful international interests.


    👉When Kemper first had the green light/red pill experience regarding the Covid lie 👉How the media and law enforcement agencies collude with the Canadian government to persecute and deceive is own citizens 👉Why vax passports are about mining your data and invading your privacy more than “health” 👉Kemper’s reply to the rumor that Fidel Castro is Justin’s biological father 👉How the Canadian government is using the recent massive gun theft as a false flag to justify militarized action against the truckers in Ottawa and elsewhere 👉How Justin Trudeau is a compliant servant of the New World Order 👉The organizations at the “top:” WEF, WHO, the Bilderberg Group, Freemasonry, the Illuminati, Bohemian Grove, the Council on Foreign Relations, and yes, the Vatican


    👉The Unified Wallet: Unlocking the Digital Golden Age by Kyle J. Kemper 👉Swiss Key: a crypto wallet founded by Kemper 👉Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley 👉The Quigley Formula talk by G. Edward Griffin

    10 April 2024, 6:32 pm
  • 57 minutes 55 seconds
    #380: The Secret to Life-Changing Prayer - David Torkington

    David Torkington is a Spiritual Theologian, Author, Lecturer and Broadcaster who specializes in Prayer, Christian Spirituality and Mystical Theology. For the past fifty years he has been communicating to his audience his profound love of the traditional and authentic Mystical and Biblical Theology that has inspired all his writings on prayer.

    During his twelve year s as Director of a London Retreat and Conference Centre , followed by his tenure as the Dean of Studies at the Nation al Catholic Radio and Television Centre in London , he gained direct experience of the decline in the moral and spiritual life of the Church.

    After lecturing on Mystical theology at the invitation of the Angelicum, the Dominican University in Rome , he has spent the rest of his life trying to inspire Catholics with the truth. That is to return without delay to the profound contemplative spirituality bequeathed to the early Church by Jesus Christ himself and its development from St Paul , to St Teresa of Avila and St John of the Cross.

    He has written ten books on prayer and the spiritual life, some of which have been translated into thirteen languages.

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    3 April 2024, 12:05 pm
  • 49 minutes 42 seconds
    #379: Unmasking Anthony Fauci—Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.


    👉The brief history of Fauci’s corruption and manifest crimes 👉The deaths of thousands of homosexuals with AIDS who were killed with Fauci-endorsed AZT 👉How the oligarchs who operate the pandemic have funneled more billions into the pockets of already-billionaires 👉How under Fauci’s reign, allergic, autoimmune, and chronic illnesses have mushroomed to afflict 54 percent of children, up from 12.8 percent when he took over NIAID in 1984 👉Why allergic diseases like asthma, eczema, food allergies, allergic rhinitis, and anaphylaxis suddenly exploded beginning in 1989, five years after he came to power. 👉Fauci’s historic role as the leading architect of “agency capture”—the corporate seizure of America’s public health agencies by the pharmaceutical industry. 👉The connections between the cabal that killed Kennedy’s father and uncle, and the cabal currently imposing global lockdowns and mass death today.


    👉Get a copy of the book here:

    👉If you received the Covid vax and are nervous about it there is HOPE. You don't want to miss our Hope is Fuel Course, Vax Regret Solutions, where we discuss solutions to get you back on track.



    27 March 2024, 8:40 pm
  • 58 minutes 2 seconds
    #378: Is Atheism Dead?—Eric Metaxas

    Most books by Christians about the atheism v theism debate start with the reasonableness of faith. Popular radio host and author Eric Metaxas starts with the reasonableness of science as filled with evidential power for the existence of God as can be known by faith. His brand new book is titled Is Atheism Dead? And what a stemwinder it is. Truly thought-provoking stuff hiding in plain sight—evidence of intentional and intelligent design.

      In this Episode You Will Learn
    • Why Metaxas decided to take the fight, so to speak, to the scientists
    • The miraculous properties of water
    • The staggering unlikelihood that the moon’s (small) size and distance to the sun (huge size) would line up as appearing to be the same dimensions as seen from earth
    • The conversion to theism (at a bare minimum) of high profile atheists Jean Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, and Antony Flew
    • Why atheists are often bitterly opposed to even the idea of God
    • An array of incredibly fascinating facts hidden in nature that point to God as First Cause
    • The difference between the God of the philosophers and the Father of Jesus Christ
    • Reasons why faith is reasonable and not contrary to reason
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    20 March 2024, 12:14 am
  • 39 minutes 38 seconds
    #377: What the Bleep Happened to America? —Tucker Carlson

    Tucker Carlson is very good at what he does, which is engage guests and topics on his prime time-slotted Fox News show Tucker Carlson Tonight. With aplomb and wit—which is hard when your guest is an angry eedjit,as the Irish say—he gets down to brass tacks on whatever the topic is.

    His brand new book is titled Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution. And he means it. His thesis: you can have egalitarianism AND oligarchy. One of the has got to go. Yet the book, like its creator, is often hilarious in its own way.

    In this episode you will learn:
    • Who the major players are—the “fools” of the title—and why they’re included
    • Why elites and oligarchs come in all religions, or none, and all skin colors
    • A brief history of how American culture shifted toward Krazy in the last few years
    • How the 2016 election of Donald Trump was a sign of electoral unhappiness that got worse over decades
    • How liberals sell fake science, climate change (denying contrary evidence) and why abortion is the untouchable sacrament of the Left
    • Some reasons to keep a sense of humor!
    Resources recommended in this episode:
    13 March 2024, 12:22 am
  • 50 minutes 48 seconds
    376: Is God a Co-Founder?—Michael Medved


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    Author and nationally syndicated radio host Michael Medved has an extra dollop of gratitude for America. He wears it on his sleeve. It fairly pours out of him when he speaks. It certainly animates his newest book, The American Miracle: Divine Providence In the Rise of the Republic. I’ll get to this fascinating book in a moment.

    I won’t hide my admiration for the host of The Michael Medved Show, which is, in the words of its intro, “the number one show in America on politics and pop culture.” Been a listener for over 15 years. I know what gets under his skin, what he finds funny, annoying, and so on. Last year, with grace and resolve, he successfully fought back against what has to be a professional broadcaster’s worse nightmare: a diagnosis of throat cancer.

    That fight seems to have intensified his love of God and country – two loves he acquired later in life. At Yale Law School he became friends with a young woman named Hillary Rodham, and his fellow boomer-era travelers seemed collectively destined for a liberal worldview, if not leadership.

    But Medved’s moral conversion to an essentially conservative Republican point of view, and his spiritual return to Orthodox Judaism as a baal teshiva (reverts to orthodox Catholicism can relate to the concept) are unlikely twists to an otherwise “pre-set” story. His memoir Right Turns gives a fuller account.

    In our conversation, Medved details an unusual sequence of what have been nicknamed God-incidences – winks of Providence – in the rise and flourishing of the United States. This Canadian ex-pat living in Southern California had never heard of most of them. The list of astounding military victories, date parallels, bizarre weather phenomena that helped the ragtag Colonists beat back the fearsome British naval machine point to a Someone behind this exceptional national experiment known as America.

    The American Miracle is a good place to discover signs of God’s hand in secular history. It’s also a reminder to stop whining about “how divided we are.” The country has been far more roiled and riven in the past. Ever on the brink of disaster, the American ship keeps righting herself.

    Maybe she has some help from a non-political Source…I interview, you decide.


    5 March 2024, 9:40 pm
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