Begin each day with Ken and Deb in the Morning, a live and local radio broadcast designed to get you going in the right direction. Heard every weekday from 6 to 9 a.m., hosts Ken Brooks and Deb Gustafson will encourage you with Scripture, spark thoughtful conversation on current topics and challenge you to live today for Jesus Christ.
What does it mean to live the Jesus way? Author Marc Alan Schelske points to the drive in our time to move upward and forward. However, Jesus showed God's love by pouring out himself for the good of the world. In the devotional Walking Otherward, Marc follows Jesus through the weeks before his crucifixion, focusing on his interactions and actions toward others. He invites us to imitate Jesus by living an other-centered, co-suffering love.Â
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As January comes to a close this week, Seth and Deb raise awareness for Human Trafficking Awareness Month on Wednesday by highlighting the Christ-centered ministry She is Safe. Michele Rickett, CEO of She is Safe, will share stories of redemption from this ministry that has been rescuing and restoring women and girls from slavery in 11 countries for the past 22 years. Michele will provide an overview of human trafficking and offer tips for ensuring the safety of women and girls in our community.Â
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Every other week on Mornings with Seth and Deb, Todd Nettleton from Voice of the Martyrs shares news, testimonies, and prayer requests from sisters and brothers in Christ suffering because of their testimony of faith in Jesus. Listen for this week's conversation to keep updated on the persecuted church and how we can show our love for them with specific actions and prayers.Â
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Do you feel stressed when a friend drops by your house? Are you experiencing pressure to keep your home looking picture perfect? Women's Ministry Director and author Hilary Bernstein wants to relieve that pressure and offers tips for embracing your home as a gift. Hilary joins Seth and Deb to address the stress many of us have to have the ideal tidy home and how God's grace transforms our lives and homes!
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Have you gotten out of the habit of going to church? Are you currently searching for a church? Pastor Brian Bill walks us through some criteria when looking for a church reminding us that the perfect church does not exist. Along with encouraging us to plug into a local church, Pastor Bill cautions us of the consequences when we unplug from church.Â
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What are a few daily habits that will revive your marriage? How do you fight fair in marriage? Jimmy and Irene Rollins are passionate about building healthy marriages and long to have you and your spouse experience a family marked by love, laughter, and longevity! Seth and Deb welcome Jimmy Rollins to talk about how to build a stronger and more resilient marriage, but first, we tackle a foundational question of, "Should I get married?"Â Jimmy will share the three signs that you do not need to get married and will follow up with practical help for those who desire revival in their marriage!
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What is the significance and purpose of mentioning "day and night" together in Scripture? Dr. Jim Coakley will explore the various mentions of "night and day", "evening and morning" and "light and darkness" in this first Bible Study tools class of 2025. Learn where these natural rhythms are mentioned in the Bible and what they illustrate regarding God's power, our identity, and the Word of God!
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Why is it important for Christians to take part in the pro-life movement? What are some concerns regarding life issues post Roe vs. Wade? Attorney and Focus on the Family spokesperson Nicole Hunt is joining Seth and Deb from Washington D.C. to highlight Sanctity of Human Life Month and fill us in on today's 52nd March for Life. Nicole will share the schedule, speakers, and the opportunity you have to livestream today's event!
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How is having fun together part of a gospel-centered family? In their book Building Spiritual Habits in the Home, Chris Pappalardo and Clayton Greene focus on fun as an ingredient in homes that bless others and are places of vibrant faith! Clayton Greene visits with Seth and Deb to share a few of the six key shifts needed to develop a spiritual life that will last and help you and others engage with God and others!
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Are you a trivia whiz? Do you long for kids and families in our community to know and have a growing relationship with Jesus? Are you ready to have an evening of fun with family and friends? Youth Hope Trivia Night is an evening that checks all those boxes and more! Youth Hope Development Director Hannah Carr stops by Thursday with all the details for the fun evening coming Saturday, February 1, and to share how your participation makes and impact in the ministry and outreach of Youth Hope!
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How do you discover hope and healing after an abortion? Many women suffer silently after their abortion experience, not knowing how to address the emotional and spiritual effects of an abortion decision. Laura Lynn Hughes, Joan West, and Arica Henry have combined their experiences to create a 12-week study that draws on personal stories therapeutic tools, and scriptural truths to guide women through the healing process. Laura Hughes joins Seth and Deb to share her story and introduce us to hope and healing found in Christ and the Redemptive Love book and study.
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