My Chemical Podcast


A podcast for fans of the popular band, My Chemical Romance. Its a podcast about news, reviews, and the hilarity the band provides.

  • My Chemical Podcast: Episode 7 - Charleston Crew

    Youtube Channel of PrinceWhateverer: Here

    Guests are @PrincessFrick, @frkmrdr, @BryceDaPanda, @SpAzZklh

    Audio Version: Download MP3 here!
    We chat about Covers, MCR Firsts, Seeing MCR Live, and other things! :D This is part one of a two part podcast!
    18 September 2012, 8:15 pm
  • Update On The Podcast
    Hey guys!

    Sorry for the hiatus. I wanted to give everyone an update about what's going on with the podcast and why there hasn't been a new episode.

    So, basically... the website I was using to put the episodes on iTunes has stopped supporting only MP3 uploads.

    This gives us two options, because basically I cannot afford to pay a place yet.

    I'm going to create a YouTube channel specifically for the podcast where videos of the episodes (Some maybe actual video podcasts.)

    And an audio only version will be available for download.

    I think this will be really helpful. So, we'll try this out with the next episode.

    And speaking of which, the last recorded episode I have is horrible quality. You couldn't hear half my guests and one of my guests slept through half of the episode.

    So, I will be recording a podcast legit with my friends soon and there's a possibility it will be a video podcast, but not 100%.

    Next order of business...

    I am looking for Theme Songs. Basically... I will make a formal post about it, so consider this your head start. If you like the podcast and would want to help out and get mentioned, I'll set up an email where you can send a 30 second to a minute theme song. It can be MCR covers, remixes, original songs based on the show, or randomness. However, you must be the one who created it and if you didn't create it, but you wanna submit one you found, please mention this and send the link to the artist so that they can be credited.

    Also, speaking of which, the next episode will feature a new feature called "The Links" basically, its gonna be a list of links to things we talk about in the show, in case you're curious.

    I wanted to mention that everyone should check out The Webways | MCRchives. Mmm. I love the term MCRchives. xD Anyways, this website has butt loads of cool stuff (including a mention of this podcast!) So go show some love to those projects!

    Thanks so much for listening and I appreciate your interest! We're ready to bust out some new eppys! :D

    xx Laurie
    12 April 2012, 2:21 am
  • My Chemical Podcast - Episode 6; Laurie's Tour Stories
    This is a solo episode, I'm without a guest, but I talk about my tour memories of this year. Topics include; My experience as Tour Reporter in Orlando and seeing Skylines & Turnstiles in Michigan on September 11th; their 10th Anniversary.

    Click here to listen online!
    7 October 2011, 12:33 am
  • My Chemical Podcast - Episode 5; Zoe's Tour Memories
    I have a chat with Kali (@FiReArNoK), Zoe (@racingthesunset), and Razzle (@NikkoleRazzle) about Zoe's experiences at her shows for the World Contamination Tour.

    In case you haven't heard, you can now get new episodes of My Chemical Podcast on iTunes. You can download them and put them on your iPod for listening on the go, if you feel like doing that.

    Also, coming soon will be an "On The Road" edition of My Chemical Podcast covering my trip to Indiana & Detroit for the Honda Civic Tour as well as past MCR Tour stories from MCRmy Tour veterans Frick aka Miranda (@PrincessFrick) and Frack aka Amanda (@frkmrdr) and others.

    Also also be putting out a tour diary video on my MCR youtube channel, which I'll link to later.

    Sorry about the delays with episodes, I was moving this summer, and now I've started school and yeah. There should be a steady stream of podcasts soon. As always, thanks for listening.

    Click here to listen online!
    1 September 2011, 9:01 pm
  • My Chemical Podcast - Episode 4; Helpful Tips
    Hey everyone, sorry about the delay but its finally here! A new eppy of My Chemical Podcast. My guests were Kali (@firearnok), Nikki (@R_X_Queen), and Zoe (@racingthesunset. We talk about Gerard's princess mentality and helpful tips to Killjoys venturing out to their first shindig in the zones! :D

    If you're going to the So Cal dates and Vegas dates please contact @firearnok, she's looking for car pool epicness, she'll also be handing out old promo at those shows.

    If you're going to the Boston date and then the two New Jersey dates, please contact @racingthesunset, she's looking for a travel buddy for safety.

    Look out for me at the Atlanta date and at the Orlando date. You can contact me at my Twitter.

    Thanks for listening! :D

    Don't forget to follow MyChemChat on Twitter and its maintainer Cassie!

    Video thumbnail. Click to play
    Click to play
    3 March 2011, 12:14 am
  • My Chemical Podcast - Episode 3; Provocative Show Pony
    My guest on this episode of My Chemical Podcast is Kali aka @firearnok on twitter, who went to the record release show and is gonna tell us her experience with the Trans Am, Show Pony's provacative dancing, among other things.

    If you're from Arizona and you would like to go to the So Cal/Vegas shows @MCRmyArizona on Twitter is working on a carpool.

    If you're from Tennessee or Georgia, you can follow @MCRmyTNandGA on twitter.

    My Chemical Podcast - Episode 3; Provocative Show Pony

    14 December 2010, 5:54 pm
  • My Chemical Podcast - Episode 1; Nerd Talk
    My guest for this episode of My Chemical Podcast is @R_X_Queen aka Nikki. We talk about Ray's Mysterious Tampa Tweet, Recent Performances & Carson Daly taping, the Band's Hygiene as of late, & Danger Days.. But also we chat about other topics that came up. Nikki also leaves me a message while I am out of the room.

    Enjoy and thanks for listening.

    If you can create a theme song for my podcast, feel free to leave a comment or tweet @xslaughtermatic on twitter.

    Also, I am accepting ideas for My Chemical Romance games to play with my guests. :) Again you can comment you opinions or tweet @xslaughtermatic.

    In case you didn't notice, the opening/closing song is "Mastas of Ravenkroft" by My Chemical Romance as Mad Gear & The Missile Kid from "The Mad Gear & Missile Kid EP"

    My Chemical Podcast - Episode 1; Nerd Talk

    8 December 2010, 1:43 am
  • My Chemical Podcast - Episode 0; Introductions.
    Hey everyone! And welcome to My Chemical Podcast. I have Episode 0 for you. :) It is introduction to the podcast as well as explanation on the format and future of the podcast. And a bit about me, you're host! :) Next time, I will have a guest, so don't worry about having to listen to me by myself often. xD

    Anyway. Here it is! Episode 0!

    My Chemical Podcast -- Episode 0.
    5 December 2010, 3:39 pm
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