Wisdom for a Crazy World

Tom McQueen

Tom "Steve" McQueen, M.Div. has devoted his life and vocation to guiding children, couples, executives, and organizations on a path to personal fulfillment and professional success. An award-winning, best-selling author, hospice chaplain, and retired licensed marriage and family therapist, Tom's advice has been sought by those wanting concrete and practical answers to problems, challenges, and obstacles in their lives. Tune-in to Wisdom for a Crazy World and you will be rewarded with insights and information that will enrich you, your family, your community, and your business. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/tom-mcqueen2/support

  • 16 minutes 12 seconds
    A Firefighter's Final Message: The Lesson He Left For All Of Us.

    Losing a loved one is never easy. But the message that Randy left for his wife, Tiffany, gives us a path through our grief and a hope for the future. Join our host, Chaplain Tom McQueen, for this touching episode.

    20 October 2023, 1:51 am
  • 16 minutes 26 seconds
    When We Embrace Hatred, We Nourish Evil

    Watching and listening to the shocking horrors perpetrated on the nation of Israel this week should remind us of our vocations to be instruments of God's peace. Join our host, Chaplain Tom McQueen, as he highlights a path for restoring peace in the world, in our country, in our businesses, families and relationships.

    14 October 2023, 6:33 pm
  • 17 minutes 23 seconds
    If God is a MYTH, then you're no MIRACLE!

    Stories of miracles of all kinds are plentiful throughout our history, all possible because of the goodness and generosity of our God. Join our host, Chaplain Tom McQueen, as he affirms our vocation as children created in the image and likeness of God and destined to make miracles happen by being a hope and a help to one another.

    7 October 2023, 4:07 pm
  • 17 minutes 14 seconds
    Spiritual State of the Nation: Results

    Our host, Chaplain Tom McQueen, surveyed his listeners concerning the spiritual state of our nation. He received more responses than he expected and heartfelt observations from our subscribers. Join us for a review of the results and for specific suggestions from our audience on what we need to do to improve.

    1 October 2023, 4:05 pm
  • 16 minutes 54 seconds
    The Risk We Cannot Afford Not To Take!

    We're on this earth for a very short time. During our lives we have multiple opportunities to take the risk of being a hope and a help to our brothers and sisters. Join our host, Chaplain Tom McQueen, as he shares with us the importance of the risk that we we cannot afford not to take.

    24 September 2023, 12:11 am
  • 17 minutes 22 seconds
    Becoming a Rebel Like Jesus

    Jesus was considered a rebel during his public ministry. Join our host, Chaplain Tom McQueen, as he looks at how we can follow in the footsteps of Jesus in our troubled world today.

    17 September 2023, 12:51 am
  • 15 minutes 32 seconds
    Grief is a Journey, not a Destination!

    Death is never easy for the loved ones and family left behind. How do we deal with our feelings? How do we manage the pain? Join hospice chaplain and fire chaplain, Tom McQueen, as he explores the journey of grief after the loss of a loved one.

    10 September 2023, 6:34 pm
  • 16 minutes 38 seconds
    A Lesson from the "Saint of 9/11"
    Father Mychal Judge, a Roman Catholic priest, is often referred to as the "Saint of 9/11." Father Judge was the first recorded casualty of that fateful day in 2001. Join our host, Chaplain Tom McQueen, as he shares the story of a man whose servant heart touched the lives of so many people.
    3 September 2023, 1:03 am
  • 50 seconds
    Wisdom for a Crazy World (Trailer)
    27 August 2023, 3:51 am
  • 17 minutes 18 seconds
    "Question: Is Heaven For Real?
    As a therapist and a hospice chaplain, our host, Tom McQueen, has engaged people of all ages on the topic of what happens after we die. Join us for this heartfelt, emotional, and spiritually enlightening episode of Wisdom for a Crazy World.
    25 August 2023, 1:04 am
  • 15 minutes 17 seconds
    Bullying: The Story Every Young Person Needs To Hear!

    Bullying can have devastating consequences for young people and their families and friends. Join us for this riveting true story from Chaplain Tom McQueen about how one student made a difference in another student's life. It's a story that everyone needs to hear...DONT' MISS IT!

    18 August 2023, 1:07 am
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