One by one, going through each episode of Pokemon and revisiting our childhood!
I don't do this very often, but its a repeat episode. Since I've finally gotten Movie 2 re-recorded, let's celebrate by actually listening to it! The "restore the feed" project is finally happening, and episodes 1-100 are now available on the site! But mostly, let's sit back and remember what a strikingly beautiful movie this is... Click here!
Pop idol Azumarill has a concert to give, and Corphish has bananas to sell. It's a summer festival, so time to party! Unless you didn't fly a domestic flight in Japan, then maybe you didn't get to party... Haha, tune in for this fun Pikachu short and all the shenanigans!
A fluffy episode to chase away some of the blues, whether it be just winter griping or something more serious. Take care of each other and stay safe, everyone! Tune in to hear Ash reconnect with his Snorlax over another Snorlax, some great wordplay and not so gret wordplay, and a tale of people and pokemon working together!
We got aliens, and we got the wingnuts who chase them! Put on your tin foil hats and let Ken and Mary guide us through an adventure that's out of this world! Yeah, it's nothing compared to Deoxys taking over a city, but an adventure nonetheless. Tune in to listen to weird science and mystery teams!
We just had a big movie episode, so lets spend some time reflecting on our favorite movies. A ploy to get little children into the theater for M07? You decide. But Ash desperately needs a filler episode, he's had a rough weekend. What is Ash Ketchum's favorite movie? (And definitely not Gary's?) Tune in to find out!
Aliens have arrived in Larousse City, and Commander Jenny is prepared! She has a defence system that rival's Altomare, it can even keep out Raqyaza! It's a movie episode, people! Get ready for all sorts of tangents, bombshells about basic Pokemon technology, discussions on how Pokemon Speech works, and Ash getting to play with other little boys (and maybe earning himself a trip to the hospital). Tune in to listen!
The sky is an entity capable of loving you back, Winona suffers little in the way of property damage, no one notices Team Rocket, Pikachu did not come in clutch for the team, Pelipper breaks some already tenuous science and I managed to worm in Professor Kukui. It's a gym battle, it's going all over the place! Click here to hear how Ash did versus Gym Leader Winona!
What are the political powers of the Pokemon world? Is Cameron Palace the San Marino of Kanto? What about Team Rocket Mechs, I have a wild theory about those. Meanwhile, the rundown on Ash's chances against gym leader Winonna! (Pikachu, you're in clutch). All that and the Magikarp Salesman, here on Pikapi Podcast! Tune in to listen!
This is not an episode to be skipped. Sure, it's poorly blocked in some areas, the thread of logic is a bit frayed, by my oh my is it hilarious! I laughed and laughed and laughed some more. Is PP a factor in the anime? Is Brock's "love radar" a thing? Does Team Rocket have competition for epic Cosplay? Tune in to find out!
It's a hungry episode this time! That's not only because it deals with food, it also features a pokemon that looks like a dressed turkey, and I've recorded this episode four times now so I need a snack! An episode that is hopefully funny after the fourth time around, that has many comedic moments and lots of questionable decisions and one evolution! Tune in to listen!
How many mansions are actually in the world? That's the question I'm asking today, while Ash and his friends go full break and enter on a nearby mansion. It's haunted, of course, and none of them have final girl energy. In the middle of this, sibling rivalry! Tune in to hear Torchic get the short end of the stick by clicking this link!