Ambition, Honey & Hustle

Candace Spears

How do we ambitious professionals avoid the slow-moving career and get paid for two things...1. Doing what excites us and 2. Making an impact bigger than anyone thought was possible? That’s the question and this podcast has the answers.

  • 8 minutes 53 seconds
    Mid Season Special Ep. 10: You'll Be Seeing This For The Last Time

    Yes, you read that right, my signature program Finding Freedom is saying goodbye so this is your last and final chance to get in if you've thought about it before or are thinking about it right now.

    And to really celebrate this send-off, my team and I are hosting a 30-day Sprint where you, if you say yes, will be able to 

    • Create 30k in sales or funding 
    • Get hands-on, 1:1 support 
    • Kickstart your assignment business... 

    with the Financial, Technical, Social-Emotional, and Spiritual alignment to create a business that lasts.

    So let's go! Learn more and save your spot here:

    Doors close on November 12. We'll see you inside!

    3 November 2021, 11:00 am
  • 5 minutes 3 seconds
    Mid Season Special Ep. 9: "Enough is Enough" Masterclass Invitation

    I left corporate...that good job...started my own thing... #becauseIcan and because I was supposed to.

    It's a big and bold decision to think you can fly and do it.

    It's a big and bold decision to unshackle your creativity and do it.

    It's a big and bold decision to believe in your ideas and dream and walk in them

    It's a big and bold decision to know that your present reality is not a predictor of your future reality and act like it.

    But when you're ready to say enough is enough and to walk away from the thing that looks safe, into the things you are called to?

    THAT is where your thriving begins!

    So if today's the day you're adding another big and bold decision to the list, add this one below...I made it easy for you...

    Make the decision to join me LIVE in my upcoming Masterclass, The 4 Must-Haves to Leave Corporate and be Joyous and Thriving in Your Decision...even if you don't yet have the desired business revenue, network, or established audience in waiting.

    We're doing big and bold today #becauseyoucan. Click and join me below.

    28 October 2021, 3:20 pm
  • 6 minutes 39 seconds
    Mid-Season Special Ep. 8: Real-Talk on Leaving Corporate When You're Longing to Create the IMPACT You Want to Make

    Yeah, you wanna get out of corporate, but more than anything, you're one of those women who is DRIVEN by IMPACT.

    It means more to you than the typical buzzword, cutesy, nice feeling that we all associate with it.

    And I want to welcome you into the possibility of your IMPACT looking like more than just you and your family. It's the people you choose to employ, and their families and communities. It's the people who pay you for your transformation that you offer, and their families and communities.

    Let's talk about it, and help you take your first steps to make this impact real:

    23 October 2021, 11:00 am
  • 5 minutes 40 seconds
    Mid-Season Special Ep. 7: Real-Talk on Leaving Corporate When You Can't Wait to Embrace Freedom

    When you can't wait to embrace the freedom of operating your business full-time, and you find yourself daydreaming about it and imagining it...

    The excitement is real, am I right?

    But there are some things that I want you to consider so that when you finally embrace your freedom and step into your business full-time, you're doing so INTENTIONALLY.

    Let's get you started on this intentional journey to your freedom inside the 200 Women on Assignment Challenge:

    21 October 2021, 1:57 pm
  • 3 minutes 30 seconds
    Mid-Season Special Ep. 6: Real-Talk on Leaving Corporate When Your Exit Date Came & Went, But You're Still in Corporate

    When you set an exit date for yourself but you don’t follow through…that can leave you feeling some kinda way, right?

    If this is you, and the exit date that you’ve set has come and gone but you’re still in your 9-5 then let’s talk about it.

    It’s time to get you taking your first moves out of corporate and into your assignment business.

    19 October 2021, 1:42 pm
  • 6 minutes 3 seconds
    Mid-Season Special Ep. 5: Real-Talk on Leaving Corporate When You're Making Your Company Rich But Still Struggling Financially

    What do you do when you feel like you're making your company all this money, but you're still struggling financially?

    You're making them rich, but what about making you rich?

    See not achieving that equal level of financial success for yourself and your family, that's real.

    So the question becomes, what is that number for you? What WOULD that number be that made you feel like 'this is what I deserve for what I've helped my company achieve?'

    Let's explore it, because the money might be the immediate need, and it might also be deeper than the money. It might be more about assignment for you than just the money.

    That's why we're getting you ready to step into that assignment over the next 60 days:

    17 October 2021, 5:24 pm
  • 5 minutes 3 seconds
    Mid-Season Special Ep. 4: Real-Talk on Leaving Corporate & Feeling Like You Have to Prove Yourself in Your Job

    Feeling like you need to prove yourself in your corporate job? Like you have to be twice as good to just be good enough?

    Or that you have to live up to what 'the ideal' of a professional corporate woman looks like?

    I feel that, it's real.

    Let's talk about it.

    Because as you're shifting into your business that's your calling and your assignment, this is something you need to think about.Join us as we get you ready to step into assignment over the next 60 days:

    13 October 2021, 12:35 pm
  • 6 minutes
    Mid-Season Special Ep. 3: Real-Talk on Leaving Corporate & Being Worries About What They'll Say

    Have you been worried about what your friends or family might say when you talk about leaving corporate?

    When you start talking about thriving in your own business and you have a partner or close friends who just...aren't on the same page?

    Yes, that's absolutely real.

    And you're going to have to make some decisions and answer some questions to get clear on what your next steps need to be in the face of what they'll say.

    Let's talk about it in this video.

    Then join us as we get you ready to step into assignment over the next 60 days:

    11 October 2021, 4:40 pm
  • 7 minutes 21 seconds
    Mid-Season Special Ep. 2: Real-Talk on Leaving Corporate & Being Passed Over for a Promotion

    Have you ever been passed over for a promotion that you knew was supposed to be yours?

    That's real.

    But here's what I want you to know:

    This same value you bring to your work every day, that's being overlooked and undervalued, is the same value that you can bring to your own business.

    If any of this resonated with you, being a woman on assignment, moving to get on your assignment, then we want you to join the movement.

    Over the next 60 days, we’re taking 200 women on assignment, starting with a challenge, and we want you to be a part of it. Click here to join us:

    10 October 2021, 11:00 am
  • 17 minutes 58 seconds
    Mid-Season Special Ep. 1: 200 Women on Assignment

    To the corporate woman wanting to leave her 9-5 and answer the calling on her life:

    Talking to me and to you, what if we abandoned what we believed was true?

    What if:
    our ideas about what success looked like professionally…
    what we needed to do to move up the ladder in corporate…
    who we needed to be to live out our own businesses on our own terms…

    What if all of that…wasn’t was actually real at all?

    What would happen if 200 of us decided that over the next 60 days we were going to: 
    (1) release all those things that we believed were true, 
    (2) finally own the God-given work that we are called to, and 
    (3) take the first steps to get out of our 9-5 and get on assignment?

    That’s what my team and I want to find out. If you are one of these 200 women, if anything I’ve said here resonates with you, join us and take your first steps here:

    8 October 2021, 11:00 am
  • 40 minutes 5 seconds
    S3 Ep. 20 An Entrepreneur's 3 P's: Persistence, Pivot & Posterity [w/ Marki Lemons-Ryhal]

    We all know...or maybe it's a wake-up call...but persistence is a big "P" in entrepreneurship.  There are a couple of others by the name of Pivot and, one we don't hear quite as often...Posterity. Marki Lemons-Ryhal and I explore all three of the P's from a very personal standpoint on the entrepreneurial success journey. For show notes and bonus resources visit

    24 May 2021, 4:36 pm
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