Stories From The Vortex: A Doctor Who Audio Adventures Podcast

Stories From The Vortex

Welcome to Stories From The Vortex, a podcast exploring the audio adventures from the worlds of Doctor Who.

  • Episode 47: A Not So Invisible Return

    In the first episode of the podcast since our controversial Tenth Doctor Adventures reviews Matthew Kresal, Mary Lang and Robert Haynes get back together for the first time since that recording. After sorting through some feedback and further thoughts about the episode, they move onto the main topic of conversation: Big Finish's adaptation of HG Wells' classic novel The Invisible Man starring the late, great Sir John Hurt.

    You can find the podcast via our website or on iTunes. If you'd like to send in feedback to the podcast you can do so at [email protected] and you can join the podcasts's Facebook group. You can also leave us a review on iTunes. We're a proud member of the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.

    Stories From The Vortex is an unofficial and unlicensed Doctor Who podcast and is not affiliated to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), AudioGo or Big Finish Productions in any way. Doctor Who is a registered trademark of the BBC. No copyright infringement intended. 
    1 April 2017, 9:07 am
  • Episode 46: Tenth Doctor Boxing Match

    This episodes finds Matthew Kresal, Mary Lang and Robert Haynes putting perhaps the most hotly anticipated Big Finish release since 2013 under the scope: The Tenth Doctor Adventures Volume One (consisting of Technophobia, Team Reaver and Death And The Queen). Did it live up to the hype though? In discussing that, perhaps the most contentious debate yet on Stories From The Vortex takes place taking in the Tenth Doctor era on TV, listener expectations and more.

     You can find the podcast via our website or on iTunes. If you'd like to send in feedback to the podcast you can do so at [email protected] and you can join the podcasts's Facebook group. You can also leave us a review on iTunes. We're a proud member of the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.

      Stories From The Vortex is an unofficial and unlicensed Doctor Who podcast and is not affiliated to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), AudioGo or Big Finish Productions in any way. Doctor Who is a registered trademark of the BBC. No copyright infringement intended.
    22 June 2016, 1:21 am
  • Episode 45: UNITed Dominion

    With Mary Lang M.I.A., Matthew Kresal and Robert Haynes discuss the 2012 Doctor Who box-set UNIT: Dominion. Topics discussed include Alex McQuuen's “Other Doctor”, UNIT dating, Doctor Who on the big-screen and more.

    You can find the podcast via our website or on iTunes. If you'd like to send in feedback to the podcast you can do so at [email protected] and you can join the podcasts's Facebook group. You're also welcome to leave a review of us on iTunes. We're a proud member of the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.

    Stories From The Vortex is an unofficial and unlicensed Doctor Who podcast and is not affiliated to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), AudioGo or Big Finish Productions in any way. Doctor Who is a registered trademark of the BBC. No copyright infringement intended.
    18 June 2016, 1:43 am
  • Episode 44: Dalek Empire Rising

    Matthew Kresal, Mary Lang and Robert Haynes take a step away from the Doctor's adventures to instead focus on his greatest adversaries via their own spin-off series. In listening to the first season of Big Finish's Dalek Empire (released in 2001) they discuss the portrayal of the Daleks, epic storytelling, Gareth Thomas and the similarties with the later Cyberman spin-off series amongst other topics.
     You can find the podcast via our website or on iTunes. If you'd like to send in feedback to the podcast you can do so at [email protected] and you can join the podcasts's Facebook group. We're a proud member of the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance. 
    Stories From The Vortex is an unofficial and unlicensed Doctor Who podcast and is not affiliated to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), AudioGo or Big Finish Productions in any way. Doctor Who is a registered trademark of the BBC. No copyright infringement intended.
    1 May 2016, 3:30 am
  • Episode 43: Double Eight

    latest?cb=20150302132613 It's an Eighth Doctor centric episode this time around as Matthew Kresal, Mary Lang and Robert Haynes take a look at that Doctor's most recent Big Finish outings.

    In reviewing Dark Eyes 4 and Doom Coalition 1, topics discussed include “box-set fatigue”,how one goes about trying to tell one epic story across sixteen CDs, introducing new villains, telling visual stories on audio and more. Plus some feedback about our previous episode including some from a Big Finish writer...

    You can find the podcast via our website or on iTunes. If you'd like to send in feedback to the podcast you can do so at [email protected] and you can join the podcasts's Facebook group. We're a proud member of the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.

    Stories From The Vortex is an unofficial and unlicensed Doctor Who podcast and is not affiliated to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), AudioGo or Big Finish Productions in any way. Doctor Who is a registered trademark of the BBC. No copyright infringement intended.
    24 March 2016, 11:52 pm
  • Episode 42: All Hail Frobisher!

    dwmr014_theholyterror_1417_cover_large.jpg All hail Frobisher! All hail the great talking bird! For This episode Matthew Kresal, Mary Lang and Robert Haynes listen to The Holy Terror and The Maltese Penguin. In reviewing these two tales featuring the shape-shifting (but mostly penguin shaped) private eye and Colin Baker's Sixth Doctor we discuss Rob Shearman as a writer, plot twists, accents, Robert Jezek as Frobisher and more. Plus there's a bit of feedback as well.

    dwsub001_themaltesepenguin_1417_cover_large.jpgYou can find the podcast via our website or on iTunes. If you'd like to send in feedback to the podcast you can do so at [email protected] and you can join the podcasts's Facebook group. We're a proud member of the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.
    Stories From The Vortex is an unofficial and unlicensed Doctor Who podcast and is not affiliated to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), AudioGo or Big Finish Productions in any way. Doctor Who is a registered trademark of the BBC. No copyright infringement intended.
    4 March 2016, 1:10 am
  • Episode 41: Stories From The Hub

    twab0102_falltoearth_1417_cover_medium.jpgEverything changes in this episode as Matthew Kresal, Mary Lang and Robert Haynes give the first five releases from Big Finish's range of Torchwood audios a listen. As the five stories go under the scope, topics discussed include our thoughts on Torchwood's TV run, the formats used to tell the stories, John Barrowman as an audio drama performer and more.

    bfptwcd04_torchwood_one_rule-1_cover_medium.jpg You can find the podcast via our website or on iTunes. If you'd like to send in feedback to the podcast you can do so at [email protected] and you can join the podcasts's Facebook group. We're a proud member of the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.

    Stories From The Vortex is an unofficial and unlicensed Doctor Who podcast and is not affiliated to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), AudioGo or Big Finish Productions in any way. Doctor Who is a registered trademark of the BBC. No copyright infringement intended.
    12 February 2016, 1:11 am
  • Episode 40: Big Finish Geek Out!

    This episode finds Matthew Kresal, Mary Lang and Robert Haynes engaging in what the late lamented The Doctor Who Podcast would have called a “geek out”! Topics discussed include an overview of the recent New Series releases, what we've been listening to recently, “whither the main range?” and more. There's also trailers and clips as well!

    You can find the podcast via our website or on iTunes. If you'd like to send in feedback to the podcast you can do so at [email protected] and you can join the podcasts's Facebook group. We're a proud member of the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance. 

    Stories From The Vortex is an unofficial and unlicensed Doctor Who podcast and is not affiliated to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), AudioGo or Big Finish Productions in any way. Doctor Who is a registered trademark of the BBC. No copyright infringement intended.
    28 January 2016, 5:08 am
  • Episode 39: From Krelos To Telos

    dw4d0407_thefateofkrelos_1417_cover_large-300x300.jpg After a long and unexpected delay, we present our look at the finale of the fourth season of the Fourth Doctor Adventures: The Fate Of Krelos and Return To Telos. Topics discussed include the merits of telling one story across two separate releases, fitting Doctors into previous Doctors tales as well as giving an overall look at the season leading up to these releases as well as feedback.

    Note for listeners: The unexpectedly lengthy delay of the episode's release has been due to a series of unexpected technical issues that were not noticed during the original recording. Attempts have been made to fix these issues in the editing stage. However, listeners may still spot overlaps or occasional changes in sound quality as a result. We apologize for the inconvenience. dw4d0408_returntotelos_1417_cover_large.jpg

    You can find the podcast via our website or on iTunes. If you'd like to send in feedback to the podcast you can do so at [email protected] and you can join the podcasts's Facebook group. We're a proud member of the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.

    Stories From The Vortex is an unofficial and unlicensed Doctor Who podcast and is not affiliated to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), AudioGo or Big Finish Productions in any way. Doctor Who is a registered trademark of the BBC. No copyright infringement intended.
    26 December 2015, 2:52 am
  • Episode 38: 60s Action

    Following on a suggestion by one of our listeners, this episode finds us giving a listen to Big Finish's series Counter-Measures, which follows the team first introduced in the 1988 Doctor Who TV story Remembrance Of The Daleks, going through all four box-sets of the series. Topics discussed include character development, “box-set syndrome”, the influences on the series and our anticipations of Big Finish's future plans for the series. We also discuss the recently released trailer for Big Finish's upcoming re-imagining of the classic cult series The Prisoner.

    You can find the podcast via our website or on iTunes. If you'd like to send in feedback to the podcast you can do so at [email protected] and you can join the podcasts's Facebook group. We're a proud member of the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.

    Stories From The Vortex is an unofficial and unlicensed Doctor Who podcast and is not affiliated to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), AudioGo or Big Finish Productions in any way. Doctor Who is a registered trademark of the BBC. No copyright infringement intended.
    8 October 2015, 11:11 pm
  • Episode 37: News, Stories & Damaged Goods

    uktv-torchwood-the-conspiracy-cover.jpg Following on the interview with Big Finish founder and executive producer Jason Haigh-Ellery in the previous episode, we're back in action after a lengthy and unplanned summer hiatus. Matthew Kresal, Mary Lang and Robert Haynes all get back to together for the first time in months to chat about all things Big Finish. Topics covered include the major announcements connected to both Doctor Who and Blake's 7, what we've listened to during the hiatus and we chat a bit about Big Finish's recent adaptation of Russell T Davies' 1996 Doctor Who novel Damaged Goods.

    You can find the podcast via our website or on iTunes. If you'd like to send in feedback to the podcast you can do so at [email protected] and you can join the podcasts's Facebook group. We're a proud member of the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.

    Stories From The Vortex is an unofficial and unlicensed Doctor Who podcast and is not affiliated to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), AudioGo or Big Finish Productions in any way. Doctor Who is a registered trademark of the BBC. No copyright infringement intended.
    25 September 2015, 12:19 am
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