Radical Stepmoms

Radical Stepmoms with Christina

Radical Stepmoms is a podcast about the good, bad and really ugly moments about raising a child that you didn’t create. Here I’ll discuss the realities of co-parenting, the ways stepmother hood affects a marriage, the relationship with our step kids and most of all... navigating the relationship with ourselves. I want each episode to leave you feeling validated, empowered and oh-so radical, so pour yourself a la croix, a glass of red...or whatever, and listen in on Radical Stepmoms.

  • 52 minutes 14 seconds
    Season 8: Episode 8: Pregnancy loss, grief and finding your light with guest, Carly

    Sensitive Content: This episode talks about pregnancy and loss. Please care for yourselves as you need. 

    Christina welcomes Carly to share her story of falling in love, pursuing friendship with the ex, and navigating loss alongside stepmotherhood. As we all know, stepmotherhood doesn’t pause to acknowledge your happiest moments, and it won’t for your deepest moments of grief. Listen in as Carly shares her daughter’s story, and how her darkest times brought her a rainbow. 

    Sending so much love to all you mamas who know this grief. You are loved, and your baby is loved. 

    About My Guest 

    I am a wife, stepmom to a 9 year-old girl, and mom to a one-year-old baby boy. I’m also a mom of an angel who never made it earthside but changed my life and motherhood journey forever. There is a special kind of pain you experience from mothering someone else’s child while simultaneously mourning the death of your own baby. I hope to speak to other stepmamas who may have or might one day experience what I did. I want to let them know to hang in there, there are rainbows after the storm.

    Find her on IG: @Carlybhunt

    So much more than a podcast!!!

    Instagram: @radicalstepmomspodcast

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    22 February 2025, 6:42 pm
  • 1 hour 19 seconds
    Season 8: Episode 7: One couple's journey through high conflict & how they've found healing with guests, Courtney and Mark

    Christina welcomes back Courtney and introduces Courtney’s husband, Mark. Courtney and Mark have been through a lot together and share their experience in dealing with high conflict, endless court battles, false allegations and how they managed to preserve their marriage in the process. Courtney speaks about her newly published book, “Uncaged” and gives her words of support and wisdom to other women feeling the weight of expectations. Has your health ever been impacted by the stress of stepmotherhood? Do you ever feel consumed by drama and conflict? Listen in as Courtney shares about her journey through health and healing. 

    About My Guest: 

    Courtney is a fiercely loving momma, wife, and stepmom who lives on the East Coast with her family and furbaby, Dexter. She finds that her perfectly imperfect soul is most at peace when she is closest to a body of water. Drawing inspiration from life’s waves—both calm and stormy—she channels her passion for happily ever after into all facets of her life. Dr. Courtney is a seasoned divorce recovery specialist, mindset mentor, and co-parenting coach who also holds a DNP, a doctorate degree in Nursing. Her first life career, coupled with a traumatic family court journey, transitioned her into her second life career where she has dedicated her life to turning pain into purpose. When she’s not coaching, you can find her soaking up the coastal breeze looking for sea glass, writing in a quiet corner, or creating memories with her family.

    Check out Courtney's book, "Uncaged"

    Find her on IG - @drcourt_everafter

    Or her website

    So much more than a podcast!!!

    Instagram: @radicalstepmomspodcast

    Schedule with a 1:1 with Christina

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    29 January 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Season 8: Episode 6: When you’re the full-time mom, but only the step mom with guest, Jessica

    Christina welcomes Jessica to hear her perspective on being a full-time stepmom, mom and having an ours baby. What have been her own challenges and areas for growth sharing custody of her kids? How has she adapted to full time stepmom life, and what advice does she give others? Christina and Jessica chat about “fairness” between siblings, being called “mom”. In this episode we talk about the messy, beautiful, and rewarding experience of step-parenting full-time—so join us as we unpack it all!

    About My Guest: 

    Hey I’m Jessica Richter - wife, mom of 3 and step mom to 4, and Mental Health Therapist. I’m here to share my journey as a stepmom, but more importantly, as a full-time parent. In this space, we’ll explore the unique challenges of raising children who aren’t biologically yours, while balancing that role with being a mom to your own biological kids. It’s a tough job—being the full-time caregiver, making all the decisions, managing all the emotions—yet still carrying the title of “just the step mom.”

    Find her on IG:  jes.richter

    So much more than a podcast!!!


    ⁠Schedule with Christina⁠ and get some 1:1 support.

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    15 January 2025, 9:58 pm
  • 35 minutes 39 seconds
    Season 8: Episode 5: Finding stepmotherhood in your early 20’s, the sacrifices and the gains with guest, Nathalie

    Christina welcomes Nathalie who shares her story of finding love and KIDS in her early 20’s. Young stepmoms have a unique journey. Nathalie shares how her friendships evolved or dissolved after taking on the stepmom role, having a partner in the military and managing custody schedules and oh-yes, high conflict situations. What can new, young stepmoms learn from Nathalie? Listen in! 

    About My Guest: 

    My name is Nathalie and I'm a 22-year-old stepmom. I became a stepmom 2 years ago, going into my final year of undergraduate. I am now in my Master's in Social Work, where I've learned the struggles of managing my personal life, along with the schedules of my partner and stepkid.

    Find her on IG: @nathalieepoulinn

    So much more than a podcast!!!

    Find me and other rad stepmoms on ⁠Instagram⁠

    ⁠Schedule with Christina⁠ and get some 1:1 support.

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    7 January 2025, 8:10 pm
  • 53 minutes 12 seconds
    Season 8: Episode 4: Overcoming Loyalty Binds & Creating Blended Harmony with guest, Alexandra

    Christina welcomes Alexandra Nolan to chat how to create harmony within your blended family. Establishing a new family system takes time, so what can we do as parents and stepmoms to foster security, love and respect? Listen in as Alexandra and Christina talk loyalty binds, family identity and finding your footing as a stepmom.

    About My Guest 

    Alexandra Nolan is a dynamic parenting educator, aspiring All About Parenting Trainer, and successful momtrepreneur. As a mother of three boys, she seamlessly blends personal experience with evidence-based strategies to empower parents across the United States.

    Currently pursuing her certification, Alexandra specializes in applying Self-Determination Theory to foster intrinsic motivation in children, helping families create nurturing environments that promote autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

    Her journey from a struggling parent to a passionate advocate for positive parenting techniques makes her uniquely qualified to guide others through their parenting challenges. Alexandra’s approach focuses on achieving balance in parenting styles, moving away from fear-based methods towards more effective, scientifically-backed strategies. Her workshops and webinars offer practical tools for parents to raise confident, responsible children while strengthening family bonds. Alexandra’s mission is to transform parenting experiences by bridging the gap between parenting science and everyday family life.

    Find her on IG!

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    ⁠Schedule with Christina⁠ and get some 1:1 support.

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    18 December 2024, 4:15 pm
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    Season 8: Episode 3: A single dad’s perspective on making space for stepmoms with guest J.P.

    Christina is excited to welcome J.P. to the podcast to get a dad/partner perspective! JP shares about his co-parenting dynamic and what he considers when dating and potentially welcoming a stepmom into the blended mix. How does he view the stepmom role? What responsibility does the dad/partner have in the “blended process”? And what red flags does he suggest the stepmom pay attention to? 

    We talk about it all and more! Listen in! 

    About My Guest: 

    41 year old Single Girl Dad to a 9 year old. Have gone from Conflict to Collaboration in Co-parenting and now Coach, Speak, and Advocate to help others do the same.

    Find him on IG here.

    So much more than a podcast!!!


    Schedule with Christina and get some 1:1 support.

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    4 December 2024, 4:31 pm
  • 42 minutes 6 seconds
    Season 8: BONUS - Avoiding the Holiday Chaos: Tips to Prepare with Coach Michelle
    The holidays are supposed to be full of joy and love, but in a blended family…it can also bring frustration and conflict. In this BONUS episode, Christina and Michelle chat ways to prepare, things to consider and tips on protecting your holiday peace. How do you navigate schedule changes, gift giving, or holiday cards? Listen in!  Happy Holidays, rad stepmoms!  About My Guest:  Coach Michelle is a high conflict resolution coach, an attorney, and a badass single mom. She helps parents disengage from high conflict relationships, getting them out of court, and stepping back into their lives. Her unique combination as a certified Martha Beck life coach, a lawyer for almost 20 years, her field of study in Psychology, and her own personal family law experience, makes Michelle a well-rounded coach, capable of helping parents learn how to disengage from a challenging and protracted co-parenting relationship. Find her on IG: coachmichellesd Website: www.coachmichelle.club So much more than a podcast!!! Instagram: @radicalstepmomspodcast https://chatwithchristina.as.me/and get 1:1 support! https://www.patreon.com/radicalstepmomspodcast http://www.radicalstepmomspodcast.com/
    27 November 2024, 5:41 pm
  • 52 minutes 21 seconds
    Season 8: Episode 2: Learning how to navigate your high conflict co-parenting relationship to save your financial and emotional wellbeing with guest Coach Michelle

    Christina welcomes back Coach Michelle Michele to discuss the foundations of navigating a high conflict co-parenting relationship. If we’re in a high conflict dynamic we know the toll it can take on our relationship and our own mental health. We can all name one bad habit we have or one need that isn’t being met.  What can you start implementing right now that will save time, money and resources in the long run? Listen in! 

    About My Guest: 

    Coach Michelle is a high conflict resolution coach, an attorney, and a badass single mom. She helps parents disengage from high conflict relationships, getting them out of court, and stepping back into their lives. Her unique combination as a certified Martha Beck life coach, a lawyer for almost 20 years, her field of study in Psychology, and her own personal family law experience, makes Michelle a well-rounded coach, capable of helping parents learn how to disengage from a challenging and protracted co-parenting relationship.

    Find her on IG: @coachmichellesd

    Website: www.coachmichelle.club

    So much more than a podcast!!!

    Instagram: @radicalstepmomspodcast

    Schedule a session with Christina

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    20 November 2024, 6:35 pm
  • 56 minutes 8 seconds
    Season 8: Episode 1: Hello Season 8! Coming in hot with guest Victoria

    Welcome to Season 8! Christina kicks off with a new series that will sound a little more like a 1:1 session. Meet Victoria, a stepmom who started her role in a less traditional way that adds an interesting dynamic. She is grieving the newlywed era she never got to have, wants to disengage but doesn’t know where to start and wonders how an “ours baby” will fit into the high conflict mix. Listen in as Victoria and I talk through her experience and what tools she can start using…now! 

    About My Guest: 

    Hi! I’m Victoria, I’m 26, a Christian, Gemini, farmer wanna be, chaos coordinator, and proud North Carolinian. I love country music, conspiracy theories, and chickens. Find her on IG: victoria_smathers_

    So much more than a podcast!!!

    Instagram: @radicalstepmomspodcast

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    6 November 2024, 6:00 pm
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    Season 7: Episode 21: A Finale Q&A with Christina's husband, Jacob

    Christina invites her husband on to answer your questions! Some things they cover:

    - how can partners support the stepmom? What challenges have they overcome?

    - How do Christina and Jacob handle when their son shares details about the other house?

    - What conversations/concerns did they have when preparing for an ours baby?

    - Teacher conferences with or without the ex? How do we do it?


    Sending out a special THANK YOU for another amazing season! Thank you to all my guests who have shared their heart and stories so others can feel less alone. And thank you to all of you rad mamas who listen in! Sending you so much love and gratitude; you are such a light in my own stepmom journey.

    Cheers and I'll be back soon for Season 8!

    So much more than a podcast!!! Join the Rad Community! Find me on the Gram⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠@radicalstepmomspodcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Want a little more support? Schedule a 1:1 session or become a Radical Member! ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠Head to my website⁠!⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Interested in my new workshop: Finding Your Role? Check it out here!

    30 July 2024, 3:00 pm
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    Season 7: Episode 20: Leading with love and understanding even in High Conflict with guest, Courtney

    Christina welcomes Courtney to unpack the term "High Conflict", and why labeling everyone as a "Narcissist" is concerning. How do these terms help us find support? Courtney shares her experience being both a bio-mom and stepmom navigating a challenging "co-parenting" dynamic. How does she lead with love and understanding, despite false allegations and endless court dates? What are her words of wisdom? Listen In!

    About My Guest:

    Dr. Courtney is wife-mom-stepmom-doodlemom-DNP-soon to be author who also happens to be an experienced divorce and co-parenting coach. Her two decade career in the healthcare field has lent to her deep understanding of human behavior, mental health, and the importance of self-care during challenging life transitions. With her expertise in healthcare, coupled with her coaching education and personal experience dealing with a high conflict coparenting dynamic, Courtney is uniquely equipped to provide support in successfully managing stress, promoting self-care routines, and surviving the emotional impact of divorce. Courtney is dedicated to helping individuals heal and thrive despite the emotional roller coaster that often accompanies the dissolution of a marriage and subsequent co-parenting struggles. thedivorceco.org
    IG - @thedivorceco

    So much more than a podcast!!! Find me on the Gram⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠@radicalstepmomspodcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Want a little more support? Schedule a 1:1 session or become a Radical Member! ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Head to my website!⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Interested in my new workshop: Finding Your Role? Check it out here!

    3 July 2024, 6:29 pm
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