Zero Hour Strikes!


Co-hosts Siskoid and Bass cover the whole of DC Comics' Zero Hour 1994 crossover event in THE ZERO HOUR STRIKES! PODCAST. Every issue, every tie-in, every zero issue, and a little more besides! Siskoid revisits it; Bass discovers it for the first time!

  • 40 minutes 42 seconds
    Zero Hour Strikes! 30th Anniversary Special
    When Siskoid and Bass said they would cover every issue of Zero Hour, every tie-in, every Zero issue, they meant it! And so they just HAD to relight the feed on Zero Hour Strikes to cover the recently published 30th Anniversary Special, as well as the short Zero Hour story included in DC's I Know What You Did Last Crisis! It's a one-off to celebrate 30 years since they ruined Hal Jordan and killed the JSA! Think of this episode as a time anomaly! Listen to the Zero Hour Strikes! Episode 34 below! Or subscribe to The Zero Hour Strikes! Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Relevant images and further credits at: Zero Hour Strikes ep.34 Supplemental This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK! Visit our WEBSITE: Follow us on TWITTER: Like our FACEBOOK page: Use our HASHTAG online: #FWPodcasts Support us on Patreon: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts as part of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. And thanks for leaving a comment!
    3 December 2024, 10:00 am
  • 36 minutes 36 seconds
    Zero Hour Strikes! Sequels and Epilogues Part 2
    This is it! The clock has run out on Zero Hour Strikes, leaving this second of two epilogue shows with only Extant's final story in JSA #11-15 for Siskoid and Bass to cover. Get your final dose of the show before reality collapses in on itself! Listen to the Zero Hour Strikes! Episode 33 below! Or subscribe to The Zero Hour Strikes! Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Relevant images and further credits at: Zero Hour Strikes ep.33 Supplemental This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK! Visit our WEBSITE: Follow us on TWITTER: Like our FACEBOOK page: Use our HASHTAG online: #FWPodcasts Support us on Patreon: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts as part of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. And thanks for leaving a comment!
    31 May 2022, 10:00 am
  • 50 minutes 22 seconds
    Zero Hour Strikes! Sequels and Epilogues Part 1
    The penultimate episode has Bass and Siskoid look at some sequels to Zero Hour, including Booster Gold #0, Adventures of Superman #522, and Impulse: Bart Saves the Universe. The clock is running out on this podcast... fast! Listen to the Zero Hour Strikes! Episode 32 below! Or subscribe to The Zero Hour Strikes! Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Relevant images and further credits at: Zero Hour Strikes ep.32 Supplemental This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK! Visit our WEBSITE: Follow us on TWITTER: Like our FACEBOOK page: Use our HASHTAG online: #FWPodcasts Support us on Patreon: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts as part of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. And thanks for leaving a comment!
    26 April 2022, 10:00 am
  • 54 minutes 41 seconds
    Zero Hour Strikes! Wonder Woman, Hawkman and Aquaman #0
    While there are a couple of episodes after this, Bass and Siskoid polish off what's left of Zero Month with Wonder Woman #0, Hawkman #0, and Aquaman #0. Listen to the Zero Hour Strikes! Episode 31 below! Or subscribe to The Zero Hour Strikes! Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Relevant images and further credits at: Zero Hour Strikes ep.31 Supplemental This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK! Visit our WEBSITE: Follow us on TWITTER: Like our FACEBOOK page: Use our HASHTAG online: #FWPodcasts Support us on Patreon: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts as part of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. And thanks for leaving a comment!
    29 March 2022, 10:00 am
  • 56 minutes 49 seconds
    Zero Hour Strikes! Batman Family Zeroes
    Bass and Siskoid return to the Batman Family of books and their #0 issues, including The Outsiders, Catwoman and Robin! Who gets a bold new direction? Listen to the Zero Hour Strikes! Episode 30 below! Or subscribe to The Zero Hour Strikes! Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Relevant images and further credits at: Zero Hour Strikes ep.30 Supplemental This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK! Visit our WEBSITE: Follow us on TWITTER: Like our FACEBOOK page: Use our HASHTAG online: #FWPodcasts Support us on Patreon: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts as part of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. And thanks for leaving a comment!
    22 February 2022, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    Zero Hour Strikes! Brand-New Zeroes
    Several series were launched on Zero Month, springing (sometimes limping) from the crossover event. Bass and Siskoid take on Primal Force, Fate, Manhunter and, yes, finally, you can stop hounding them, Starman #0! Listen to the Zero Hour Strikes! Episode 29 below! Or subscribe to The Zero Hour Strikes! Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Relevant images and further credits at: Zero Hour Strikes ep.29 Supplemental This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK! Visit our WEBSITE: Follow us on TWITTER: Like our FACEBOOK page: Use our HASHTAG online: #FWPodcasts Support us on Patreon: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts as part of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. And thanks for leaving a comment!
    25 January 2022, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    Zero Hour Strikes! Green Lantern Zeroes
    Bass and Siskoid take a look at the Green Lantern family of titles and their zero issues, including Green Lantern itself, Darkstars and Guy Gardner: Warrior, but also a Zero Hour epilogue with Green Lantern/Silver Surfer: Unholy Alliances, in which they further discuss whether Parallax could or should be redeemed. Listen to the Zero Hour Strikes! Episode 28 below! Or subscribe to The Zero Hour Strikes! Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Relevant images and further credits at: Zero Hour Strikes ep.28 Supplemental This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK! Visit our WEBSITE: Follow us on TWITTER: Like our FACEBOOK page: Use our HASHTAG online: #FWPodcasts Support us on Patreon: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts as part of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. And thanks for leaving a comment!
    28 December 2021, 10:00 am
  • 57 minutes 3 seconds
    Zero Hour Strikes! Justice League Zeroes
    Bass and Siskoid take aim at the Justice League's zero issues, including Justice League America, Justice League Task Force, and Extreme Justice! Will the franchise pivot towards success or keep diving head first into a vat of boiling failure? History's already been written, but what do our two Zeroes think? Listen to the Zero Hour Strikes! Episode 27 below! Or subscribe to The Zero Hour Strikes! Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Relevant images and further credits at: Zero Hour Strikes ep.27 Supplemental This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK! Visit our WEBSITE: Follow us on TWITTER: Like our FACEBOOK page: Use our HASHTAG online: #FWPodcasts Support us on Patreon: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts as part of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. And thanks for leaving a comment!
    30 November 2021, 10:00 am
  • 54 minutes 48 seconds
    Zero Hour Strikes! Superboy, Steel, The Ray and Green Arrow #0
    Bass and Siskoid talk about the zero issues of several series starring heroes relatively new on the scene - Superboy, Steel, the Ray... and Green Arrow? Get all the skinny, right here, right now. Listen to the Zero Hour Strikes! Episode 26 below! Or subscribe to The Zero Hour Strikes! Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Relevant images and further credits at: Zero Hour Strikes ep.26 Supplemental This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK! Visit our WEBSITE: Follow us on TWITTER: Like our FACEBOOK page: Use our HASHTAG online: #FWPodcasts Support us on Patreon: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts as part of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. And thanks for leaving a comment!
    26 October 2021, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Zero Hour Strikes! Superman Zeroes
    Bass and Siskoid reach for an old favorite, covering the zero issues of all four Superman books, but is it Superman #0, or Conduit #0? Whose origin are we really telling? Only the Podcasters of Steel can get to the bottom of this. Listen to the Zero Hour Strikes! Episode 25 below! Or subscribe to The Zero Hour Strikes! Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Relevant images and further credits at: Zero Hour Strikes ep.25 Supplemental This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK! Visit our WEBSITE: Follow us on TWITTER: Like our FACEBOOK page: Use our HASHTAG online: #FWPodcasts Support us on Patreon: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts as part of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. And thanks for leaving a comment!
    28 September 2021, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Zero Hour Strikes! Heaven and Hell's Zeroes
    Bass and Siskoid head to the more supernatural side of the DC Universe to cover The Spectre and The Demon's zero issues, as well as explore the possible/controversial connection between Zero Hour and Neil Gaiman's Sandman! Listen to the Zero Hour Strikes! Episode 24 below! Or subscribe to The Zero Hour Strikes! Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Relevant images and further credits at: Zero Hour Strikes ep.24 Supplemental This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK! Visit our WEBSITE: Follow us on TWITTER: Like our FACEBOOK page: Use our HASHTAG online: #FWPodcasts Support us on Patreon: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts as part of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. And thanks for leaving a comment!
    31 August 2021, 10:00 am
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