Abundantly Clear Podcast

Malorie Nicole

Abundantly Clear is a mindset platform for entrepreneurs that want to achieve mental clarity, learn to not only decrease stress but turn it into growth, and continue to create the business and lives most would only dream of.

  • 7 minutes 7 seconds
    EP 316: The Happiest People I Know Think Like This

    Join me, Malorie Nicole, as I delve into the power of gratitude in our everyday lives. Tune in as I share my thoughts on the incredible interconnectedness of our world, thanks to technology that bridges gaps and fuels growth in ways we might not even realize. This conversation serves as a gentle reminder of the abundance we have, simply by having access to the internet and devices that bring us together, including shows like this one. It's a chance to pause and recognize the blessings and opportunities that come our way, prompting us to ponder why we're so fortunate to have these resources.

    I'll also touch on how we tend to lose perspective when faced with setbacks and challenges, particularly addressing busy entrepreneurs and individuals caught up in the hustle. Gratitude, I believe, goes beyond just a feeling; it's a shift in mindset that can truly transform how we navigate obstacles and view our circumstances. So, join me as we confront the uncomfortable truths of our experiences, acknowledge the ebb and flow of life's highs and lows, and discover how embracing gratitude can enrich our personal and professional journeys.

    The Abundance Decision - written by Malorie Nicole

    8 May 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 9 minutes 57 seconds
    EP 315: Intentional Writing Exercise

    Are you utilizing writing as a powerful tool in your life?

    In this episode, I reveal the power of intentional writing. I share firsthand examples of how it's improved my life and the direct connection it has had on my habits and behaviors. 

    In the book, The Abundance Decision identity is a core principle discussed. Intentional writing is a practice to support you in shaping your identity. 

    Here are 8 questions to help you get started: 

    1. What energy am I putting out into the world?
    2. How are others (name specific people) experiencing me?
    3. What gratitude am I currently showing and expressing?
    4. How do the habits and behaviors I currently have, reflect in who I believe I am? 
    5. What does having an open heart look like?
    6. What words would I use to describe myself the past few days? 
    7. What emotions might I be carrying that I have not addressed? 
    8. Is the intention I'm setting currently aligning with my values and long-term goals?

    These questions will help you reflect on how you're showing up to the world. By assessing how you're showing up you give yourself the powerful possibility to further align with who you are. 


    29 April 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 8 minutes 25 seconds
    EP 314: The Mindset of Abundance

    What does it truly mean to have an abundant mindset? 

    Tune into this episode as we discuss how abundance isn't just a philosophy; it's a reflection of our choices and intentions. Through radical honesty and a commitment to gratitude, we can shift away from scarcity towards a life overflowing with possibilities. Hear firsthand how aligning actions with abundance has reshaped lives and opened doors to new opportunities.

    But it's not just about acknowledging abundance; it's about integrating it into our daily routines. Take a closer look at your habits and mindset—are you unintentionally fostering scarcity? This week, I challenge you to embrace change and identify areas for personal growth, whether it's breaking free from old patterns or rekindling connections. Let's weave gratitude, opportunity-seizing, and value recognition into our lives, paving the way for a richer, more fulfilling existence. Tune in and step into a world where abundance isn't just a concept but a lived experience, waiting to be embraced.

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    25 April 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 9 minutes 28 seconds
    EP 313: Turn Off Your Inner Critic for Empowered Follow Through

    “I know what I need to do, I just haven’t done it” have you ever heard yourself say this? Today, we address the chains of self-judgment hindering personal growth.

    We'll explore liberating ourselves from our internal critic, transforming it into curiosity and empowerment. By adjusting our self-talk, we cultivate self-trust and essential leadership qualities.

    This episode isn't just about escaping stagnation; it's about stepping confidently into a new future. Discover how small adjustments lead to fulfilling lives. Learn how to embrace an abundance mindset for transformative personal development.

    19 April 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 12 minutes 52 seconds
    EP 312: Self-Care - Myth or Must?

    Have you ever felt like self-care is just another checkbox on your endless to-do list? Join me, Malorie Nicole, as we unpack the transformative power of self-care and its critical role in our journey to flourish in life. Within the bustling rhythm of careers and personal obligations, this episode of the Abundantly Clear Podcast shatters the common misconceptions about self-care and reveals how it can be more than just sporadic indulgences.

    We're discussing core beliefs, the essence of our identity, and tailored strategies to elevate your self-care routine, ensuring it's not just a fleeting luxury, but a steadfast cornerstone of your daily life. This week's conversation is a call to action for every overworked parent and ambitious professional who can't seem to find a moment for themselves.

    There's a compassionate perspective awaiting you, informed by insights from my book 'The Abundance Decision,' where the concept of self-care is redefined as creating an environment where you can truly thrive. It's about more than just weekends out with friends or pampering sessions—it's about crafting an existence where personal well-being takes the front seat. Embark on this enlightening journey with me to nurture an environment that not only supports but amplifies your performance in all facets, from the boardroom to the family room.

    2 April 2024, 3:45 pm
  • 8 minutes 29 seconds
    EP 311: From Procrastination to Productivity

    On this episode we explore the surprising roots of procrastination and unveil the power of clarity in supercharging our productivity. Listen in as I debunk the myth that procrastination is solely a lack of motivation or discipline, revealing that it's often a foggy understanding of our goals that holds us back.

    We'll navigate through a series of thought-provoking questions designed to shed light on your projects and decisions, transforming confusion into action. This discussion is a must for anyone who's ever felt stuck or unfairly labeled themselves as a procrastinator – discover how clear self-talk can unlock personal and professional growth.

    In our ongoing journey of self-improvement, this episode also offers a reflective roadmap for adapting insights to the unique culture of your workplace. I'll guide you through the vital practice of asking the right questions and allowing time for reflection to refine your understanding.

    Whether you're a seasoned business owner or an emerging leader within your company, you'll find invaluable strategies to tailor conversations and strategies to fit your specific situation. So, let's get ready to clear the haze around productivity and embrace growth with intentionality and insight.

    27 March 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 10 minutes 59 seconds
    EP 310: How to Handle Setbacks and Find Peace

    Get ready to dive deep into the rugged terrain of setbacks and the fertile ground they offer for personal growth and self-discovery. In this episode, we'll tackle the emotional rollercoaster that often accompanies life's challenges, addressing the importance of confronting feelings like anger, frustration, shame, and disappointment head-on.

    Whether you're navigating the complexities of business ownership or the intricacies of personal relationships, this conversation is a raw exploration into understanding resilience during tough times and how these moments shape our journey toward success.

    Join me as we peel back the layers to examine the emotions that might be holding us back. Moving through life with empathy—both for ourselves and those around us—is key to releasing negative feelings that hinder our progress.

    This episode isn't just a chat; it's a powerful tool crafted to help you find your center, regain your confidence, and move forward with purpose. 


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    14 March 2024, 11:00 am
  • 8 minutes 27 seconds
    EP 309: Success Mindset Through Inner Transformation

    Join us on Abundantly Clear as we delve into the powerful dynamics of beliefs, behaviors, and habits, unlocking the pathway to a thriving lifestyle. In this episode, we'll be your personal guide to aligning your identity with your aspirations, paving the way for the success you've always envisioned. By focusing on the essential interplay between our core convictions and daily actions, you'll gain valuable insights into reverse engineering your journey towards prosperity, fulfilling relationships, and optimal well-being.

    If you've ever questioned whether your habits truly reflect your ambitions, this thought-provoking discussion will challenge you to embrace the identity necessary to achieve your goals. As your host, Malorie Nicole, I'll lead you on an introspective journey, urging you to examine the beliefs that silently shape your life trajectory. Whether these convictions are influenced by culture, religion, or media, understanding their impact is crucial in shaping your destiny.

    We'll unpack the concept of beliefs and behaviors by prompting a thorough exploration of whether your current practices align with the growth and abundance you desire. By the end of our discussion, you'll have the tools to question, "Am I embodying the person needed to realize my vision?" Prepare to elevate your mindset and transform your life with the invaluable wisdom shared in this episode.

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    7 March 2024, 3:54 pm
  • 9 minutes 53 seconds
    EP 308: Empowered Approach - Act Quickly

    Welcome to the Abundantly Clear Podcast. In this episode, we discuss why taking quick action is one of the greatest business skills one can obtain. The longer we let our problems fester, the bigger they get. 

    This episode is a deep dive into approaching problems from an empowered place and directly taking action on those things you might be avoiding. Whether you're facing a tough choice or need to tackle a lingering problem, we're here to help you navigate it.

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    23 February 2024, 8:01 pm
  • 7 minutes 13 seconds
    EP 307: Discovering the Power of Meaning in Your Work

    Discover how a meaningful "why" can transform your personal and business life with me, Malorie Nicole. This episode of Abundantly Clear is an essential listen for those seeking to align their daily business tasks with a greater purpose and for entrepreneurs questioning the countless hours poured into their ventures. We delve into why meaning—not fleeting motivation—is the true catalyst for success, and how it can be your guiding force through the tough times and challenging decisions that are part and parcel of any business journey. 

    As we unravel this tapestry of purpose, we explore how meaning is dynamic and ever-evolving, essential for keeping your entrepreneurial spirit alive. I share insights on how a business that anchors itself in meaning can effortlessly attract talent, foster a loyal customer base, and cultivate a positive company culture. It's not just about hitting milestones; it's about growing, creating opportunities, and finding daily inspiration in the work that resonates with our deepest values and innate gifts. So tune in, and let's infuse your goals with the fulfillment and purpose that will drive you toward true and lasting success.

    16 February 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 10 minutes 55 seconds
    EP 306: Mastering Time: Building Structure and Leveraging High Impact Activities

    Want more time freedom in your week? Having trouble stepping away from your business? You're not alone. Today we dissect the transformative power of structure, both in business and in life. By sharing a roadmap of high-leverage activities, I'll guide you through the art of prioritizing, which is essential in the quest for effective time management and increased clarity.

    This episode isn't just about ticking boxes; it's about understanding the pivotal tasks that drive success. I'll also discuss the harmony that a well-defined framework brings to a team, ensuring everyone knows their roles and responsibilities, streamlining communication, and reducing workplace anxiety.

    Have you ever caught yourself measuring your worth by how busy you are? We take a hard look at this common fallacy, inspired by the principles of "The Abundance Decision." It's time for a candid, no-holds-barred examination of our relationship with time, challenging the narratives that bind us to unproductive patterns. By learning to identify and focus on high leverage activities, we also open up a discussion on conducting time assessments to optimize their effectiveness. Join me as we equip ourselves with the tools necessary to reshape our habits, empowering a journey towards not just reaching, but exceeding our most ambitious goals.

    9 February 2024, 3:28 pm
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