"There's a lotta things about me you don't know anything about, Dottie. Things you wouldn't understand. Things you couldn't understand. Things you shouldn't understand." We're back with a brand new season and we watch "Pee-wee's Big Adventure" directed by Tim Burton and even after all these years we can't contain our joy after viewing this comedy masterpiece. We really lost an icon when Paul Reubens passed so we're celebrating his legacy reviewing Pee-wee on his quest to find his prized bicycle. We take a little trip discussing the origins of the character in the underground L.A. comedy scene of the late 70s, the subversive/punk rock/queer undertones that inform Pee-wee and try and dissect how we can possibly still be laughing at these jokes all these years later. There was something in the sauce on the Warner lot when those crazy kids were making this movie and the world is a tiny bit more fun because of it.
Thanks for listening all season and we’ll be back with fresh episodes before you know it!
And don't forget to subscribe, rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!
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Bluesky: @MTMUGPod.bsky.social
Scott Youngbauer: X @oscarscott / Instagram @scottyoungballer
Peter Lozano: Bluesky/Instagram @peterlasagna
You've got mail! Before we get start recording the new season, Reba the Mail Lady stopped by our apartment with some listener questions. We talk about our deathbed movies, the 2025 Oscar race, our favorite episodes since we recorded the last mailbag episode, the Fanning sisters, and much much more! We'll be back next week with our season seven premiere!
Thanks for listening and don't forget to subscribe, rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!
Facebook/Instagram: @moviesthatmadeusgay
Bluesky: @MTMUGPod.bsky.social
Scott Youngbauer: Twitter @oscarscott / Instagram @scottyoungballer
Peter Lozano: Twitter/Instagram Peterlasagna
“Lucy, you are born into a family. You do not join them like you do the Marines.” It’s the Season Six Finale, and we watched “While You Were Sleeping” with our favorite gal pal, Moranne Keeler, and boy do we love us some Sandra Bullock. We spend a good portion of the pod pondering over that certain quality Sandra possesses that draws us to her every time. She’s been America’s Sweetheart since the ‘90s when she drove that bus right down the freeway, straight to our hearts. That X-factor quality really comes in handy when you’re leading a movie in which the plot could come across as a little stalkery if played wrong. The entire cast really pulls this cuckoo plot together— really playing off each other as a family. We also talk about the believability of Peter Gallagher and Bill Pullman as brothers and which one we’d rather marry. We also start the show with a Leading Ladies Quiz featuring our gal Sandy B. Do you have what it takes to beat Scott’s high score!
Thanks for listening all season and we’ll be back with fresh episodes before you know it!
And don't forget to subscribe, rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!
Facebook/Instagram: @moviesthatmadeusgay
Bluesky: @MTMUGPod.bsky.social
Scott Youngbauer: X @oscarscott / Instagram @scottyoungballer
Peter Lozano: X/Instagram @peterlasagna
“It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes, or bags.” It’s our official Christmas week episode, and what better way to get into the holiday season than to watch the millennial favorite Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas, directed by Ron Howard, with our friend Jessica Delgadillo. We aren’t saying this movie doesn’t have its problems, but there’s just something about it that gives us the Christmasy feels and keep us coming back to it every year. Is it maybe the funniest Jim Carrey has ever been? Seriously, it's like bizarre performance art. Is Christine Baranski’s Martha May Whovier too fierce for words? Yes, to both. An impossible task of turning a 64-page children’s book into a nearly two-hour movie, Ron Howard's film is like tearing into colorful presents under the tree. A fun, but messy, good time. We gush about Jim Carrey’s insane character work and talk about some of the wild behind-the-scenes stories. Some of which involve CIA torture endurance to help Jim cope with the head-to-toe Rick Baker Oscar-winning makeup. We also dive into the possible queer coding of the Grinch. There might be reasons why the Grinch has a crush on the dragiest Whoville girl in town. Welcome, Christmas. While we stand. Heart to heart… and hand in hand.
Thanks for listening and don't forget to subscribe, rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!
Facebook/Instagram: @moviesthatmadeusgay
Bluesky: @MTMUGPod.bsky.social
Scott Youngbauer: X @oscarscott / Instagram @scottyoungballer
Peter Lozano: X/Instagram @peterlasagna
“Why am I such a misfit? I am not just a nitwit. You can't fire me, I quit! Seems I don't fit in.” It’s a Rankin/Bass “Animagic” Christmas Spectacular here at Movies That Made Us Gay, and we watched “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” “The Year Without a Santa Claus,” “The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus,” and “Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey” with our friend Harper Thomson and we still want to visit the island of misfit toys. These charming stop-motion animation TV specials from the 1960s, 70s, and 80s have been airing for as long as any of us can remember, and it’s just not the holidays until we watch at least one of them. What little queer child didn’t feel seen as Rudolph was banished from gym class and made to hide his light? Little Hermey the elf just not feeling his 9-to-5 job making toys really speaks to the Gen Z in all of us, and are you even queer if you don’t shed a tear when that raggedy doll sings her song on the island of misfit toys? All that and a ginger daddy/bear who loves dogs (and peppermint), and it almost seems as though this was made for and by the gays. There was just something in the sauce Arthur Rankin Jr. and Jules Bass were churning because each of these specials just tugs at your heartstrings and makes the little queer kid inside us weep, laugh, and light up. Oh, and the Heat & Snow Miser’s songs are high camp, burlesque magic.
Thanks for listening and don't forget to subscribe, rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!
Facebook/Instagram: @moviesthatmadeusgay
Bluesky: @MTMUGPod.bsky.social
Scott Youngbauer: Twitter @oscarscott / Instagram @scottyoungballer
Peter Lozano: Twitter/Instagram @peterlasagna
“Children can be nasty, don't you think?” We watched the camp classic “The Bad Seed” from 1956 this week with Emily Ollero Jones from the podcast “Female Driven”, and what will you give us for a basket of kisses? Of all the bad-ass bitches in cinema history, there isn’t anyone quite like Rhonda Penmark, played by Patty McCormick. Rotted to the core, Rhonda is a child serial killer and psychopath who manipulates all the adults around her. We wouldn’t have Damien Thorn from “The Omen”, Esther from “Orphan”, or Mac Culkin in “The Good Son” if it weren’t for Patty McCormack’s iconic performance. First published as a novel in 1954, to a Broadway play the same year, then this Mervyn LeRoy-directed movie in 1956, “The Bad Seed” shocked audiences with an ad campaign that promised to goop and gag its viewers. Oscar-nominating all three of its actresses who came from performing it on stage, “The Bad Seed” has some incredible performances by Nancy Kelly, Patty McCormack, and Eileen Heckart. We’re here to tell you this movie still operates at a ten and doesn’t let up for its over two-hour run time.
Thanks for listening and don't forget to subscribe, rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!
Facebook/Instagram: @moviesthatmadeusgay
Bluesky: @MTMUGPod.bsky.social
Scott Youngbauer: Twitter @oscarscott / Instagram @scottyoungballer
Peter Lozano: Twitter/Instagram Peterlasagna
"Strength and Honor." It’s our Black Friday episode, and we’re celebrating Galicked this week and are discussing Ridley Scott’s long-awaited Gladiator II. An old-fashioned sword and sandal epic that both the gays and straights can equally enjoy, this might not match the prestige of its Oscar-winning predecessor, but there’s a lot of fun going on here. It’s nice to see this type of historic blockbuster embrace its gay Ancient Rome roots and lean more into the camp of its material. Get us a fan, because we’re verklempt from all of the insanely hot men on display here. We’d risk it all for a night with our boy Paul Mescal, and daddy Pedro Pascal is the type of man we’d have on our bedroom wall growing up. Even though this movie may not exactly pass the Bechdel Test, Connie Nielsen more than makes up for it as the fierce Lucilla. We’re also all here for the comeback of queer villains. Joseph Quinn and Fred Hechinger chew up the scenery as two twink brother Emperors adding some Caligula-level hijinks, complete with a monkey in a dress and a bisexual harem. We discuss the Denzel Washington hinted man on man kiss left on the cutting room floor, some brief thoughts on Wicked, and the iconic Liz Taylor 2001 Golden Globe appearance. Gllaaaaadiator!
Thanks for listening and don't forget to subscribe, rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!
Facebook/Instagram: @moviesthatmadeusgay
Bluesky: @MTMUGPod.bsky.social
Scott Youngbauer: Twitter @oscarscott / Instagram @scottyoungballer
Peter Lozano: Twitter/Instagram @peterlasagna
"I would like, if I may... to take you... on a strange journey." We're finally doing the Time Warp this week on the podcast and talking about "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" with our friend Jackson Cooper. Call it the mother of all cult films, and brain child of its star Richard O'Brien, this odd ball musical that was far ahead of its time has racked up countless loyal fans and we're still analyzing this fever dream almost five decades later! Janet and Brad (Susan Surandon and Barry Bostwick) are a couple of newly-engaged bores who suffer a breakdown one fateful dark and stormy night, outside the castle of Dr. Fank-N-Furter - a scientist - and all hell breaks loose. The iconic big screen debut of Tim Curry as Frank and his rag tag group of glam rock misfits turned the worlds of movies, music and fashion on their heads and the world has never been the same since. The high camp extravaganza has inspired midnight showings - continuosly for the past 49 years - with ravenous fans from around the world performing "shadow casts" of the film for the live audiences - a true spectacle. Frank, Riff Raff, Magenta, Columbia and Rocky himself have inspired generations of us queers with the mantra "Don't dream it, Be it!" Oh, and if you don't know the dance it's real easy to learn... "It's just a jump to the left. And then a step to the right!"
Thanks for listening and don't forget to subscribe, rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!
Facebook/Instagram: @moviesthatmadeusgay
Bluesky: @MTMUGPod.bsky.social
Scott Youngbauer: Twitter @oscarscott / Instagram @scottyoungballer
Peter Lozano: Twitter/Instagram @peterlasagna
“Waaaarrrrrriliorsss, come out to pla-i-ay!” We watched “The Warriors” with our friend Rudy Bleu… Can you dig it? This movie is so amazing, but the story of its production is just as wild as the movie itself. Actual gang members as extras, main cast members getting jumped while in their wardrobe, general violence and mayhem abounding, and yet they still managed to make a great movie. We talk about the “timeless” nature of the movie (is it set in a dystopian future?), the homoeroticism in the script, and the cast jam-packed full of hotties. We also discuss which gang we would join based solely on their outfits and play a telling round of FMK with our heroes. Since we’re three Angelenos discussing this film, there’s no guarantee if we would complete this quest with the Warriors, but we would have a hell of a great time on the way.
Thanks for listening and don't forget to subscribe, rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!
Facebook/Instagram: @moviesthatmadeusgay
Twitter: @MTMUGPod
Scott Youngbauer: Twitter @oscarscott / Instagram @scottyoungballer
Peter Lozano: Twitter/Instagram @peterlasagna
“That bum. So what if he has a Porsche? He can't treat you like this. It's Friday night!” We watched “The Terminator” (1984), and you should listen with us if you want to live! We covered T2 back in 2022, but we’re here to talk about the original— the mother of independent blockbusters. It doesn’t get any more ‘80s “Tech Noir” than riding through the streets of downtown Los Angeles to an electronic atonal soundtrack while being chased by Arnold Schwarzenegger in wrap-around sunglasses. Throw in Michael Biehn rocking some sweet Nike high tops, and you’ve got yourself a retro good time. Listen, we all have a little Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) in us— just trying to make it through another workday, while dodging robotic supersoldiers from the future and getting down with your hottie (and human) guardian. Okay, maybe we’re not that much like Sarah— but we really wish we were. This movie is so good we’d watch it even without the copious shots of buns, cool soundtrack, and even cooler characters. James Cameron managed to take a $ 6 million budget and give us a movie (in 1984) that looks better than most $ 100 million movies made today. Follow Sarah on a wild adventure through the streets of L.A. on her way to becoming the mother of a revolution. And remember— be nice to your digital AI assistants— that’s how Terminators get made!!
Thanks for listening and don't forget to subscribe, rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!
Facebook/Instagram: @moviesthatmadeusgay
Twitter: @MTMUGPod
Scott Youngbauer: Twitter @oscarscott / Instagram @scottyoungballer
Peter Lozano: Twitter/Instagram @peterlasagna
“What an excellent day for an exorcism.” We watched the mother of all horror movies “The Exorcist” with our dear friend Espie Quintero and the power of Christ is compelling us to sleep with the lights on! This movie has a reputation for being one of the scariest horror films ever made and for good reason. We go into just how dang REAL it all comes across. Something about that ‘70s style of filmmaking - this thing feels like a documentary in parts. The realism also extends to the subject matter and everyone’s personal thoughts on ghosts, demons, the afterlife and religion in general. I mean leave it to the Catholics to still have a protocol for exorcising demons in the 20th century (and beyond most likely). Linda Blair was only 13 when she was nominated for an Oscar for her work here, but it’s really Ellen Burstyn that owns this movie. Chris MacNeill (Burstyn) is a mother at her wits end when no one will help her clearly possessed daughter. Let’s be real - a demon thrashing around a kid is scary but I defy you to stand in the way of a mother trying to protect her kid when no one else will. On top of all that we also get Ellen in some fierce ‘70s fashions - oversized aviator sunglasses anyone?
Thanks for listening and don't forget to subscribe, rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!
Facebook/Instagram: @moviesthatmadeusgay
Twitter: @MTMUGPod
Scott Youngbauer: Twitter @oscarscott / Instagram @scottyoungballer
Peter Lozano: Twitter/Instagram @peterlasagna