Trek TV - The most ambitious Star Trek podcast on the internet!

Tracy and Vaughn

We watch every single Star Trek episode and movie and talk about them on the internet!

  • 1 hour 32 minutes
    (TTV Selects) Trek TV Episode 20 - The Alternative Factor


    #20 In this episode of Trek TV we discuss Star Trek TOS season 3 production number 20 - "The Alternative Factor". Vaughn and Jared host.

    Madness guy.\A0

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    2 April 2022, 5:20 am
  • 1 hour 25 minutes
    Trek TV Episode 218 - Star Trek: The Next Generation S05E23 - "I, Borg"

    #218 Listen, nobody* ever** really WANTS to have to genocide an entire race. But sometimes, one has to fall back on the classic, legally and philosophically unimpeachable, defense of "they started it". Luckily, we don't have to wrestle with watching our beloved, be-balded captain commit fully to his morally-questionable eradication plan this time, and it's all thanks to everyone's favorite adorable reformed Borg, Hugh! Well, favorite until the one with the big gazongas comes along, but for now he's the only game in town. So soap up your abs, solidly affix your buttplates, gather multiple people together for a podcast recording in the same room for the first time in like literally a decade, and sever your oppressive link to the Collective with this extremely delayed holiday episode of Trek TV! *we've received reports that this is, horrifyingly, not true **and also that it's apparently fairly frequent. Ok so maybe just a touch of global assimilation for, say, a month or so might not be the worst thing to try

    Say what you will about the Borg, they make sick eye holograms

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    22 March 2022, 6:30 am
  • 57 minutes 4 seconds
    Trek TV Episode 217 - Star Trek: The Next Generation S05E22 - "Imaginary Friend"

    #217 Imaginary friends! They're extremely common and normal for kids to have, according to all TV forever. But what if: there was some sort of terrifying, bloodthirsty person out there gratuitously murdering the poor innocent imaginary friends of every last child she came across?! That's not the plot of this episode at all, but it probably would have been a hell of a lot better if it was! In fact, we strongly recommend you make a concerted effort to focus your mind on this much, much more exciting concept, as we attempt to scrape away this relatively inoffensive last remaining bit of effluent residue that this string of stinkers have oozed all over our poor podcast. Don't worry though, we'll further help distract your poor embattled psyche with discussions of the bewildering universal homogeny of morning zoo crews, the disappointing lack of scientific rigor in modern mythbusting, the surprising truth of where stress is stored, and at least some more! So lock up your imaginary friends in the panic room and tell them to not make a sound (it won't help), hide all the terrible crafts you don't want thrown out, and brace yourself for a blandly tolerable episode of Trek TV!

    Red eyes at night, Troi best take flight

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    19 February 2022, 8:05 am
  • 1 hour 22 minutes
    Trek TV Episode 216 - Star Trek: The Next Generation S05E21 - "The Perfect Mate"

    #216 Few people realize that everyone here at Trek TV has been hand-selected as a gifted mutant podcastmorph, with the ability to sense what a potential listener wants, what they need, what gives them the greatest pleasure; and then do the exact opposite of that. So we're probably a subspecies of everyone involved with formulating "The Perfect Mate"! But we're certainly not perfect, so if you're by some chance actually looking for nuanced discussion of the illusion of choice, the difficulty of lying to one's children, the best song ever written about smelling a body part, the surprising international popularity of Canadian high school drama programs, and so much more... well, Vaughn's your uncle! So put on your finest velvet and strongest codpiece, bust open your poorly-secured golden bean, and just maybe you'll be slightly prepared for the train about to be run on you that is this episode of Trek TV!

    Whoops, she noticed

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    26 January 2022, 7:40 am
  • 2 hours 22 seconds
    Trek TV Episode 215 - Star Trek: The Next Generation S05E20 - "Cost of Living"

    #215 Warning: only those "whose hearts are joyous" may listen to this episode of Trek TV. Well, unless they can somehow overcome, through sheer strength, the imposing presence of a weird stupid rainbow-checkerboarded head in a bubble. Of course, the real question is: with the double threat of Lwaxana Troi and Alexander Rozhenko actually TEAMING UP, why would you WANT to? We're not sure either, but what we DO know is there's plenty of discussion of the pitfalls and practicalities of interspecies online dating, bizarre and disturbing Australian pronunciations, unsafe sausage handling practices, shockingly graphic posterior displays, and so much more. It's best you accept your premorse and our apologies, get higher and/or fewer as necessary, and hop right into the muddy stew that is this episode of Trek TV before it all turns into some kind of slimy goo! Well, a different kind of slimy goo, anyway.

    For once I agree with you, bubbleheaded clown freak

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    12 January 2022, 3:00 am
  • 2 hours 34 minutes
    Trek TV Episode 214 - Star Trek: The Next Generation S05E19 - "The First Duty"

    #214 Here at Trek TV, our first duty is to the truth. And by the truth, we mean the liquor, and the truth is some of us definitely take that duty a bit more seriously than others. But don't judge us too harshly; much like our perennial Golden Boy Wesley was seduced and, finally, corrupted by the charm and coiffure of Not-Tom Paris, we were the victim of a similarly brash and manipulative lockdown that seemed like it would never end. But also some of us might have just started the maneuver waaaaay too early. Well, whether we were ready to thread this particularly hazardous needle or not, that hasn't stopped us from opening our exhaust hatches wide and venting out metric tonnes of steaming-hot discussions around the illusions of choice, uncertain spice enunciation, useful cult recruitment tips, disturbing new forensic techniques, the essential metrics of after-school specials, the unconscionable existence of the demon "Bixby", and so, so, SO much more in this, an episode of Trek TV so dangerous and ill-advised that just making it through probably actually qualifies you for credit on both your hazardous/long-haul flight certification and your Starfleet psych test.

    I told you, I'm not

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    5 January 2022, 3:30 am
  • 1 hour 52 minutes
    Trek TV Episode 213 - Star Trek: The Next Generation S05E18 - "Cause and Effect"

    #213 In what's definitely a top 3 cold open at the very least, the boat blows up and everyone dies. (Try not to get too worked up about it though, you'll be seeing it again at least 3 more times). In between repeatedly exploding and smashing her favorite fancy whiskey glass, Dr. Crusher is hard at work trying to cure the chronic boat-blowing-up disease, but when the culprit turns out to be none other than Dr. Frasier Crane himself, there’s obviously only one solution: the power of numbers! But we’re jumping at least 3 steps ahead of ourselves; to break this particular cycle, Trek TV will need to consider the true nature of causality and determinism, realize how insane the Federation’s uniform designers went for a while, get stuck in our own deadly repetitive argument, and probably… 3 more things at least, with the most important undoubtedly being the greatest, gros-est mystery of this or any other age. Warning: this episode of Trek TV has a 300% grosness rating due to frank discussion of “the best pukes”.

    Huh. All gros.

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    24 December 2021, 6:00 am
  • 2 hours 29 minutes
    Trek TV Episode 212 - Star Trek: The Next Generation S05E17 - "The Outcast"

    #212 A terrified, misunderstood, and persecuted person finally decides to accept and take a state for who and what she is, and is subsequently seized by the state for her perceived deviance and faces an involuntary, disturbing, and invasive mental "treatment" to "correct" her "condition". Fortunately, the Enterprise is there to help! Unfortunately, nobody seems to really care, except for Riker on account of he wants to figure out where his bits could go. It's kind of weird and messed up! Some dated concepts of gender and bizarre lack of concern from our typically ultra-humanitarian starship crew aside, this episode still manages to be a stirring, devastating argument for the acceptance of people's sexual and gender orientations that remains terribly, distressingly relevant nearly 30 years later. So of course, we find plenty of ways to accidentally botch pronouns repeatedly, continually giggle like schoolchildren when someone talks about "getting inside the pocket", reveal the secrets of the enigmatic "Story of the Bases", take a stand against the disgusting perversion of split pea soup, and so, so much more in this exceedingly long and unfortunately timely episode of Trek TV! Also, TERFs and their ilk can get proper fucked, tia.

    Trek TV accepts everyone, unless you like split-pea soup you sick freak

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    14 December 2021, 7:35 am
  • 52 minutes 38 seconds
    Trek TV Episode 211 - Star Trek: The Next Generation S05E16 - "Ethics"

    #211 We're so excited that we're just snapping our spines left and right on this one, confident in the knowledge that a risky but promising breakthrough medical procedure will probably show up to repair the damage any day now. And what could be making us shatter our vertebrae so recklessly? Well, how about the crucial revelation, so important to our podcast lore, of how many redundant bits Klingons have? Or the hairdo nadir to finally rival our dear departed Tasha Yar? Could it be the graphic display of one of the wettest ol' spines we've ever had the good fortune to see? Mayhaps it's the opportunity for yet another deep dive into perplexing podunk prairie lexicon? Well, there's no need to commit the Hegh'bat over this paralyzing riddle, friends, for it is simply all of the above and so much more! So strap on your neural transducers, pass off your terrible children to your nearest coworker, and ready your fragile back for the impact of a barrelful of this particularly ethically compromised episode of Trek TV!

    Worf spine

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    6 December 2021, 8:35 am
  • 1 hour 35 minutes
    (TTV Selects) Trek TV Episode 125 - Star Trek: The Next Generation - S02E05 - Loud As A Whisper


    #125 In this episode of Trek TV we discuss Star Trek - "S02E05 - Loud As A Whisper". Vaughn Derek and Jared host.

    Reva and his chorus

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    Visit our website for fan art, news and more!

    1 December 2021, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 32 minutes
    Trek TV Episode 210 - Star Trek: The Next Generation S05E15 - "Power Play"

    #210 This week, the crew of Trek TV find ourselves possessed once again by the terrifying spectre of audio difficulties. Maybe if one of us had just been willing to take one for the team and bust their coccyx, we could have been spared this awful fate, but we really don't have the insurance to do our own stunts. So when you get to the occasional parts that sound all broken or inaudible, just know that we're not in control, we've simply inhabited by the spirits of long-lost podcasts past. Just kidding, of course it's actually just the consciousness of centuries-old convicted criminals sentenced to a bodiless seemingly-eternal living hell on just the biggest dump of a cave planet, because that is definitely far more reasonable than some kind of ghost-situation, which would of course just be silly. During the moments we're able to break free of their nefarious influence, you should just be able to make out discussions of confounding time-related truck mascots, thrilling victories in high-stakes cat challenging, and the inexplicable reluctance to use wide-beam phaser tech. All that and so much more, on this episode of Trek TV: the podcast we promise won't sound sort of broken next time, hopefully maybe!

    Data choking Picard

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    27 November 2021, 10:00 pm
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