"Series Regular" host Josh Wigler dives deep into season three episode five of HBO's "Westworld," the genre-bending drama about killer robots in a killer world. Directed by Anna Foerster and written by Karrie Crouse and Jonathan Nolan, "Genre" is as advertised: a genre-bending ride — at least, that's what it strives for. Whether it succeeds is another question, one that's addressed over the course of the podcast. Beyond the promise of its premise, "Genre" delivers some major story movements in the war between Dolores (Evan Rachel Wood) and Engerraund Serac (Vincent Cassell), while raising new questions about Aaron Paul's Caleb. Wigler recaps all these events and more, with the help of this season's Series Regular co-host, The Hollywood Reporter senior producer Marya Gullo.
Hosted by: Josh Wigler and Marya Gullo
Produced by: Matthew Whitehurst and Joshua Farnham
Executive Produced by: Lesley Goldberg and Josh Wigler
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"Series Regular" is a podcast that follows a hit TV show through its current season. Josh Wigler, for the Hollywood Reporter, will breakdown the most recent episodes and give you his insight and opinion as to what may come next. This third season is going to focus on the third season of HBO's hit show, "Westworld".
Hosted by: Josh Wigler and Marya Gullo
Produced by: Matthew Whitehurst and Joshua Farnham
Executive Produced by: Lesley Goldberg and Josh Wigler
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"Series Regular" is a podcast that follows a hit TV show through its current season. Josh Wigler, for the Hollywood Reporter, will breakdown the most recent episodes and give you his insight and opinion as to what may come next. This third season is going to focus on the third season of HBO's hit show, "Westworld".
Hosted by: Josh Wigler and Marya Gullo
Produced by: Matthew Whitehurst and Joshua Farnham
Executive Produced by: Lesley Goldberg and Josh Wigler
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"Series Regular" is a podcast that follows a hit TV show through its current season. Josh Wigler, for the Hollywood Reporter, will breakdown the most recent episodes and give you his insight and opinion as to what may come next. This third season is going to focus on the third season of HBO's hit show, "Westworld".
Hosted by: Josh Wigler and Marya Gullo
Produced by: Matthew Whitehurst and Joshua Farnham
Executive Produced by: Lesley Goldberg and Josh Wigler
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"Series Regular" host Josh Wigler dives deep into the season three premiere of HBO's "Westworld," the genre-bending drama about killer robots in a killer world. Directed by Jonathan Nolan and written by Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan, "Parce Domine" introduces Westworld viewers to a strange new world: our own, albeit a few decades down the line. Aaron Paul's Caleb Nichols becomes the viewer's eyes and ears on the ground as he and we are once again on a collision course with Evan Rachel Wood's Dolores, herself colliding with a powerful corporate entity and mankind writ large. THR's TV critic and TV's Top Five podcaster Daniel Fienberg joins Wigler on the podcast this week for his critical take on the Westworld premiere, following Wigler's recap of the episode. Plus, Wigler answers listener questions and sets the deck for season three's second episode.
"Series Regular" is a podcast that follows a hit TV show through its current season. Josh Wigler, for the Hollywood Reporter, will breakdown the most recent episodes and give you his insight and opinion as to what may come next. This third season is going to focus on the third season of HBO's hit show, "Westworld".
Hosted by: Josh Wigler
Produced by: Matthew Whitehurst and Joshua Farnham
Executive Produced by: Lesley Goldberg and Josh Wigler
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"Series Regular" is a podcast that follows a hit TV show through its current season. Josh Wigler, for the Hollywood Reporter, will breakdown the most recent episodes and give you his insight and opinion as to what may come next. This third season is going to focus on the third season of HBO's hit show, "Westworld".
Hosted by: Josh Wigler
Produced by: Matthew Whitehurst and Joshua Farnham
Executive Produced by: Lesley Goldberg and Josh Wigler
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"Series Regular" host Josh Wigler dives deep into the season finale of HBO's "Watchmen," Damon Lindelof's drama based in the world of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' seminal graphic novel. In their discussion of episode nine, Josh and co-host Antonio Mazzaro get egg on their face as they talk about the final scene, what may be next for Angela Abar (Regina King), the fates of Doctor Manhattan (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II), Laurie Blake (Jean Smart), Adrian Veidt (Jeremy Irons) and the rest, and much more. Josh and Antonio will return for one final "Watchmen" podcast, answering listener questions and speculating about the series' future. Send all questions and comments in to [email protected].
"Series Regular" is a podcast that follows a hit TV show through its current season. Josh Wigler, for the Hollywood Reporter, will breakdown the most recent episodes and give you his insight and opinion as to what may come next. This second season is going to focus on the new HBO series "Watchmen".
Hosted by: Josh Wigler
Produced by: Matthew Whitehurst and Joshua Farnham
Executive Produced by: Lesley Goldberg and Josh Wigler
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"Series Regular" host Josh Wigler dives deep into the penultimate week of HBO's "Watchmen," Damon Lindelof's drama based in the world of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' seminal graphic novel. In their discussion of episode eight, Josh and co-host Antonio Mazzaro dissect the Doctor Manhattan of it all in free-for-all, non-linear fashion — exactly as the doctor himself would prescribe it. How does the series change now that Cal Abar and Jon Osterman are one and the same? What does it set up for the final episode of the season, and potentially the series? Josh and Antonio dig into all of that and more, including the post-credits scene. Yes, there was a post-credits scene!
"Series Regular" is a podcast that follows a hit TV show through its current season. Josh Wigler, for the Hollywood Reporter, will breakdown the most recent episodes and give you his insight and opinion as to what may come next. This second season is going to focus on the new HBO series "Watchmen".
Hosted by: Josh Wigler
Produced by: Matthew Whitehurst and Joshua Farnham
Executive Produced by: Lesley Goldberg and Josh Wigler
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"Series Regular" host Josh Wigler dives deep into the seventh week of HBO's "Watchmen," Damon Lindelof's drama based in the world of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' seminal graphic novel. In their discussion of episode seven, Josh and co-host Antonio Mazzaro process that massive ending — an ending so big we dare not spoil it here in text! Suffice to say, major developments in the world of Angela Abar (Regina King), who we come to understand through trips down memory lane and one mighty drop of a hammer.
"Series Regular" is a podcast that follows a hit TV show through its current season. Josh Wigler, for the Hollywood Reporter, will breakdown the most recent episodes and give you his insight and opinion as to what may come next. This second season is going to focus on the new HBO series "Watchmen".
Hosted by: Josh Wigler
Produced by: Matthew Whitehurst and Joshua Farnham
Executive Produced by: Lesley Goldberg and Josh Wigler
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"Series Regular" host Josh Wigler dives deep into the sixth week of HBO's "Watchmen," Damon Lindelof's drama based in the world of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' seminal graphic novel. In their discussion of episode six, Josh and co-host Antonio Mazzaro follow Angela Abar (Regina King) down memory lane as she trips on "Nostalgia," learns more about her grandfather Will Reeves (alternately played by Louis Gossett Jr. and King's The Leftovers co-star Jovan Adepo), and much more.
"Series Regular" is a podcast that follows a hit TV show through its current season. Josh Wigler, for the Hollywood Reporter, will breakdown the most recent episodes and give you his insight and opinion as to what may come next. This second season is going to focus on the new HBO series "Watchmen".
Hosted by: Josh Wigler
Produced by: Matthew Whitehurst and Joshua Farnham
Executive Produced by: Lesley Goldberg and Josh Wigler
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"Series Regular" host Josh Wigler dives deep into the fifth week of HBO's "Watchmen," Damon Lindelof's drama based in the world of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' seminal graphic novel. In their discussion of episode five, Josh and co-host Antonio Mazzaro unmask the "squid pro quo" and look directly in the eye of Looking Glass, the masked detective played by Tim Blake Nelson, who finds himself sucked into the heart of a vast and insidious conspiracy. Plus, the latest escapades of Adrian Veidt, some theories about Doctor Manhattan, and much more.
"Series Regular" is a podcast that follows a hit TV show through its current season. Josh Wigler, for the Hollywood Reporter, will breakdown the most recent episodes and give you his insight and opinion as to what may come next. This second season is going to focus on the new HBO series "Watchmen".
Hosted by: Josh Wigler
Produced by: Matthew Whitehurst and Joshua Farnham
Executive Produced by: Lesley Goldberg and Josh Wigler
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