Locke Wheeler

The podcast dedicated to spring turkey hunting

  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    Episode 31: Turkey Boy 2
    Turkey Boy, Steve Brown, from Brown and Company Outfitters returns to the show to talk about his 50th season in the spring turkey woods. A story from early season in Florida, a little update on the turkey hunting industry and some tips and advice for archery hunting spring gobblers.
    24 March 2022, 5:15 pm
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    Huntin' with Harris with Tyson Harris and Terry Hawkins
    Recap of our week hunting at Harris Outfitters in Northwest Missouri
    23 April 2021, 2:56 pm
  • 53 minutes 36 seconds
    Hunting the Big Island with Jon Sabati
    Hawaii is quickly becoming a destination hunting location for spring turkey hunters. Jon Sabati answers all the questions you need to know for turkey hunting in Hawaii.
    16 April 2021, 11:00 am
  • 52 minutes 30 seconds
    The Evolution of BANG with Bobby Sears
    CEO of JEBS Choke Tubes and ROGUE ammunition, Bobby Sears, joins us to talk about the evolution of turkey chokes and hi-performance shotgun shells.
    9 April 2021, 1:58 pm
  • 1 hour 21 minutes
    Magnolia Gobblers with Adam Butler
    Adam Butler, Wild Turkey Program Coordinator, for state of Mississippi joins us to discuss hot topics around turkeys in the magnolia state.
    5 April 2021, 12:49 am
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Natural State of Turkey with Jeremy Wood
    Jeremy Wood is the Turkey Program Coordinator for Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, he joins the pod to tells us about what's going on in the Natural State.
    26 March 2021, 1:53 pm
  • 1 hour 48 seconds
    Save The Habitat, Save the Hunt w/ Jeremy Everitts
    NWTF District Biologist, Jeremy Everitts, visit with us to talk about what is going on in 2021 with the NWTF and his region.
    19 March 2021, 1:52 pm
  • 48 minutes 58 seconds
    Sportsman's Paradise with Cody Cedotal
    LDWF Small Game and Turkey Program Manager Cody Cedotal joins us to discuss what’s going on with turkeys in Louisiana.
    12 March 2021, 4:14 pm
  • 1 hour 49 minutes
    Episode 23: Turkey Science
    Dr. Bret Collier joins us to discuss turkey science, what's going on in the world of research and what turkey science is teaching us about the wild turkeys we all love to hunt!
    5 May 2020, 3:24 pm
  • 1 hour 31 minutes
    Episode 22: The Tenth Man
    Dr. Clay Johnston is our guest on this episode to talk about his quest for the US Super Slam. His journey led him far beyond just harvesting turkeys.
    20 April 2020, 1:15 pm
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Episode 21: Mid-Season Update
    Old friend of the show, Jordan Summitt from Strut Commander, returns to the show for a conversation about the effects of COVID-19 and a midseason 2020 update.
    13 April 2020, 4:08 pm
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