Leeds' premier hard left radio show.
In the second part of our series on economic planning, Ben and Jack discuss the decentralised model of planning implemented by the socialist Chilean government in the 1970s, the USSR's All-State Automated System (OGAS), and modern-day China.
Jack is a postgraduate student at Cambridge University, researching the economic policies of the USSR in the Brezhnev period. He is also currently the Chair of Cambridge University Labour Club.
In the first installment of a three part series, Ben speaks to Jack Chadwick about the basic principles of economic planning and how it was implemented in the Soviet Union. In parts two and three we will take a look at Allende's Chile, modern day China, and discuss Evgeny Morozov's recent article in the New Left Review: 'Digital Socialism?: The Calculation Debate in the Age of Big Data'.
Jack is a postgraduate student at Cambridge University, researching the economic policies of the USSR in the Brezhnev period. He is also currently the Chair of Cambridge University Labour Club.
In our first ep back after the Easter break, Corbynomics bossman James Meadway sat down with the gang to chat about socialist economics, MMT, international finance, the Green New Deal and all that good stuff. Happy May Day to all our comrades and friends 🤝🌹
We're joined by esteemed comrade Tabitha Bast to discuss International Working Women's Day, Ilhan Omar and sex. Music from Max Romeo, Novelist, Pulp and Gang Of Four.
Our beautiful debut. We chat about Leeds United, the Labour split, antisemitism, the Women's Strike Assembly and conspiracy theories.