Discussions On Psychoanalysis

Grégoire Pierre & Edgard Danielsen

Every other month we try to offer a good enough c…

  • 59 minutes 20 seconds
    #53 On Choosing a Psychoanalytic Institute & a Supervisor
    Dear Listeners, In this episode, your hosts discuss different ways to choose a psychoanalytic institute and a supervisor. [0:25] Intro [3:44] How we chose our institute [9:08] Institutes & Academia [13:16] What is the point of a psychoanalytic institute? [17:31] The infamous 800 level at NPAP [18:17] Why do we need a place to train? [24:15] A personal analysis is not enough [27:22] Why would eclectic be better? [30:18] The pros of a specialized institute [36:42] Choosing a supervisor or many [46:29] Important but hard to know aspects of an institute [51:00] Limited amount of staff members [52:08] Ability to integrate the conflicts in the present and the past [56:51] Ending
    1 December 2024, 12:00 am
  • 30 minutes 41 seconds
    #52 On Choosing an Analysant
    Dear Listeners, In this episode, your hosts are discussing how analysts choose their analysants. [2:52] To choose or not your analyst? [8:55] What is an "interesting patient"? [11:43] Beyond an embellished story? [19:21] No family therapist [22:44] Recognizing our own limitations [27:30] Ending
    17 September 2024, 10:00 am
  • 34 minutes 37 seconds
    #51 On Choosing an Analyst
    Dear Listeners, In this episode, your hosts have a discussion on how to choose an analyst: where, when, how, etc. [00:27] Intro [03:50] Conflict of interest [04:17] Choosing an analyst inside or outside an Institute? [07:00] Seeing the analyst at a party [16:50] Incestuous dynamics [17:26] What about people who are not in training? [27:11] MDs, SWs, Analysts? [31:37] Ending
    13 August 2024, 10:00 am
  • 52 minutes 38 seconds
    #50 On Using Psychoanalysis in an Institution
    Dear Listener, In this episode, your hosts continue to dwell into Grégoire's past at l'Ecole Expérimentale de Bonneuil. The main question will be: how to use psychoanalysis in an institution? [01:10] Intro [07:11] Relating [13:17] Institution éclatée [shattered institution] [19:26] Psychotic societies allergic to psychosis [20:55] How to treat people? [26:03] Working at night [28:43] The intensity of working with psychosis [36:22] How was it psychoanalysis? [40:10] Ending Thank you Share with us your comments or questions directly at [email protected] Twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315
    14 May 2024, 10:00 am
  • 56 minutes 35 seconds
    #49 On Working with Children with Psychosis
    Dear Listeners, In this episode, we discuss Grégoire's experience working with children and teenagers with psychosis, autism and severe borderline features. This episode focus on the activity Grégoire created with a fellow intern, Sandie Lalouette, for a very regressed teenager, Louice. [0:36] Intro [04:25] My work with kids [08:24] What the kids had in commun [10:03] Don't attack the symptoms [11:00] Inspiration [15:19] Creation of La Nouba [19:07] Choice of songs and frame [26:10] Negative reactions [29:06] Intern's role [32:00] Evolution of the frame [33:40] The Playlist and holding the frame [37:50] Psychoanalysis in such a frame? [44:11] Working with psychosis with your body [47:20] Ending and addons Thank you Share with us your comments or questions directly at [email protected] Twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315
    9 April 2024, 9:59 am
  • 45 minutes 1 second
    #48 On How We Try To Justify Our Presence
    Dear Listeners, In this episode, your hosts are discussing different aspects of how we end up trying to justify our presence as clinicians. [0:22] Intro [05:49] How do we know if an intervention was needed? [08:23] The impossibility of case presentation [11:46] To present to defend (psychoanalysis)? [14:11] Do we want to be well analyzed? [19:07] Tension btw what we said and "should have said" [23:05] To trust the process [33:37] Anxiety to justify our presence and fees [36:26] Understandable interventions Thank you Share with us your comments or questions directly at [email protected] Twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315
    13 February 2024, 11:00 am
  • 36 minutes 9 seconds
    #47 On How to Keep the Psychoanalyst Alive
    Dear Listeners, In this episode, your hosts are discussing what could and should be done to keep the psychoanalysts alive, not just physically, but also mentally. [00:31] Intro [03:22] How do we keep a sense of purpose? [06:49] Managing life expectations [10:38] "Temps FIR" [12:57] How to not feel depleted? [21:17] To stay in a position of uncertainty [26:50] Location and convenience [34:02] Ending Thank you Share with us your comments or questions directly at [email protected] Twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315
    9 January 2024, 9:06 pm
  • 39 minutes 7 seconds
    #46 On How to keep Psychoanalysis alive
    Dear Listeners, In this episode, your hosts have a discussion on how to keep psychoanalysis alive. [04:06] Psychoanalysis in literature [05:10] Definition of life [08:33] Younger patients [10:04] Adapt the way we welcome patients [13:19] What are we adapting to? [16:57] Something of the social rules [20:15] Evolving without betraying [23:44] Magical & religious thinking [24:52] Cut the BS [27:37] How far do we change psychoanalysis? [32:55] Psychoanalysis in a society Thank you Share with us your comments or questions directly at [email protected] Twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315
    12 December 2023, 11:00 am
  • 56 minutes 55 seconds
    #45 On What is and is not Psychoanalysis
    In this episode, your hosts are trying to get a better sense of what is and what is not psychoanalysis. [00:24] Intro [03:52] What are we keeping alive? [06:21] 3 fold answer [06:58] Narcissistic needs [15:59] Psychoanalysis as a movement and a state of mind [24:09] Can we work with everybody? [27:40] The question of 3 times a week [33:20] Tension between Institutions and creativity [45:13] What is not psychoanalysis? [54:56] Ending Thank you Share with us your comments or questions directly at [email protected] or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315
    14 November 2023, 11:00 am
  • 47 minutes 34 seconds
    #44 On Death Anxiety and our Shared Reality
    Dear Listeners, In this episode, your host and our special guest Tenille Blair Neff conclude their discussion on death anxiety. Little note: for a sustainable, local, organic and psychoanalytic honey: http://www.ohhoneyapiaries.com/ [0:22] Intro [07:42] Are we referring to aggression too quickly? [13:01] What to do about our shared humanity? [23:44] What about the analyst envy of patients' youth? [28:21] A look back at the first episode difficulties [35:04] Death Anxiety in a psychoanalytic training? [42:41] Tenille's vignette [45:19] Ending Thank you Share with us your comments or questions directly at [email protected] or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315
    8 August 2023, 4:00 am
  • 32 minutes 14 seconds
    #43 On Death Anxiety - The Influence of Cultures
    Dear Listeners, In this episode, your hosts and Tenille Blair-Neff continue to discuss the subject of death anxiety with a focus on how cultures will influence how we can think (or not) about it. [0:20] Intro [3:03] Freud, DA and beyond the fantasy [05:20] DA and death drive [09:02] How can we work with DA? [14:01] Privacy & Secrecy [15:40] Influence of the culture [17:21] Religion and multiples denials [21:27] Distortion through happiness [24:19] Should we celebrate death? [28:17] Freezing the psyche [30:28] Ending Share with us your comments or questions directly at [email protected] or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315
    11 July 2023, 10:00 am
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