Clear the Clutter

Margaret Stevens

Teaching you how to clear the clutter in you Life, Home, Brain, Calendar. To finally get what you really are craving, more time to do what lights you up.

  • 23 minutes 1 second
    EP 78: 2 Lies and 1 Truth about mastery
    Episode Links ------------------------------------------------------------ I’m so exited to have dropped my first mini episode in a while. Todays episode has a fun game with it. I go over 2 Lies and 1 Truth about mastery. Lately I’ve been diving quite deep into mastery. ⭐What does it look like to master your craft look like for you? ⭐ Do you believe any of the lies I go over in the episode? ⭐ Did I miss a lie that you have been told? BTW. What did ya buy for black Friday? I have a few recommendations for you below. They have definately helped me on my path of mastery and I hope they can help you too.
    24 November 2023, 6:44 pm
  • 30 minutes 44 seconds
    EP 77: Permission to rest and receive

    Episode Mindset shifts + Journal Prompts

    Get all links mentioned on the podcast here.


    Show Notes

    When I mention the word rest, how does it make you feel? 

    Guilty, sad, ashamed that you don't do it more often? Do you have all these rules that pop up in your head that have to happen before you rest?

    What about when you have a shit show for a week and just can't seem to catch your breath?  Would you rest then? Would you stop and take care of yourself? Could you rely on some tools that could pull you out of that emotional roller coaster?

    Or would that shitty week turn into a shitty month. Would that emotion build and build until you either became bitter or burned out, like it was for me? 

    This time, I chose to use a different way out of that sticky, shitty emotion instead of just numbing it away.  I wanted lasting relief, not just a bandage that didn't really solve the problem. 

    Today's episode dives into what I'm doing differently. How to stop a "they did me dirty" moment in its tracks. How to use it for good, for both you and others. Along with a very easy tool to use to get to the underlying emotion that you really wanted to feel all along. 

     Best yet, this episode is something that you can use to feel relief before its over. 

    Listen to the episode... Shift your mindset... Check out the recommendations below. 

    You won't regret it. 

    15 April 2023, 2:41 am
  • 28 minutes 3 seconds
    EP 76: Your skillset follows you, not the job

    Episode Mindset shifts + Journal Prompts


    Show Notes

    Do you believe that your skills follow you, or the job? It amazed me the responses I've gotten.

    Conversations how skills didn't translate well between jobs. Ideas and mindsets that the collection of loose skills didn't add up to anything worth getting paid for. 

    There was this sense of always having to start over again. From the ground up, since there was no clear way to bring the talent and life experience gained with you.

    Which would lead to staying stuck and not starting that side hustle. Because it wasnt possible to make money any other way.

    The sad part was that I was, in a sense, right there too.

    I couldn't see how my skills would make me money. It wasnt like I didn't get paid in the past for side hustles or consulting. But I didn't believe that I could charge appropriately for my work. It felt too messy to try and take those skills and turn them into cash.

    Then I had to do a pitch deck and in less than 10 slides say why I was amazing, with proof. Going through that exercise changed my mind and opened my eyes.

    Now, I'm clear on what it cost's to hire me. I'm clear on the transformation and clarity I can bring to any customer or job. I'm clear on my skill set that makes ME shine. Most of all.

    I'm clear on how my skills follow me and make me money. 

    Listen to the episode… shift your mindset.. Grab the recommended journal prompt below.
    You won't regret it.

    7 April 2023, 2:52 am
  • 38 minutes 50 seconds
    EP 75: How to get more support by asking for what you want.

    Episode Mindset shifts + Journal Prompts

    Get all links mentioned on the podcast here.


    Show Notes

    Do you ask for help? I didn't for a long time. I actually kinda sucked at asking for help.

    I used to create this mindset by denying myself and I became this martyr. I told this story of what I could do on my own. I would say all the time "Look at all the things I'm getting done". Plus, I'm not getting help from anybody. Regardless of how overwhelmed, resentful, and stressed out it made me. My head use to be a dark place.

    Now I'm breaking the cycle and asking for help all the time. It can be big or small. Like learning a topic I'm not great at. Or making sure that I listen to specific podcast or courses in the morning to start my day right. It can be honoring my schedule and knowing when to say yes or no to something.

    Which means instead of creating this horrible, non supporting story that no one helps me. That Im not supported. I cant do the things i want because I dont have the help or time.

    I now realize that none of that is real anymore. I'm supported every time I ask for help.

    It could be the the universe that I'm asking for help. A new course that I purchased to help shorten my learning curve. It could be for guidance in my next steps.

    Listen to the episode… shift your mindset.. Grab the recommended course below.
    You won't regret it.

    31 March 2023, 4:17 am
  • 49 minutes 29 seconds
    EP 74: Stop leaving money on the table

    Episode Mindset shifts + Journal Prompts

    Get all the other links mention on the podcast here.


    Show notes

    I've been thinking a lot lately about how we keep leaving money on the table. Had you told me that 10 years ago.... I would have been pissed and said that was a lie.  

    But, unfortunately, we all do it. We develop these blinders that help us understand the world and how to function in it. Sometimes that can be an amazing tool. 

    Other times it can become a limiting belief. Then those limiting beliefs, unchecked can cause us to leave money on the table. 

    They can cause us to think that we can only bring in money a certain way. That we can only use our skills at work and somehow they magically disappear when we try and do something else. 

    Today's episode is to help you shift away from the limiting beliefs that are only certain ways to get paid. To the mindset that you become the person that money chases. 

    You are the person that money not only finds its way to. But does so, every day and in every area of your life. You become the person that doesn't see selling as gross or sleazy. But as a way to get paid for the things that you are recommending anyway. 

    Listen to the episode... shift your mindset.. Grab the course. 

    You won't regret it. 

    24 March 2023, 3:14 am
  • 44 minutes 17 seconds
    EP 73: Do you feel like you can trust money?

    Episode + Journal Prompts

    Get all the other links mention on the podcast here.


    Show Notes

    Are you tired of feeling like you just manifesting frustration? Or what I call the daily yo-yo. You do everything you can to stay positive, while NOT seeing any results. It's such a soul killer.

    It also can start to train you that money doesn't feel safe.

    In todays episode. I go into my money story about not feeling safe, but not being conscious of it. I just felt that I could trust money until I got a huge wake up call from our accountant at the time.

    She called my business a heart attack in the process.

    I was so stressed out about money that I was trying to manage my clients money for them. Which would stop me from making recommendations, even if it made there lives better. We were burning through our cash too fast and not taking a paycheck.

    That hasn't been my reality for over 4 years now.

    Now ben and I are close to six figures in savings, investments are up and we are gearing up to buy our first rental property this year.

    We have leaned into the The 2.0 vision...

    • having enough money to buy land in Tennessee
    • buy 10 rental homes over the next few years
    • have enough time to take more vacations, not just constantly work

    We even have taken two mini vacations this year.

    Change was so scary because I didn't believe that it could work for me. That I could be my own success story. That I could learn how to get over my money sabotaging ways and learn to monetize my skills.

    But I want you to lean into todays episode. Listen to my countless examples of how I learned to change my mindset, so that it could change my income.

    10 February 2023, 3:02 am
  • 41 minutes 30 seconds
    EP 72: How to gain momentum your life by building the wheel.

    Episode + Journal Prompts

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    Show Notes

    I’m betting that you heard about the quote about not reinventing the wheel. Well there is more truth to that than you can imagine.

    But we all kinda do it.

    We do is a bunch of random things. That are not related or done in any manner that we can test. We start and stop diets with out looking at what’s working and what’s not. We buy courses or books but never make the space to read them. We even do this at work, by constantly doing little bits of our job differently every time.

    Now you might be thinking that testing is boring.

    Ill let you in on a little secret. It kinda is. I don’t like testing for testing sakes. But I do love testing so that I can see what’s working and what isn’t.

    The intention of testing is designed to help you continue to create micro wins. So you can start to gain momentum. Which means you can finally start to actually see the results that you are after to begin with.

    Once you know what results you want. Then testing starts to have a end goal in mind. Which eventually leads to you creating a custom playbook and follow your own recipe for success.

    Trust me. We are all willing to pay for a custom playbook that you can go back to over and over again.

    Todays episode, I take you into the mindset of how to stop “reinventing the wheel” in your own life. Instead of doing a bunch of random things, that don’t work. To creating a mindset of setting yourself up for momentum. With results that you can create over and over again. Which is what I call building the wheel.

    26 January 2023, 4:39 am
  • 39 minutes 41 seconds
    EP 71: How to manifest your mindset into a new reality

    Episode + Journal Prompts

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    Show Notes

    Do you believe that multiple realities exist? I’m not talking woo woo other time line dimensions. Im talking about the current reality that you are living in today. And the one that is possible if you change, because other people are living it right now.

    When I started thinking about this. It made even my brain hurt a little bit. But I believe that its an important part of shifting our mindset and habits to create the new “version” of the reality that we want.

    It can be hard to believe anything is possible if your stuck in an old mindset. If you:

    • Don’t believe you can make more money different than how you make it now
    • that you can take all your pto and travel
    • that marriage, kids, family has to be hard and draining
    • you have to be born with those connections to make anything happen

    Then, not only are you not going to change. But you will sabotage any consistent, long lasting change so that you can “stay” the same.

    You wont become the person you keep dreaming about. The one that’s making more and more money every year. The person who travels multiple times a year. The one who is fully supported in doing things that they love.

    Instead of getting stuck and frustrated. Start with the idea that both realities exist. At the same time. The trick is to find someone that has a portion of the realty you want.

    Its the fastest way to create the life you want.  So you can start training your subconscious that this is possible. Which means that it will not fight you on changing your life to mirror what you actually desire.

    Thank you so much for listening to todays episode.  I’d love to hear how your using the journal prompts.  Or  tag me and show me where your listening to the episode. You can tag me on all the socials or drop a comment in the Esty store.

    21 January 2023, 3:11 am
  • 36 minutes 20 seconds
    EP 70: The practical steps to take when making room for abundance to show up

    Episode + Journal Prompts

    Get all the other links mention on the podcast here.


    Show Notes

    The new year has just started and your ready to start making progress on your goals.  Your ready to start that side hustle, hit the gym, do the thing.

    But.... then scheduling gets in the way. Something unexpected comes up and throws you off the path before it even became a path. Or your trying to do to much and don't know what to do next.

    Is it buy the course? Sign up for the free webinar? Do the latest crash diet? But only for a little bit... So, since you don't know what to do.  You buy the thing.  You  lean into the distraction, and don't take any action.

    You stay in learning mode.

    Its hard to remember that in the moment.  Especially when your building a new habit.

    Its ok to:

    • stumble, but get right back on track
    • take a night to go to bed early
    • build in flexible, scalable habits to make you goal possible
    • learn to receive more
    • remind your self that rested doesn't mean lazy.
    • start compounding your mini successes

    Which then because an even bigger success. Because the little habit starts to not only bring to reality the practical things. But also the things that were on your vision board.

    Its easy to stay stuck and feel like you are walking around in the dark. It also just as easy to only dream of reaching your goals, and promising that tomorrow you will get started.

    This weeks episode is your bridge.  I go over simple, flexible tools so you can use until the habit becomes a part of who you are.  Which means you can actually start living the life you keep dreaming about.

    13 January 2023, 1:44 am
  • 44 minutes 15 seconds
    EP 69: Tools to use for your New Years Resolution.

    Episode + Journal Prompts

    Get all the other links mention on the podcast here.


    Show Notes

    Are you tired of creating goals that never really seem to come true.

    Raise your hand if you've gotten all excited for a good new years resolution. Bought the journals, pens and fancy books.

    Started out strong. Maybe even made it through the January crunch. Only to wake up in September, look back and have accomplished only 1/10 of what you set to do.

    I was tired of scrambling at the end of the year trying to achieve goals that I should have been working on all year.

    Last year was different for me. I was able to:

    • Hit my sales goal in both my podcast company & my day job
    • Outsource some work for my website
    • Pay for several acres of irrigation for our Palm Tree Farm without stopping our normal spending
    • Go on 3 different vacations with Ben
    • Hit our savings goal... then created another savings account for home renovations

    Instead of trying to juggle so many goals and feeling like a failure. And ending up with about 6 new fancy journals and only a bit of writing in each and nothing truly accomplished. I created a big picture habit tracker lets you get clear on your goals.

    It has room for both mini goals and year long goals. That way you can see what your trying to achieve. Which means you know where to spend your time, and what to say no to.

    No more shiny object syndrome.

    This weeks episode walks you through the mindset shift I use to rack up successes all year long. Plus some real life examples that I mentioned above.

    Listen to the podcast, use the tracker and create goals that let you thrive this year.

    6 January 2023, 2:41 am
  • 44 minutes 19 seconds
    EP 68: Overcoming Overwhelm

    Get all the links mention on the podcast here.


    Not taking vacations. Having too many people ask for your help.  Taking care of a loved one when they cant take care of themselves.  Hitting a money rough spot.

    These are all the normal reason why we get burned out.  But for me it started really when I felt like I was sliding down a slope of constant fatigue.

    It was a culmination of bad days, terrible sleep habits and bad boundaries with customers.  That's what kicked off my burn out.  But the bad part was that I couldn't seem to get out of that space.

    No matter what I tired.  A bit of rest here or a tiny bit of self care there, it didn't work.  I would feel good for like all of 5 minutes and than, bam, it was back to this feeling like I had my spark taken away.

    My day today looks nothing like that soul sucking, spark less day a few months ago.  I'm much better about recognizing when my energy levels are getting low.   I'm much better at recognizing bad self talk and how to untangle fuzzy goals.

    I teach you both tricks in Audio #2.  Road map for  what you’re trying to achieve.  I call the energy one, my cell phone battery.  And there is a whole rant on identifying and fixing fuzzy goals  Why we "set" them. What we are actually trying to achieve and how to get there.

    And in total Margaret vibe. I created a podcast episode for this course.

    Todays podcast episode get you behind the scenes of creating the course. So you can learn a bit more of the mindset and intention in creating it. Which means you too can build the mantra of I'm never going to be burned out again.

    18 November 2022, 3:57 am
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