Pongase Las Pilas

Latina Poderosa

A podcast for the modern Latina

  • 24 minutes 2 seconds
    5 Steps to Use Creativity to Prevent Overwhelm

    Stress and overwhelm are things that affect us all and it is very important to find ways to regulate these emotions to prevent illness. In this episode, Laura invites you to explore how creativity can help you prevent that overwhelm. Listen to 5 steps that will help you use that creativity that is within you to relax. Thanks for listening! Connect with Laura on Instagram @lauracprietodesigns or send her an email at [email protected]

    29 January 2024, 2:49 am
  • 22 minutes 52 seconds
    5 Pasos Para Usar la Creatividad y Prevenir el Agobio

    El estres y el agobio son cosas que nos afectan a todos y es muy importante encontrar formas de regular esas emociones para prevenir enfermedades. En este episodio, Laura te invita a explorar como la creatividad te puede ayudar a prevenir ese agobio.

    Escucha 5 pasos que te ayudaran a usar esa creatividad que esta en ti para relajarte.

    Gracias por escuchar!

    Conecta con Laura en instagram @lauracprietodesigns o enviale un email a [email protected]

    29 January 2024, 1:36 am
  • 27 minutes 12 seconds
    Working Mom Struggles

    Join Laura as she shares updates about her career, and family and shares some of her struggles as a working mom and also some tips that she has found useful along the way! This episode is intended to encourage you and help you feel seen and heard.

    Are you a working mom? What other struggles would you like to add?

    Connect with Laura over on Instagram @pongaselaspilaspodcast

    Thanks for listening!

    11 April 2023, 10:06 am
  • 32 minutes 22 seconds
    Dificultades Al Ser Mami Trabajadora

    Acompaña a Laura en este episodio completamente en Español, en el cual habla sobre algunas de las dificultades que vive como Mama e Ingeniera y algunos de sus consejos para ti!

    Eres una mami trabajadora? Conectate con Laura!

    Ahora puedes dejar comentarios o notas de voz por la aplicacion de Spotify o por mensaje directo en Instagram @pongaselaspilaspodcast

    Gracias por escuchar!

    4 April 2023, 10:04 am
  • 21 minutes 28 seconds
    The Podcast Turns 4!

    Laura returns to the podcast and is excited to celebrate 4 years of sharing her life and thoughts with you!

    Listen to find out the topics that will be covered in this new season and a re-introduction to the essence of this podcast and how it can be helpful for you.






    Connect with Laura over on Instagram @pongaselaspilaspodcast

    21 March 2023, 10:05 am
  • 11 minutes 1 second
    Keeping up with Laura

    Listen to check in with Laura as she comes back to the podcast after 6 weeks postpartum. 

    New baby, new perspectives, and new announcements. 

    Connect with Laura over on Instagram @pongaselaspilaspodcast. 

    Thanks for listening!

    12 July 2022, 10:06 am
  • 20 minutes
    [Replay] Is Asking for Help a Sign of Weakness


    Asking for help is not always easy but that doesn't mean we should feel ashamed to ask for it when we need it. Join Laura as she describes her journey relating to asking for help and how she has overcome the limiting beliefs and negative thoughts around asking for help.

    As always, connect with Laura on IG @pongaselaspilaspodcast and share with a friend to spread motivation!!

    5 July 2022, 10:07 am
  • 43 minutes 27 seconds
    [REPLAY] 5 Lessons Learned from Blogging

    Pilosa, do you have a blog? Have you been wanting to start a blog? In this episode, Laura dives into the five lessons she has learned through her blogging journey and how they can be applied to starting a new project, job, or career. Join Laura as she spills motivation to keep pushing past mindset issues and prepare you to achieve your goals.

    Make sure to connect with Laura on IG @pongaselaspilaspodcast and don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and add a review on Apple podcasts!  Leave her a note at [email protected] and let her know what other topics you want to hear on the podcast.

    Thanks for listening!

    28 June 2022, 10:26 am
  • 25 minutes 35 seconds
    [REPLAY] Feelings of Failure
    Pilosa, are you scared of failing? What is a failure for you? We all experience feelings of failure throughout our lives and most times they block us, they cause a certain pressure in our lives that just doesn't feel right. Join Laura as she spills motivation to keep pushing past mindset issues and prepare you to live a happier life. Make sure to connect with Laura on IG @pongaselaspilaspodcast and don't forget to subscribe to the podcast!  Leave her a note at [email protected] and let her know what other topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Thanks for listening!
    14 June 2022, 10:26 am
  • 26 minutes 22 seconds
    [REPLAY] From Engineer to Coach with Alvina Nadeem- You CAN be Both!
    Listen to the very first interview on Pongase la Pilas and get motivated to follow your dreams!
    7 June 2022, 6:23 pm
  • 11 minutes 34 seconds
    [REPLAY] Limiting Beliefs Defined and How to Overcome Them
    Are you familiar with limiting beliefs or "creencias limitantes"? Have you identified having any limiting beliefs? In this episode, I dive into what they are, I share some of my own limiting beliefs and teach you ways to overcome them so you can be one step closer to reaching your dreams!  As always you can connect with me on IG @pongaselaspilaspodcast, DM me and let’s start a conversation! Thanks for Listening!
    31 May 2022, 10:09 am
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