Eckhart Tolle: Essential Teachings

Oprah and Eckhart Tolle

Oprah Winfrey is delighted to introduce a new weekly podcast series from one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time: Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart’s wisdom will help you learn to quiet your mind, separate your ego from your true self and live a fully present life. Essential Teachings by Eckhart will provide a path to discover an enlightened state of consciousness. Oprah says Eckhart transformed her life and hopes these Essential Teachings will inspire you to seek your own higher purpose.

  • 38 minutes 14 seconds
    Awareness Of Our Thoughts Is the Beginning Of Awakening

    In this podcast, Eckhart talks with an audience in Adelaide, Australia. He says participating in the retreat will allow everyone to have a taste of presence, rather than know it as a mere concept.  He explains that many of us place little value on the current moment because we believe fulfillment can only happen at some point in the distant future. He says the anticipation of things-yet-to-be is so strong, we miss opportunities in the here and now because the thinking mind takes over and muddies the water. Eckhart shares an experience he had at the age of seventeen, when a friend gave him several spiritual books. Through study, he learned to shift his thinking from negative to positive. Suddenly, the well-worn idea that bad things always happened to him evaporated. This breakthrough was a catalyst for greater spiritual development that continued well into his twenties. Eckhart explains awareness of our thoughts is the beginning of awakening.

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    25 July 2024, 5:00 am
  • 28 minutes 33 seconds
    There Is Something Beyond “My Life”

    In this episode, Eckhart explains that many of us must go through a lot of unhappiness before we awaken. He says he’s never met anyone whose life is not difficult and fraught with challenges. He believes it’s a good thing when we become dissatisfied with what we call “my life.” He says our spiritual growth often begins when we realize there must be something morebecause our suffering pushes us to find it. He goes on to explain that our real life is actually in the here and now separate from the past and the future which is eternal and connects us to the transcendent. He says we can become familiar with this divine aspect of ourselves through a state of no-thinking free of the inner critic and false narratives. Eckhart says when we discover who we are without our past what emerges is the profound presence of being.

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    18 July 2024, 5:00 am
  • 30 minutes 57 seconds
    Continuous Doing Leads to Forgetfulness of Being

    In this episode, Eckhart talks about the fact that many people live in a continuous state of waiting for the next thing that will magically transform their lives: a relationship, job, house, even more money. He says we’re misguided when we believe something outside ourselves will provide lasting fulfillment; this mindset is considered normal. But Eckhart says normal won’t free us from our inner turmoil. He says even during the best of times, we feel something important is missing from our lives. Eckhart explains when we’re continuously doing - waiting for the next thing - we become forgetful of being and we suffer. Eckhart says the being dimension is fundamental to living a fulfilled life. He says awareness of our inner states is the first step in getting there.

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    11 July 2024, 5:00 am
  • 26 minutes 25 seconds
    The Light of Being Shines Through Our Humanness

    In this podcast Eckhart talks about bringing together the human and the being aspects of ourselves. He says we would be consigned to a miserable fate if all we were was human because being trapped by a limited identity there would be no possibility of self-transcendence. Eckhart points out even big egos have little selves and their achievements, even if considerable, often make people so unhappy, they don’t help transform the world. Eckhart explains when the human and the being come together, the being shines through our humanness, reflecting the light of consciousness. He says the greatest miracle of all is that the universe is conscious. And we are a part of that. He quotes Alan Watts, a famous writer and spiritual teacher, who said: “You are a function of what the whole universe is doing, in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing.”

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    4 July 2024, 5:00 am
  • 25 minutes 18 seconds
    This Moment is the Most Important

    In this episode, Eckhart describes the subtleties of what happens when we become present. He says the mind slows down, thinking recedes, awareness rushes in and our preoccupation with the past and future fades. He explains that some people are so obsessed by their history, it consumes their current life. Eckhart says the mind is a wonderful instrument if used in the right way, if not destruction often follows. Eckhart says most of us do not use the mind; it uses us and eventually, we believe we are the mind. He describes this as a disease and a delusion. Eckhart encourages everyone to practice moments of pure awareness. He says presence can be a powerful tool for healing allowing loving kindness to flow through us and affect everything we touch. He says we don’t know yet how it will transform the world, but it most certainly will.

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    27 June 2024, 5:00 am
  • 38 minutes 2 seconds
    The Power of Unconditioned Consciousness

    In this podcast, Eckhart talks about the importance of connecting with what he calls unconditioned consciousness. He says it’s the source of all creativity and true intelligence. Eckhart explains when we’re in this place, mental noise stops and thinking recedes and what remains is aware stillness. He says that is the beginning of awakening. He explains we may sustain this state for a while and then lose it again. For him, it’s part of the process. He encourages everyone to keep a foot in both worlds: the everyday and the transcendent because then greater intelligence flows through us. Eckhart says this leap forward in consciousness is the next step for humanity. He believes without more spiritual development we will not survive.

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    20 June 2024, 5:00 am
  • 37 minutes 8 seconds
    There Is a Self In Every Thought

    In this episode, Eckhart explains what it means to be unconscious. He says we all have inner scripts which are old dysfunctional patterns handed down generation after generation eventually crystallizing into our identity. Eckhart explains until we wake up to that, we remain largely unconscious. Eckhart says we don’t have to remain hostage to our hard wiring because we can resist our thinking and stop mistaking it for the truth. Eckhart says every human being is like a seed waiting to awaken because the potential may be buried under layers of ego. He says we find answers to the secrets of the universe when we look within. 

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    13 June 2024, 5:00 am
  • 37 minutes 3 seconds
    It Is Always Now

    In this episode, Eckhart talks with an audience in Brisbane, Australia. He explains the reason for their gathering is to accelerate their awakening. He says everything we experience occurs in the Now and it will never not be Now. But he says most people don’t realize that because their attention is elsewhere absorbed by the past or future. He explains we believe we are a product of our history, childhood and family background. Eckhart says we are more than that and the difficulties we encounter can be the catalyst to awaken now. He says had he not gone through a painful childhood and years of unconsciousness, he would never have grown spiritually. He explains it was his suffering that pushed him to a new level of consciousness. He says we are living through crises now because challenges propel us toward evolution.


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    6 June 2024, 5:00 am
  • 51 minutes 1 second
    Beyond The Dream of Thinking

    In this podcast, Eckhart inspires a crowd in New York City. He talks about the importance of rooting ourselves in the transcendent dimension especially when we feel overwhelmed by the insanity of the world. He explains it’s easy to believe that we are a species who lost its way - just watch the evening news. He says most people’s attention is consumed by thinking. He says they may gaze at you, but they don’t really see you. He believes once we release the mind’s constraints, our awareness becomes clear like precious stones transparent to the light.  He says consciousness is what remains when thought comes to an end. He says it is only by taking our attention deeply into the present that we encounter the transcendent. 

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    30 May 2024, 5:00 am
  • 45 minutes 45 seconds
    The Unobserved Mind Leads to Suffering

    In this episode Eckhart talks to an audience in New York City.  He reminds them of life’s fleeting nature and that in eighty or ninety years the names of the people lit up by the bright lights of Broadway will be gone. Success, fame and fortune do not provide immunity from what Eckhart calls the burden of self… the identity we fabricate from our problems…including health, careers, finances and relationships. Eckhart explains that the greatest source of suffering is not just created by the mind…but by our unobserved thoughts. They drift in and out of our awareness and we believe them without question. Over time, we weave them into a sad story called my life and we become victim to these narratives. Eckhart explains that we cannot go through life without challenges. He explains even if we are awakened spiritually, difficulties will continue. However, the difference is that we will no longer turn adversity into suffering. We have the awareness to liberate ourselves from the shackles of our thinking.

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    23 May 2024, 5:00 am
  • 45 minutes 5 seconds
    The Evolutionary Journey Still Ahead

    In this episode, Eckhart talks about how far we have yet to go in our spiritual growth.  He says what’s critical is that we transcend our thinking because it’s absolutely necessary for our survival. He says the dysfunction of the ego dates back thousands of years. Eckhart explains we need only look at history for evidence: creating enemies, war and endless cycles of violence. He says the same aberration still exists today. Yet, science and technology have amplified it so greatly that the collapse of civilization and worldwide destruction are imminently possible. Eckhart believes we are in crisis and in order to make a shift we must evolve beyond our current state of consciousness. He says when a critical number of people connect more consistently with their transcendent selves, an entirely new world will be born which Eckhart calls A New Earth. He says that is our destiny and the secret to all life. 

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    16 May 2024, 5:00 am
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