Preach It, Teach It - Sermon Audio

Preach It, Teach It

Preach It, Teach It contributors and special guests dialogue on down-to-earth issues that every Christian leader faces.

  • Jehovah Jireh: God, the Provider
    The story of Abraham inspires us to believe God for His provision. We can trust Him if we believe, obey and listen. Be inspired to meditate on this powerful story of faith! Preached at Hope Fellowship Church. Used by permission.
    25 March 2020, 5:00 am
  • Why You Need the Power of the Holy Spirit
    Without the Holy Spirit, we’re ordinary in every way. With the Holy Spirit, all things all possible. His anointing is the X Factor—it helps us do what we do better than we can do it! Used by permission.
    24 March 2020, 5:00 am
  • Castles and Crowns Come Down: Harnessing God's Power
    Surprisingly, the key to power is in humility and sacrifice. Compassion is God's secret weapon to storm the gates of hell.
    26 February 2020, 6:00 am
  • Why Can't I Forgive Myself?
    Forgiving others is hard, but forgiving yourself can be even more difficult. When guilt and regret fill your past, believing in your future seems impossible. But God wants you to step out of the shame that holds you back and into the freedom He has for you. Join Pastor Craig Groeschel and see how much your future can change when you choose to forgive yourself.
    19 February 2020, 6:00 am
  • Are You on the Rock or on the Sand?
    In the Bible, Jesus tells us a story about two men who built their houses on two very different foundations. While one was built upon the sand with little difficulty, the other was built upon a rock with much greater difficulty. Join Tony Evans as he compares these foundations to our application of God’s truth in our lives and how having the correct Biblical foundation can impact your future.
    18 February 2020, 6:00 am
  • Marry or Burn?
    Paul teaches the importance of waiting for the right person, to maintain your sexual purity and to not be afraid to be single when He calls you to be. He calls those who are married to honor the desires of their spouse.  Preached at Elevation Church. 
    12 February 2020, 6:00 am
  • Adulting: Once a Man, Twice a Child
    How are we, as the men and the women of the house, going to rise up and be the adults that God has called us to be and to do the adulting that God has called us to do? Maturity is it's not just what you are. It's also what you choose to do. Paul teaches the church in Corinth that living out Christ's love causes us to truly grow up.  Preached at Fresh Life Church.  
    26 December 2019, 6:00 am
  • Roger's First Christmas Sermon
    Enjoy the first Christmas sermon Roger Barrier preached. The Meaning of Christmas was preached at his first church, his first kiss with Julie and the first time his congregation heard a message of Jesus' birth from their twenty-year-old pastor. It's our gift to you this Christmas. 
    5 December 2019, 6:00 am
  • Loving Unselfishly
    As believers, we must learn to be unselfish. In the last times, wickedness is on the rise. Evil people will be selfish, greedy, arrogant, proud, abusive, lovers of money, boastful, proud, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power.
    1 December 2019, 6:00 am
  • The Journey Up to Bethlehem
    What’s on your mind this Christmas season? Perhaps your thoughts are dwelling on the stressful demands of your job, a struggling relationship, or some big changes that will come with the new year. With so many things begging for your attention this time of year, it’s easy to miss out on the significance of Christ’s coming. Pete Briscoe takes you along as he walks through Mary’s journey to Bethlehem and shares what may have been on her mind as she pondered the coming of her child. You’ll learn how to be freed of distractions, reflect on the true beauty of Christ’s coming, and experience the significance of Christmas in a way that will impact you every day.
    27 November 2019, 6:00 am
  • Do You See What I See?
    Grace really is, relationally speaking, it really is the unsettling solution for just about everything. Jesus was full of grace. He extended it to people who were nothing like him, and then he asked people like us, who are nothing like him, to extend it to people who are nothing like us, and who may not even like us. So let's do that. This Christmas season, let's do something unsettling. Let's be unsettling. Let's give to someone what they don't expect, and what they perhaps don't necessarily deserve. When you do this, you will be like your Father in heaven. You will be part of the unsettling solution. You will be amazing, amazing, just like, just like grace. Preached at North Point Community Church.
    27 November 2019, 6:00 am
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