Safety Consultant with Sheldon Primus

Safety Consultant with Sheldon Primus

The Safety Consultant Podcast with Sheldon Primus is your weekly guide to starting or growing a profitable occupational safety and health consulting business. Do you feel that your knowledge would be better served, if you are your own boss? Your knowledge can help more people improve their workplace safety. Most of what you know may be wasting in a job that limits what you can do for the overall health and safety of workers. Now is the time to start your own safety consulting business!

  • 11 minutes 40 seconds
    Stay Sharp: The Power of Continuous Education in Maintaining Certifications
    Sheldon Primus, Safety FM, podcast, EHS, Safety and Health, CEUs, continuous education, professional certifications, maintaining certifications, lifelong learning, safety certifications, EHS certification, education for safety professionals, recertification process, career advancement, professional development, learning and development, safety training, online safety courses, certification renewal, compliance training, industry standards, safety industry insights, professional growth, safety consultant education, education requirements safety, skills upgrading, professional learning, continuing education credits, safety compliance, workplace safety training, OSHA recertification, career longevity, safety industry trends, personal development in safety, certificate renewal strategies.Want to book Sheldon for as a consultant, keynote speaker, or trainer? Book him today:
    15 May 2024, 11:48 am
  • 42 minutes 4 seconds
    Unlocking the Power of Proposals
    Keywords: Proposal, Consulting, Safety, Occupational, Environmental, Business, Expertise, Active Listening, Project Management, Client Engagement, Strategy, Communication, Success, Training, Professionalism, Leadership, Innovation, Best Practices, Negotiation, Client Needs, Deliverables, Timelines, Growth, Education, Certification, Podcast, Resources, Consulting Business, Mastery, Consulting SuccessWant to book Sheldon for as a consultant, keynote speaker, or trainer? Book him today:
    7 May 2024, 12:55 pm
  • 25 minutes 17 seconds
    World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024
    Want to book Sheldon for as a consultant, keynote speaker, or trainer? Book him today:
    29 April 2024, 2:21 am
  • 27 minutes 57 seconds
    3 Compliance Services to Start Your Consulting Business-Rebroadcast
    Keywords:  Safety Consultant Podcast, Sheldon Primus, compliance services, safety programs, conducting audits, delivering training, safety regulations, consulting business, client relationships, safety culture, OSHA compliance, pricing structures, regulatory adherence, sustainable safety, industry guidelines, business strategy, safety management, client engagement, safety consulting tips, entrepreneurship in safety, professional development, industry compliance, safety practices, consultancy services, business development, regulatory bodies, compliance training, operational safety, workplace safety, safety standards
    [00:00:01] spk_0: this episode is powered by safety FM.

    [00:00:08] spk_1: Welcome to the safety consultant podcast, I am your host, Sheldon Primus, this is the podcast where I teach you the business of being a safety consultant in this episode. I'm actually gonna break it down to three, just basic things that you would need to know just to help you with your consulting business. You can kind of think of these three things, the three things that will help you start, There's many things that could get you into business, as many things you could do to start your business, but these three things will always be reoccurring, these things are always going to keep coming back and it's gonna be the cornerstone of your business if you don't know where to start or you haven't even, I considered being a consultant yet. Think of these three things as being the entry point, what can you do? How can you get there? So as always, I want to thank you for listening to the podcast. If you have not yet, go on and subscribe to this podcast so that you could get any notifications of when I come out and do a new one. Generally it's on Mondays, but from time to time, I have to do it on a different day of the week because I am still an active safety consultant and I'm also a traveler with me and my wife, my little yorkie poo and then that's a yorkie and a poodle mix yorkie poo Romeo. You can follow our travels at instagram and all you have to do on your instagram is go to beyond boundaries dot world beyond boundaries dot world on your instagram and you get to see us. So from kind of time I travel makes it where I can't be right on time. Right on Mondays. I generally try to, however, I'm here today. Right? So what you could do then is go ahead and subscribe to the podcast. When I come out with a new one, you're going to get notified. You're going to get a little text notification or some notification or wherever you listen to the podcast. And can you please help me in a little bit of a way which is supporting the podcast through going to the itunes or wherever you're listening to and go ahead and leaving a comment, letting people know what you think of the safety consultant podcast like it. I don't know if you can thumb up it, if you can go for it. Generally speaking, that's how all these algorithms work where it's social proof. So once you say that you like it, then it's gonna point out to someone else. Hey, you could like this too. So that will really help me. That's one of those things that I look forward to doing is just being able to help people who especially want to get into this field and don't know how to, how to break away from the man as uh, some people may say and become their own boss. That's what I'm here to do. So I am going to go ahead and I'm going to go into the three steps. The three things that you could do compliance related to get your business started. So I'll be back right after this message. Yeah. Hello Sheldon Prime is the host of safety consultant podcast and I'm gonna be doing a demystifying OSHA compliance webinar, whether you're a small business or a fortune 500 company oceans, aggressively adding compliance officers to help inspect more businesses across America. You will learn how to build OSHA compliance training, written programs, you know what to look for in an inspection. You also get a good understanding of the future of OSHA. How would you comply with the new joe biden era agency book your ticket today, May 24th from nine a.m. Eastern time to one p.m. Eastern time. Go to Primus Webinar dot com and you can join this event. Welcome back to the podcast. And I just wanted to give a little ground work on the things I'm gonna mention to you regarding compliance services. So here's some groundwork and I'm, you know, I'm going right in it because we already did our intro intro. Right? So here's some of the things I was thinking about as a groundwork. The episode today is going to be talking about compliance activity and compliance means that you're going to make sure that your organization is not in hot water with whoever the regulator is in this case will be ocean compliance because they are the occupational and safety health administration and as a safety consultant, they're the ones that I deal with the most, I do deal with the P. A. And a few other things from time to time because I started out with the environmental before I got into safety and health and see a little known fact about me. I was an environmental guy first and then I got into occupational safety and health when I wanted to grow my businesses. But we are going to be talking about compliance activity that is going to keep that employer out of hot water hot water so that they won't get fined. They won't end up getting sanctioned in any way. Now, this will go across many countries, not just the US, I'll be talking about oceans specifically, but whatever country you're in, if you do have a regulatory body for occupational safety and health, whatever the name would be, this is the same idea and chances are they have the same type of need. However, if you want to, you can start looking at some more needs that they have that you could fulfill. That's great. But we're talking right about compliance now and not talking about culture yet. When I speak of the term culture, I'm talking about safety culture and the safety culture is reminiscent of when an organization is so far behind or I should say above compliance activity. They don't have to worry about. Are they following the rules with the regulatory agency. That's like, you know, last last year's news right now they're dealing with how can we make our system so safe that it goes beyond the compliance and regulatory agencies and we get our workers involved, we get management support, we get everything that we need to ensure that we are going to, uh, do our activities with low risk in mind. That's honestly what it is. So we're gonna talk about compliance things and not culture things for these first few minutes. I might end up touching on culture things later. But honestly, if I don't, don't worry about it, compliance is where we are because I'm going to help you start your business and there are at least go back to basics with your business if you already started. So compliance activities will be something they're regulated by. And when I say they, I mean, your client, the employer and this regulation is gonna go for pretty much the length of the time that they're in business. Sometimes they may need you, sometimes they won't. But with these three services, you can keep getting new clients and get your foot in the door and then you can offer other services later. So these are mostly foot in the door things or repeat business thing. That's, that's what we're going to cover over right now. So I'm gonna start with the first of the three compliance activities that you should be thinking of that, you could make into a business or service. Number one is written programs. So written programs are very important. These are the things that will necessitate that there is some sort of outline their detail for activities that the workers will take on. So if you're going to say this workforce does permit required confined space entry, then you're going to offer a service that is for a permit required confined space entry programs. So that means for your part of your service, you're gonna end up of just going through their documents and if you can send them pictures, have them send you pictures. Excuse me. So you can see what an entry looks like to them, interviews and workers and use a guidance from your regulatory body. Just do a search for permit required confined space or whatever regulatory body you have for your country. And then now you can see an outline of what their actual written programs will require. So that's one of the easiest things to, to get your foot in the world in the water for your own business. So what you're gonna end up doing is you're going to look to see how many programs they need. So if they need many programs that's good for you because now you're going to have a business after business after business creating programs for them, not all companies will need this. Some companies will already have programs. So what you could do is you could review one program. So let's say for instance, you're a specialist in confined space. Like my example. So then you can offer, hey, let me review your confined space entry program for free. And now when you go through it, if you find something wrong or you find something that's not uh that is not completely right, let's say that way or a deficiency, then you can offer the service to fix it. So whatever it is, you could say, well this is really old. You need an updated version or uh this, let's say it's their gas detectors. You guys don't even use this gas detectors before and no one's updated this program, chances are you have many programs out there that haven't been updated. And then you could pitch that. How are you going to charge for? This is gonna be up to you. This is what I've seen. I've done different ways. But this is what I've seen works really well with charging for written programs. Look for the programs that need to be changed. And if it's a lot of programs that you don't, the customer may be thinking, I mean it's gonna cost me a lot to do this. We'll offer them an hourly rate on this one and I don't always do hourly rates and I honestly don't like Harley rates, you could listen to podcast past and you know, that's not, I'm not a fan of that, but what you could do is say, well this is going to cost you $60 an hour if you're just starting out and it's gonna be roughly three hour minimum. So you're gonna tell them $60 an hour in this example, you set your own rates and then you're gonna say it's a three hour minimum for this one. If it's gonna be more than three hours, let them know ahead of time. Alright, don't sneak in on them and let them know that all of a sudden you're getting a bill for five hours when you said three hour minimum, so let them know ahead of time. If I feel like I'm about to get close to the three hour mark, I will let you know for approval sake so that they know ahead of time that you're not gonna just get over on them on anyway, that you're gonna be able to be able to um get proof or not proof approval. That's the better way of saying that you're going to get approval before you spend any more money for their money. So they'll understand that and that's going to be fair for them. It's the right thing to do. So three hour minimum and whatever your prices and then at that and then maybe we can stop the our leasing. So three hours minimum just so that they know kind of a range and you give them your price, let them know how long it's gonna take. You could use a template in some cases some cases you can't, But if you're using a template, go through that thing with a fine tooth comb and make sure that you don't have a past clients information on a current clients program that won't be good. So I'm gonna tell you how to dime check that stuff out that's not fun. Alright. # two compliant service that you could provide. This one is going to be in on it. In some cases you won't get your foot in the door with an audit unless there's a driver that will do it. And the driver in most cases for audits will be either OSHA showed up or their insurance company said, Hey OSHA showed up and this individual needs some help. And if you partner with an insurance company, you could go on behalf of the insurance company and get paid through the insurance company or the other side of it would be this where they are aware that there have been a lot of activity for OSHA in their area or in their industry and they want to get ready. Another thing for artists could be, it's for the insurance company itself. So you're going to be doing an insurance company type audit. So when the insurance company comes in, this person would have already have had a specialist go through and found some of the areas that they could tighten up so when the insurance agency comes they look that much good and they're that much better. I can't say Gooder. That's not gonna work that much better. So therefore the premiums could possibly the same or lower. That's the idea behind that one. But when you get into an audit now you're thinking a few different things. You're thinking how large of a company is it? How what kind of interaction am I going to see? How many sites do I need to look at? So I can get a good representative sample. And then do you work at full eight hour day? Do you work a six hour day or you're gonna get paid for lunch? What your lunch is going to be. That's all going to go into the proposal. And I'll just invite you to go through my my list of podcasts and I have a few out there with how to write a proposal and the art of a proposal. But that's the consideration you're gonna be thinking of is what are some of the things that is gonna that I'm gonna need to do in order for me to get this job done and still make out where there's a profit to it. So you're not breaking even or you're not losing money. That's consideration is going to be ours and you're not going to charge them by the hour. But you're gonna have some consideration that says these are the hours that your audit will be and this is the estimated days it will take. I would suggest for a program like an audit that you get 50% up front and that's going to give you some money to get what you need to do the activity of the audit. And then when you submit your report that when they approve anything, when you submit your report because some people are slackers will take them forever to approve things when you submit your report at that time, that is when you're going to say that you're that it is complete and you're going to get paid so 50% at the onset and then the other 50% when you finish your, your recommendations and you hand it to them at that final meeting is when you get paid. So put that into the contract, put that into the proposal. So that that expectation is there to make sure that when you're physically there, uh if you do choose to do coaching because that is something you can say, hey, you've written program or to say a written recommendation is not, it will cost you extra. However, I will do coaching while I'm here. You can do that as well. So that you could still get some uh, some different tier, let's say that way a different tier for service. But that's a big one. When you do audits. So you're going to really go through the facility, you're gonna get a good chance to talk to workers. You should interview them as well. You want to make sure that while you're there and you're going to see the operations and action that you are going to give it your all, you're gonna look top down side to side and reference things. Take pictures, take videos, reference what you see. So that if you may not know something offhand that you could talk to someone and send them pictures and say, hey, I know you're more of a specialist on this. I know something's wrong by regulatory issues, but I don't know exactly what I'm seeing here. Help me out. I do that all the time with electrical because electrical and I'm aware of the, you know, for OSHA, there's a lot of electrical standards, but the ones that I deal with the most part S and general industry sub parquet and construction. I know enough to say that man, this is a violation of this part of the standard. But I can't tell them in my recommendation. This is what you should do better because I may not be just familiar with everything that the National Electrical Code would be or the National Fire Protection Agency. Excuse me. The National Fire Protection Association Code would be, I may not know that. So therefore I will tell them, hey, well, I actually won't tell them. They'll get, they'll get the final copy, but I'll consult with someone who I know that knows that information and just say, hey, can you help me on this one and just pay them for their time for, for helping you out. So that's all going to be part of your, your process there. You're thinking? So service number one is going to be written programs. Service number two is going to be doing some sort of audit or inspection at their facility at their sites and your considerations or your time that it takes or you're gonna do a full day. You're gonna do a partial day. How many days is it your lunch period? What is the lunch period if you gotta travel? I forgot about this one good thing I remembered and I was doing my review. If you gotta travel then at what distance does it take for you to stay someplace overnight? Are they paying for your gas or not? That's all the stuff that goes into that proposal so that you could make sure you're not losing money because you got to pay for your insurance. You gotta pay for your mileage. You gotta pay for tolls. You gotta pay for your lunch. All those things must be in consideration for that job and you're putting that in the proposal. Then the last thing that I'm gonna put for compliance space for you guys will be training and some of these things will piggyback off. I'll offer each other. But training in and of itself is a huge compliance issue for OSHA. So I'm pretty sure that it's probably gonna be a big thing for other countries and entities? So what you're gonna do is, you've got to hone your compliance training skills. You're gonna have to figure out what needs to be trained, what makes the compliance training. So you're gonna have to go back to the regulator, the regulatory agency and look at what that regulator says as these things need to be, uh, taught OSHA as the agency. They actually have a training resource page that will show you by standard. If there is a training that these are the things that you must train on and these are, who are, who are the people that need to train and it's just, you know, a whole bunch going on there. So you could find that out. You now replicate what's required and then you offer that as a service delivery is also different. You can deliver this as a learning management system, you could deliver this in person, you could deliver this online, how you can deliver it where it is truly face to face thing hybrid where some people are online, some people are physically there. That's all consideration for price. As far as pricing for training. It really depends. So here's my philosophy, usually with training, when someone calls and they say, Hey Sheldon, I need some training. All right. That's all I got, I need training. Okay, so let's quantify that a little, How many people? What's the topic, Let's start with that. What's the topic? How many people is this something where I'm gonna end up having to submit paperwork for continuing education units? Or am I going to get someone to ocean cards out of this for their training? Now when I'm thinking about those considerations, all that is also helping me frame how much I'm gonna charge. So generally speaking what you want to do, especially if the continuing education credit look around and see what other people are charging for continuing education classes. Not that it's apples for apples for safety or not, it's just going to give you a price range. So in some cases some people may charge and see you. Continuing education unit is .1. So every hour is going to be .1 see us. You could say contact time, which is time for time. But if you're talking about continuing education units then for one hour 10.1 See us. So what you can do is look for trainings and then see which training have 0.1 attached to it. How much is that agency charging and use that as your base? So for instance if someone's charging $15 per see you and you're going to do a four hour class. So at that time you're gonna do like 15 times four that's going to give you 100 and 20. Now, you know per person you're gonna be charging 100 and $20 per person and then that's gonna go into your your rate that you're going to give the client, most clients are gonna be looking for group rates. So you can start with your base rate, let's say it's gonna be once 20 and now I'm going to end up saying I'm going to give that to a three minimum up to 15. So if there's three people up to 15 people, they're going to get this rate. If you get more than 15 then I'm gonna give you a discount. Maybe it's only going to be $100 per person. And if you have, you know from 15 to 30 and now all of a sudden you got 32 then for every extra person I'm going to give them maybe $90 for that. So you're giving them a benefit for for packing the class. Uh It's possible that you could also have clients who have a good relationship with other people, especially if they're like a city or a county or something else. And you can open up the training to other people in the agency and now they could get more and more people into that base price. So on the earlier end $3 or three people up to 15 people you get paid the same if they only give you three people you get paid the same if they max out at 15. But that's the range you're looking for, that's the way to, to kind of price this in the mindset behind it. So that's the training side. If you're gonna do online training, then that's a whole new discipline altogether. As far as learning management system, you got to think about the price it takes for uh, your learning management system, your certificates because you definitely want to issue certificates. So how much did that cost you? You're also going to be thinking a few other things related to that as well. So honestly, there's a lot of considerations, so that means you're gonna have to be on your toes on this one. And uh, I would suggest getting as much detail as possible as to what the person is looking for, what type of training and then the outcome of the training, find out how quickly they need that training and then make sure that they know the range of people, the range of students per price, and that's a good way of doing it. Alright, so there you have it three things for compliance. One again is a written program. Second one is going to be an audit and the very last one will be training, You do those three things and you can start your safety consultant business right away. And if you've already started your safety consulting business, keep going back to those three things because you could get your business, keep going with business. Getting new clients that way, you should always be looking to get new clients or getting older clients back and and seeing if you can work with them again. And chances are one of those three things will be the way to get back into the door so that you can keep your business going. So thank you so much for listening to me this week and next week I'm going to just do my best to get Mondays. But again, if I'm not on Mondays, you will get something for me Weekly. Uh, it depends on my travel schedule, depends on my training schedule, depends on my consulting schedule as to the time, but generally it's going to be on Mondays but you can get past that by subscribing. So go ahead. Like I mentioned before. Subscribe to the podcast And if you are in America and you need some ocean compliance help. I'm gonna teach you how to understand ocean. That's one of the biggest things that my students always love for me is I break it down when it comes to ocean. So I will be breaking it down for you May 24th from nine a.m. Eastern time to one p.m. Eastern time demystifying OSHA compliance. We're gonna do this together. All right, gang, go get him.

    [00:27:03] spk_0: This episode has been powered by safety FM views and opinions expressed on this podcast or broadcast. Are those of the hosting its guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company examples of analysis discussed within the past hour are only examples. They should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based on very limited and dated, open source information, assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast or broadcast may be reproduced, stored within a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast or broadcast. Sheldon grimace,

    [00:27:54] spk_1: mm hmm.

    Want to book Sheldon for as a consultant, keynote speaker, or trainer? Book him today:
    23 April 2024, 4:08 am
  • 14 minutes 31 seconds
    5 Must Have Skills for a Successful Practice-Rebroadcast
    [00:00:08.680] - Speaker 1 

    This episode is powered by Safety FM.  
    [00:00:21.810] - Speaker 2 

    Welcome to the Safety Consultant podcast. I'm your host, Sheldon Primus. It's the podcast where I teach you the business of being a safety consultant. Yeah, I switched to music up on you. This is still one of mine that I have. The one you're used to hearing in the beginning is my Bruce Lee. And that is not what I did today. That's okay. Still mine. So I don't have to pay any royalties. Right. And go to, look up primetime timeshell. And there you go. You have all my music. Not all, but you got a bunch I put up there. It's a, and it's gonna be primetime shell is what I was using as a one of those gnome de plume pending. See? Pulled out my french on you. So today I've got something that is going to be a simple conversation for today. Today we're really going to go through what I call the five must have skills for a successful practice. That's right. You better watch out. So that is what we're going to talk about today. All right. So I'm going to really get into it for you guys so you could get a good understanding what I was thinking about.  
    [00:01:56.370] - Speaker 2 

    Here's my thought process for this episode. I honestly believe that there's many skills that you're going to need for being a successful safety and health consultant. And you want to make sure you take care of stuff to protect your clients, not customers, clients from injuries, illnesses. And that's going to be their workers. And the workers are your clients as well. And then also, you know, for regulatory agencies, we're also that that trusted person for that task as well. But we're also business people. Right. That's why we're here. We're here because we're learning stuff in order to get the business running good. So here's one specifically for consultants, meaning episode. When I say one episode right here, gonna do it. So five must have competencies or skills. And I think in this term, I might call it just skills. For a successful safety consulting practice, you could take the word safety out of it, and you could just say consulting practice, and then you could take the word consultant out of it and practice for whatever you do. It's still really valuable to have these kind of traits, right? So, number one, and I'm not gonna do this in order, even though I do have something that I really feel they're all important.  
    [00:03:26.160] - Speaker 2 

    That's why we got them. It's got such a short list. So I don't want to go hog wild with like, too much as far as order because, you know, when you order stuff, that's when it goes, starts getting haywire. So I'm not gonna do the order. But here's number one in my mind that I thought of as I wrote my notes, a skill for creativity. You know, where you got to have that problem solving skills, finding out things that may be hidden into yourself because you're going to walk into an organization and they're going to tell you what they think you want them to tell you, and then you got to figure out what's actual. So that's going to take some creativity on your part. And there's a bunch of other things, you know, finding clients. You're going to have to be creative about that. You're going to have to be creative on the way you promote your yourself, especially with LinkedIn and Facebook and twitter and everything else is going to pop up and what's currently going away and people are transitioning to, you got to figure out all that stuff and how are you going to do your promotions and ads and get the right person to be attracted to your service.  
    [00:04:41.710] - Speaker 2 

    All that is creativity. So you need that skill. How do you develop that skill is honestly going to be trial and error. It's also going to be where you're probably going to have to ask someone, hey, this is what I want to do. How would you accomplish that? Or if someone really knows you, like a spouse or a partner or something that really knows you well, and you could say, hey, this is what I'm thinking, and what do you think would be the best way to go about this? And together you put your heads together and then you come up with a brainstorming thing and there you go, you got yourself a new promotion, or you got yourself a new product or service because of that activity, the next in line is going to be humility. Yes, I said humility. You gotta be humble. Not humility in the sense of like angelic. Not talking about that we're talking about, but just practical humility. And maybe I might even throw in practical with humility there at the same time. But honestly, I've been wrong about things. And if I didn't go, if I didn't go about it in my brain thinking that though I'm an expert at some things, I'm not an expert at everything.  
    [00:06:09.400] - Speaker 2 

    And therefore, even if it was a situation where, you know, a student, which I've had some students say, hey, professor, we are not on the same page here. That is not exactly right. And we'll go check it out. And I'm like, lo and behold, dude, I'm wrong. I accept. And honestly, people will respect your more for that, and it is going to add to your credibility. So that is one of the things that we want to add in there. So asking for help is not a bad thing. Have some humility. It does help you. It's an important skill. It'll surprise you how often you're going to need that one. Another one is going to be ingenuity. So that term is going to be something where you may not know, and it could be another segment of creativity. But ingenuity, to me, means that you are kind of making things happen. Like, for instance, there's been several occasions where I just didn't know how to do certain even events, and I had to figure out, you know, how to put this system with this system, and then how to make sure that I could send this feed over to this.  
    [00:07:24.470] - Speaker 2 

    This server or this software system, whatever it was at the time. And I had to really just MacGyver it. For those of you who haven't seen Doctor Strange, the Marvel movie, he had an appearance in the latest Spider man movie. And the making of this podcast is 2022, June 26. So it was last year, I think last summer. The summer before was the big blockbuster for that one. Might even be some before that, tell you the truth. So he comes in, and Spider man messes a whole bunch of stuff up. Hold on. Spoiler alert. I should just start out with spoiler alert. So doctor Strange says to the Spider man crew, you know, hey, just MacGyver. MacGyver it. Of course, he didn't say MacGyver it in the show. He said, just MacGyver the. So that's what I'm saying here in this little step, this step here for ingenuity, it's gonna take some things for you to just kind of sit back, look at it, say, all right, this is my ultimate objective. I have this service, I have this product, I have this friend, I have this place that I could go. How can I now make this thing happen, this service happen?  
    [00:08:49.690] - Speaker 2 

    How can I make this class happen? And you might have something where you could just fix a few things, if you will, so you could get it to work. We're calling that ingenuity. The number four is good old fashioned stubbornness. Yeah, honestly, it really is good old fashioned stubbornness. You're gonna need that skill. The reason why is they're gonna want to give up all the time, multiple times a month. And then some days, there'll be multiple times in that day. But you can't. You're gonna, even if you need to pivot and step away and come back, whatever it takes. But don't give up on the consultancy. Just go ahead. And if you need to back burner it and say, right now it's not the time, I got to do something else, and you're going to transition from the consultancy into something else, or somebody just throws some money your way and you're just like, hey, I can't turn away from this kind of cash, so I'm going to put the consultancy into mothballs for a little, and then we're going to go back to it. But I am going back to it. So you're going to stick to it.  
    [00:10:02.480] - Speaker 2 

    That's if you go for it. You gotta take care of yourself and your family first. If that's the case, that's the case. But, you know, don't give up on the dream. You're gonna back burner it for a little while. You're gonna think about it, make it better for when you relaunch, when you get back out, then now, you already have some skills and experience. Now, if this happens and you do need to backburn or something with your career and your consultancy, keep it open, don't close it down. Pay for all the fees or whatever you need to, to keep it an active business, even though you're not going to be actively working the business, because you want to make sure the timeframe from when your established date keeps going. So my established date is 2008. And if I left my company or came back to it, as long as I kept paying the fees or whatever it is, to keep the business going, every now and then, you could have done some extra work on the weekends or holidays or vacation or whatever, just to keep your name out there, but don't close and shutter the business.  
    [00:11:10.030] - Speaker 2 

    Just kind of, you know, just keep it running on the low key in the back end. If you could afford that last one that we're going to talk about, and this one is one that I honestly feel that is really, really important. I'm not ordering stuff like I told you, it's not in, like, rank order in any way, but this one is important. And the reason why I think it is is because we all need it, and that is guilt free downtime. Gotta have that guilt free downtime. If you do not allow yourself to do that, you're gonna get burnt out. And if you don't have that skill to shut off off the, shut it off everything that you're thinking about and everything else and be in a moment with your family or whoever, then it's going to end up messing your business up anyway. So might as well give yourself some guilt free downtime. That's what the doctor is ordering right now. So that's it. That's my five most must have skills for your practice. Number one, creativity. Number two, humility. Number three, ingenuity. Number four, a little bit of stubbornness. Number five, some guilt free downtime.  
    [00:12:35.690] - Speaker 2 

    That's a skill you're going to need to start working on. So thank you everybody for just being part of everything here. And if you need to get a hold of me, go to You can get me for just about everything right there. If I'm doing an event, you're going to see it on And if there's no event, then you have all my safety and health courses that I have available for you to take. So that's going to be on So if there's an event, that's going to be where I'll point you to. If not, then you can get the courses. So I really appreciate everybody. This is just a wonderful time that you guys had for me. And I just honestly thank you all for all the time that we had together. So you know what I always say? Go get em.  
    [00:13:32.310] - Speaker 1 

    This episode has been powered by Safety FM. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast or broadcast are those of the host and its guest and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within the past hour are only examples. They should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based on very limited and dated open source information. Assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast or broadcast may be reproduced, stored within a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast or broadcast. Sheldon.  

    Want to book Sheldon for as a consultant, keynote speaker, or trainer? Book him today:
    15 April 2024, 1:06 pm
  • 27 minutes 28 seconds
    A Young Man's Journey to Success-Rebroadcast
    Keywords:  Safety Consultant Podcast, Business of Being a Safety Consultant, Safety Consulting Business, Entrepreneurship in Safety, Perseverance and Career Change, Safety and Health Authority, Safety Consultant TV, Online Safety Training, Career Development in Safety, Safety and Health Management, Safety Awards and Recognition, Balancing Work and Education, Professional Growth in Safety, Networking for Safety Professionals, Safety FM Network, Jay Allen Show, Personal Development in Safety Career, Safety Consulting Success Stories, Overcoming Challenges in Safety Career, Safety Industry Insights 

    [00:00:00] :  this'll episode is powered by Safety FM. Welcome to the safety consultant Podcast. I'm your host, Colin. Promise. Listen, to show where I teach you the business of being a safety consultant. And this'll week, we actually got a special special story for you. It's a story about perseverance and switching things up when you need Thio and, uh, got ahold of this story, and I was like, Oh, man, for I'm hearing problem like podcast things is a podcast. Episode E. Says someone did safety Just getting a good earful for me and questions and all right, podcast. That's what came into my mind. So if you're ever thinking about giving up and you can't do this and, uh, I've come from this and I've had this happen, And how can I go ahead and be an authority figure? And I've come from here, Uh, forget all that. You got this, You could do it. So if this guy could do it, anybody can. So truly. And I don't say that in any district. Disrespect of any all leave anyway. But this'll person could do it. Anyone can. And you're just gonna love the story. So what, we're gonna do right now is we're gonna go ahead and listen to a quick word from our sponsor. And then after that, we're going to come back and we're going Thio. Well, I'm just gonna tell you a story. That's all it boils down to. All right, let's have a wonderful break as I get the word of the sponsoring. Enjoy. And we'll listen to this story when I get back. All right? Have you heard of safety consultant TV? Well, I'm going to tell you about it. The safety consultant TV is a subscription based video on demand service that will help you learn the business of being a safety consultant at the convenience of your own home. This is where you have video lessons in the playlist format, and you also be able to download material that is going to help you with your safety consulting business today. You could sign up for that safety consultant TV and watch it on your iPhone, your iPad, Apple TV, android, android TV, Roku and fire TV. So go right now to safety consultant dot TV and sign up today. All right, well, welcome back to the episode. So this episode I got for you. It's a story I heard. So I'm just gonna get right in it. Because truly as I let it up is their lead up to the story is if you feel like you have issues, that it's precluding you from getting it to safety and health And, uh, being your own boss and doing what you want to do is the authority figure as it is as a safety consultant s O. This is the story of a young man that I got a hold of from I mean, humble beginnings, like like truly, truly humble beginnings. So this I'm just gonna not going to, you know, the family life and everything else at first. But, uh, left college or should say after high school did not go to college. Hey, he was getting right into the workforce, living at home with his parents. But it was pretty much bagging like, literally grocery store bagging. So that's what the young man was doing his time just working at Publix and bagging groceries, but had, like, kind of entrepreneur burn or just restlessness, maybe not even entrepreneur yet, but at the time was just restless. So I decided to go off toe Bible school. So not even college went to Bible school and started going to Bible school thinking that the path that he was going down would actually be the path of being a minister, like actually going overseas and, uh, doing mission trips and everything. And being a missionary was was the term that was stated so, like, how is just getting around to safety? But, uh, it's still not not feeling like this is what to do. So went back and he's from the Florida area. So he came back to the Florida area and decided that he was just going to go ahead and pick up odd in jobs here and there. I ended up getting married, and, uh, that wasn't everything. It was a very short two year marriage. But during that time, period, uh, still was restless, wanted to do the right thing by his wife of the time, no Children in the first marriage. So I got a job, started working for a city, and the job was truly working on a garbage truck like hopping on hopping off of the garbage truck in the back, eso you know, young legs John back. That's what you do, right? You gotta keep on working. So from there, so recycling and said, All right, well, let's go from garbage to recycling And was a temporary worker, I believe was, ah, temporary worker for the state or city entity and as a temporary worker wasn't working full time. But every day that there was assignment or a job showed up was there trying to find a full time position with this city. So that was pretty dedicated. Their you know, even if you're not a full time worker, to just showing up every day and hoping and keeping your eyes and ears open that there would be a full time position. So that in itself shows some initiative. So eventually there is, Ah, position open and the position was in the waste order field. So the wastewater field is something I know. So I parked right up. So the wastewater field is truly dirty water in clean water out Alright, wastewater. Now we're talking. So I got into wastewater field and just started doing some some volunteer work, like right off the bat, volunteering for for whatever they had volunteering to be on the Safety Committee volunteering Thio help when he got trained. Thio train others and got quickly promoted throughout the organization. So went from there's licenses in operations and waste toward operators. Start with a C license, but they need a year experience after three years experience. And they could apply for a B license, of course, their schooling and some testing. And then after that, you get a license license. So while he was getting his wastewater license, decided to go back to college working nights, marriage didn't work. After that, it looks like So hey was a single guy in the workforce and decided that he was just going to focus in on work and got promoted and promoted and promoted. I'm like, Goodness, it's like all kinds of promotion. So what I'm hearing on the back end is Dr I'm hearing Hustle. I'm hearing never give up, no matter what was your education at the time, which was high school. Hey decided that he's going to just go ahead and get into the workforce and get something solid, which was usually you know, you get a city or county job or anything that's in the government. It's the solid gig. So, you know, commend them. Not bad. But then the story goes on and I'm like, Oh, the divorce was once there's a divorce. Usually there's, you know, turmoil and the stuff that happens. But the divorce actually was was freeing the young man up Thio find his true love. So then you got to see the twinkle in his eyes as he's saying, You know his true love. Oh, it sounds like a princess bride to me thinking, Wesley, As you wish. Uh, that's old. Go out. Look up, Princess Bride. If you haven't seen that one before you, then thin that joke's gonna be funnier than you thought. But truly when that happens finds his wife gets to kids. And while the kids were young, he was on the night shift like like midnight shift working, going in at 11 at night until seven in the morning. Uh, the wife was a teacher and she was working during the day. So the kids being young there was like overlap. I think where the grand parents or someone took care of the kids on the overlap and then truly, uh, they would he would, after you sleep a little maybe, like a couple hours. Grab the kids, take care of the kids. When the wife came home, they would have, like, dinner together, and then he would go back to sleep and then go get ready for work After you woke up from that nap. So it wasn't even a full block of sleep. It was, you know, a little mini nap. Take care of kids, uh, be with the life a little, Then go to sleep another mini nap, then wake up to go to work at 11. 8. 11 pm who work until 7 a.m. So doing that and doing that and getting promoted and getting everything. But, uh, here's where the drive started to kick in More than just wanting to do the right thing for his family, he started to think, Well, I'm going to go back to school and get a degree. So not only can I prove to my kids when they get older and they were truly like diaper age and and toddler age So he was thinking ahead of, you know, if I start now, uh, then I should have a good job by time that they're getting ready to get into high school and junior high and elementary. So I'll be ableto prepare for for that time in my life and be able to feed my family. So that's another part of person fearing. So I was thinking. But I was like, Why is that time? Because in my mind, I'm thinking all right, you just told me that you're working. Midnight Shift your sleeping. Uh, just in too little catnaps, basically. And now you're saying you're going to go back and try to get a bachelor's degree? But But he decided to do it. So the evening was pretty much the flexible time. The flexible time was evening shift. Excuse me. Evening was where the schooling waas. So evening was the schooling. So during the school in the evening, which was ah, physical location. Uh, S O. That was one of those things that hey had to physically go into class. And I believe he said something like online came a little later, but I bet by then goodness must spend, like maybe one of the first online classes if that was happening. Um, University of Phoenix. So yeah, they had both online and physical classes by then so. But truly, I'm just thinking in my mind that dedications gotta pay off some somewhere, right? So generally usually does. And it did. That's why I got the story. And I'm hooked up in it so much so that I'm gonna put it on the podcast. And also, not only did he end up getting his bachelor's, but got promoted all the way to, uh was plant shift lead or something. Shift lead, I believe first. So that gave, like, a rotating shifts. So it wasn't just Midnight's. It was, I think, three months at midnight. Two months of evenings. Two months of days. Uh, excuse me. 33 and three, I believe. So. It was three months of midnight's going into three months of evenings and then three months of day shift, and then one got hold full shift. Which, uh, I didn't understand much, but I think it was two midnights. And then when he got off the midnight's, he would go and stay Midnight's Today shift and then have two day shifts, then got off the day shift and worked one evening, I believed, and then after the evening had everything off until the midnight again. So basically, it was like two midnights one evening and no two midnights, two evenings and one day shift all in a week. So this is one person doing all that while going to school. And I'm just thinking, you know, never give up perseverance. You got to stay at this thing and, uh, new wife, young kids and doing all that. So all this juggling still getting promoted and then decided to move. So apparently he moved thio to another part of Florida, and there was able to get a position that made him the head of the plant, Which in wastewater terms, chief operator. Eso. Actually, that's not the chief. The chief operators, like, second in charge of the plant. And then you have the plant manager who is the one above them. So he got in as a chief operator, uh, started a master's program. Eso not only thio move, kids were probably what middle school. By then I would imagine maybe elementary school, maybe one of each. I would imagine middle school, elementary school somewhere around there and then, uh, taking a masters course, learning a new job, getting a new position. Uh, then in a year going from the second in charge to the top in charge. Hey, wasn't in safety back then, though, until a little bit later. He seems like, uh, like they started throwing on some hats on him after they saw that they could rely on this dude. So started relying on throwing more hats on them. Had after hat after Hap and still juggling, still going to school. Still taking care of kids. Started coaching for his kids basketball, and I was like, Hey, I used to coach That's my thing, man Basketball coaching used to coach for for the Y M C A. And I coached also for a county league, too. So that's maybe a little known fact. I was a coach e love kitchen. I'm from Queens, New York So when I when I used to coach, there's this one little girl Katie. She would always make. Just make fun of you because of my way. I say water. You guys would never tell that I'm from Queens, New York but it comes out when I say quarter and when I say water e se now with some pronunciation, but usually comes out quarter and water eso. She was always say, when I tell the kids to go have a water break, she's like, say, water coach, they water. So anyway, so we bonded over basketball and coaching and plays and all that stuff. But in the back of my head, I'm thinking, When did he rest? When was their time to rest? So after that, the safety came on eso it turned out that he did so well. They gave him safety and health and a manager. So some of you that are listening here, you're probably thinking the same thing. I am operations manager that is in charge of safety and health. Those two shall never meet. Those were the two things that you're saying. Operations and production usually trump safety and therefore, safety is probably going to go by the wayside. But turned out that he got Hiss Plant three safety awards, uh, that were state recognized. And then the plant itself for operations got a national award. So the plant got a national award and a state award for operations during the same time that the safety activity of the organization got three awards. So that blew my mind. I'm thinking hold on it can happen where operations and safety could coexist. It's like the Crips and the Bloods, man. It's like everyone in the Kumbaya moment. Uh, sidebar. Netflix has a show by a rapper Gold killer Mike and I can't remember what it is the name of it. But if you were to just type and killer Mike and Net in Netflix and, uh, in his show, he actually had something about working to see if he could be a peacemaker against the gangs. And he had the Crips and the Bloods together, and they created a Crip and blood cola. And there truly started thinking of how to market this thing and how to sell it and how to go out there and make some money off of this. So he literally got to What we all see is rival gangs, but I think they have more complex of a relationship than that. But the show I wish I remember what it was. But just look up killer Mike Netflix Show. And, uh, and that episode was was pretty cool. So that's my sideboard from saying operations and maintenance. Excuse me. Operations and safety can't coexist. It's like if it's possible with the Crips and the Bloods. Then operation of safety should do it so that that was good. So eventually, uh, Sky left where he was working and decided to go full time into safety and health and with full time to safety and health, like, literally cashed out off his retirement fund. So, yeah, I mean, like like the thing you should have to bank on if everything goes bad, Uh, he banked on himself like, cashed out his retirement fund to say I believe in me. And therefore I am going to use this money that should be my future into me, and I will make it my future. Eso like, wow, So backing up in my mind, I'm thinking, Okay, so high school graduate. But after that, I started working odd jobs and then after that, got married, got divorced, like within two years. No kids, and but still a marriage and a divorce will take its toll on anybody, then went back and started, uh, started working for a new organization. A county, Oregon City organization worked his way up into that position while working midnight shifts with a baby around two babies that he was taking care of during the day, switching out with his wife when she had to take care of the Children on. He was at work over midnight. So imagine that family dynamic, you know, two ships passing in the win with passing it to see where they don't really get to see each other. But maybe, uh, I would imagine days off or something and then moving, getting a new position on higher position, working day shifts, which is, Ah, chief operators and plant managers. If you guys don't know, that's a management position that I mentioned earlier in waste order their day shift people. So finally, when he was off with midnight, So I was like, Cool, you're on day shifts. After eight years of working midnight shift, I could do some numbers on the body, right? We're seeing data now that tells you that you you know, your your midnight shifts really need thio to have some love. Because of that, that phenomenon that you were supposed to be sleeping at midnight until 7 a.m. But we're not, and we're forcing the body and the circadian rhythms and all that. There's truly like some serious data related to this. So all of that, sticking it out, getting a master's degree, starting safety and health, cashing out his retirement money to take a chance on himself and then becoming a safety consultant. You guys think you know where this one's going? Well, you're right, young man's me, That's my story. And not only did I do that had a lot of things happening in my career, on and off and truly this'll has been quite a journey. I left that position in 2000 12. I started the business in 2008. China tested the waters a little. 2012 went full time. It's now 2021 2022. I would have the full time, as in 10 years next year. So right now it's nine years now. I'm a consultant to the consultant, consult people and that wannabe safety consultant. And it turns out that, uh, the same principles behind running a safety consulting business is the same principles behind running a consulting firm, merrier consulting business. So from there, that is perseverance, pivoting, changing things, being there, present in the moment, looking for opportunities, not being content where you are and seeking to be different, taking a chance on yourself. And I took that chance of myself and literally. Now I am booked for all of 2021 with the exceptions of a few different weeks throughout the year. And some of that's my own planning so I can be able to plan things for my wife and I My kids are all grown. 23 21. Son and daughter are just wonderful beings. The love of my life is still there. Been married now, 23 years going on 24. Uh, it has been hold on is 24. I think it is. OK, let's say 24 it is 24. Don't tell my wife 24 years. Yeah, we're just still the love of my life. So our next plan is we're going to travel internationally. I didn't go through the part of the story where we sold our house and started traveling domestically an RV because I knew that would have given it away earlier. But that's my story. The way I delivered this was thanks to Jay Allen. Uh, J has become a good friend of mine, got me on the Safety FM podcast network. But he's just spent a bud, and, uh, he was thinking of my story and maybe summertime or something like that. He said, You know what you should do? You should tell your story without giving away until the very last minute. And I you know, I listen to that stuff. I don't always implement things that he mentions right away because of my schedule on everything. But it sticks in my brain, and I listen to that man. Eso listen to his shows the J. Allen Show, which is on Safety FM, the rated R safety show, which is coming up to his 3/100 episode. So by the time you're listening, listening to this, if you listen to it the day it's released on Monday and I can't even remember the date. So it's Monday in February. I'm going to kinda look it up real quick, but the day you're released, you're hearing this show being released. Which would be February 20. 2nd is where this show is set to be released in 2021. Got to give the year since this podcast to disturb forever, right? Someone in 2021 is listening to it new. But someone in 2022 will be listening to it in a year later and thinking, Oh, man, February 22nd. No, But if you didn't get a chance to listen to the rated R safety show which comes on every morning, it does Come on at seven. To 8 a.m. I actually was on this morning, so I was there celebrating its 3/100 episode. And if you guys didn't know I love that show, it's my guilty habit. I like listen to it whenever I get the opportunity. And I hosted it several occasions. Um, when we first got started, Well, not we j this is a J thing. But when he first got started, I was able to do, I think, six or seven episodes, uh, somewhere around there you have to look up the archives for that one. But truly I'm saying all this just to say you don't give up. You guys could do this wherever you are. Now, wherever you're you're you wanna be in the future, plan it out, take a chance on yourself. You could do this thing. It's honestly worth it to try. I would try. You have nothing to lose. You really do. You have nothing to lose. You just have everything to gain. There's gonna be parts where you're gonna wanna quit. Don't You may be right now wanting to quit. Don't find a different way, Thio to make things work instead of asking yourself, you know, or at least saying I can't do this. Find a way, Thio, Ask yourself, how can I do this? So any time you say, or you, your kids, your spouse, anyone around you, if they ever say I can't do this, stop them saying none of my watching. We're not saying I can't were saying, How can I do this? How can I, uh, make this effect? How can I get to this level? And that's the key. So don't say you can't just say How can I? So hopefully this story has encouraged you. If you wanna comment, you can catch me on Lincoln Lincoln dot com backslash in back slash sheldon primers. You can always reach me at Sheldon at sheldon primers dot com or any of the Facebook. I got so much Facebook things that it's so hard to say. So just look up safety consultant, US or safety consultant. Chances are it's a Facebook that I manage. Eso that is it for this week. Thank you guys so much for listening to my story, even though you didn't know it at first. Gotcha. So you guys got this? Go get him. Hmm. This episode has been Howard by Safety FM.

    Want to book Sheldon for as a consultant, keynote speaker, or trainer? Book him today:
    8 April 2024, 2:29 am
  • 25 minutes 1 second
    5 Tips to Being the Favorite Instructor-Rebroadcast
    Keywords: safety consulting, Sheldon Primus, Safety FM, COVID-19 protocols, in-person instruction, favorite instructor tips, engaging teaching methods, safety training, COVID-19 safety, instructor feedback, personal growth in safety, safety consultant business, mastering subject matter, teaching vs. preaching, professional respectfulness, inclusive learning environment, safety education techniques, adapting to COVID-19, safety protocol tips, on-site safety instruction, instructional preparedness, technological backup for teaching, male-female interaction in safety, professional development in safety, safety instruction methods, interactive teaching strategies, safety consulting tips, effective safety training, building a safety consulting business, safety and health principles

    [00:00:00] :  this episode is powered by Safety FM. Hey, welcome to the safety consultant podcast. I'm your host, Sheldon. Promise this the podcast, right teacher, the business of being a safety consultant. And this week, we're going to go over my five tips to being the favorite instructor. Well, with Cove in 19, where we've got some protocols to make things a little bit more manageable. I know we're not over this yet. Even though vaccines are starting to roll out for some of the special categories that are out there right now, I'm not there yet. But soon as it is, I am ready. Give my shoulder up for a vaccine in a heartbeat. But truly I know that right now, most people have started to do in person things again, and I have been feeling more comfortable doing that as well. And my schedule has been reflecting it. So which really I've been going out there and doing some, uh, on site instruction lately, and I have my own covert protocol on everything, but I have been told a few times. I mean and we love having you here. Miss you so much. Glad to see you come back and I was like, All right, this is awesome is good for the ego. But then it also got me thinking, Well, if I'm gonna teach some consultants what to do in order to get that feeling again for them or get that feeling for the first time of Hey, I'm appreciate the people love me, like to have me as an instructor, so I'm actually going to teach you guys that one. So that's gonna be my five tips of being the favorite instructor. And, uh, I would also throw in a few other things, I'm sure, but I'm only gonna call it five right now. It's probably gonna be five plus, so but But but but not so. But what I'm gonna do is we're gonna have a word from our sponsor, and then after that, I'm going to get back in. Won't be a tip of the week this week. I haven't really been doing those in a while. That might be the new set up. Maybe that's just it. Just no more tip of the week. I don't know. Tell me what you think at Sheldon and Children prime ms dot com, and let me know if you miss those things or if you want me to bring them back or if you want me to do a special tip of the week, I'll do that. Or if you need me to, uh, do something else, let me know. Sheldon at sheldon primers dot com. All right, So when we come back after this word from our sponsor, we'll go ahead and we will start to five tips to being this favorite instructor, uh, thoughts playing over and over in your head. Renting a safety business is harder than running a safety department. What do I need to do to gain more clients I can't sustain this business with. The cost of resource is for running the business while the soul open era you need to have the appeal of a large firm. This could be expensive and time consuming to manage. So I've come up with the safety consultant accelerator program. Business accelerators have been around for a long time. This is a way where you can actually get your business going for a fraction of the cost of having to do it yourself by working with the network, and therefore the network will have the resource is you need, such as landing pages, email marketing tools. The safety consultant TV will also be included with this video production, WordPress, plug ins, learning Management System, podcast hosting, event hosting and even some coaching for me. Therefore, different levels that you could choose and you can start your business is just a solo preneurs where all you need is a little course. And that's the safety blueprint. Ah year subscription of safety consultant TV, a lifetime email marketing service and one hour set up costs. Coaching the second plane is going to be for you new growth agencies, and that's also going to include everything in the solar preneurs plan, including Cem. Video servicing for screen recording. You're also going to get a work press plugging with Extreme, which it platform coaching our monthly and a private Facebook group. If you're ready to expand even more, then you could move from the new growth agency to the branded agency and include to the new Growth agency Web link shortening for retargeting campaigns, 25 courses to do your own learning management system event and Webinar hosting landing pages and be under preferred consultant list and two hours coaching monthly for your business. When you master your safety consulting business, you get to include in this level 25 more courses to make 50 courses that you could host in a learning management system. Video editing with animatronic production podcast hosting, which you can also sell your own advertising and for our monthly coaching. So now you have the way Thio get your safety consulting business started with resource is that may be too expensive to get on your own. You haven't now packaged in the level when you're ready to expand, you can go to safety consultant that. Sheldon promise dot com safety consultant that sheldon primacy dot com and pick your plan today. All right, all right. All right. Well, let's get back into the five tips of being the favorite instructor. So here gonna be my tips and like, last week, what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to start it out as the top of my list. So I'm not even going to be doing that working backwards things like most people do. So maybe I'm doing this, uh, this list thing wrong. That So I am not gonna be walking, working backwards. I'm actually going to start with my number one. So my number one thing that you really need to do is you really need to learn your material inside and out, inside and out. You gotta know this material. So you know this class, you know this topic, You know the flow. You know the schedule. If you know your material inside and out, that is going to help you. Your number. One thing that's going to help you be that favorite instructor, you're gonna be able to answer questions. You're gonna be able to, um, if you needed to adjust time or just anything that's in the setting right there that you may say, Hey, man, this is not the way it normally goes. But like, you see, it would be advantageous for me to go ahead and switch it around, and you're able to switch it around and not lose your place and be professional. That is, knowing your material inside and out, having your power point all set up is great. Also, whatever you're gonna do is faras handouts and and everything else is faras your videos or YouTube videos. Whatever you're using, have that stuff already to go once you do, and you just are nailing that material. You know what to expect with the next line. And you don't have to keep looking back behind you to see you know what's coming up. Eso truly. And that's gonna be the number one way for you to be that favorite instructor. And that's also going to mean that you you are staying in your lane to because you're going to know your material. This is stuff that you're familiar with, and you're not gonna be at ease. Our you're going to be at ease with the with the topic. So that is the key. All right, Number two, we're gonna be prepared for any disasters. You should see the bag that I bring these days. I've got my hot spot just in case. WiFi is not working. I've got my own many projector. So if that's not working, I got that with screen. So I've got that set up. I usually don't bring my mic set up every now and then. I could and I do have ah wirelessly mix that I could use s Oh, I have that available. Uh, I have ah power cord that has multiple inputs to it. So have that available all books that I need handouts if I'm doing handouts for this class depends on what it is. Get it. Got it. And one thing that I really, really have been using, uh, that sometimes sometimes there sometimes not. But I have a dongle, which is a connecting piece. And, uh, it has think somewhere around 16 inputs, if you will several U. S. B, uh, be U S B A and, um, to h demise. I've got Let's see the one for the power point or for the projector. That connector there v g a. I believe that one is and all these all these acronyms, right? Can't remember them all. But, man, this thing is amazing because I use a surface plus of surface pro, and the surface pro jizz has a U. S. B. C and the U. S. B. Uh, and that's about it. That's the only inputs I have. So I've gotta work around this thing quite a bit. In order for me to have two screens and everything else and be ableto cook up to Internet because sometimes you don't have WiFi, but If you carry your own, uh, Ethernet cord, you could hook up that way. And that's one of the things I carry the Ethernet cord. Uh, scissors. Stapler. You'd be amazed. Sometimes you really need a stapler out of the blue. So I got that. I got pens. I got markers, dry erase markers, eso I am truly prepared for just about anything. And if technologies coast completely down where? Let's say no power. I used to actually bring my own whites to I haven't in a while, but I used to bring my own lights because the room would be dark, where I can't turn off the light for the front of the room for the projected to be seen real bright. So I would turn off the room, the lights in the whole room and then just set up my two little lamps on either side of the room. So I haven't done that recently. I haven't had too, but a za, long as I had a long enough HTM I cord and I would say, if you don't have a 25 to 50 ft HTM I cord, go get it, it's really worth it. Having a long cord eso. I think that's it may have more, but for for me right there that's being prepared. So the other thing that you should do is don't preach, teach. And when I say preach, I mean, you know, you're up there. The safety pulpit is where you're at, and you're just, you know, pointing stuff out and do this and do that. And 1910 section, whatever says this. And this is what you're supposed to do and no deviation in the rules. And you're you know, you're literally up there telling them what that they have to do for safety rules and regs, as opposed to Let's go ahead. Let's open our books will take a good look at what this is saying. What does this mean to you? How does this affect your life? And this is Thean tent of the law. And here is with the standard, says, How do you make that where it's applicable to your situation? So those were different ways that you could truly start teaching, as opposed to preaching the safety message. Big difference there, I'm telling you, it is a really big difference. I've noticed a lot of people who are preach to they'll shut down on you. And when they shut down on you, you're going to feel it. It would be a roadblock. Everything you say it's going to be where you're pulling teeth, glasses, we're going to go on dark shades in the back of the room and heads are going to go back, and all of a sudden you are just, you know, talking. You're not doing anything else, but just talking, talking to a handful of people that may be interested in what you're saying. So the preaching part and the safety officer part, that's not really going to help you in any way. It's gonna make you feel superior for a little while, and then whenever you want to shut you out, then you're gonna say, Oops. I missed up, lost the crowd and you don't wanna lose the crowd, especially if you're getting paid for the gig, right? You don't wanna lose that crowd. Number four. See, I'm breezing through these things. Number four. You definitely want to be respectful and personable to the men and women at the facility. So one of the things I was really thinking about was the male female relationships. So let's say you're a male instructor and now there are female of people working and there and you are attracted to the female, uh, body and a female mind female aspect. As opposed Thio not being attracted to female is a male being attracted to the same sex. It is not your position to try to hook up and get yourself a date. At that point, you're not and same thing if you're ah male and you find yourself, ah, person that is very interested in you or, you know, whoever you identify with. And you found that you're really into this someone that you're seeing there, it is not the place to be hooking up. Alright, so that is the respectful part. Truly, I have seen heard, I would say, like this offhanded remarks or coarse jokes or something similar to that in mixed company. Never good to be. That person is doing that truly, especially in a male dominant world. There are some females in the space that may feel uncomfortable having you there, and if they feel uncomfortable with you as a speaker being there, uh, even though they may not be the top boss. And if she talks to her top boss and her top boss tells tells you Hey, we can't have you back because of the way you've been treating the ladies in this office or even students, which is even worse. Goodness, uh, then that is not going to help you. Eso You have to really make sure you're respectful to everybody. Uh, no. Your boundaries don't try to hook up. I remember one time there was, Ah, I believe a married instructor. And I'm not telling you where you guys are gonna get this for me. But there was married instructor trying to hook up with one of the ladies in the office. Oh, man, is that poor? That was like, Whoa, you're tryingto think of all the different levels of wrong that is, And, uh and yes, so that's one of the things I'm gonna add to this one. So now you're gonna be respectful, and you're gonna be personable, meaning that when you're there, you know, talk to people. Be nice, be friendly. Make sure everyone knows that you're there and you're approachable, and you're not just safety diva. That's one of the things that really will drive people nuts is if you're coming in and you're thinking that you are the the be all end all for safety and you get there and now you just don't talk to anybody. You don't address anybody except when you're teaching and then you get whisked away or you just go hide out in some place the break room or your car or something similar that that's not gonna help you. It's not going to get your repeat work. It's gonna end up giving you where you're going to get a reputation in the field for being, uh, a diva. Let's say it that way. It's not a good look. It really is not a good look. It's one of those things that you want to really avoid. So therefore, be respectful, be personable and to make sure that you are going to be that individual that people want to be around. Not that they feel uncomfortable when you're there, because word will get around. And if it's a small enough location area, it's going to go from one police to the next to the next. That man, you don't want this guy around there you don't want this girl around there because, yeah, she's all hands just always touching dudes touching the girls, whatever. And therefore, you know, she's never going to be asked back to that facility and then they'll be an issue. So that's one of the things that's really gonna think for Be respectful. Be personable at the people, for the people in students that are there at the facility. Alright, the last one that I got over here, it's going to be more of it's It's under personable side also, but this one is a little special tip help set up and tear down. You know, if you're there and usually get their, you know, half hour an hour early and you're there anyway, you got yourself all set up. You're ready. You tested your technology. Uh, let's add that in there. Let's at that as a A like like knowing your material or something. Let's make that like a winning test everything out too, So you make sure that it actually works. But then, you know, make sure that you're gonna help help set up health, care it out, make some coffee, uh, set out the snacks or whatever you gotta do go wipe down the table, Sanitize, help sanitize wherever it's appropriate, that is a good thing to do. And then when you're done, you know help clean up, Put your your chairs back in and make sure that everything looks good for the next instructor. Erase the board. So the next instructor is going to spend some time having Thio go up there and erase the board. Or there's not gonna be someone up next, but a day or two or whatever hangs out there and the board now becomes, ah, little bit discolored in the areas that you were writing in or it's just a flat out mess in the room. Eso In some cases, you gotta make sure you get your students say, Well, you're leaving. Go ahead and grab that water bottle whatever you gotta do there. But truly you're the last line of defense. Look around. Uh, go ahead, collect all your stuff when you're ready, Thio to leave and then do a nice little walk around, See how everything looks. If you're one of those locations where Onley your students use the restroom, it doesn't have to go look in the bathroom and see what it looks like. And make sure that's in good working order. And no one like, messed up the bathroom itself. If there is a maintenance issue, if you want to make sure you go that extra step, write that note and say, Hey, something got broken over here and it may need some attention if you can't do it yourself. So truly, that would really set you apart from other instructors where it shows that you care. It shows that you remember where you came from. It shows that you are not the diva, not the person that just has to be taken care of. And you're there just to make the salary and get out of there. In the instruction side, you want to make sure that you're going thio, deliver the goods to the students, you know, nice way that they're gonna understand. And they're gonna get, like, really good information and not feel completely overwhelmed, even though it is possibly with some topics. But, you know, give a nice bite sized pieces and that goes thio to teaching and not preaching. So let's go through the tips one more time. Number one waas No, your material inside and out. Number two Tip for being the favorite instructor. Be prepared for any disasters. Number three don't preach a people come out, teach him. Don't preach. Nobody wants that. Yeah, except for Sunday. Right? That's when you're ready for a good preaching. But right now, your teachers, good teachers to instruct them. Number four be respectful and personable for women and ladies and men at the facility. You're actually not there to hook up. You're not there to make people feel uncomfortable. You're there, Thio. Go ahead and teach them effective safety and health principles, management principles. Whatever it is, you're over there. And then number five always always help set up and tear down just the right thing to do. All right. I'm not too sure what I hit there, and I was one of those buttons that I got so many buttons these days, and I don't really know what I'm doing, but that's the button I wanna hit. Definitely. So hang in there. Cova 19 is still around, but we're gonna get through this thing. So if you decide to do some more in person classes, remember these tips people gonna ask you to come back after this and then just keep doing these tips again. Make sure that you're you're there for them. Make sure that they know that they could count on you that you are going to be engaging instructor. That's one of the ways that you can be an engaging instructors by doing these tips. And then also, you really wanna make sure that at the end of the day, to keep your workers your safety, uh, crew, your students, the place that's hosting you keep them all safe. That's your job, right? Alright. So Tuesdays, Thursdays, wherever we're connected on the social media linked in Facebook Uh, instagram Twitter. Uh, actually, Instagram Twitter cannot support what I'm about to tell you, which is e dio Weekly, actually, compliance help Livestream at 11 o'clock Eastern standard time. So people hang out and I answer their questions, actually, compliance questions. Sometimes it's questions about record keeping their questions about, you know, just this just happened to me. What do I do? So I'm there, Toby, that support for you. So what you wanna do is you want to go to Lincoln, connect with me there? Uh, if you're on Facebook, then you're gonna look up. Safety consultant. Us. That's a group that I have over there. Ah, Page. Actually, OSHA compliance help is a page that I have that streams that, uh, if you're on twitch, you just go to twitch dot com safety consultant, And then you could find me there. If you're on YouTube, you could go toe OSHA compliance, help YouTube channel. Or you could go to safety consultant US YouTube channel. And those are all the places that you can listen to a live stream, and you can actually go to sheldon primary dot com. Backslash livestream is well, and that should be able thio keep you connected. All right, So have a wonderful week out there. Go get him. This'll Episode has been powered by Safety FM.

    Want to book Sheldon for as a consultant, keynote speaker, or trainer? Book him today:
    1 April 2024, 2:34 pm
  • 17 minutes 8 seconds
    4 Support Pillars for Consulting-Rebroadcast
    Keywords: safety consultant, podcast, Sheldon Primus, four pillars of support, spouse, partner, faith, mentorship, quality resources, consultancy business, OSHA compliance, safety, perseverance, inner drive, experienced individuals, time management, professional image, resilience, motivation, strategic resources, business growth, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, compliance issues, training, informal conferences, wastewater management, email marketing, video production, audio production, search engine optimization.
     This episode is powered by Safety FFM.  Welcome to the safety consultant podcast show, The Premise, this is a podcast where I teach you the business of being a safety consultant and I answer your question as America's safety consultant. Welcome back. Glad you guys all had a wonderful week. I am truly hoping that this week is going to be awesome for you as well. So what are we going to do today, today? What are we going to do? I'll give you a chance to guess.  Think about it real quick. That's right, of course, it's a possible game right there, and he can't play that one at all. So what we're going to do today is going to be solo, just me and you, and we're going to go over the four pillars of support for consulting. So these are the things that I believe hold you up. And when I say hold you up, I mean that it is when you're feeling at your worst, when you're feeling like you can't keep going on.  These are the four things that will always give you support to keep on keeping on. So that is what we're going to go over today. We're going to go over my four pillars of support for our consultancy. There are and so when we come back after this word from the sponsor, we will go through these four pillars.  The revealing secrets to OSHA compliance, the safety consultant playbook is back by popular demand, learn the secrets of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration from OSHA compliance and active safety consultant Sheldon Primus. Sheldon has successfully represented clients in informal conferences, compliance issues and training. This event exposes how to get your consulting business to thrive in the new aggressive ocean enforcement climate, especially if you are the safety officer for a company. And this event will give you the insider knowledge to excel at OSHA compliance.  And then topics include introduction to real OSHA, Understanding the standards, Unlocking the Secrets and the Ocean website, OSHA's Playbook, Compliance Letters and the Field Operations Manual. How to Ace OSHA Audit and Inspection, Informal Conference Best Practice and Tips creating OSHA compliant written programs, OSHA and covid-19 and more. This one day online only event will be July 16 from nine a.m. to three thirty PM Eastern Standard Time Register today at Sheldon Prima's dot com slash events and use code Primus at checkout for fifty dollars off the general admission and general admission plus tickets.  All right, well, welcome back. Today we're going to talk about the four pillars and these are four pillars that I have come up with. They're probably more personal to me than anything, but they are still things that I believe that you will definitely need in order for you to be a successful safety consultant or a consultant of any kind. So here's really meet the four pillars that I have chosen. The really represent the things that I rely on when things go tough and no one is my spouse to be your loved one, to be your partner, your best friend.  It could be a brother, could be a sister. It could be your parents, whoever that is. When you get the thought saying, man, I just don't know if I could go on anymore. And if I just keep lingering in your head and your brain and be like, I'm just going to give up on me, even start looking for extra employment somewhere else. And that person in your mind that you go to and you're like, hey, what do you think?  Yeah. Or I want to give up. What do you what do you think that's the person that you should say is the person that you keep going to. That's the support system you need. If the right person, they're going to encourage you. They're going to see, you know, what is fact, what's fact or fiction, what's reality and seek to make where you can do something and give you reasons to do it, not reasons to talk you out of it.  So with that kind of support, that is going to make it where you can do anything. And I truly mean anything. So that's number one, whoever that is. For me, it's my life. But for you, who knows? Pillar number two is going to be vaped. I should say faith instead of faith to tell a different faith. That is pretty much a term that is always associated with the religion. However, in this context, I really think it is hope and it's faith.  Hope in your being led kind of a divine intervention, if you will, or maybe even you felt a leading from the universe that says, hey, you could do this thing, just go have it out in your own way. Something is leading you, something that's guiding you, something from without from within, I should say, that is kind of pushing you to whatever that is, that faith that says I could still do this no matter what.  I got this. All right. So that is going to be what your support system for number two would be, because truly, if you do have inner drive, that says it will all work out because it's meant to keep relying back on that when things get tough. That's the key. So we talked about the spouse friend, one more sibling parent, whoever that is, is going to be Effler influencer in your life to talk him up. You got this.  Number two is your faith. Number three, now, we could get a little bit outside of ourselves. And we started thinking about mentoring, so mentoring is going to be my third pillar. Let's tell you, there's four pillars, right? So that means we're not completely solid on our base. But before we get away from entering, let's really talk about what this one is. All right. So we've heard the term coaching. A lot of people do coaching.  I coach myself. The connotation to that is you're getting some help from someone who can see the best in you and that they know how to motivate you or just influence your behavior in a partnership way. So they may be an expert in something. They want to bring it to you in a partnership way and they're going to develop you to be the best you you could be. Whereas a mentor is someone who is going to guide you. They've been there before and they're going to take you in step by step process to get to success.  So that is going to be a difference between the two. It's always good to have coaching. I got to tell you, man, it is really good to have coaching available for you. However, if you can find a mentor, someone that's going to show you the ropes, someone has been there, someone that has done the same things you're thinking of doing, and then they could tell you if it worked or did not work for them. And then why and let you make your choice.  If you want to try it this way, then. All right. Let's see. Maybe you might have a different angle at it than the consultant who was there to say the mentor who's been there before. And that's fine. This is also one of those. Where is the give and take, however, for a mentor mentee relationships, generally, the mentee is the person who is going to be initiating most of the request. So you're going to.  You're pretty much going to make sure that you touch base with Dementor on a regular basis and you're going to hold yourself accountable to doing what they have taught you to do. So that is the three of them. Let's talk about number four next. So as a quick recap, the first pillar was have a love of the spouse, the partner of someone who was going to not let you give up. You're going to be accountable to them. They're accountable to you.  Faith have some faith in not only that there is a divine intervention or something that's leading you to where you're your endpoint would be, but that that that thing, that entity that whatever you believe it is, is got your back and you were going to go ahead and finish up because you know that you have someone else that's going to take care of you. That's my version of faith mentoring. When you do have someone who has been there before and they're going to teach you the principles, the ways, they're going to show you exactly what they've been through so that you can avoid the pitfalls of reform.  All right. That's another solid pillar. So for the fourth and final pillar. And the pillar is support for you to have to have a strong foundation for your consultancy. The last one is going to be quality resources to make sure you have quality resources, you know where to go, you know where to look. If you have a way to to make sure that you and your clients can always be proactive and not reactive. Now, that is quality resources.  And what we do, though, it's funny because initially when I first started in the business, I was thinking, right, I'm going to be in wastewater management. I'm going to be the guru of how people should use certain technology or certain ideology towards wastewater treatment and environmental control. And then I became a safety guy, which is completely different than when I first started out with. I have then evolved even more so now doing a podcast and doing some live streaming and doing webinars and a few other things, seminars and instructional design.  That means that the resources that I need to survive, if you will, as a consultant, it just keeps going where I'm pretty much going to use things like email marketing. I'm going to use things like video production or audio production equipment, or I have to learn how to write and copy or something similar to that, as much resources as I can get to do two major things. So the first major thing that I'm looking for, for them to do the resources is reduce my time so I can get more things done because time equals money or a time.  We're consultants when we do. So if I could use a resource that is going to reduce my time, including things that, you know, email marketing, goodness, I could do an email marketing campaign. Right. One time, the conversation that they wanted to have with this individual that signs up for something that I'm offering. Now, if I could pre design some of this, that truly is going to free up my time. So I'm doing this sequence every single time I have a new person that slides onto a promotion.  So those are the kinds of things I'm thinking for. So if you get a hold of quality resources, things that will first cut your time considerably. And then secondly, the other thing that you really want from is quality. Resource is is going to give you the ability to look like you have a team that's really wealthy. I know I get a team. You probably know you can get a team. You know that you just got you. So you are probably everything you're doing your own website.  You're doing your own email, you're doing your own copy. You're doing your Facebook ads. You're doing everything else with stuff that you know, you know, safety, you know, your your trade. However, you may not know all the other stuff behind your search engine optimization or any of that other stuff. So therefore, you get quality resources that is going to go with a good mentor. Faith in what you're doing and in your purpose. A spouse or a loved one that is behind you, regardless, no matter what you are end you are so in, that is a support that you're going to need.  That's the kinship that you could have with whoever your mentor is or the people who believe, like you do it is worth it. I truly feel like if you focus in on those killers, I know this is a shorter episode than they normally do, but truly, I need to be more than that. Quite honestly, if you just focus in on those four pillars, the strength that you get from knowing that you have those basic things down will actually help you reach out even more and go out there and go get them and then get yourself more and more and more quiet.  So that is the key. So thank you so much for hanging out with me this week. And I do believe you focus on these four pillars. You rely on them to build a strong foundation for your business and you're going to just keep on killing it. So again. See you next week.  Go get them. This episode has been powered by safety found. Views and opinions expressed on this broadcast live broadcast are those of the host and his guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Example given. Just in the past hour, our only examples, they should not be legalized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based on very limited and dated open source information, assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company.  No part of this podcast or broadcast may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise without prior written permission. The creator of the podcast or broadcast, Sheldon Brownness.  

    Want to book Sheldon for as a consultant, keynote speaker, or trainer? Book him today:
    25 March 2024, 6:52 pm
  • 1 hour 23 seconds
    Navigating the Waters of Workplace Safety: Fmr Deputy Assistant Secretary of OSHA, Jordan Barab
    Keywords: Jordan Barab, OSHA, occupational safety, health administration, COVID-19, workplace safety, Bethune Cookman, wastewater treatment plant, Daytona Beach Florida, safety myths, Confined Space blog, field operations manual, HELP committee, Senate, Obama administration, safety standards, workplace accidents, safety inspections, labor laws, safety compliance, workplace health, safety enforcement, industrial safety, construction safety, safety training, health and safety regulations, safety consultants, workplace safety tips, OSHA inspectors, safety protocols.

    Want to book Sheldon for as a consultant, keynote speaker, or trainer? Book him today:
    11 March 2024, 9:55 pm
  • 33 minutes 27 seconds
    Chemical Reactions: The Hidden Layer of Workplace Safety
    Want to book Sheldon for as a consultant, keynote speaker, or trainer? Book him today:
    4 March 2024, 3:15 pm
  • 23 minutes 31 seconds
    Maximizing ROI: Essential Strategies for Aspiring Safety Consultants
    Keywords: safety consulting, return on investment, consulting business tips, safety professionals, industry trends, digital marketing, client feedback, competitive ratesWant to book Sheldon for as a consultant, keynote speaker, or trainer? Book him today:
    19 February 2024, 10:31 pm
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