Facing Life

Jon Vroman

What can we learning about living life, from those fighting for it?

  • 52 minutes 41 seconds
    Valerie's Dream Comes True - BSB Front Row!

    Valerie and her 3 best friends have been in love with the Backstreet Boys since they were kids. Valerie never expected her first outing after her final chemo treatment to be Front Row seats to her favorite band in the world!

    Listen to Jon and Valerie as they discuss what it was like for her to hear she had one year to live and how she decided that was not going to be her path! Then, after the event as she describes the laughter, tears, and pure joy of Valerie and her friends on her special day. Thank you to Valerie's sponsors, Hal Elrod & The Miracle Morning and Jon Berghoff & Xchange, for making this day possible. And thank you to all of the heart and support that made Valerie's day unforgettable!

    9 October 2019, 10:20 pm
  • 29 minutes 32 seconds
    #161: Amber Vilhauer and Mike Michalowicz Leverage AuthorUpLive Event to Donate to FrontRowFoundation

    Today we bring in a proud member of our FrontRow community, Amber Vilhauer, who is stepping up to support FrontRowFoundation in a really unique way.

    Amber is hosting a two-day live event June 3-4, 2019 called AuthorUpLive.com with partners Mike Michalowicz (bestselling author of Profit First, The Pumpkin Plan and Clockwork) and AJ Harper (Mike's writer and publishing strategist).

    Attendees will be given a physical and digital copy of the “tested” launch plan which was designed to sell 10,000 copies of Mike’s next book week one. You’ll get connected with influencers and community at the event. PLUS… $1,000 of each ticket is donated to Front Row Foundation (use coupon code: FRF) – you’ll be making someone’s dream come true.

    In this episode, Amber challenges all business owners to add a fundraising component to their next launch or event. During a previous launch (AuthenticBusinessSuccessSummit.com), Amber and her company NGNG Enterprises, Inc. (standing for NoGutsNoGlory) donated $10,000 to FrontRow, and her latest venture will surpass that milestone.

    Enjoy this episode and I hope it inspires you to become a Business Ambassador for your favorite charity.

    "We can all give more." - Amber Vilhauer

    1 May 2019, 1:15 pm
  • 1 hour 39 seconds
    #160: How a 9-Year Old Author Uses Her Super Powers to Make the World a Better Place

    “Every super kid has special powers and it doesn’t require knocking down towers.” These are the wise words from my next guest, 10-year-old Abigail Perez.

    Abigail is the author of the Amazon best-selling book, How to Be a Super Kid: Six Scoops to Earning Your Super Kid Status. And today, Abigail and her mother, Elizabeth, are joining me to talk about the book and how their family became connected with the Front Row Factor.

    Plus, we will have a special reading of the book by Abigail herself. This is one episode that you don’t want to miss.

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    To get access to the full show notes, including transcript, audio and links to resources mentioned, visit FrontRowFactor.com/abigail-perez

    31 March 2019, 10:00 pm
  • 54 minutes 44 seconds
    #159: Avoid Addiction: Heal Your Pain and Find Your Personal Power

    What do you think about cold showers? Would you be willing to take one each day if it helped ease your anxiety or give you more energy?

    Today I am talking with my friend, Jesse Harless, author of the book Smash Your Comfort Zone with Cold Showers: How to Boost Your Energy, Defeat Your Anxiety, and Overcome Unwanted Habits. Jesse is also a Life and Recovery Coach, speaker, group empowerment facilitator, and the founder of Entrepreneurs in Recovery.

    In this episode, Jesse and I will talk about the many different forms of addiction, how they can creep into your life, and what to do about them. Plus, I’ll share some news about the upcoming changes happening with the Front Row Factor Podcast.


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    To get access to the full show notes, including transcript, audio and links to resources mentioned, visit FrontRowFactor.com/jesse-harless-heal-your-pain

    20 March 2019, 12:56 pm
  • 42 minutes 23 seconds
    #158: Who’s Really In Charge? Exploring the Challenge of Knowing When to Surrender, and When to Fight

    Have you ever been in a situation that felt beyond your control? Sometimes it’s difficult to balance when to take charge and when to let go, especially when it comes to a loved one or child. Today I am talking with Maggie Kelly. Maggie is a certified life coach, certified meditation instructor, podcast host, and founder of the Satsang House in Del Mar, California. Maggie is also the mother of Cole, a 17-year-old who is living with Cystic Fibrosis. In this episode, Maggie and I talk about what it’s like to raise a child with CF. And we’ll explore the life lessons she’s learned along this journey.


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    To get access to the full show notes, including transcript, audio and links to resources mentioned, visit FrontRowFactor.com/klyn-elsbury

    25 February 2019, 1:43 pm
  • 44 minutes 23 seconds
    #157: Use Me & Amaze Me: Stories of Living a Front Row Life

    What are the ways that you strive to live life in the front row? Is service to others one of them?

    Today I am talking with my good friend, Chris Hunt.  Chris isn’t an author, speaker, or public figure – but he is a guy who embodies a front row life. He’s the regional VP of a marketing company who shows up day in and day out to serve others. In fact, I got to know Chris through one of his many acts of service.  

    In this episode we’ll talk about what it truly means to be a moment maker for others. And we’ll dive deeper into Chris’s daily prayer “use me and amaze me.


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    To get access to the full show notes, including transcript, audio and links to resources mentioned, visit FrontRowFactor.com/klyn-elsbury

    10 February 2019, 11:00 pm
  • 49 minutes 34 seconds
    #156: Do A Day: Are you Playing to Win, or Not to Lose?

    Have you ever experienced extreme anxiety or tried to “fix” a loved one who is going through it? According to my next guest, the words we say can actually make the situation worse.

    Today I’m chatting with my friend, Bryan Falchuk. Bryan is a best-selling author, life coach, and speaker who spent much of his life struggling with anxiety and obesity. After experiencing an “aha” moment, Bryan was able to break from his pattern, enjoy wellness, and share what he’s learned with others.  

    His work has been published in the LA Times, Chicago Tribune, and Inc. Magazine. Bryan has helped countless people transform their lives and I can’t wait to share this episode with you.


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    To get access to the full show notes, including transcript, audio and links to resources mentioned, visit FrontRowFactor.com/klyn-elsbury

    27 January 2019, 11:00 pm
  • 36 minutes 30 seconds
    #155: Find Your Happy: Discover Your Master Vision Statement

    Is it possible to live life in the front row when you have 65% lung capacity on a good day? According to my next guest, regardless of your circumstances, you can raise your standards. And she’s living proof.

    In this episode, I’m talking with my friend, Klyn Elsbury. She was born with Cystic Fibrosis and, at age 31, is considered one of the oldest and fittest people with her mutation. Klyn is an author, keynote speaker, coach, and CEO. And she has appeared in over 100 publications including the NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt and Forbes magazine.

    According to Klyn, “a bird sitting on a branch is never afraid of it breaking because her trust isn’t in the branch, but in her own wings.


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    To get access to the full show notes, including transcript, audio and links to resources mentioned, visit FrontRowFactor.com/klyn-elsbury

    13 January 2019, 11:00 pm
  • 54 minutes 30 seconds
    #154: Helping People In Crisis - A Practical Guide for Loving Others During Difficult Times

    Have you ever known someone who is going through a difficult trial – and you wanted to help, but didn’t know how? According to my next guest, the last thing you should do is ask them “How can I help?”

    Today, I am talking to Sarah Beckman. Sarah is a speaker, writer, blogger, and founder of Salt and Clay Ministries. After walking alongside friends and family members who were facing tragedy, and experiencing her own health trials, Sarah decided to write a book on the topic. She recognized that there were many people out there who genuinely wanted to help, but they didn’t know what to do.

    In this episode, Sarah shares some very valuable insight into how people who are going through trials feel, and she gives us some very practical ways that we can help.


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    To get access to the full show notes, including transcript, audio and links to resources mentioned, visit FrontRowFactor.com/sarah-beckman

    30 December 2018, 11:00 pm
  • 58 minutes 55 seconds
    #153: Running Towards Discomfort: Using Pain as Fuel for Growth and Purpose

    Would you consider sitting in complete darkness for 30 days? Or spending time with people who have less than six months to live? Today I’m talking with my new friend, Traver Boehm. Traver is an author, speaker, men’s coach, and founder of Man Uncivilized. After experiencing a series of extreme losses in his life, Traver went on an unconventional journey of self-discovery.

    In this episode, we’ll talk about Traver’s experiences including time spent in isolation and time volunteering at a Hospice. And we’ll also learn what he’s discovered along the way about being a man.

    16 December 2018, 11:00 pm
  • 52 minutes 11 seconds
    #152: Bent Not Broken: How Being a Kung-Fu Expert Saved One Man’s Life

    What’s your story? Do you feel like you have one that you want to share with the world? My new friend David Wenzel has a story to tell, and although it starts with Kung Fu, his story is about so much more. David was diagnosed 9 years ago with a brain tumor – and given 7 years to live. Although he’s surpassed the 7-year mark, David’s battle is not over yet. In fact, he was in the middle of chemo during our interview. Despite his fight with cancer, David is a husband and father of three young girls, an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and founder of Bent Not Broken, a non-profit that provides support and motivation to other cancer survivors. In this episode, we have a very real and very authentic conversation about David’s beliefs and his journey. And we’ll also discuss how to see your own situation, no matter how difficult, in a different light.


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    To get access to the full show notes, including transcript, audio and links to resources mentioned, visit http://frontrowfactor.com/david-wenzel

    2 December 2018, 11:00 pm
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