Sacred Business Podcast

Sora Surya No

This is the Sacred Business Podcast, a show for Spiritual Womxn Identifying Entrepreneurs and leaders. I am Sora Surya No.

  • 23 minutes 11 seconds
    32: How do I invite a guest to collaborate with me?
    I’m going to get real honest here. Every time a beautiful being asked me to be a guest teacher, speaker, or mentor, I ask myself the question, “Am I being asked because I am the handful of BIPOC coaches that they know, and are they trying to round out their guest, so they are seen as allies?”

    Half of the time, this isn’t the case at all, but it is the question that runs through me and keeps me cautious and highly discerning regarding whom I partner with. Today’s Sacred Business Podcast episode is all about how to invite guests to collaborate with you.

    Now I get that due to socials being the way they are, it makes you feel as if others are accessible. We tend to be warm, open, and ready to be of service. At the same time, I find myself wanting to make sure that I am respecting people’s time and space. When I receive an invitation in this particular way, I remember the person who has mindfully crafted their introduction, and they will make a lasting impression on me.

    Listen to today’s episode as I dive into how I invite a guest to collaborate.

    Let’s take an example like a telesummit. Here is my sacred protocol…

    I do not create a summit until I feel like I have spent ample time connecting with new and amazing people I call colleagues and possibly new online friends. I’ve done the following because it felt aligned, and I was so excited to get to know their medicine:
    Listened to several podcasts
    Attended a summit that was led by them or they were interviewed in
    Participated in a class, gathering, webinar
    Subscribed to their podcast
    Spent sacred time with them at a conference
    Had a virtual tea date after a mutual friend made an introduction
    Read their book
    Done my research
    Find their email address
    I do not make my ask via direct, private message
    Craft an intentional email
    Open with my vision
    Share why I love and respect their work - I am specific
    Share any connections of mutual friends we have
    I speak about the project in more detail
    I include guests that are participating
    My commitment to diversity
    Explain clearly what I am asking for
    The amount of time
    The fact that there are no requirements regarding marketing
    How we shall meet virtually
    Any prep work or details I will need before the call
    A clear outline of dates
    I invite them to a tea date so they can get to know me better and I can share my intention for this project
    I give them plenty of time to consider this - typically, I begin this process at least a month or two in advance

    A Gentle Reminder
    Having a diverse group of panelists or guest mentors/speakers as part of your program does not highlight the inner work you have done to unpack your privilege. As a woman of color, here is what I am looking for:
    You know more than 5 of the same BIPOC coaches that are being invited into these spaces. You are doing your research and not taking the easy road of merely asking those that know one another.
    You amplify the voices and services of others, including BIPOC.
    You have paid for services or experiences held by a BIPOC and not only to check the box that you’ve done it but because deep within you were called to participate.
    You have BIPOC clients. I am going to repeat this. Your community consists of BIPOC. This last part is what I believe shows me that your space is safe enough for us to land in. As an invited guest, this is what I am looking for.
    27 October 2020, 9:50 pm
  • 28 minutes 13 seconds
    31: Magnetizing Money, a sacred wealth accumulation practice
    Wealth accumulation is a holistic process and not only about money. It's time to discover the reason you desire more money, understand how your values and beliefs will help you save and spend your money, and how you desire to use money to change the world.

    If you desire to work through this system - I’ve got just the tool for you. You do not need to go about this all alone but rather, I’ve created a beautiful workbook, videos, and step-by-step instructions to help you out.

    The Magnetize Money™ Toolkit is a wealth well-being toolkit to strategize and plan for to generate money, accumulate wealth, and have an abundant mindset.

    Learn more about the Magnetize Money Toolkit here,
    13 October 2020, 8:10 pm
  • 16 minutes 27 seconds
    30: Money and Purchasing Power
    Women control $20 trillion in annual consumer spending, and it was estimated in 2009 that this figure would climb to 28 trillion in five years.

    What if we used our purchasing power to…
    Be a steward of mother earth
    Take hold of the patriarchal system and dismantled it from the inside
    Leverage our purchasing power and redistributed the wealth by giving back to BIPOC and women-owned small businesses
    Research and give our money to companies and industries that uphold mutual values
    Ensure our voices were heard
    Give microloans to businesses who are need of a jump start

    All the while doing so in money covens, investment circles, service-based communities that value the discussion around money/finance/and abundance.

    Sora, if we were to come together in a money circle, what questions would we pose?

    What is money, and why is it valuable?
    How does currency flow, and can it flow to me with grace?
    What would I do with the money?
    How much money do I need and why?
    Why is generational wealth a way to heal ancestral wounds?
    Can I co-create money instead of having to “make it” all by myself?
    Is the construct of money stemmed from the patriarchy, and if so, how do we dismantle it?
    What does it mean to build new earth with no monetary systems, and is that the way?
    What does it mean to break the system from within by using financial literacy as a powerful mechanism?

    What we purchase matters.
    Who and what we support matters.
    Where we spend our money matters.
    And most importantly - we matter.
    1 September 2020, 9:00 pm
  • 19 minutes 5 seconds
    29: Money Coach Passionate About Helping Womxn Live Debt-Free Lives
    For more than 8 years, I’ve been serving womxn around the world, heal their sister wound, remember the magic of circles, and look at business through the eyes of sacred strategies + leadership. Having done so, I am blessed to now celebrate my evolution.

    I was Sora Surya No.

    I am now Sora Schilling.

    Sora Schilling blends business leadership with money coaching and power of insurance as a system to accumulate wealth, be financially secure, live a debt-free life...while living wildly, freely, and joyfully.

    I believe that our greatest responsibility is to heal our money wound and remember we have the purchasing power and the most significant opportunity to use our money to create change. It is time for us to have financial wellness.

    I speak about my mission and reveal my new virtual space >>>

    If you feel inspired, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts by searching for Sacred Business Podcast on iTunes. Click “Write a review” and drop me a love note. Then head over to my Instagram feed at and share your mission because - friend, I am here to celebrate YOU.
    19 August 2020, 9:00 am
  • 26 minutes 28 seconds
    28: Question. Listen. Contribute. The Beauty of Market Research
    In today's episode, I'm sharing how to dive into market research in a way that feels deep and meaningful. This can be a fun exploration rather than a boring "branding" practice. Get your pen and notebook ready because there are 3 steps you can take to ensure your message is crystal clear.
    4 August 2020, 9:00 pm
  • 25 minutes 58 seconds
    27: New Beginnings - an exploration
    The New Moon, day one of a menstrual bleed, the first day of a new season, can signify a new beginning. As spiritual womxn leaders, we love tapping into the feeling of new beginnings, for it means it is a new dawn, and our explorer-self is ready to seek another adventure.

    But what happens when our new beginnings take on a different form? It feels vague, unknown, slippery, and intangible? The frequency of this type of new beginning can sometimes feel elusive and therefore scares us.

    On today’s episode of Sacred Business Podcast, I share my feelings around new beginnings. I believe there are two types, and I’m ready to share it with you when they are.

    A hint - think new chapter vs. a new book.

    I don’t know where I’ll go from here, but I’m here. I am here to walk this Priestess path with myself and with you.

    Thanks for listening to the Sacred Business Podcast with me, Sora Surya No. If you love the show and desire to know more, check out I would so appreciate it if you would leave a love note, aka a review on iTunes, Spreaker, Sticher, or iHeart.

    Now, remember, you have the power to create ANYTHING. You can bring forth beauty, abundance, and grace in your business and life every day while living a life that is wild, free & calm. You are worthy, divine sister!
    21 July 2020, 9:00 pm
  • 25 minutes 22 seconds
    26: Gripped with Fear
    Fear gripped me hard. She took hold and wouldn’t let go. She coiled around my energy centers, locked in on vulnerable spaces, and wreaked havoc on my body, mind, and my energy system.

    My inner voice told me I only had one job: to talk to you - to share what I was feeling, what I was processing, how I was navigating this emotion, and what it was teaching me.

    If you are feeling afraid, stifled, and paralyzed by fear - may we walk with HER and her sacred medicine together.
    7 July 2020, 2:50 am
  • 22 minutes 48 seconds
    Ep 25: Conversation with Team Sacred
    In today’s episode, Team Sacred and I speak about what we’ve been working on behind-the-scenes for the past couple of weeks and how excited we are about launching the Sacred Business Collective and providing you with valuable + fun content via a Sacred Business Playbook.

    All of this is free. Why? Because we believe in serving first and then inviting you to join us for new experiences second.

    Listen in as I share why I love collaboration, then sneak into a conversation with my team and myself, and then end with solo time - just you and I as I share what the Sacred Business Collective is.
    30 October 2019, 4:27 pm
  • 17 minutes 30 seconds
    Ep 24: Using the Universe as an Excuse
    Stop using the Universe as an excuse to not be a Wildly Successful Entrepreneur.

    The Universe has a plan and provides endless ways to help us on our sacred path and yet we take this for granted and use the Universe as an excuse to do whatever we want without any deep acknowledgment that it’s causing disruption to our community and to ourselves.

    I’m committed. The Universe is telling me I need to do something else.
    I have so much to say and do. I am here to create impact. The Universe is telling me to wait.
    I am fully devoted to that program. The Universe is telling me I have way too much on my plate and I need to focus on self care.

    What?! The Universe doesn’t give mixed messages, our humanness does.

    It’s time to dive into this week’s Sacred Business Podcast. It’s going to get REAL today with some tough love from me to you.

    The Universe totally has our back and our heart but what if we stopped using the Universe, Goddess, God, Great Spirit as our excuse to not step into our power and commit to change and evolution? What if we took the time to do our work and notice when it’s true and when it’s bullshit?

    That is courage.
    22 October 2019, 1:25 pm
  • 28 minutes 4 seconds
    Ep 23: Be Worthy with Charlotte Elea
    Does that feel hard to let in fully? Society tells us never to be boastful and think we are the best. Our parents may have taught us to be humble and therefore shy away from any sense that we have significant powers to share with others. And our wounds have cut deep into our belief system that we may not have value or less than so many others out there in the world.

    Charlotte Elea is devoted to shifting this in every person she comes across through her book, To Be Worthy.

    Our wounds are our gifts, and we speak about this and so much more on today’s podcast.

    You are worthy.
    You have a worthy business.

    So as you listen to Charlotte and I share, notice how you have been holding yourself back in your work. It’s time, as we prepare for the new year, to consider whether or not it’s time to release these fears and step into the fullness of yourself and let nothing get in your way.

    Charlotte Eléa is the author of the book, To Be Worthy, and an expert in emotional self-healing. She is an intuitive guide and mentor to soulful women who are ready to know who they really are and awaken their healing gifts. She is passionate about leading women to the discovery that they may take the painful, difficult, and wounded parts of themselves and transform them into frickin’ gold.

    She has a background in clinical psychotherapy and has been a student of her intuition for over 20 years. She has developed unique approaches to self-healing and self-discovery through her own experiences of deep transformation and healing. She lives in La Crescenta, California, with her wife and dog.
    15 October 2019, 3:13 pm
  • 52 minutes 40 seconds
    Ep 22: Traits of a Wildly Successful Entrepreneur
    An entrepreneur is defined as a person who creates a business and operates a business while taking on greater than normal financial risks.

    This. Is. You.

    And if you haven’t heard this in a while - YOU ARE AMAZING!

    It takes courage to have no idea what the outcome will be and sit with the discomfort of the unknown while taking intentional action every day. Sometimes you are led by your intuition, and other times you are making decisions based on data and facts. I am in awe of you.

    Entrepreneur enjoys having control, but controlling the outcome is rarely possible. That is why cultivating 15 traits can help you be fiercely committed to your vision and, therefore, allows you to ride the frequently of a Wildly Successful Entrepreneur.

    Listen to today’s Sacred Business Episode and I’ll tell you all about it!

    As a woman entrepreneur, I move through the world based on feelings, connection, and gut instinct. Analysis, logic, and reasoning are what support this primary way of being.

    Of the 12.3 million women-owned businesses, many seek to develop and grow their business through collaboration and soulful business strategies. But nearly all business trainings are not created for a spiritual womxn entrepreneur. As a part of the $9.9 billion self-development industry, I want to change that.

    As a business coach, I fill a gap, helping coaches + healers grow within their market. I merge
    business with self-regulation skills, empowering women to claim their equitable place in entrepreneurship.

    Reach out and connect with me to achieve clarity in your business or if you desire to support spiritual womxn entrepreneurs. Let’s find out which traits you weave into your life with ease and which are a bit harder to incorporate.
    8 October 2019, 5:49 pm
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