Designed to share my thoughts and opinions, as well as those that guest on the podcast. The podcast title reflects a youth experience of creating games and playing the game. This will be reflected in the podcast as I will cover topics from on the field, off the field, and all of the fun that coaches and directors experience every day they are involved in the beautiful game.
You know those ref's who are out to get you and the team you coach?
Not really...
How many did you coach this week? How did you maximize those hours!?
Be demanding without being demeaning.
Fun is not just messing around.
Real talk.
Having worked with numerous teams and coaches, I'm always looking to get going on the right foot. How can I get my players switched on, and ready, without needing to tell them so?
I have some ideas, presented here, but I also want to know yours!
What motivates your players? Does your motivation match theirs? Follow some simple, but effective steps here to explore the motivation of your players, and improve your coaching interactions and expectations immediately.
Are you looking for more?
Check out for how to unlock potential in your players.
What did you get out of this summer?
Interested in my KCBS interview? Here it is!
Talk. to me @leedunnesoccer
Help them see the bigger picture...
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You can contact me on Twitter @LeeDunneSoccer
You can see what else I have going on
Spoiler. All of them.
Feedback, please.
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You can contact me on Twitter @LeeDunneSoccer
You can see what else I have going on
How are you harnessing the world cup to grow the game in your community?
Feedback, please.
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You can contact me on Twitter @LeeDunneSoccer
You can see what else I have going on
How much do you put into the end of practice game your team plays?
Feedback, please.
Leave me a rating on your podcast provider. Share with your coaching friends.
You can contact me on Twitter @LeeDunneSoccer
You can see what else I have going on
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