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So many theories surround the events of the end times, especially the rapture. How will you know when it is time? What does it look like to live with a hopeful expectancy? In this episode, learn about the timing of the rapture and how to be prepared for the return of Jesus!
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Do you ever wonder about the nature of God? Can God be both merciful and just? Find out how God can fulfill both His Mercy and His Justice in the end times.
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Learn about the signs of the end times and how they lead up to the pouring out of the Seven Bowls of Wrath. Find out how to navigate spiritually through world as the return of Jesus draws near!
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Why would a loving God judge us? What are those judgments? Rabbi Schneider shares why a loving God will judge us, how to understand the 21 judgments in the Book of Revelation, and he continues to explain the remaining judgments in this series on decrypting the Book of Revelation. As the plagues continue to fall on Earth, they intensify. During the Great Tribulation natural disaster takes over, toxic water, the sun will stop giving its light, torment of biting locust-like beings, a deadly army, and then the seventh trumpet sounds and God delivers His people before the 7 bowls of wrath are released. If you're sensing Jesus calling to you, respond today because you may not have the grace as your heart hardens later. Have hope because God will take care of His people. God is calling mankind to Himself and to repent.
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"This is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He commanded us" (1 John 3:23).
What are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? How can charisma cause trouble? What will happen during the Tribulation? Rabbi Schneider shares that 3 1/2 years into the reign of the Antichrist, his charismatic falsehood will be revealed. The first 7 seals are: The 1st rider on the white horse is destructionāthe Antichrist. The 2nd, a red horse, is the plague of war and murder during the tribulation. The 3rd, black horse of the Apocalypse is the plague of famine. The 4th horse, an ashen horse, is the curse of death over the world's population. Persecution and murder of saints/martyrs is the 5th seal that is coming. The 6th seal is cosmic/ecological disaster. Jesus told us more than 100 times, "Do not be afraid". Get strong in the Lord today while you have the chance.
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What is the scroll in the Book of Revelation? Why should you read the Book of Revelation? Why would a loving God pour out judgment and fury? Rabbi Schneider shares in this episode of Discovering the Jewish Jesus what the scroll of the Book of Revelation is, and the 21 Judgments in the scroll: the 7 seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 bowls of wrath. Have hope because Jesus is the only way to God. Jesus blood is what saves us from destruction. Learn how to stand with Jesus and confess Him before men as you learn about the fulfillment of prophecy and judgment.
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What does the Bible say about the Mark of the Beast? How is it possible to force the whole world to take the Mark? Is technology addictive? Rabbi Schneider, of Discovering the Jewish Jesus, shares what the Mark of the Beast and the number 666 means to us today. God's mark will be on His people. Satan wants to replace God's authentic, will, and word in our lives. What we're seeing in our culture today is a phenomenon where people are no longer in tune with God, other people, and nature. People are more in tune with their technology, being drawn into an addictive pseudo-reality. Mankind is losing touch with what is authentic and being drawn into darkness. Learn how to protect your mind, avoid being drawn into Satan's counterfeit plan. Be the master over your smartphone and technology rather than letting it master you.
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What is Satan's goal? What's the problem with putting yourself first? Rabbi Schneider, of Discovering the Jewish Jesus, shares how the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast matter to believers and unbelievers, how Satan authored the "gospel of me", and how we need to be fully aware as we watch and wait for Jesus to come for us. Do not be scared, be prepared. Learn today how to turn to Jesus, to focus not on yourself, and to prepare for the future God has planned for you.
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Why does God allow the Antichrist to rule? Rabbi Schneider shares about the rise of a human being who appears to be of good will, but the Antichrist is Satan clothed in humanity. The Antichrist wants to remove worship of God from the world. Churches are dying out, buying into social pressure and forgetting their love of God. The Antichrist worships himself, the god of "me." Learn how the Antichrist will seduce the world through false "good" will and miracles until he is exposed. When the Antichrist is exposed, Jesus is coming back for us. Prepare for the Lord's triumphant return because He loves you.
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āThere is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in loveā (1 John 4:18).
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