Beyond Bossfights is a podcast that discusses various aspects of video gaming and pop culture, including film and technology. We're two middle-aged dads just sharing what we love!
In this episode, DJ Roger, and I talk about gaming from a Gen X perspective, ponder how many streaming services is “too many”, and admit that futbol is indeed life.
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Show notes:
Acknowledgments and apologies
The part of the show dedicated to our Canadian listeners and followers
What have you been playing this week(s)?
Topics for discussion:
What are we into?
What are we looking forward to?
You can send your feedback to [email protected] and I’ll read it on the podcast. A reminder that Beyond Bossfights is on iTunes, Spotify and PlayerFM and would appreciate your ratings and reviews!
Contact information:
Music by Michael Meadows
Voiceover by Alexa Rubinov
In this episode, DJ and I celebrate our 40th episode with Roger Edwards! We talk about our Covid experiences, returning to Normalcy, biscuits and gravy, and our gaming picks de jour.
Audio: | Subscribe on iTunes | Spotify
Show notes:
Acknowledgments and apologies
The part of the show dedicated to our Canadian listeners and followers
What have you been playing this week(s)?
Topics for discussion:
What are we into?
What are we looking forward to?
Ask Us Anything
Nobody cares
You can send your feedback to [email protected] and I’ll read it on the podcast. A reminder that Beyond Bossfights is on iTunes, Spotify and PlayerFM and would appreciate your ratings and reviews!
Contact information:
Music by Michael Meadows
Voiceover by Alexa Rubinov
In this episode, DJ and I talk about Elite Dangerous, The Expanse, and the affect of Covid-19 on new media, but do not utter a single word about Cyberpunk 2077
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(none this time, better luck next episode)
Show notes:
Acknowledgments and apologies
The part of the show dedicated to our Canadian listeners and followers
What have you been playing this week(s)?
Topics for discussion:
What are we into?
What are we looking forward to?
Ask Us Anything
Q: hot dog: Sandwich or not – Clearly it’s a pita
You can send your feedback to [email protected] and I’ll read it on the podcast. A reminder that Beyond Bossfights is on iTunes, Spotify and PlayerFM and would appreciate your ratings and reviews!
Contact information:
Music by Michael Meadows
Voiceover by Alexa Rubinov
In this episode, DJ and I give our covid vacation stories, plus we talk about the movie Greyhound and how entertainment delivery is changing. Plus a myriad of other gaming, entertainment, and life thoughts from a couple of guys who can’t remember when they got old
Audio: | Subscribe on iTunes | Spotify
Show notes:
Acknowledgments and apologies
The part of the show dedicated to our Canadian listeners and followers
What have you been playing this week(s)?
Topics for discussion:
What are we into?
What are we looking forward to?
Ask Us Anything
Q: Thin glass or Tankard? Choose wisely and don’t let Michael Caine influence your choice.
You can send your feedback to [email protected] and I’ll read it on the podcast. A reminder that Beyond Bossfights is on iTunes, Spotify and PlayerFM and would appreciate your ratings and reviews!
Contact information:
Music by Michael Meadows
Voiceover by Alexa Rubinov
DJ and I talk about such far-ranging topics as the current Covid-19 global pandemic and the Netflix series Tiger King with Joe Exotic
Audio: | Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher
Show notes:
“Reasonable” banter section
Acknowledgements and apologies
What have you been playing this week(s)?
Topics for discussion:
What are we into?
What are we looking forward to?
Ask Us Anything
Corona question from Jonathan Andrist:
“What is your theme music for your self-isolation?
Is there anything you want to do that you feel like you haven’t done? Anywhere you want to go? Someone you want to meet?
Contact information:
Music by Michael Meadows
Voiceover by Alexa Rubinov
Brax and DJ talk about turkey basting, gaming journalism, Ford v Ferrari and more!
Audio: | Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher
Show notes:
“Reasonable” banter section
Acknowledgements and apologies
What have you been playing this week(s)?
Topics for discussion:
What are we into?
What are we looking forward to?
Ask Us Anything
You can send your feedback to [email protected] and I’ll read it on the podcast. Reminder that Beyond Bossfights is on iTunes and would appreciate your ratings and reviews!
Contact information:
Music by Michael Meadows
Voiceover by Alexa Rubinov
Brax and DJ talk about the FFVII port, the Rocky films, Family D&D experiences, what they’ve been playing and even answer some listener questions!
Audio: | Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher
Show notes:
“Reasonable” banter section
Acknowledgements and apologies
What have you been playing this week(s)?
Topics for discussion:
What are we into?
What are we looking forward to?
Ask Us Anything
What is your experience with D&D and have you ever considered introducing it to your children for “family fun nights”?
Marshmallows, any variation of golden brown or burnt black as cinders?
You can send your feedback to [email protected] and I’ll read it on the podcast. Reminder that Beyond Bossfights is on iTunes and would appreciate your ratings and reviews!
Contact information:
Music by Michael Meadows
Voiceover by Alexa Rubinov
Brax and DJ complain about the polar vortex, talk about the Lego Movie 2, and fly drones around the room. In between all that, they discuss hangups that don’t allow them to play certain races/classes in RPG’s and MMORPG’s. Enjoy!
Audio: | Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher
Show notes:
“Reasonable” banter section
Acknowledgements and apologies
What have you been playing this week(s)?
Topics for discussion:
What are we into?
What are we looking forward to?
Ask Us Anything
@fredelas on twitter:
How would you react if you were outside and noticed a hobby drone with a camera flying overhead? Would you react differently if you were inside and saw it flying outside a window?
You can send your feedback to [email protected] and I’ll read it on the podcast. Reminder that Beyond Bossfights is on iTunes and would appreciate your ratings and reviews!
Contact information:
Music by Michael Meadows
Voiceover by Alexa Rubinov
Brax pulls this one out of the archives. Back when I was a co-host on’s Game On podcast, I had the opportunity (along with Ryan Getchell) to interview world renowned composer Inon Zur. I generally consider it the best/most interesting interview I’ve had the pleasure to be a part of. Thanks to Bill over at for allowing me to re-release this episode! Make sure to check out for all your MMO related news.
Audio: | Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher
Show notes:
You can send your feedback to [email protected] and I’ll read it on the podcast. Reminder that Beyond Bossfights is on iTunes and would appreciate your ratings and reviews!
Beyond Bossfights broadcasts live on twitch on no particular schedule, so watch Twitter closely!
Contact information:
Music by Michael Meadows
Voiceover by Alexa Rubinov
Brax and DJ talk about vacations, progression servers, sentient vacuum cleaners and a whole lot more!
Audio: | Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher
Show notes:
“Reasonable” banter section
Acknowledgements and apologies
What have you been playing this week(s)?
Topics for discussion:
What are we into?
Ask Us Anything
Please leave us a review on iTunes! We’d much appreciate it!
***** in iTunes by Dime78 from UK on May 25, 2018
Great host, good mix of game and RL chat.
You can send your feedback to [email protected] and I’ll read it on the podcast. Reminder that Beyond Bossfights is on iTunes and would appreciate your ratings and reviews!
Beyond Bossfights broadcasts live on twitch on no particular schedule, so watch Twitter closely!
Contact information:
Music by Michael Meadows
Voiceover by Alexa Rubinov
Brax and DJ talk about MMO Guilds, Fortnite, Stranger Things Season 2, and Cobra Kai!
Audio: | Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher
Show notes:
“Reasonable” banter section
New Intro music!
Acknowledgements and apologies
Topics for discussion:
Ask Us Anything
If your family was lost in space, what’s the first argument you’d have? – Fredelas
You can send your feedback to [email protected] and I’ll read it on the podcast. Reminder that Beyond Bossfights is on iTunes and would appreciate your ratings and reviews!
Beyond Bossfights is also on stitcher, AND Player FM so add it to your playlists!
Contact information:
Music by Michael Meadows
Voiceover by Alexa Rubinov
Your feedback is valuable to us. Should you encounter any bugs, glitches, lack of functionality or other problems, please email us on [email protected] or join Moon.FM Telegram Group where you can talk directly to the dev team who are happy to answer any queries.