Each week game developer Mike Bithell (Thomas Was Alone, Volume) and Alexander Sliwinski talk about the world of video games from inside a growing studio of their own. There will be scones.
Join Alexander, Mike Futter, and Nic Tringali as they discuss their favorite games of 2017.
4:50 - Games of the Year
--SUBSURFACE CIRCULAR-- Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/676820/Subsurface_Circular iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/subsurface-circular/id1273765636 "A detective stationed on the Subsurface Circular investigates a series of disappearances among the city’s robotic working class. Collect words and phrases, then use them in dialogue puzzles to uncover the world's secrets and determine its future.
Inspired by classic adventure games and modern dialogue systems, Bithell Games has created a single session story which respects your time and your intelligence."
--THE GAMEDEV BUSINESS HANDBOOK-- http://www.gamedevbizbook.com/
--SUBSCRIBE-- iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bithell-games-podcast/id1065880449 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4DVVTbniyLtTVYm4OgVQhy Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/m/Iey34nbhc5o3k4x5z4uzx4vcsz4?t%3DBithell_Games_Podcast Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/bithell-games-podcast RSS: http://bithellgames.libsyn.com/rss
--"READER" MAIL JINGLE-- Michael Schoonmaker - https://twitter.com/Schoonology
--SOCIAL-- Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikeBithell - https://twitter.com/Sliwinski - https://twitter.com/volumegame Email: [email protected]
Production by Jonathan Downin
Join Mike and Alexander, along with Mike Futter, this week for a check-in on Hitman, and Futter's time with Monster Hunter: World and brief jaunt into the realm of board games. Studio Happenings cover a bit more on the publishing of the Game Dev Business Handbook, and in "Reader" Mail, the guys cover handling the streaming of Bithell games and the use of custom versus pre-made tools.
4:42 - Monster Hunter: World & Civilization: A New Dawn 12:12 - Hitman 19:15 - Studio Happenings: Game Dev Business Handbook Updates 28:01 - "Reader" Mail: Handling Streamers & Custom Tools
--SUBSURFACE CIRCULAR-- Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/676820/Subsurface_Circular iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/subsurface-circular/id1273765636 "A detective stationed on the Subsurface Circular investigates a series of disappearances among the city’s robotic working class. Collect words and phrases, then use them in dialogue puzzles to uncover the world's secrets and determine its future.
Inspired by classic adventure games and modern dialogue systems, Bithell Games has created a single session story which respects your time and your intelligence."
--THE GAMEDEV BUSINESS HANDBOOK-- http://www.gamedevbizbook.com/
--SUBSCRIBE-- iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bithell-games-podcast/id1065880449 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4DVVTbniyLtTVYm4OgVQhy Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/m/Iey34nbhc5o3k4x5z4uzx4vcsz4?t%3DBithell_Games_Podcast Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/bithell-games-podcast RSS: http://bithellgames.libsyn.com/rss
--"READER" MAIL JINGLE-- Michael Schoonmaker - https://twitter.com/Schoonology
--SOCIAL-- Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikeBithell - https://twitter.com/Sliwinski - https://twitter.com/volumegame Email: [email protected]
Production by Jonathan Downin
Join Mike and Alexander this week for a lengthy discussion on Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus and the importance of player agency. In "Reader" Mail, the guys cover the disparity between film and game auteurs, and the approach to quality writing.
4:05 - Wolfenstein & Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus 25:56 - Studio Happenings 27:19 - "Reader" Mail: Auteurs & Writing
--SUBSURFACE CIRCULAR-- Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/676820/Subsurface_Circular iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/subsurface-circular/id1273765636 "A detective stationed on the Subsurface Circular investigates a series of disappearances among the city’s robotic working class. Collect words and phrases, then use them in dialogue puzzles to uncover the world's secrets and determine its future.
Inspired by classic adventure games and modern dialogue systems, Bithell Games has created a single session story which respects your time and your intelligence."
--THE GAMEDEV BUSINESS HANDBOOK-- http://www.gamedevbizbook.com/
--SUBSCRIBE-- iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bithell-games-podcast/id1065880449 Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/bithell-games-podcast Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/m/Iey34nbhc5o3k4x5z4uzx4vcsz4?t%3DBithell_Games_Podcast RSS: http://bithellgames.libsyn.com/rss
--"READER" MAIL JINGLE-- Michael Schoonmaker - https://twitter.com/Schoonology
--SOCIAL-- Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikeBithell - https://twitter.com/Sliwinski - https://twitter.com/volumegame Email: [email protected]
Production by Jonathan Downin
Join Mike and Alexander this week for a few quick thoughts on Battle Chef Brigade. In Studio Happenings, Alexander shares some more future economic planning tips, and "Reader" Mail covers the potential/pitfalls of treating games as a service.
3:08 - Battle Chef Brigade 9:44 - Studio Happenings: Pensions (yes, really) 15:31 - "Reader" Mail: Subscription Models/Products as Services
--SUBSURFACE CIRCULAR-- Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/676820/Subsurface_Circular iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/subsurface-circular/id1273765636 "A detective stationed on the Subsurface Circular investigates a series of disappearances among the city’s robotic working class. Collect words and phrases, then use them in dialogue puzzles to uncover the world's secrets and determine its future.
Inspired by classic adventure games and modern dialogue systems, Bithell Games has created a single session story which respects your time and your intelligence."
--THE GAMEDEV BUSINESS HANDBOOK-- http://www.gamedevbizbook.com/
--SUBSCRIBE-- iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bithell-games-podcast/id1065880449 Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/bithell-games-podcast Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/m/Iey34nbhc5o3k4x5z4uzx4vcsz4?t%3DBithell_Games_Podcast RSS: http://bithellgames.libsyn.com/rss
--"READER" MAIL JINGLE-- Michael Schoonmaker - https://twitter.com/Schoonology
--SOCIAL-- Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikeBithell - https://twitter.com/Sliwinski - https://twitter.com/volumegame Email: [email protected]
Production by Jonathan Downin
Join Mike and Alexander this week for a shocking revelation about Assassin's Creed: Origins, a bit of love for the latest Call of Duty, and a check-in on Mario Odyssey. In Studio Happenings, Mike touches on Devgam , and "Reader" Mail covers development environments and approaches.
6:54 - Assassin's Creed: Origins 14:43 - Call of Duty: WWII 24:55 - Mario Odyssey & the Switch 32:20 - Studio Happenings: Self (Book) Publishing & Devgam 37:00 - "Reader" Mail: Development Environments and Approaches
--SUBSURFACE CIRCULAR-- Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/676820/Subsurface_Circular "A detective stationed on the Subsurface Circular investigates a series of disappearances among the city’s robotic working class. Collect words and phrases, then use them in dialogue puzzles to uncover the world's secrets and determine its future.
Inspired by classic adventure games and modern dialogue systems, Bithell Games has created a single session story which respects your time and your intelligence."
--THE GAMEDEV BUSINESS HANDBOOK-- http://www.gamedevbizbook.com/
--SUBSCRIBE-- iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bithell-games-podcast/id1065880449 Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/bithell-games-podcast Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/m/Iey34nbhc5o3k4x5z4uzx4vcsz4?t%3DBithell_Games_Podcast RSS: http://bithellgames.libsyn.com/rss
--"READER" MAIL JINGLE-- Michael Schoonmaker - https://twitter.com/Schoonology
--SOCIAL-- Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikeBithell - https://twitter.com/Sliwinski - https://twitter.com/volumegame Email: [email protected]
Production by Jonathan Downin
Join Mike and Alexander, and guest Nic Tringali this week for some thoughts on Assassin's Creed: Origins, Opus Magnum, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Mario Odyssey. In Studio Happenings, it's the Nic Tringali iPad Porting show , and "Reader" Mail features a discussion on the application of game engines as filmmaking tools.
2:10 - Assassin's Creed: Origins 5:50 - Opus Magnum 10:00 - Divinity: Original Sin 2 15:37 - Mario Odyssey 20:56 - Studio Happenings: iPad Porting 35:54 - "Reader" Mail: Game Engine Rendered Filmmaking
--SUBSURFACE CIRCULAR-- Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/676820/Subsurface_Circular "A detective stationed on the Subsurface Circular investigates a series of disappearances among the city’s robotic working class. Collect words and phrases, then use them in dialogue puzzles to uncover the world's secrets and determine its future.
Inspired by classic adventure games and modern dialogue systems, Bithell Games has created a single session story which respects your time and your intelligence."
--THE GAMEDEV BUSINESS HANDBOOK-- http://www.gamedevbizbook.com/
--SUBSCRIBE-- iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bithell-games-podcast/id1065880449 Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/bithell-games-podcast Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/m/Iey34nbhc5o3k4x5z4uzx4vcsz4?t%3DBithell_Games_Podcast RSS: http://bithellgames.libsyn.com/rss
--"READER" MAIL JINGLE-- Michael Schoonmaker - https://twitter.com/Schoonology
--SOCIAL-- Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikeBithell - https://twitter.com/Sliwinski - https://twitter.com/volumegame Email: [email protected]
Production by Jonathan Downin
Join Mike and Alexander this week for some thoughts on Shadow Tactics and a deep-dive into Wolfenstein II. In Studio Happenings, it's Alexander's Money Minute, and "Reader" Mail features a lengthy discussion on how to balance (or not) art versus commercial products.
1:52 - Shadow Tactics 7:00 - Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus 20:48 - Breakthrough Brits 22:52 - Studio Happenings: Money Minute 26:33 - "Reader" Mail: Punk vs. Commerce
--SUBSURFACE CIRCULAR-- Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/676820/Subsurface_Circular "A detective stationed on the Subsurface Circular investigates a series of disappearances among the city’s robotic working class. Collect words and phrases, then use them in dialogue puzzles to uncover the world's secrets and determine its future.
Inspired by classic adventure games and modern dialogue systems, Bithell Games has created a single session story which respects your time and your intelligence."
--THE GAMEDEV BUSINESS HANDBOOK-- http://www.gamedevbizbook.com/
--SUBSCRIBE-- iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bithell-games-podcast/id1065880449 Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/bithell-games-podcast Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/m/Iey34nbhc5o3k4x5z4uzx4vcsz4?t%3DBithell_Games_Podcast RSS: http://bithellgames.libsyn.com/rss
--"READER" MAIL JINGLE-- Michael Schoonmaker - https://twitter.com/Schoonology
--SOCIAL-- Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikeBithell - https://twitter.com/Sliwinski - https://twitter.com/volumegame Email: [email protected]
Production by Jonathan Downin
Join Mike and Alexander this week for some more thoughts on Middle Earth: Shadow of War. In Studio Happenings, it's all about the iPad release of Subsurface Circular, and "Reader" Mail covers the approach to and qualifications for teaching game design.
1:55: Middle Earth: Shadow of War 13:33 - Studio Happenings: Subsurface Circular iPad 22:06 - "Reader" Mail: Teaching Game Design & Academia
--SUBSURFACE CIRCULAR-- Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/676820/Subsurface_Circular "A detective stationed on the Subsurface Circular investigates a series of disappearances among the city’s robotic working class. Collect words and phrases, then use them in dialogue puzzles to uncover the world's secrets and determine its future.
Inspired by classic adventure games and modern dialogue systems, Bithell Games has created a single session story which respects your time and your intelligence."
--THE GAMEDEV BUSINESS HANDBOOK-- http://www.gamedevbizbook.com/
--SUBSCRIBE-- iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bithell-games-podcast/id1065880449 Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/bithell-games-podcast Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/m/Iey34nbhc5o3k4x5z4uzx4vcsz4?t%3DBithell_Games_Podcast RSS: http://bithellgames.libsyn.com/rss
--"READER" MAIL JINGLE-- Michael Schoonmaker - https://twitter.com/Schoonology
--SOCIAL-- Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikeBithell - https://twitter.com/Sliwinski - https://twitter.com/volumegame Email: [email protected]
Production by Jonathan Downin
Join Mike and Alexander this week for a lengthy discussion of Middle Earth: Shadow of War. In Studio Happenings, the guys cover how the studio handles decentralized work, and "Reader" Mail is all about games that inspire and teach.
2:38 - Middle Earth: Shadow of War 25:30 - Studio Happenings: Cloud-Based Working 33:54 - "Reader" Mail: Making Games for a Cause & Edutainment
--SUBSURFACE CIRCULAR-- Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/676820/Subsurface_Circular "A detective stationed on the Subsurface Circular investigates a series of disappearances among the city’s robotic working class. Collect words and phrases, then use them in dialogue puzzles to uncover the world's secrets and determine its future.
Inspired by classic adventure games and modern dialogue systems, Bithell Games has created a single session story which respects your time and your intelligence."
--THE GAMEDEV BUSINESS HANDBOOK-- http://www.gamedevbizbook.com/
--SUBSCRIBE-- iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bithell-games-podcast/id1065880449 Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/bithell-games-podcast Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/m/Iey34nbhc5o3k4x5z4uzx4vcsz4?t%3DBithell_Games_Podcast RSS: http://bithellgames.libsyn.com/rss
--"READER" MAIL JINGLE-- Michael Schoonmaker - https://twitter.com/Schoonology
--SOCIAL-- Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikeBithell - https://twitter.com/Sliwinski - https://twitter.com/volumegame Email: [email protected]
Production by Jonathan Downin
Join Mike and Alexander this week for a bit more Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. In Studio Happenings, the guys talk the reputation and the importance of good behavior in a small industry, and "Reader" Mail is all about when to start marketing and the importance of Steam Wish Lists.
1:18 - Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle 9:04 - Studio Happenings: The Industry is Small 26:00 - "Reader" Mail: Early Marketing & Steam Wishlists
--SUBSURFACE CIRCULAR-- Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/676820/Subsurface_Circular "A detective stationed on the Subsurface Circular investigates a series of disappearances among the city’s robotic working class. Collect words and phrases, then use them in dialogue puzzles to uncover the world's secrets and determine its future.
Inspired by classic adventure games and modern dialogue systems, Bithell Games has created a single session story which respects your time and your intelligence."
--THE GAMEDEV BUSINESS HANDBOOK-- http://www.gamedevbizbook.com/
--SUBSCRIBE-- iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bithell-games-podcast/id1065880449 Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/bithell-games-podcast Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/m/Iey34nbhc5o3k4x5z4uzx4vcsz4?t%3DBithell_Games_Podcast RSS: http://bithellgames.libsyn.com/rss
--"READER" MAIL JINGLE-- Michael Schoonmaker - https://twitter.com/Schoonology
--SOCIAL-- Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikeBithell - https://twitter.com/Sliwinski - https://twitter.com/volumegame Email: [email protected]
Production by Jonathan Downin
Join Mike and Alexander this week with Mike's latest thoughts on Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. In Studio Happenings, the guys talk the changing face of media and journalism, and "Reader" Mail is all about how a first time dev should approach getting a publisher.
3:16 - Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle 7:43 - Studio Happenings: Clare Balding - Changing Face of Media 21:41 - "Reader" Mail: Best Practices for First-Time Dev Seeking Publisher
--SUBSURFACE CIRCULAR-- Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/676820/Subsurface_Circular "A detective stationed on the Subsurface Circular investigates a series of disappearances among the city’s robotic working class. Collect words and phrases, then use them in dialogue puzzles to uncover the world's secrets and determine its future.
Inspired by classic adventure games and modern dialogue systems, Bithell Games has created a single session story which respects your time and your intelligence."
--THE GAMEDEV BUSINESS HANDBOOK-- http://www.gamedevbizbook.com/
--SUBSCRIBE-- iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bithell-games-podcast/id1065880449 Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/bithell-games-podcast Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/m/Iey34nbhc5o3k4x5z4uzx4vcsz4?t%3DBithell_Games_Podcast RSS: http://bithellgames.libsyn.com/rss
--"READER" MAIL JINGLE-- Michael Schoonmaker - https://twitter.com/Schoonology
--SOCIAL-- Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikeBithell - https://twitter.com/Sliwinski - https://twitter.com/volumegame Email: [email protected]
Production by Jonathan Downin
Your feedback is valuable to us. Should you encounter any bugs, glitches, lack of functionality or other problems, please email us on [email protected] or join Moon.FM Telegram Group where you can talk directly to the dev team who are happy to answer any queries.