The One Year Bible Podcast 2022

Michael Wood, M.Ed.,M.S.

Reading the Bible can be a daunting task, but not with Master Storyteller, Michael Wood, M.Ed.,M.S. This dramatized and easy-to-read version (ERV) is narrated with different voices, exciting music, and sound effects. Includes an introduction to all 66 books, giving you a sense of how it all fits together, from Genesis to Revelation. Easy to follow and hard to put down. It's perfect for your daily commute, at the gym, washing dishes, or your morning stroll. This Bible version is used by permission from Bible League International.

  • 19 minutes 8 seconds
    Day 58: God sets rules for sacrifices | Jesus preaches on divorce, sin, and selfless service

    In Leviticus chapters 1-3, God instructs the Israelites on how to properly conduct offerings, detailing burnt offerings, grain offerings, and peace offerings as acts of worship and atonement for sins. Each offering has specific rules about the animals or foodstuffs to be used and how they should be prepared and presented to God at the Tabernacle. Through these rituals, the Israelites seek to maintain a holy relationship with God. Will the Israelites be able to faithfully follow these detailed instructions and remain in God's favor?

    In Mark 9:33-50, Jesus teaches his disciples about true greatness, emphasizing humility and service over seeking the highest status. He warns against causing others to sin, illustrating the seriousness of sin with vivid imagery of cutting off one's own limbs. As Jesus moves on to Mark 10:1-12, he addresses questions about divorce, upholding the sanctity of marriage and emphasizing its permanence, countering the cultural norms of his time. Will the disciples grasp the depth of Jesus' teachings on humility, service, and the sacredness of marriage amidst societal pressures?

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    Leviticus Introduction

    Leviticus 1

    Leviticus 2

    Leviticus 3

    Mark 9:33-50

    Mark 10:1-12

    Psalm 27:1-6

    27 February 2025, 8:06 am
  • 22 minutes 5 seconds
    Day 57: God descends to the Tent of Meeting | Jesus shows his Followers a heavenly vision

    In Exodus 39-40, the Israelites complete the construction of the Tabernacle and its sacred garments with unmatched skill and divine guidance, using materials of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet. As Moses assembles and consecrates the Tabernacle according to God's command, the glory of the Lord fills the sanctuary, signifying His dwelling among His people. Will this divine presence guide and protect the Israelites in their journey ahead?

    In Mark 9:2-32, Jesus is transfigured on a high mountain before Peter, James, and John, shining with divine glory alongside Moses and Elijah. This supernatural event, accompanied by a voice from heaven, affirms Jesus as God's beloved Son, deepening the disciples' understanding of His divine mission. How will this heavenly vision impact the faith and understanding of the disciples as they continue their journey with Jesus?

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    Exodus 39

    Exodus 40

    Mark 9:2-32

    Psalm 26:1-12

    26 February 2025, 8:29 am
  • 19 minutes 24 seconds
    Day 56: Bezalel builds the Lord's Holy Tent | Jesus prophesies His own death and resurrection

    In Exodus 37-38, Bezalel, filled with wisdom from God, crafts the Ark of the Covenant, the table for the bread of the Presence, the golden lampstand, the altar of incense, and other sacred items, while Oholiab assists in preparing the materials for the Tabernacle's construction. The Israelites generously contribute gold, silver, and bronze, ensuring the work is completed according to the Lord's command. As the Tabernacle takes shape, a symbol of God's presence among His people, one wonders: Will this sanctuary truly make the Israelites feel closer to God?

    In Mark 8:14-9:1, Jesus warns His disciples about the "yeast" of the Pharisees and Herod, using it as a metaphor for their corrupting influence. Despite their confusion and concern over having no bread, Jesus reminds them of the miracles of feeding the thousands, questioning their understanding and faith. He then foretells His death and resurrection, challenging anyone who wishes to follow Him to take up their cross, promising that some present will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God arrive with power. Amidst misunderstandings and forewarnings, will the disciples grasp the true meaning of Jesus's words and the imminent revelation of His glory?

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    Exodus 37

    Exodus 38

    Mark 8:14-38

    Mark 9:1

    Proverbs 6:1-11

    25 February 2025, 8:49 am
  • 16 minutes 57 seconds
    Day 55: Oholiab and Bezalel begin construction on the Holy Tent | Jesus feeds 4000 people

    In Exodus 35-36, Moses calls upon the Israelites to contribute materials and skills for constructing the Tabernacle, a portable dwelling place for God. Artisans and craftsmen, filled with the spirit of God, come forward to create a sacred space with gold, silver, fabrics, and wood, each offering their expertise with generosity. As the community unites in this divine project, one wonders, will their collective efforts be enough to create a dwelling fit for the presence of God?

    In Mark 7:31-8:1-13, Jesus heals a deaf and mute man by touching his ears and tongue, demonstrating His divine power and compassion near the Sea of Galilee. Afterward, He feeds a crowd of four thousand with just seven loaves of bread and a few small fish, leaving them all satisfied and with leftovers, showcasing another miracle. As the Pharisees demand a sign from heaven, Jesus, aware of their hard hearts, departs, leaving us to ponder, will their skepticism overshadow the miraculous signs already given?

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    Exodus 35

    Exodus 36

    Mark 7:31-37

    Mark 8: 1-13

    Psalm 25:16-22

    24 February 2025, 8:21 am
  • 19 minutes 43 seconds
    Day 54: God renews his Agreement with Moses | Jesus challenges human traditions

    Moses returns from Mount Sinai with new tablets, after experiencing God's glory and receiving commandments for the Israelites. He places a veil over his face, only removing it to speak with God and relay His messages, leaving the people in awe of the divine glow that radiates from him. Will the Israelites follow the renewed covenant, or will they stray once again in Moses' absence?

    Jesus challenges the Pharisees and scribes, teaching that purity comes from the heart, not just external rituals. His message extends beyond the traditions, emphasizing inner morality over mere outward observance. Will this profound teaching change the hearts of his listeners, or will it deepen the divide between him and the religious leaders?

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    Exodus 33:7-23

    Exodus 34

    Mark 7:1-30

    Psalm 25:8-15

    23 February 2025, 8:30 am
  • 20 minutes 12 seconds
    Day 53: The Israelites worship a golden calf | Jesus walks on the water

    In Exodus 31-33:1-6, God gives Moses the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, setting the foundation for His covenant with Israel. Meanwhile, the Israelites grow restless and construct a golden calf to worship, defying God's command against idolatry. As Moses descends with the tablets, will he find the people faithful, or will his wrath match God's at their betrayal?

    In Mark 6:30-56, Jesus performs three miraculous acts: He feeds 5,000 people with just five loaves and two fish, walks on water to reach his disciples' boat during a storm, and heals the sick in Gennesaret as they touch his garment. These acts of compassion and divine power awe the crowds and his disciples alike. Amidst these wonders, will the disciples' faith be strengthened, or will they still doubt Jesus' true nature?

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    Exodus 31

    Exodus 32

    Exodus 33:1-6

    Mark 6: 30-56

    Psalm 25:1-7

    22 February 2025, 8:23 am
  • 25 minutes 5 seconds
    Day 52: Instructions for the Holy Temple and Priests | John the Baptist is beheaded

    In Exodus 29-30, God provides Moses with detailed instructions for consecrating Aaron and his sons as priests, involving elaborate rituals, sacrifices, and the construction of the altar of incense, signifying their readiness to serve in the Tabernacle. These chapters underscore the importance of purity, dedication, and the role of the priesthood in mediating between God and His people. As the incense rises, symbolizing prayers ascending to God, will Aaron and his sons uphold the sanctity and demands of their divine calling?

    In Mark 6:7-29, Jesus empowers the Twelve Apostles, sending them out in pairs with authority over unclean spirits, instructing them to take nothing but a staff, no bread, no bag, no money in their belts, and to wear sandals but not a second tunic. Their mission of preaching repentance, healing the sick, and casting out demons is juxtaposed with the grim tale of John the Baptist's beheading by Herod, a consequence of Herodias' vengeful scheming and Herod's ill-considered oath. Amidst the Apostles' spiritual victories and the tragedy of John's death, one wonders, how will the news of John's fate impact Jesus and His followers' mission?

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    Exodus 29

    Exodus 30

    Mark 6:7-29

    Proverbs 5:15-23

    21 February 2025, 8:44 am
  • 20 minutes 11 seconds
    Day 51: God establishes a strict dress code | Jesus needs Faith to perform miracles

    In Exodus 27-28, God instructs Moses on the design of the Tabernacle's altar, the courtyard around the Tabernacle, and the oil for the lampstand, emphasizing the importance of a sacred space for worship. Additionally, God details the elaborate garments for Aaron and his sons, signifying their roles as priests and their responsibilities in leading the Israelites in worship. These instructions include the breastplate of judgment, the ephod, and other garments rich in symbolism and purpose. Will Aaron and his sons fulfill their roles as priests and uphold the sacred rituals as commanded by God?

    In Mark 5:21-6:1-6, Jesus performs two of His most astonishing miracles: He heals a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years just by her touching His cloak, and He raises Jairus's daughter from the dead, demonstrating His power over sickness and death. These miracles reveal Jesus's compassion and authority, prompting awe among the witnesses. Yet, when Jesus returns to His hometown, He faces skepticism and disbelief from those who knew Him, limiting the miracles He can perform there. Will the faith of others continue to grow in the face of such profound miracles, or will skepticism hinder the spread of Jesus's teachings?

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    Exodus 27

    Exodus 28

    Mark 5: 21-43

    Mark 6: 1-6

    Psalm 24:1-10

    20 February 2025, 8:17 am
  • 19 minutes 44 seconds
    Day 50: God details the Ark of the Covenant | Jesus battles a legion of demons | The Lord's Prayer

    In Exodus 25-26, God instructs Moses on Mount Sinai to build the Tabernacle, a sacred dwelling place for the Divine Presence, detailing the construction of the Ark of the Covenant, the table for showbread, and the golden lampstand. The Israelites are called to contribute precious materials, showing their devotion and participation in creating a holy space amidst their journey. As the Tabernacle begins to take shape, one wonders, will this grand structure truly become a dwelling place for the Almighty among His people?

    In Mark 4:30-5:1-20, Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of God using parables, then demonstrates His dominion over nature and spirits. After calming a violent storm on the sea, showcasing His power over nature, Jesus encounters a man possessed by a legion of demons in the region of the Gerasenes. He delivers the man from his torment, sending the demons into a herd of pigs, which then rush into the sea. This sequence of miracles prompts us to ponder, how will the disciples and the people witnessing these events understand and react to the true identity of Jesus?

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    Exodus 25

    Exodus 26

    Mark 4:30-41

    Mark 5:1-20

    Psalm 23:1-6

    19 February 2025, 8:31 am
  • 20 minutes 50 seconds
    Day 49: God makes an agreement with Israel | Jesus tells the parable of the Farmer and the Seeds

    In Exodus 23-24, God delivers laws to Moses on Mount Sinai, emphasizing justice, mercy, and the Sabbath, alongside promises of guidance and blessings for the Israelites. Moses then ascends the mountain to meet with God, where he receives the stone tablets of the covenant, symbolizing God's law and agreement with Israel. As Moses disappears into the cloud atop Sinai for 40 days and nights, one wonders, will the Israelites uphold their end of the covenant in his absence?

    In Mark 3:31-4:29, Jesus redefines family by stating that whoever does God's will is His brother, sister, and mother. He then teaches by the sea, using parables such as the Sower to illustrate the kingdom of God and how people receive His message differently. The narrative challenges us with the mystery of growth in the parable of the Growing Seed, emphasizing the kingdom's gradual and certain expansion. Amidst these teachings, one wonders, will the listeners truly grasp the profound truths hidden within these parables?

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    Exodus 23

    Exodus 24

    Mark 3:31-35

    Mark 4:1-29

    Psalm 22:22-31

    18 February 2025, 9:59 am
  • 24 minutes 53 seconds
    Day 48: God assigns laws on slavery, theft, and violence | Jesus appoints the 12 Apostles

    In Exodus 21-22, God delivers laws to Moses on Mount Sinai regarding servitude, personal injuries, and property rights, establishing justice and order among the Israelites. These laws detail the treatment of servants, the consequences of violence, and the restitution for theft, emphasizing the sanctity of life, community responsibility, and respect for personal and communal property. Will the Israelites uphold these divine laws and create a just society, or will they falter in their covenant with God?

    In Mark 2:18-3:1-30, Jesus challenges religious conventions, first by defending his disciples' actions of not fasting, then by healing on the Sabbath, and finally by confronting the Pharisees' understanding of the law. He emphasizes the spirit over the letter of the law, highlighting mercy, compassion, and the need for a new approach to God. Amid growing opposition, Jesus appoints the twelve apostles, signaling the formation of a new community centered around his teachings. As tensions rise, will Jesus' revolutionary message find fertile ground among the people, or will it lead to a decisive confrontation with the established order?

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    Exodus 21

    Exodus 22

    Mark 2:18-27

    Mark 3:1-30

    Proverbs 5:1-14

    17 February 2025, 8:02 am
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