Courtesy of AccessMedicine, Harrison’s PodClass delivers illuminating and engaging discussions on key principles of internal medicine, around board-style case vignettes from the acclaimed McGraw-Hill book, Harrison’s Self-Assessment and Board Review.
This episode covers a patient in a placebo-controlled clinical trial and explores the placebo effect.
In this episode, we discuss the impact of ambient and household air pollutants, which may significantly affect respiratory and cardiac health.
In this episode, we discuss a 72-year-old man with new-onset seizures, exploring potential etiologies and initial treatment.
Today’s case features a young man presenting with shortness of breath and exercise-induced oxygen desaturation. The discussion delves into some genetic causes of lung disease.
Today's patient is a woman who develops respiratory distress related to transfusion of red blood cells. Immunologic and non-immunologic complications of transfusion are discussed.
How point-of-care ultrasound can be used in the clinic.
A young woman with a history of penicillin allergy and an indication for penicillin treatment. The discussion focuses on mechanisms of penicillin allergy and the utility of desensitization.
This episode talks about acute kidney injury, its complications, potential etiologies, and therapy.
This episode presents a 72-year-old man with presumed non-infectious granulocytosis. The discussion focuses on the differential diagnosis and therapy.
This episode presents a 65-year-old man with a new pigmented lesion on the sole of his foot. The discussion focuses on the differential diagnosis.
This episode presents a 60-year-old man with acute respiratory symptoms and a cavitary lesion on chest CT. The discussion focuses on the likely etiology and appropriate therapy.