Growing Big People with Paul Scanlon Podcast is about empowering you to live a bigger more influential life. Paul's unique ability to make complex things simple is a hallmark of his skill as a communicator. His belief that it’s more important to grow people than things combined with his innate ability to walk in other peoples shoes creates a rare sense of connection with his audiences and followers. Big people have bigger social circles and take bigger risks. Big people think big and believe for bigger things than small. [email protected]
I was about 9 years old and in the early hours of the morning to escape my fathers violence I climbed out of my bedroom window and fled into the wintry night.
This is a story from my childhood, I am sharing this traumatic experience in the hope it helps anyone who can relate to be curious about your own trauma and continue to heal and grow from your own negative life experiences. 🙏🏼
We all have things in our childhood, I want to encourage you to go and sit with those memories that will help give you a key to your recovery and moving on.
Your life matters, and you can break generational patterns - and commit to do the work.
Get a hold of this e-book I AM NOT MY FATHER until 15th November - only at £7.00 (valued at £29.95) which includes the audiobook at
In part two of this podcast about my Relationship Wisdom I share more about these 3 points.
#3 - All Relationships Come With Distinct Energies
#4 - You cannot control other people’s behaviour, but you can limit the impact with boundaries.
#5 - Never make your emotional home in another person.
Share with me when you’re listening/watching @PaulScanlonUK.
Here is part one of Paul Scanlon's Top 5 Relationship Wisdom.
#1 - Relationships Are Spatial
#2 - The Version Of Me In Your Head Is Not My Responsibility
Share your takeaways @PaulScanlonUK
It’s not change that stops us it’s the transition from what or who we know to something or someone we don’t know.
Change is easier if we have good transition skills and that is what I want to give you through this teaching.
In this podcast episode I share about the 3 stages from caterpillar, cocoon to butterfly. Cocoons of transition aren’t cosy and if you’re in one please remember that we fall apart to become new. In the cocoon a caterpillar liquifies, it literally has a meltdown.
We have to go through the dark to fly in the sun.
As well as share a metaphor about transition when it comes to the baby, the mother and the midwife. There's a crucial moment in childbirth called the point of transition.
It's when the baby is in the birth canal between where it's been and where it's going.
The key player is the transition coach and she's called the midwife. I hope this teaching helps you or someone you know who id going through a session of transition.
Share your thoughts @PaulScanlonUK
Has life been painting layers on you?
I want you to get back to the bare oak version of who you are.
Here is a preview from my online course - The Prosperity Of The Soul.
In this short episode I want to share with you about
If you’re interested in learning more about your SOUL get a hold of my online course for 60% off - limited time only at
Share your thoughts @PaulScanlonUK
Narcissism is all about a false self it’s a mask that people wear which slips over time and when it does you should be paying attention.
It’s the fear of appearing ordinary which drives them to exaggeration and showing off to appear extraordinary.
Don’t ever try to confront or change a narcissist it’s like trying to nail jelly to the wall. Wish them well and move away from their toxicity.
Here are my 10 signs to look out for when it comes to narcissism to avoid in others and look out for if you have them in yourself.
1. They are self obsessed, self promoting and self absorbed whilst pretending to be interested in you.
2. They brainwash you to believe that you need them in your life because their life is far superior.
3. They manipulate you into their version of you.
4. They make you question your thoughts and decisions in favour of theirs.
5. They will never respect your boundaries because they only see their own importance.
6. They don’t mind ignoring shaming minimising or isolating you to serve themselves.
7. They will Gaslight and marginalise you then encourage and praise you simultaneously in the hope you don’t spot the manipulation.
8. They use people because their agenda and priorities are always more important.
9. They need people and relationships just like the rest of us but they’re unable to see others as equals.
10. They will only want you in their world if you offer them financial security, status, support their projects or just generally stroke their ego in some way.
I love hearing from you so let me know what you thought of this episode either on social media @PaulScanlonUK or email [email protected]
All genuinely prosperity is rooted in the soul, but we have often not taught that well in the church.
May is mental health awareness month is USA and I want to help your mental and emotional health through this message.
We’ve got too many good pastors and leaders majoring on spiritual health who are neglecting their own mental and emotional health.
Your spiritual health does not automatically take care of your mental, emotional or physical health, that’s just not how humans work.
Hope this helps someone today, leave a comment if it does. 🙏🏼
Through this teaching I want to give you my 6 hacks to Emotional Prosperity!
Share your thoughts @PaulScanlonUK
This vid has been weird to film because due to the NDA I signed I’ve hardly spoken about it out loud.
It still feels like my body is catching up with my mind about it all, and hearing my own voice talking to you about it was another step in realising what just happened.
I want you more than anything to lean into saying “YES” to some scary opportunity in your life right now.
You just never know where your yes will take you to in life. I was asked the other day by the guy next to me on a plane “so what do you do”? I looked at him and said for the first time ever: “I’m an actor”.., Saying it felt both crazy and somehow grounding and normal.
I owned it out loud for the first time and my imposter syndrome fell silent and I felt like an actor, because I am.
What do you need to own today?
Share your thoughts @PaulScanlonUK
Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention And How To Think Deeply Again.
Here is part two of my conversation with best selling author Johann Hari about his new book Stolen Focus which is out this month (January 2022). Johann is a brilliant thinker and this is the best book I’ve read on the issue of how our attention is being hijacked and our focus being stolen in our digitally addicted world.
In this conversation Johann shares some of the insights he has learnt from interviewing 250+ of the leading experts when it comes to Attention. He gives some great advice on what we can practically do in our own lives to help live a more focused life, as well as what we can begin to do not just individually but as a society.
This is a conversation that we can all get a lot from and I hope it adds value to your world, and I’d love for you to share it with someone in your world. Please leave a review and subscribe!
Let us know when you are listening and what you think of this episode: @PaulScanlonUK & @Johann.Hari
Get a hold of Johann Hari's new book: Stolen Focus at -
Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention And How To Think Deeply Again.
Here is part one of my conversation with best selling author Johann Hari about his new book Stolen Focus which is out this month (January 2022). Johann is a brilliant thinker and this is the best book I’ve read on the issue of how our attention is being hijacked and our focus being stolen in our digitally addicted world.
In this conversation Johann shares some of the insights he has learnt from interviewing 250+ of the leading experts when it comes to Attention. He gives some great advice on what we can practically do in our own lives to help live a more focused life, as well as what we can begin to do not just individually but as a society.
This is a conversation that we can all get a lot from and I hope it adds value to your world, and I’d love for you to share it with someone in your world. Please leave a review and subscribe!
Let us know when you are listening and what you think of this episode: @PaulScanlonUK & @Johann.Hari
Get a hold of Johann Hari's new book: Stolen Focus at -
If you are in any form of leadership, cultural engineering or team building this podcast conversation is for you!
Part two of the conversation I had with New York Times best seller - Greg McKeown
In this episode we speak about how to scale all that you want to do and do it effortlessly.
We also speak about how to adapt this way of working with your family, teams and culture.
I’d love to hear what you think of this episode, share with me when you are listening @PaulScanlonuk and tag @GregMcKeown in too!
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