FlightCrit Podcast

Sean Eaton, FlightCrit LLC.

The FlightCrit Podcast is an evidence-based FOAMed podcast for EMT's, Paramedics, Nurses, and Respiratory Therapists delivering the best in Clinical Practice Updates, Test Taking Tips, Interview Strategies, and a whole lot more.

  • 46 minutes 1 second
    025: Bringing Back The Dead: eCPR w/ Dr. Zack Shinar

    In this episode of the podcast, we sit down with Dr. Zack Shinar of the EDECMO Podcast, and co-author of "ECPR AND Resuscitative ECMO," the world's first ECMO CPR textbook.

    Dr. Shinar is a world-renowned expert on ECPR and resuscitative ECMO, and he was gracious enough to share a bit of his time with the FlightCrit community.

    In this episode Dr. Shinar shares with us:

    • The history of ECPR including results from some of the very first cases
    • How ECPR is changing the culture of cardiac arrest resuscitation worldwide
    • What EMS, and Critical Care Transport Teams, can do to help optimize the delivery of ECPR therapy to eligible patients.
    • and how ECMO therapy can be applied in other peri-arrest settings.

    Links discussed in this podcast:

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    8 November 2022, 1:00 pm
  • 47 minutes 36 seconds
    024: Keeping the Massive PE Patient Alive w/ Dr. Haney Mallemat

    In this episode, we're joined by Dr. Haney Mallemat from @critcarenow to discuss the patient with a massive pulmonary embolism and how we need to manage these patients in the acute phase to keep them alive until we can get them to definitive care.

    Below are several resources Dr. Mallemat referenced in our talk, as well as links to Critical Care Now and the ResusX conference.

    Please do us a favor and check out Dr. Mallemat's site.  You'll be happy you did.

    Critical Care Now - https://criticalcarenow.com/

    ResusX Conference - https://www.resusx.com/

    PEAPETT Trial - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27422214/

    RebelEM Post about PEAPETT - https://rebelem.com/peapett-trial-half-dose-tpa-pea-due-massive-pulmonary-embolism/

    PERT Teams - https://pertconsortium.org/about/

    PERT Teams - https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/rth2.12216

    Nebulized Nitro from PulmCrit - https://emcrit.org/pulmcrit/ntg/

    Nebulized nitro from the American Academy of Emergency Physicians - https://www.aaem.org/UserFiles/file/CS21_MarAprCCMS.pdf
    Nebulized Nitro - https://rc.rcjournal.com/content/57/3/444

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    Medic and RN CE's available over at academy.flightcrit.com

    6 September 2022, 7:00 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    023 - Antepartum and Postpartum Hemorrhage w/ Ami Bess, BSN, CCRN

    Join us for an exciting talk with our friend and colleague Ami Bess, Chief Flight Nurse for UCHealth LifeLine about one of the most unnerving topics in Adult Critical Care Transport - Management of the HROB patient with severe Antepartum & Postpartum Hemorrhage.

    Topics discussed in this episode include

    • Assessment of the patient with severe Antepartum and Postpartum Hemorrhage
    • Cause of APH and PPH
    • Management of APH and PPH including
      • Medications
      • Blood Products
      • Mechanical Tamponade devices including the Bakri Balloon and Jada System
      • and Surgical Procedures

    In this podcast, Ami makes reference to the WOMEN Trial, a trial looking at the use of TXA in pregnant women.  You can find that trial here.  WOMAN Trial - Lancet

    Ami can be contacted by email at [email protected]

    Support the show

    Medic and RN CE's available over at academy.flightcrit.com

    11 August 2022, 1:00 pm
  • 53 minutes 10 seconds
    022: TXA and Whole Blood Resuscitation with Dr. Andrew Fisher

    In this episode of the podcast, we discuss some new ideas about the use of TXA as well as provide some new insight into the use of Whole Blood Resuscitation.

    Links to articles mentioned in the podcast coming.

    Support the show

    Medic and RN CE's available over at academy.flightcrit.com

    4 August 2022, 6:00 pm
  • 43 minutes 32 seconds
    021 - Vent Management: Optimizing Flow w/ Joe Lewis, The Respiratory Coach

    In this episode of the podcast Hunter and I sit down with Joe again to discuss the role of optimizing Flow in our mechanically ventilated patients, and how to manipulate this on our vents.

    We also discuss some of the risks associated with certain vent modes for patients who Flow Hunger and one strategy for correcting ventilator asynchrony.

    We highly recommend you check out the video that accompanies this podcast over in the FlightCrit Academy.

    Support the show

    Medic and RN CE's available over at academy.flightcrit.com

    28 July 2022, 1:00 pm
  • 43 minutes 51 seconds
    020: Initial Stabilization of the Multi-system Trauma Patient w/ Dr. Jermey Kaswer

    In this week's class, we talk with Dr. Jeremy Kaswer, better known as @TacTraumaMD, about his approach to the initial stabilization of the poly-trauma patient.

    From Assessment to Chest Tubes, Shock Index to REBOA, Dr. Kaswer shares his experience as an ED physician, Army Flight Surgeon, and Critical Care Fellow at SHOCK Trauma with our community.

    And be sure to stick around to the end when Dr. Kaswer's drops a BOMB on us about obstructive physiology in the trauma patient and why he believes more prehospital providers should be using POCUS in the field.

    Support the show

    Medic and RN CE's available over at academy.flightcrit.com

    21 July 2022, 1:00 pm
  • 36 minutes 5 seconds
    019: Endocrine Emergencies: Adrenal Disorders

    In this episode of the FlightCrit Podcast Hunter discusses Adrenal Emergencies.

    Support the show

    Medic and RN CE's available over at academy.flightcrit.com

    23 June 2022, 1:00 pm
  • 24 minutes 1 second
    018: The Basics of Chest X-Ray Interpretation

    In this episode of the FlightCrit Podcast Hunter introduces the fundamental concepts of interpreting a chest x-ray, an essential skill for all critical care and transport providers to master.

    This episode relies heavily on the visuals to support the concepts presented, so we recommend watching the video of this presentation over at academy.flightcrit.com where you can join for free and then watch the video in its entirety.

    Support the show

    Medic and RN CE's available over at academy.flightcrit.com

    16 June 2022, 1:00 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    017: Managing the Crashing Heart Failure Patient w/ Dr. Connvissar from "Count Backwards from 10"

    In this episode of the FlightCrit Podcast we chat with Dr. David Convissar, Critical Care and Cardiothoracic Anesthesiologist, from "Count Backwards from 10" about his approach to managing the airway of the crashing heart failure patient.  Hang on as Dr. Convissar shares with us his knowledge about:

    • Differentiate between cardiogenic shock and distributive shock based on assessment findings.
    • Describe Pulse Pressure and explain how it can be used to assess a patient in cardiogenic shock.
    • Provide appropriate preintubation resuscitation to a patient in cardiogenic shock.
    • Explain why Sodium Bicarb and Calcium can be beneficial preintubation medications for the patient in cardiogenic shock.
    • Recognize the physiologic effects of hypoxia during intubation on the lungs and describe how this can complicate the hemodynamics of patients with heart failure.


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    Medic and RN CE's available over at academy.flightcrit.com

    9 June 2022, 1:00 pm
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    016: Lung Compliance and Optimizing PEEP w/ the Respiratory Coach

    Mechanical Ventilators, such as the Hamilton T1, ReVel, and ZOLL Z-Vent, are not only vital pieces of equipment used in the ICU and in Critical Care Transport, but they are becoming more popular for use by EMS services for interfacility transport so it's vitally important that EMS and Critical Care providers have a deep understanding of not only how these devices work, but also how different disease processes changes the way our patient interacts with the ventilator.

    And who better to learn from than a Respiratory Therapist.

    In this episode, we have the pleasure of chatting with Joe Lewis, better known as the Respiratory Coach, as he schools us on Dynamic and Static Compliance, how we can use our PIPs and Plateau Pressures to identify changes in both, and how we can optimize PEEP by looking at changes in Static Compliance.  We also go off the deep end discussing Driving Pressure and how this just may be the future of mechanical ventilation.

    Check out the video that goes along with this episode over at academy.flightcrit.com.

    Have an idea for a future episode?  Send us a message at www.askflightcrit.com. If we include your question in a future episode we'll send you a T-shirt.

    Support the show

    Medic and RN CE's available over at academy.flightcrit.com

    2 June 2022, 1:00 pm
  • 52 minutes 58 seconds
    015: Oxygenation, Ventilation, and Driving Pressures

    In this episode of the podcast, I'm joined by my co-host Huster as we discuss the physiology of Oxygenation, Ventilation, and Driving Pressures as they related to the Mechanically Ventilated patient.


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    Medic and RN CE's available over at academy.flightcrit.com

    26 May 2022, 1:00 pm
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