For the Love of G...lasgow: A Dram of Scottish Humour & the Finest Glasgow Comedy Podcast

Scott Docherty of Top Ten Glasgow Guide and Award-Winning Scottish Comedian Alan Macdonald

** ** ** As famously listened to by Ricky Gervais of the much better Ricky Gervais Podcast you'll no doubt have downloaded before this, here's a gut-busting glass of Scottish humour in Glasgow Scotland, in the official Scottish comedy podcast of the Top Ten Glasgow Guide, featuring the tragicomic collective voice of Scott Docherty and Alan Macdonald, two heterosexual Glaswegians living some sort of 'life' in Glasgow. All messages of love to - [email protected]

  • OK, message well and truly received - You want us back!

    Well, kind of anyway.  It's been pretty interesting logging back in and having a swatch at iTunes and so on, as it reveals that despite not having recorded a new episode for a number of years now, we're still at least the most popular podcast in Glasgow.

    What that says about Glasgow podcasts I'll leave to you!

    Anywho, at the moment we're delighted that you're still out there downloading and listening to our total drivel, and the two of us may well get together with a mic to hand rather than a pairs of pints at some point. Alan definitely has plenty of news items he'd like to comment on publicly, and without the podcast there as a means to this end he's been pretty frustrated these last years!

    In the meantime, don't tell him but I've started a new podcast called Glasgow Conversations, so feel free to subscribe and listen!

    Glasgow Conversations is a series of interviews with the people driving the culture of Glasgow forward today.
    Meet the inspiring people behind the city's festivals, arts and performance venues, cultural experiences, social movements, sports, and more. Listening to these people will give you an insight into their motivations, dreams and challenges as they paint every day a picture of Glasgow that belies her historical reputation. The interviews focus also on what's coming up in the Glasgow calendar for music, arts, performances, festivals, all described with absolute passion by the folks behind it all. Click here for more Cheers, Scott
    17 April 2015, 3:47 pm
  • Is anybody in there?...
    So here's the thing:

    You'll see that we finished up our little tragic podcast in 2010. It's now closing in on the end of 2014. That's four years later.

    "What's the relevance of that", you ask?

    Well I'll tell you, seeing as how you asked. It's just that, even though we've not gone near a microphone for about four long years, you wacky folk are still downloading the last one we did. Even more weirdly you're also still downloading the other pointless episodes we spewed out into the ether.

    I mean, what's wrong with you all?

    The reason I'm writing this, therefore, is to test the water and gauge whether it'd be worth resurrecting For the Love of G...lasgow. Anyone up for it? I know Alan isn't!

    So let me know here and via the site, or on my Twitter or Facebook, and if more than one person replies we'll have a think.

    In the meantime, if you're missing my dulcit tones you'll be delighted to know that I'm in the middle of recording an audiobook edition of Wee Glesca, my pocket guide to Glasgow that, again pretty weirdly, raced to become the number one best-selling Glasgow travel guide on Amazon. Who'd have thunk it, eh?

    Click here for the download edition

    Click here to find it on Amazon

    So arrabest and (maybe) see y'all again sometime soon!
    10 October 2014, 1:52 pm
  • The Twenty Sixth: "Ressurection"
    st-andrew.jpgThe Twenty Sixth: "Resurrection".

    After a short break of one year, we're back. This time around there's no songs, no jingles, no social networking, all of it put to one side to make way for even more of our "unique" brand of "comedy" banter. After a year of heavy research we've enough material at the very least to celebrate St. Andrew and his pretty ironic cross, and on the subject of crosses, call for the crucifixion of some Scottish referees. Back with a vengeance are the usual reviews and dead celebrity poetry, including the new Stoppable movie and a bit about Bruce Forsyth's saga.

    To be frank, the usual pointless drivel as we rehash old material and try to remember how to speak after a year of thankful silence. Enjoy, and send us some new messages of hope to [email protected].
    1 December 2010, 6:44 am
  • Surely not...
    Err, is it too much to expect this time?

    Looking at that last post, you'll have noted that quite some time ago now, we'd had a vague thought that we'd be hitting the ol' podcast trail once again, but that ultimately, we never managed to do it.

    (he says tentatively) We may be recording the first of the new series tomorrow night.

    Stay on your guard...
    29 November 2010, 11:22 am
  • The Comeback
    What you're about to read could very well be described as the most earth shattering announcement since Ghandi was shot:

    On Tuesday, 16th February in the Year of Our Lord 2010, Alan and I will be dusting off the microphone, shuffling ourselves in front of my porn-laden laptop, fixing each other's flaxen hair, and firing ourselves up for the fire crackling Second Series of our little For the Love of G...lasgow podcast.

    Expect the expected, in other words the usual tragic nonsense, because after a fair few months' break we're full once again of vim and of glorious vigour, and cannot wait to fill you in on what we've been up to since you last heard our most angelic of voices in your ears.  OK, so I could very well sum up what we've been doing as:

    erm, we've been playing the PS3 and our new HTC Hero phones, and stuff...

    ...but I'm sure as always we'll drag that kind of gold out for at least 30 minutes per show, so tune in, turn up the noise and spank yourself in time with the beat of our comedy genius.

    The Twenty Sixth will be with you soon...
    9 February 2010, 8:37 am
  • Happy New Year
    Yup, happy 2010 folks. That's it for now. See you soon.
    4 January 2010, 4:20 pm
  • Arrabest
    Well that's it for another year.

    We're signing off for 2009 and the end of the first decade of the 21st Century.  You'll be glad to know that we'll be back again next year for a second series of purile nonsense, lots of empty chat about nothing, basically more of the same rubbish you've come to hate us for.

    I'm waiting to get delivered a wee fandangly bit of hardware that'll allow us to video our pointless diatribe and post it onto iTunes and all the other places we shouldn't be allowed, so at some point in early 2010 you'll be able to watch us rip shreds in the fabric of comedy rather than simply listen to us.

    Sounds great eh?

    Yeah, I didn't think so.

    In the meantime, make sure you keep up the momentum of our richly-successful Booze for Scotland campaign by getting completely sozzled oot yer coupon over the festive period (only responsibly, of course), and we'll see you again soon.

    Oh, and if you do choose to go booze crazy in the coming weeks, here's a wee link to help you yack it all back up again!
    21 December 2009, 11:33 am
  • A break's a break for aw that!
    Just a wee note here to let you know that we're taking a wee break from the podcast.

    Call it the end of The First Series: "Bored" if you wish, but we're both concentrating on our respective solo projects for a bit.  I'm doing a new podcast called Glasgow Generations with my Dad, and Alan's planning something far more exciting which I'm not allowed to tell you yet!

    We hope to end the first series by doing a wee video to tie things up, well, that is, once I work out how to do a wee video to tie things up, and no doubt I'll post it up on the blog, YouTube, the ol' Top Ten Glasgow Guide and wherever else I can fit it in before anyone notices.

    Until then, Alan and I would like to thank what's turned out to be the thousands of listeners to the show who've tuned in and / or commented during the first 25 episodes.  It's been nothing less than an absolute joy to watch Alan grow older with each passing show, and we hope to be with you again very soon.

    30 November 2009, 1:13 pm
  • The Twenty Fifth: "Bushmonkey"

    The Twenty Fifth: "Bushmonkey".

    'This is it', as they famously say. After an honest fortnight's break comes our Quarter of a Century Episode, and to celebrate we take you painstakingly through a 12-part quiz (well, 12-ish anyway) on how our pointless little show has changed the world since it was yanked screaming from a womb barren, oh so barren of classic gold comedy. Featured in this one is much insightful nonsense on crazy millionaire Marlon King, the toothloined Mohandas Karamchand Ghandi, each and every one of the X-Factor contestants and their leering, flash-prone stalkers, and a bit about Guy Fawkes that we may have cut and pasted from last year's Bonfire episode.

    We also mourn the passing of a certain young Mr. Gately and invite you to take part in our new competition to win 300 gold dust sydney Devine tickets. Our music this week comes courtesy of the up and coming Pocket Gods (, so strap yourself in and we'll definitely see you once again in a 'fortnight'.
    4 November 2009, 10:47 am
  • Once more unto the beach?
    Naw, because we're back from our break and (provided I can bend Alan's arm enough tonight) we should be recording the new episode of the podcast on Tuesday.
    Mark my word, it'll be our best yet.
    When I say "mark my word" though, that actually means "totally ignore me as I'm talking nonsense".
    Why not have a final listen to the 24th in the meantime. It'll be the best thing you do all day. And when I say "it'll be the best thing you do all day"...
    30 October 2009, 8:34 am
  • A commendable work ethic?
    OK, so today's when you would normally expect to be able to download the new episode of the show. However, because of some unforeseen circumstances including, but not limited to, Alan having done zero preparation for the show over the weekend by dint of his recently incessant booze-craziness, and my having no voice whatsoever following a knock-out dose of the man-flu, I'm afraid you'll just have to wait a little longer for The Twenty Fifth.

    I'm actually due to head off to Portugal for a quick bout of sun before the winter blows in, our second attempt after our last booking there was cancelled when the flight company went bust last year, so hopefully the next show will be with you before the end of October, just in time for another tragic Hallowe'en special I'm sure!

    In the meantime, feel free to listen to the last show if you haven't already, and fire us your comments to [email protected].

    7 October 2009, 9:01 am
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