If you’re a newly licensed Amateur Radio operator, chances are you have lots of questions. This biweekly podcast has answers! “So Now What?” offers insights from those who’ve been exactly where you are now.
In conjunction with the launch of its new On the Air magazine, which is aimed at those just beginning their journey in amateur radio, ARRL is reconfiguring its podcast lineup - http://www.arrl.org/news/arrl-reshapes-its-podcast-offerings-for-2020
For comments and questions, contact us at [email protected].
Listen in as we talk with Jen Glifort, KC1KNL, about her article from the July 2018 edition of QST, Yippee-Ki-Yay: The Role of Radio in Die Hard.
Read the free article here! http://www.arrl.org/files/file/QST/This%20Month%20in%20QST/July2018/Glifort.pdf
Other topics include scary movies and radio communications.
#ThrowbackThursday #Halloween #Amateur Radio #RadioCommunications #DieHard
Check out our video on Instagram of Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, demonstrating dots and dashes on the morse code keyer! https://instagram.com/p/B2mSGIxDOxw/
Here you can find further information on topics discussed in this episode:
ARRL on Feed Lines
Coaxial Cable info
This episode is based off questions from you, the fans!
These are the links and projects referenced in this episode:
As always, if you have a question, please email us at [email protected]
Thanks for listening!