Flutter Talks


Flutter Talks unravels the stories behind Flutter. Every episode takes a look at Flutter from another angle diving deep behind the scenes and bringing an SDK to life. Flutter talks is an educational and entertaining way to hear more about Google's portable UI toolkit called Flutter. Flutter is used to build beautiful, natively-compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. The Podcast is brought to you by Codemagic

  • 33 minutes 3 seconds
    Performance with Filip Hrachek

    Flutter is performant by design, but if you push Flutter to its limits there are ways to identify and resolve the issues. In this episode we take a performance deep dive with Filip Hrachek to uncover ways to identify and eliminate jank from your applications. Turns out Mike and Filip also share an interest in Sci-Fi UI.

    29 June 2020, 8:00 am
  • 28 minutes 9 seconds
    Topline with Abbey Road Studios

    In December, during Flutter Live, Tim Sneath said that there are around 250 000 Flutter developers, but Flutter apps are used by more than 200 million people.

     The impact Flutter has is not just limited to how fast we can create beautiful apps for multiple platforms, but how the apps themselves help the people using Flutter apps.

    Dom Dronksa is the head of digital at Abbey Road studios and they created the app Topline that lets musicians record their ideas on the go and share them with each other. Dom has successfully taken a bit of Abbey Road and given it to the singers and song-writers who don't always record in the studios or artists that have a great idea at the worst possible moment. Topline has helped to digitalise part of the Abbey Road Studio experience and bring it closer to artists and musicians everywhere. 

    Hear about their story and the challenges they faced when creating topline with Flutter, still in beta. 

    24 June 2019, 10:00 am
  • 26 minutes 56 seconds

    Will Larche, Lead Flutter Engineer for Material Design and Jacob Kristensen, co-founder of the award winning Reflectly app join us to discuss design with Flutter. Flutter is rich in components and enables developers to deliver on their designers vision, but what exactly is it about Flutter that makes all this possible? Flutter enables designers to create beautiful apps and Reflectly has built their own design language with Flutter. This is a big challenge so take a listen to why Jacob and his team decided to use Flutter and build Reflectly the way they did. 

    31 March 2019, 9:00 pm
  • 20 minutes 59 seconds
    Fast, Beautiful, Productive, Open

    Martin Aguinis, marketing lead at the Flutter team joins us to discuss the origins of Flutter, the road to Flutter 1.0 and the goals and visions for Flutter's future. 

    We take a look at how the values that Flutter holds have influenced its growth over time and if they've ever changed along the way. 

    5 February 2019, 5:00 am
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