Functional Geekery


Functional Geeks, Geeking Functionally

  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    Functional Geekery Episode 141 - Shriram Krishnamurthi

    In this episode, I talk with Shriram Krishnamurthi. We cover his introduction to functional programming, Racket and #lang, Static vs Dynamic Typing, Bootstrap and Pyret, How to Design Programs, and much, much, more.

    Our Guest, Shriram Krishnamurthi

    ShriramKMurthi on Twitter
    shriram on Github Shriram’s University of Brown Page Shriram’s Blog/Essays Brown PLT Blog


    Strange Loop 2022 is taking place September 23rd and 24th in St. Louis, Missouri. Visit to keep up to date and to register.

    RacketCon is back in person for its 12th year. Hosted at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, RacketCon will be October 28th-30th. Visit for more information.

    Some of you have asked how you can support Functional Geekery, in that vein, Functional Geekery now has a Patreon Page.

    If that is one of the ways you would like to show your support, you can find out more at

    Topics [@1:31]

    Welcome Shriram
    Brown University
    PLT Scheme Family
    How To Design Program
    How Shriram got into programming
    Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
    “From then, it was just like unicorns, and I’ve been in the future ever since.”
    Dan Friedman story
    Rice University
    Matthias Felleisen
    Matthew Flatt
    Robby Findler
    Why Shriram didn’t work with Matthias in Grad School
    Bob Harper
    Practical Foundations of Programming Languages
    Daniel Jackson
    Moshe Vardi
    Dynamic vs. Static Typing and Shriram’s view on Types
    Pyret as an optional typing experience
    Perspectives from a Programmer versus a Verification Person at heart
    TeJaS: Retrofitting Type Systems for JavaScript
    Gradual Soundness: Lessons from Static Python
    “We do not fully understand programmer thought processes.”
    “What would happen if we tried to crowd-source language design?”
    “Give people the language they want.”
    Plait language
    Retrofitting types systems onto existing dynamic languages
    Pyret built with types in mind from the beginning
    “We want you to live in a rich world of expression, not an impoverished world […] of data types you can count on one hand.”
    How To Design Programs
    Little Schemer
    SICP as a magic trick
    “It’s almost like the dual of SICP.”
    “Go ahead and type. Let’s see what you can do.”
    Making traceability as central as possible
    Kathi Fisler
    Data-Centric Introduction to Computing
    Emmanuel Schanzer
    Trying to introduce computing to school
    Using exiting teachers to teach computing in existing disciplines
    Teaching students by them creating a video game as a way to teach math
    Kathi Fisler’s presentation at LambdaDays 2021
    All of Bootstrap’s programming is purely functional
    Pyret as a no-research language
    Focus on the user experience
    “There are teachers that have built up a pedagogy around the use of error messages.”
    “I’m left-handed, and I sometimes joke it’s [parenthetical syntaxes] the same sort of thing.”
    Building as a language that runs in the browser for zero hassle
    Tool and Language Building’s relation to Racket
    “If you were deeply conservative, you wouldn’t be using Racket.”
    “These are the same people who, if their programming language didn’t give them separate compilation, they would just be up in arms.”
    Mystery Languages
    The Curse of Lisp
    The Bipolar Lisp Programmer
    “We have lost track of this very foundational fact, that programming is a kind of super-power. It’s the ability to make worlds and to sort-of bend things to our will, that is almost scary.”
    Roman Numbers #lang
    Racket is a language as a service
    Translated FrTime to JavaScript, resulting in Flapjax
    “Everything is a language.”
    RacketCon 2022
    Making a pitch for “our ignorance.”

    As always, a giant Thank You goes to David Belcher for the logo design.

    19 July 2022, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Functional Geekery Episode 140 - Katja Mordaunt and Adam Warski

    In this episode I talk with Katja Mordaunt and Adam Warski. We talk Katja’s and Adam’s introduction to software, being on the LambdaDays 2022 Programme Committee, a peek what being on the Programme Committee looks like, introducing new people to functional programming, and more.

    Our Guests, Katja Mordaunt and Adam Warksi

    Katja Mordaunt

    katjam on:

    Adam Warski

    adamwarski on Twitter
    adamw on Github


    ElixirConf EU is taking place the 9th and 10th of June, with training running the 6th-8th. For more information and to get your tickets visit

    :clojureD is taking place June 11th in Berlin, Germany. Visit for more information and to submit your proposal.

    Code BEAM Lite A Coruña is taking place in A Coruña, Spain on the 11th of June. Visit to register, or to find out more.

    Lambda Days 2022 has been moved to the 28th and 29th of July in Krakow, Poland. Visit to keep up to date.

    Some of you have asked how you can support Functional Geekery, in that vein, Functional Geekery now has a Patreon Page.

    If that is one of the ways you would like to show your support, you can find out more at

    Topics [@2:51]

    About Katja
    About Adam
    How Katja got into software development and Elm
    How did Katja get into Elm
    Elm as a beginner friendly language
    Felienne Hermans
    Code Reading Club
    How Adam got into software development and Scala
    Why Scala
    Immutable collections by default
    Having done Masters Thesis in Category Theory
    You don’t need any background in category theory to be productive in Scala
    Jane Street
    Being on Lambda Days 2022 Programme Committee
    Covid making things difficult on scheduling
    The Programme Committee process
    Reading through submissions
    Getting a coverage of different languages and experience levels
    Balancing the theoretical with practical and fun talks
    Lambda Days as a hybrid track plans
    “Meeting John Hughes was pretty cool”
    Bringing in new people
    Cats library
    “Embracing everything is an expression”
    “Go for tickets that are just about copy”
    “It’s all about confidence”
    Eric Normand’s 5 step strategy from Grokking Simplicity
    Don’t give the names for things to understand what someone understands
    Where to find Katja
    Katjam on Elm Slack and Elm discords
    Elm Lang Slack
    Incremental Elm
    Code Reading Club
    Where to find Adam
    adamwarski on Twitter

    As always, a giant Thank You goes to David Belcher for the logo design.

    31 May 2022, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Functional Geekery Episode 139 - Laura M. Castro

    In this episode I talk with Laura M. Castro. We talk her introduction to Erlang, Final Project and Ph.D. around Erlang, Research and Teaching using Erlang and Elixir, the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation, Code Beam Lite, Erlang Workshops and more.

    Our Guest, Laura M. Castro.

    @lauramcastro on Twitter
    lauramcastro on Github


    ElixirConf EU is taking place the 9th and 10th of June, with training running the 6th-8th. For more information and to get your tickets visit

    :clojureD is taking place June 11th in Berlin, Germany. Visit for more information and to submit your proposal.

    Code BEAM Lite A Coruña is taking place in A Coruña, Spain on the 11th of June. Visit to register, or to find out more.

    Lambda Days 2022 has been moved to the 28th and 29th of July in Krakow, Poland. Visit to keep up to date.

    Some of you have asked how you can support Functional Geekery, in that vein, Functional Geekery now has a Patreon Page.

    If that is one of the ways you would like to show your support, you can find out more at

    Topics [@2:51]

    About Laura
    Universidade da Coruña
    Erlang during University
    OCaml being completely different, even in second year of University
    Contact with computers as typewriters
    Studying Computer Engineering as good profession career track
    Course on Functional Programming in 4th year
    First Exposure to Erlang
    “I was a Lego Kid”
    “It will do the things I tell it to do”
    End of Degree Project
    Writing a Risk Management system in Erlang
    Modeling policies as processes
    Pattern Matching
    Doing Research in the Computer Engineering world
    Ph.D. on what Functional Programming helped put on the table
    Seeing what it would be like to work in academia and the research world
    “What did functional programming bring to the table?”
    State in Processes
    Pattern Matching
    “[…] they seem straight forward 20 years later”
    Matthew Flatt – A Racket Perspective on Research, Education, and Production
    Keeping research close to industry
    Teaching Erlang in her Software Architecture course
    “They’ve never seen really distributed architectures”
    Automatic Validation and Testing
    “You specify what you want to test”
    Designing for Scalability with Erlang and OTP
    Suffering from the Secrecy of Using Erlang
    Erlang Ecosystem Foundation
    Overview of the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation
    Education Working Group
    OTP Behaviors
    University of Kent Erlang Master Classes; Class 1; Class 2; Class 3
    Erlang Camp
    Erlang and OTP in Action
    Code BEAM Lite A Coruña
    Code BEAM Twitter Account
    Code BEAM A Coruña Twitter Account
    Sponsorships for Code BEAM Lite
    Erlang Workshops
    Brujo Benavides
    Erlang Workshop with Laura and Brujo
    Rebar 3
    Property Based Testing Training Workshop coming soon

    As always, a giant Thank You goes to David Belcher for the logo design.

    10 May 2022, 10:00 am
  • 53 minutes 1 second
    Functional Geekery Episode 138 - Aleksander Lisiecki

    In this episode I talk with Aleksander Lisiecki. We talk his introduction to Erlang, non-standard use cases for Erlang and Elixir, Erlang and Elixir School, and more.

    Our Guest, Aleksander Lisiecki.

    @AlekLisiecki on Twitter
    aleklisi on Github
    Aleksander’s Email at Erlang Solutions


    ElixirConf EU is taking place the 9th and 10th of June, with training running the 6th-8th. For more information and to get your tickets visit

    :clojureD is taking place June 11th in Berlin, Germany. Visit for more information and to submit your proposal.

    Lambda Days 2022 has been moved to the 28th and 29th of July in Krakow, Poland. Visit to keep up to date.

    Some of you have asked how you can support Functional Geekery, in that vein, Functional Geekery now has a Patreon Page.

    If that is one of the ways you would like to show your support, you can find out more at

    Topics [@2:44]

    About Aleksander
    Lambda Days
    Software background coming into University
    Taking a class on Ada and Erlang
    Piotr Matyasik
    Ariane 5
    Getting an Internship in Erlang
    Erlang Solutions
    School of Erlang
    Michal Slaski
    Peer Stritzinger
    GRiSP boards
    Aleksander’s School of Erlang repos on Github

    Things appealing about Erlang
    Tooling for inspecting and observing the system
    Erlang Application
    Concurrency and Parallelism in Erlang
    Common Roadblocks to Understanding Erlang and Elixir
    Prolog like syntax
    Processes in the BEAM
    Aleksander’s post on Spawnfest
    Other interesting projects in Erlang and Elixir Aleksander has done
    The Sound of Erlang
    Duncan McGreggor’s presentation on Undertone
    Raspberry Pi Zero W
    Building a coal stove refill monitor application
    Murphy’s Law
    Aleksander’s upcoming talk at Lambda Days
    Lambda Days 2022
    Joanna Wrona
    Slightly non-standard use cases for Erlang
    Web Scraping
    Monte Carlo Simulations
    ElixirConf EU 2022

    As always, a giant Thank You goes to David Belcher for the logo design.

    26 April 2022, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    Functional Geekery Episode 137 - Renzo Borgatti

    In this episode I talk with Renzo Borgatti. We talk his introduction to Clojure, learning the extended vocabulary of Clojure, his book Clojure: The Essential Reference, gems in the Clojure language, side projects, and much more.

    Our Guest, Renzo Borgatti.

    @reborg on Twitter
    reborg on Github
    Clojure: The Essential Reference from Manning


    ElixirConf EU is taking place the 9th and 10th of June, with training running the 6th-8th. For more information and to get your tickets visit

    :clojureD is taking place June 11th in Berlin, Germany. Visit for more information and to submit your proposal.

    Lambda Days 2022 has been moved to the 28th and 29th of July in Krakow, Poland. Visit to keep up to date.

    Some of you have asked how you can support Functional Geekery, in that vein, Functional Geekery now has a Patreon Page.

    If that is one of the ways you would like to show your support, you can find out more at

    Discount Code

    Use code podgeekery20 to save 40% off your order at

    Topics [@2:44]

    Welcome Renzo
    About Renzo
    Ruby on Rails
    Objective C
    Clojure Koans
    What kind of foundation looking at Ruby from Java set for Clojure
    Landing on Clojure too late to chat freely with Rich Hickey on IRC
    Components as a way for dependency injection
    Common Functional ideas Renzo wound up adopting before leaving Java
    Understanding the idioms of Clojure and the effect they have on code
    Learning how to organize larger codebases
    Limitations of working with a restricted vocabulary
    “Being curious about what else was there and I was not using”
    Reading Clojure source code
    Refreshing one-self by looking at Clojure source code
    Clojure: The Essential Reference from Manning
    What Hidden Gems found when writing the book
    Swap combinator
    “Understanding what does it mean to be a Lisp”
    Actor Model
    Project Loom
    Project Loom Proposal
    Other insights from working on the book
    Software Transaction Memory
    “It made me realize how deep, and how thought out, the implementation in Clojure is”
    Clojure for the Brave and the True
    Clojure Programming
    Other things Renzo is involved with
    Wishing for an “Audible for [Technical] Papers”
    Out of the Tar Pit
    Papers We Love presentations
    Takeaways from re:Clojure
    Clojurians Podcast
    Virtual conference benefits
    Hybrid conferences as an interesting experiment to give best of both worlds
    Lambda Days
    Elixir Conf EU
    Erlang Solutions
    Code Sync
    Code Mesh
    Tower of Interpreters
    Stratified Design
    The new Clojure “iteration” function blog post
    Expert Systems

    As always, a giant Thank You goes to David Belcher for the logo design.

    29 March 2022, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    Episode 136 - Yehonathan Sharvit

    In this episode I talk with Yehonathan Sharvit. We talk his upcoming book Data Oriented Programming, what Data Oriented Programming is, how it differs from Functional Programming, how DOP fits with typed languages, and more.

    Our Guest, Yehonathan Sharvit

    @viebel on Twitter
    viebel on Github
    Data Oriented Programming from Manning


    The Big Elixir is taking place March 24th and 25th in New Orleans. Save 20% on tickets you use the code FUNCTIONALGEEKERY2022. Visit to register.

    ElixirConf EU is taking place the 9th and 10th of June, with training running the 6th-8th. For more information and to get your tickets visit

    :clojureD is taking place June 11th in Berlin, Germany. Visit for more information and to submit your proposal.

    Lambda Days 2022 has been moved to the 28th and 29th of July in Krakow, Poland. Visit to keep up to date.

    Some of you have asked how you can support Functional Geekery, in that vein, Functional Geekery now has a Patreon Page.

    If that is one of the ways you would like to show your support, you can find out more at

    Manning Discount Code

    Reminder that listeners get 40% off with code PODGEEKERY20 on Data Oriented Programming, and other items from Manning Books like The Joy of Clojure, and Grokking Simplicity that were mentioned in the episode.

    Topics [@3:22]

    Welcome Yehonathan
    About Yehonathan
    How Yehonathan discovered Clojure
    Russell’s Paradox
    Lisp as an implementation of Lambda Calculus
    SICP lectures
    Seeing a colleague writing Clojure
    Stack Overflow
    Starting to work in Clojure
    Working on a web scraper
    Using Clojure for a start-up
    Ruby on Rails for back-end and ClojureScript for front-end
    Clojure being very straightforward for junior developers
    How Clojure influenced their approach to Ruby on Rails
    Trying to find out the JavaScript code ClojureScript emitted
    Inventing/discovering theories of programming
    “[Clojure] It’s a language that teaches itself”
    Knowing when theories are true
    Why the book was written as a discussion.
    Insights from reading Clojure language source
    What Data Oriented Programming is
    Data Oriented Programming from Manning
    The Joy of Clojure
    “How we represent information”
    Why generic maps are better than strong static types for when the code runs
    Names compile away
    “That is a tragedy.”
    “My hope is that people stay in their programming language and find the best way to work”
    JSON Schema
    Christoph Grand
    Conway’s Game of Life in Clojure
    Principles of Data Oriented Programming:

    1. Data is a first class citizen
    2. Separate Data from Code
    3. Use Generic Data Structures
    4. Keep Data Immutable

    “How can you do state management [with immutable data]?”
    “Immutable data is the best way to manage state!”
    Grokking Simplicity
    Data Driven Programming vs Data Oriented Programming
    Data that exists before you write your program
    Distinction between three data related programming paradigms
    “It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than to have 10 functions operate on 10 data structures.”
    Star Wars GraphQL queries
    Rigidity of types in GraphQL
    “What do we do in terms of tooling?”
    Daughter going into National Service and looking for a place to volunteer
    Open Source project is like volunteering
    “Somehow it gets back to you”
    Shared Humanity
    A refresh of Klipse
    Sharing snippets of code
    Available for Training on Data Oriented Programming

    As always, a giant Thank You goes to David Belcher for the logo design.

    8 March 2022, 11:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Episode 135 - Jordan Miller

    In this episode I talk with Jordan Miller. We talk her breaking into to software development, activity in the Clojure community, redefining open source contributions, mentoring, and much more.

    Our Guest, Jordan Miller.

    Jordan Miller


    The Big Elixir is taking place March 24th and 25th in New Orleans. Save 20% on tickets you use the code FUNCTIONALGEEKERY2022. Visit to register.

    ElixirConf EU is taking place the 9th and 10th of June, with training running the 6th-8th. For more information and to get your tickets visit

    :clojureD is taking place June 11th in Berlin, Germany. The Call for Presentations is open through March 4th. Visit for more information and to submit your proposal.

    Lambda Days 2022 has been moved to the 28th and 29th of July in Krakow, Poland. Visit to keep up to date.

    Some of you have asked how you can support Functional Geekery, in that vein, Functional Geekery now has a Patreon Page.

    If that is one of the ways you would like to show your support, you can find out more at

    Topics [@2:58]

    Welcome Jordan
    Clojurians Slack
    Jordan on the Cognicast
    About Jordan
    Starting on WordPress
    Learning Lambda Calculus as an introduction to programming
    Clojure Conj
    Building a WordPress site for a restaurant website
    Using Dog Tags to visualize linked lists
    Falling in love with the Clojure Community
    Sean Corfield
    Learning Scheme
    Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
    5 different ways to show a function
    Starting with immutable data
    Why so many senior devs seem to come to Clojure
    MIT Open Courseware
    Original Sussman and Ableson Lectures
    Dr. Ana Bell
    What about Clojure that put it on her radar
    Dave Beasley
    Jordan’s experience in Python
    Coursera courses
    “I struggled with for loops because I learned recursion first”
    Having your personal webpage
    Diving right into ClojureScript for first job
    Self teaching and breaking into software development with a full-time job
    Daniel Higginbotham
    Mike Fikes
    David Nolen
    React Native
    How Jordan started her media presence
    “I am a performer by nature”
    “WTF is Clojure?” video on YouTube
    Being a Sponsored open Source developer
    Bring the flavor of your
    Encourage people to redefine what an open source contribution is
    What prompted her podcast
    Emergent Works
    Her mentee Jordan Jay on Github Website
    Next Chapter
    Alex Miller
    “I’ll Fire Spin for a free ticket”
    Jordan’s LinkTree

    As always, a giant Thank You goes to David Belcher for the logo design.

    22 February 2022, 11:00 am
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    Episode 134 - Claude Rubinson

    In this episode I talk with Claude Rubinson. We talk his experience learning and using functional programming as a sociologist, organizing software user groups, and more.

    Our Guest, Claude Rubinson.

    Claude Rubinson
    Houston Functional Programmers website
    Houston Functional Programmers on Twitter
    OCaml Café on Twitter


    :clojureD is taking place June 11th in Berlin, Germany. The Call for Presentations is open through March 4th. Visit for more information and to submit your proposal.

    Lambda Days 2022 has been moved to the 28th and 29th of July in Krakow, Poland. Visit to keep up to date.

    Some of you have asked how you can support Functional Geekery, in that vein, Functional Geekery now has a Patreon Page.

    If that is one of the ways you would like to show your support, you can find out more at

    Topics [@2:01]

    Welcome Claude
    About Claude
    Being a Sociology Professor and being on a functional programming podcast
    How Claude got interested in Functional Programming
    Larry Wall
    “Learn a functional programming language for good measure”
    Reading books and listening to podcast
    Trying to understand the philosophy of functional programming
    Houston Functional Programming User Group
    Claude’s previous background with software
    University of Georgia
    Compensation Survey going full-in on the internet
    Active Server Pages
    The Dot-Com bust
    Berkeley Unix Users Group
    O’Reilly Press
    “sed & awk” book
    University of Arizona
    Charles Ragin
    Qualitative Comparative Analysis
    Boolean Algebra and Set Theory
    Tuscon Free Unix Group
    Having to write own version of software for Linux
    University of Houston Downtown
    Houston Python Meetup
    What made Functional Programming attractive for next re-write
    “You don’t really understand recursion”
    Modeling Data in a SQL Database
    Using Programming Language to impose rigor on thinking
    Algebraic Data Types
    Immutable Data
    Gene Kim’s “Love Letter to Clojure”
    The Biggest Problem in Functional Programming
    Having to pick things up really quickly
    Was lucky to be able to take the time to absorb ideas
    Getting Up and Running with an OCaml project
    “This is hard, it is going to take some time, and that is okay.”
    Eric Normand’s perspective on explaining as “Data, Calculation, and Actions”
    Telling a story of the problem before selling the solution
    Functional Programming for taming complexity and scalability
    Picking a “Functional Forward” or “Functional First” language
    What Claude appreciated the Functional Programming community
    High Signal to Noise ratio
    Generous and kind community
    Members know a number of languages, so can provide comparisons between languages
    How Claude uses Type Systems
    Ousterhout’s Dichotomy
    Using the type system to think through reasoning
    “How to do QCA well”
    Using Type Signatures (without code) to map the process
    “Understanding the Ontology of Measurement”
    Writing good clean functions that stand on their own
    “Working in OCaml to understand how to do QCA and how to do it well”
    Houston Functional Programming User Group
    Likely sticking to Hybrid Format
    Always looking for speakers
    “Introduction to” gets more people showing up
    Encourage people to give presentations (even if short ones)
    OCaml Café
    Call for stability from Programming Language Designers and Library maintainers

    As always, a giant Thank You goes to David Belcher for the logo design.

    8 February 2022, 11:00 am
  • 42 minutes 43 seconds
    Functional Geekery Episode 133 - James Stelly

    In this episode I talk with James Stelly. We talk his explorations of programming languages and how that led to his book Racket Programming the Fun Way.

    Our Guest, James Stelly.


    No Starch Press has offered listeners a 30% discount on Racket Programming the Fun Way until the end of the year with discount code GEEKERY30.

    Some of you have asked how you can support Functional Geekery, in that vein, Functional Geekery now has a Patreon Page.

    If that is one of the ways you would like to show your support, you can find out more at

    Topics [@1:10]

    Welcome James
    About James
    MVS (Multiple Virtual Storage)
    Sql Server
    James’ first exposure to a functional programming language
    Pipeline operator (|>)
    Still having access to the rest of .NET ecosystem
    James’ takeaways from playing with Haskell
    Typed Racket
    What drew James to Racket
    Broad tool changes
    Interactivity of Racket
    Racket Programming the Fun Way
    Writing the book as a way to learn Racket
    Racket being a “Swiss Army Knife”
    Prolog and Logic Programming
    Possibility of expanding Automata Theory using macros
    Relationship to Racket
    Building a CNC machine
    How has playing with different language feed back into “day work”
    Visual Basic
    What was exciting about using Racket for the problems in the book
    Logic Programming
    Search Algorithms
    Why Racket
    “Most mileage out of and can do a lot of different things”
    Dr. Racket environment
    Hover over variable and see arrows showing usage
    What is the target audience of the book
    Matthew Flatt as the technical reviewer
    “Given everything in the book, that is just the tip of the iceberg of what you can do with Racket”

    As always, a giant Thank You goes to David Belcher for the logo design.

    30 March 2021, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Functional Geekery Episode 132 - Duncan McGreggor

    In this episode I talk with Duncan McGreggor. We talk his introduction to functional programming; Erlang; Lisp Flavoured Erlang; Lisps, Lisps, and more Lisps; and much, much, more.

    Our Guest, Duncan McGreggor

    @oubiwann on Twitter

    Conference Announcements

    Code Mesh is going virtual! Taking place November 5th and 6th, will run virtually across US and European time zones. Find out more and register at

    Lambda Days 2021 will be a virtual event spread over several days in February 2021. Visit to keep up to date as more information is announced.

    If you have a conference related to functional programming, contact me, and I will be happy to announce it.


    Some of you have asked how you can support Functional Geekery, in that vein, Functional Geekery now has a Patreon Page.

    If that is one of the ways you would like to show your support, you can find out more at

    Topics [@2:03]

    Welcome Duncan
    About Duncan
    CPM Kaypro II
    Rewriting BASIC games
    Duncan’s first exposure to functional programming
    Conflation of State and Behavior in Object Oriented Programming
    Deeply nested for loops
    Common LISP
    Distributed Computing
    Twisted Python
    YAWS exposé on Slashdot
    Lisp Flavoured Erlang
    Robert Virding
    Learning Erlang through LFE
    Getting started in LFE
    “Common LISP had a much worse story than Erlang ever did”
    Common LISP HyperSpec
    “Treating Erlang like LISP’s original M-Expressions
    What are Core
    Chez Scheme
    LFE Joys – Small, lightweight chunks of functionality that are distributed across arbitrary computing resources.
    Not super picky about tech in the job anymore
    Enjoy the projects after work to aspire to craftsmanship level
    Going Away Card software project for CTO
    How functional programming folds in to Duncan’s mentoring junior co-workers
    Having the clarity of thought that comes with functional programming
    “At some level we are all working with distributed systems”
    Teaching basics of Erlang: supervision trees, restart strategies, monitoring/linking processes
    Reid Draper of Functional Geekery
    “Last Write Wins conflict strategy”
    Enterprise Integration Patterns
    Designing for Scalability with Erlang/OTP
    How does LISP come in when mentoring team-mates
    “I love parenthesis” and the order of operations
    Low utilization of Macros
    Write them all the time when learning though
    ITA Software using LISP
    Reader Macros
    Casting SPELs in LFE
    Casting SPELs in LISP
    Language Laboratory level
    LFE Machine Manual
    Treasures lost in time from looking at other LISP Machine Manuals
    The People working to preserve the history
    Kent Pittman
    CADR machine
    MIT, Stanford, and Berkeley
    Zeta Lisp
    Xerox PARC
    Integrating LFE and Clojure
    Some other projects on Duncan’s radar
    Porting The Sound of Erlang to LFE
    Clojure Overtone
    “LFE Chineual”
    Having a bare metal install of LFE on a Raspberry Pi
    Looking at different boards to run the BEAM on
    X11 and XORG
    Actively testing LFE 2.0
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    As always, a giant Thank You goes to David Belcher for the logo design.

    29 September 2020, 10:00 am
  • 41 minutes 56 seconds
    Functional Geekery Episode 131 - Martin J. Logan

    In this episode I talk with Martin J. Logan. We talk his experience in CTO roles guiding organizations through functional programming transformations, from lessons learned, tips, tools, strategies, how the grassroots level can help, and much more.

    Our Guest, Martin J. Logan

    @martinjlogan on Twitter

    Discount Code from Manning

    Reminder that as part of last episode Manning has offered listeners of the podcast a permanent 40% discount code, good for any of their products, in all formats.

    Use code podgeekery20 for your 40% discount.

    Conference Announcements

    Elm Conf is going virtual! Taking place July 15th-17th in your home. The Call for Talks is open and early bird registration has started. Find out more at

    If you have a conference related to functional programming, contact me, and I will be happy to announce it.


    Some of you have asked how you can support Functional Geekery, in that vein, Functional Geekery now has a Patreon Page.

    If that is one of the ways you would like to show your support, you can find out more at

    Topics [@1:40]

    Welcome Martin
    Martin on Episode 13
    Erlang Camp
    Lambda Jam 2014 – Design and architecture for actors
    [Designing for Actor Based Systems blog post)[]
    Being a CTO and bringing functional programming into organizations
    Guaranteed Rate
    William Hill
    A first attempt on .NET with F#
    Next attempt using Clojure
    “My bet was that there are more smart and talented individuals that want to learn functional programming then there are companies smart or brave enough to give it a try”
    Opening up the organization to be more polyglot
    Wanting at least one Anchor to teach and mentor the group
    Why Clojure was good
    Being on the JVM.
    “We’re doing Java […] its basically Java, it runs with Java, it interoperates with Java”
    Lessons learned from the F# going into Clojure
    Commitment of investing through the slowdown to get faster
    What helps at at the grassroots to help with a transformation
    Participation, Mentoring, Someone willing to help work through exercises with people
    Real projects to work on
    How to think about limiting the talent pool on the bet for being a functional programming shop
    How big of a community are you really looking to build
    Being exciting enough to get people from Cognitect working who worked on Clojure
    Training and seeding teams
    Having the light bulb go off and not wanting to leave and have to go back to other languages
    Small team (4-6 people) with single anchor for about 6 months to build a team
    Allowing those team members to go out to seed new teams
    The fear moves away and people want to learn Clojure
    ClojureScript being pulled into the front-end browser flows
    Clojure University
    Importance of the Install Party to get a high quality development environment setup
    Clojure Essentials
    Functional Programming patterns similar to Object Oriented Patterns
    Doing it again at William Hill with Scala
    Avoiding the same bad habits in Java
    Scala community being steeped in Category Theory
    “Scala will expose you everything you get out of Haskell on the JVM”
    Streams in Scala
    Helping to make the ground more fertile for a functional transformation
    Pointing at other successful organizations
    Languages on the JVM help
    Helping find an anchor
    Working to make it really successful
    Focus on the business value and minimize the risks
    “Don’t make it just a learning project but a delivery project as well”

    As always, a giant Thank You goes to David Belcher for the logo design.

    19 May 2020, 10:00 am
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